Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Living Hosts; Complete Glory

And the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Then he said to me, “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give water as a gift from the spring of the water of life.
Revelation 21:5-6

God makes all things new while maintaining that which he has established as well.  Each step supports the other.

          “My daughter, all of my works hold hands, and this is the sign that they are my works – that one does not oppose the other; on the contrary, they are so bound among themselves, that they sustain one another. This is so true that, having to form my chosen people, from which and within which the future Messiah was to be born, from that same people I formed the priesthood, which instructed the people and prepared them for the great good of Redemption. I gave them laws, manifestations and inspirations, upon which the Sacred Scriptures were formed, called the Bible; and all were intent on the study of It. Then, with my coming upon earth, I did not destroy Sacred Scriptures; on the contrary, I supported them; and my Gospel, which I announced, opposed them in nothing; on the contrary, they sustained each other in a admirable way. And in forming the new nascent Church, I formed the new priesthood, which does not detach itself either from Sacred Scriptures or from the Gospel. All are intent upon them in order to instruct the peoples; and it can be said that anyone who did not want to draw from this salutary fount does not belong to Me, because these are the basis of my Church and the very life with which the peoples are formed.
           Now, that which I manifest on my Divine Will, and which you write, can be called ‘the Gospel of the Kingdom of the Divine Will’. In nothing does It oppose either Sacred Scriptures or the Gospel which I announced while being on earth; on the contrary, It can be called the support of one and of the other. And this is why I allow and I call priests to come – to read the Gospel, all of Heaven, of the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat, so as to say, as I said to the Apostles: ‘Preach It throughout the whole world.’ In fact, in my works I make use of the priesthood; and just as I had the priesthood before my coming in order to prepare the people, and the priesthood of my Church in order to confirm my coming and everything I did and said, so will I have the priesthood of the Kingdom of my Will. Here is the utility of the many things I have manifested to you, the many surprising truths, the promises of the so many goods which I must give to the children of the Fiat Voluntas Tua: they will be the Gospel, the basis, the inexhaustible fount from which all will draw the celestial life, the terrestrial happiness and the restoration of their creation. Oh! how happy they will feel – those who, with yearning, will drink in large gulps from these founts of my knowledges; because they contain the virtue of bringing the life of Heaven, and of banishing any unhappiness. 
Vol. 23, Jan. 18, 1928

There is a lot of debate by many people about whether or not women should be able to be priests.  It was in the writings on the Divine Will that I've discovered that this is pointless.  There is something greater than the priesthood available and Jesus is renewing everything again and is bringing about the new priesthood.  The gift of living in the Divine Will surpasses the priesthood and is open to all.

“My daughter, all other sanctities are not exempt from waste of time and from personal interest.  As for example, a soul who lives attentive to obedience in everything:  there is much waste of time; her saying and re-saying continuously, distracts her from Me, and she mistakes the virtue for Me; and if she does not have the opportunity to take all the orders, she lives restless.  Another one suffers temptations – oh! how much waste of time.  She never tires of telling all her trials, and she mistakes the virtue of suffering for Me; and many times these sanctities end up in ruin.  But the sanctity of living in my Will is exempt from personal interest, from waste of time; there is no danger that they might mistake the virtue for Me, because I Myself am the living in my Will. 
“This was the sanctity of my Humanity on earth, and therefore It did everything, and for everyone, without a shadow of interest.  Self-interest takes away the mark of divine sanctity, therefore it can never be sun; at the most, as beautiful as it is, it can be a star.  This is why I want the sanctity of living in my Will in these times so sad - this generation needs these suns, which may warm it, illuminate it, fecundate it.  The disinterest of these terrestrial angels, all for the good of others, without a shadow of their own self, will open the way in their hearts to receive my grace. 
“And then, churches are few and many will be destroyed; many times I find no priests who may consecrate Me; other times they allow unworthy souls to receive Me, and worthy souls not to receive Me; others are unable to receive Me; so, my love finds itself hindered.  This is why I want to make the sanctity of living in my Will; in them, I will have no need of priests for Me to be consecrated, nor churches, tabernacles or hosts; but they will be everything together:  priests, churches, tabernacles and hosts.  My love will be more free; anytime I want to consecrate Myself, I will be able to do it - in every moment, day and night, in whatever place they might be.  Oh! how my love will have its complete outpouring.  Ah! my daughter, the present generation deserved to be destroyed completely; and if I will allow a little something to be left of it, it is to form these suns of the sanctity of living in my Will, who, on my example, will repay Me for all that other creatures, past, present and future, owed Me.  Then will the earth give Me true glory, and my ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as it is in Heaven’ will have its completion and fulfillment.”
Vol. 12, Nov. 27, 1917

Jesus tells Luisa that his Will contains all the Sacraments and all their effects and even though she was at times being denied by certain priests the right to receive the Sacraments administered by them, in his Will she would still receive them.  Furthermore Jesus goes on to tell Luisa that with living in the Divine Will she can form hosts and consecrate them.  Yes, I did just say that.  A soul living in the Divine Will can consecrate and that is any soul, not just men.  Of course the truth is that it is Jesus living in the soul that consecrates, the soul provides the material accidents of the acts while the Divine Will consecrates them.

“My daughter, you too can form hosts and consecrate them.  Do you see the garment that covers Me in the Sacrament?  These are the accidents of the bread with which the host is formed.  The life which exists in this host is my Body, my Blood and my Divinity.  The attitude which contains this life is my Supreme Will, and this Will carries out the love, the reparation, the immolation, and all the rest that I do in the Sacrament, which never moves one point from my Volition.  There is nothing that comes from Me which is not led by my Volition.
“Here is how you too can form the host.  The host is material and totally human; you too have a material body and a human will.  This body and this will of yours - if you keep them pure, upright and far away from any shadow of sin - are the accidents, the veils, so that I may be able to consecrate Myself and live hidden within you.  But this is not enough; it would be like the host without consecration - my life is needed.  My life is composed of sanctity, of love, of wisdom, of power, etc., but the engine of all is my Will.  Therefore, after you have prepared the host, you must make your will die in this host; you must cook it well, so that it may not be born again.  Then you must let my Will permeate all your being; and my Will, which contains the whole of my life, will form the true and perfect consecration.  So, the human thought will have life no more, but only the thought of my Volition, and this consecration will create my wisdom in your mind; no more life for what is human, for weakness, for inconstancy, because my Will will form the consecration of the Divine Life, of fortitude, of firmness, and of all that I am.  So, each time you make your will, your desires, and all that you are and that you may do, flow into my Will, I will renew the consecration, and I will continue my life within you as in a living host - not a dead one, like the hosts without Me. 
“But this is not all.  In the consecrated hosts, in the pyxes, in the Tabernacles, everything is dead - mute; not a heartbeat sensibly, not a surge of love which may correspond to so much love of mine.  If it wasn’t for the fact that I wait for hearts in order to give Myself to them, I would be quite unhappy, I would remain defrauded in my love, and my sacramental life would remain without purpose.  And if I tolerate this in the Tabernacles, I would not tolerate it in living hosts.  So, life needs nourishment, and in the Sacrament I want to be nourished, and I want to be nourished with my own food – that is, the soul will make my Will, my love, my prayers, reparations and sacrifices her own; she will give them to Me as if they were her own things, and I will nourish Myself.  The soul will unite with Me, she will prick up her ears to hear what I am doing so as to do it together with Me; and as she keeps repeating my own acts, she will give Me her food, and I will be happy.  Only in these living hosts will I find the compensation for the loneliness, the starvation, and all that I suffer in the Tabernacles.”
Vol. 11, Dec. 17, 1914

The key to all this is the Divine Will.  It is the Divine Will which has ordained the Sacraments and they take their life from him, and it is the Divine Will which wants the creature to have life in him, with him and through him.  This is the completion of the work of the Eucharist.  The Divine Life which has humbled himself to serve the creature by descending in the lowly host now takes his place in the living host of the creature and elevates her to him.  And the circle completes itself from the transubstantiation of the non-living host to the transubstantiation of the living host.  The creature does nothing but say yes and allow the Divine Will to work through, with and in her and in all her acts and she becomes a living host to the real and living presence of the Divine Will. 

It happens with the soul as with the accidents of the host which, though being matter, lends itself to let itself be animated by my sacramental life, as long as those same words spoken by Me in instituting the Most Holy Sacrament are pronounced by the priest. Those were words animated by my Fiat, which contained the creative power, and this is why the matter of the host undergoes the transubstantiation of the divine life. One can pronounce as many words as one wants over the host, but if they are not those few words established by the Fiat, my life remains in Heaven and the host remains the wretched matter that it is. So it happens with the soul: she can do, say, suffer whatever she wants, but if my Divine Fiat does not run inside of them, those are always finite and wretched things. On the other hand, for one who lives in It, her words, her works, her pains, are like veils that hide the Creator, and the One who created heaven and earth makes use of these veils and makes of them works worthy of Himself, placing in them His sanctity, His creative power, His infinite love. Therefore, no one else, though he might do great things, can compare to that creature in whom my Divine Will lives, reigns and dominates.
Vol. 23, Oct. 2, 1927

Jesus wants to be nourished just as he nourishes us.  Jesus wants a two way street that as he feeds the soul he also wants to be fed.  And it is only because of this aspiration that he has tolerated the centuries of isolation in the Tabernacles and lifeless hosts of the wafers.  He wants living hosts that can respond to him.  Such a soul however, although containing Jesus himself, will not show anything on outside which one would notice.  They will be the most hidden souls whom appear to do nothing and yet they do all.  We become the host in living in the Divine Will, the living host, which hides the real and living presence of Jesus.

Now, while I was pouring out my pain with Jesus, He made Himself seen in my interior, and the sacramental veils formed as though a mirror, and Jesus was inside of it - alive and real. And my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, this mirror is the accidents of the bread which keep Me imprisoned within them. I form my Life in the host, but the host does not give Me anything - not one affection, not a heartbeat, not the littlest ‘I love you.’ It is as though dead for Me. I remain alone, without a shadow of requital, and therefore my love is almost impatient to go out, to shatter this glass, descending into hearts in order to find in them that requital which the host does not know how to give Me, nor can it do so. But do you know where I find my true requital? In the soul who lives in my Will. As I descend into her heart, immediately I consume the accidents of the host, because I know that more noble accidents, more dear to Me, are ready to imprison Me, so as not to let Me go out of that heart, which will give Me, not only life within itself – but life for life. I will not be alone, but with my most faithful company. We will be two hearts palpitating together, we will love united, our desires will be one. So, I remain in her, and there I live Life, alive and real, just as I do in the Most Holy Sacrament. But do you know what these accidents are, which I find in the soul who does my Will? They are her acts done in my Volition which, more than accidents, lay themselves around Me and imprison Me, but inside a noble and divine prison, not a dark one, because her acts done in my Will, more than sun, illuminate her and warm her. Oh! how happy I feel to form my real Life in her, because I feel as if I were inside my Celestial Royal Palace. Look at Me inside your heart - how happy I am, how I delight and feel the purest joys.”
Vol. 16, Nov. 5, 1923

“It seems that the souls who do my Will do nothing, while they do everything, because, being in my Will, they act in a divine manner, in a hidden and surprising way.  So, they are light that illuminates, they are winds that purify, they are fire that burns, they are miracles that make others do miracles.  Those who do miracles are channels; but in these souls resides the power.  Therefore, they are the foot of the missionary, the tongue of the preachers, the strength of the weak, the patience of the sick, the regime of the superiors, the obedience of the subjects, the tolerance of the slandered, the firmness in dangers, the heroism of the heroes, the courage of the martyrs, the sanctity in the saints, and so with all the rest.  Being in my Will, they concur with all the good that can exist both in Heaven and on earth.
“This is why I can surely say that they are my true hosts - but living hosts, not dead ones.  In fact, the accidents that form the host are not full of life, nor do they influence my life; but the soul is full of life, and by doing my Will, she influences and concurs with all that I do.  This is why these hosts consecrated by my Will are more dear to Me than the very sacramental hosts, and if I have reason to exist in the sacramental hosts, it is to form the sacramental hosts of my Will.
“My daughter, I take such delight in my Will, that in simply hearing one speak about It, I feel overjoyed and I call the whole of Heaven to make feast.  Imagine, yourself, what will become of those souls who do It: in them I find all the contentments, and to them I give all the contentments; their life is the life of the Blessed.  Two things only do they cherish, desire and yearn:  my Will and Love.  They have little to do, while indeed they do everything.  The virtues themselves remain absorbed in my Will and in Love, and so they have nothing to do with them any more, since my Will contains, possesses and absorbs everything - but in a way which is divine, immense and endless.  This is the life of the Blessed.”
Vol. 11, March 15, 1912

Jesus affirms that the soul living in the Divine Will with possessing the Divine Will they posses the source of all the Sacraments.  She can multiply these as much as she wants for as many as she wants in every moment.  She possesses the source of the Sacraments and in continuing to receive them from the Church she completes them and glorifies her God.

Offering of Communion. How our wills are the accidents in which Jesus is multiplied. How the soul who lives in the Divine Will contains the source of all the Sacraments.

           I was doing my thanksgiving for I had received Holy Communion, and I was thinking to myself that I wanted to offer It to all and to each inhabitant of Heaven, to each soul in Purgatory, to all the living who are and will be. And not only to them, but I would like to give my Sacramental Jesus to the starry heavens, to the flowery fields – in sum, to each created thing, in order to give Him the glory and the triumph of all His works. But while I was saying this, I thought to myself: ‘This is my usual nonsense – how can I form so many Jesuses? This is impossible.’ And my beloved Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, just as in the sacramental host there are the little accidents of the bread, and your Jesus hides inside of them, alive and real – and as many Jesuses for as many as are the hosts - in the same way, in the soul there are the accidents of the human will, not subject to being consumed like the accidents of my Sacramental Life, and therefore more fortunate and more solid. And just as the Eucharistic Life multiplies in the hosts, so does my Divine Will multiply my Life in each act of the human will, which, more than accident, lends itself to the multiplication of my Life. As you were making your will flow within Mine and wanted to give Me to each one, so was my Will forming my Life in yours, and from Its light It released my Life, giving Me to each one, and – oh! how happy I felt that the little daughter of my Will was forming so many of my Lives in the accidents of her will, to give Me not only to animate creatures, but to all things created by Me. So, as I was multiplying my Life, I felt I was constituting Myself the King of all: King of the sun, of the sea, King of the flowers, of the stars, of the heavens – in sum, of everything. My daughter, one who lives in my Will possesses within herself the fount of the source of the Sacraments, and can multiply Me as much as she wants and in whatever way she wants.”
           Afterwards, I remained doubtful about the last sentence written here above, and my beloved Jesus added: “My daughter, the Sacraments came out of my Will like many little fountains; I issued them from It, keeping in It the source from which each of these fountains continuously receives the goods and the fruits which each of them contains. But they act according to the dispositions of those who receive them; so, because of lack of dispositions on the part of creatures, the fountains of the Sacraments do not produce the great goods they contain. Many times they pour waters, but the creatures are not washed; other times they consecrate them, impressing a divine and indelible character, but in spite of this they do not appear to be sanctified. Another fountain gives birth to the Life of your Jesus continuously; they receive this Life, but neither the effects of it nor the Life of your Jesus can be seen in them. So, each Sacrament has Its sorrow, because they do not see their fruits and the goods they contain in all creatures.
           Now, for one who lives in my Will, letting It reign as in Its own Kingdom, since my Divine Will possesses the source of the Sacrament, what is the wonder if one who lives in It possesses the source of all the Sacraments and feels within herself the nature of the Sacraments with all the effects and goods they contain? And as she receives them from the Church, she will feel that it is food which she possesses, but which she takes in order to give complete glory to those Sacraments, whose source she possesses, and to glorify that very Divine Will that instituted them, because in It alone there will be perfect glory for all Our works. This is why I so much long for the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat – because It alone will give balance to everything; It will give to creatures all the goods It wants, and will receive the glory which they owe It.”
Vol. 22, July 4, 1927

There is no greater gift that God can give man than the gift of living in the Divine Will and Jesus states that the miracle of containing his Divine Will within the confines of his Humanity surpassed all his other miracles.  We too are now being given the chance to have the Divine Will living and acting in each of us.  All we have to do is give our own firm "Fiat", and then we too will have our own real and living presence of Jesus born within each of us.  And I can think of no greater gift that I could ever want on this Christmas day.

           “You can see that, of all that which occurred within My Humanity the greatest miracle was containing the whole immensity of My Divine Will within it (My Humanity).  The miracles which I did may be called nothing in front of this one, and even more so since it was natural in Me to be able to give life so that they (creatures) could be resurrected - to give sight to the blind, speech to those who could not speak, and all the rest of the miraculous works I accomplished -because it was in My nature to give as many goods as I wanted.  It was certainly a miracle for those who received these goods, but for Me the greatest miracle was to constrain in Myself My Divinity, the immensity of My Will, Its interminable light, Its beauty and unreachable sanctity.  This was the prodigy of prodigies that only a God could do.  Therefore, no matter how much I can give to a creature, it will always be giving little as compared to My giving the great gift of My Will, because in It there will be seen new heavens, more resplendent suns, unheard - of things, and surprises never before seen.  Heavens and earth tremble and kneel before a soul who possesses the great gift of my Will, and with reason, because they see come forth from the soul the virtue and the vivifying and creative force which conserves them in the new life created by God.  Oh Power of My Will, if they knew You how ambitious they would be for your great Gift.  How they would give their life to have You!”
Vol. 21, May 8, 1927


Merry Christmas everyone!


Monday, December 16, 2013

Living Hosts; the Real and Living Presence of Jesus

The last two posts were so that I could get to this one and because of it's length it looks like it will take a couple of them.  This topic was covered in a series of talks by Fr. Gary during a retreat.  I an not able to recreate it but wanted to explore all the passages in the Volumes which go into this.  Again to start with the passage which ties these last few together.

This is why I want to make the sanctity of living in my Will; in them, I will have no need of priests for Me to be consecrated, nor churches, tabernacles or hosts; but they will be everything together:  priests, churches, tabernacles and hosts.  My love will be more free; anytime I want to consecrate Myself, I will be able to do it - in every moment, day and night, in whatever place they might be.  Oh! how my love will have its complete outpouring.
Vol. 12, Nov. 27, 1917

With this it's clear that the era in which we live is not complete.  The rule of grace and all that we receive with the Sacraments is not Jesus' ideal and is too limited for his love.  Jesus has stated that with living in the Divine Will he will no longer be limited by the finite sacramental acts of priests in his pilgrim Church.  This is not saying that there will no longer be a Catholic Church or mass, celebrated by priests with communion.  God the Father is the conserver of all and he will always conserve his church in all her aspects just as he will always conserve his chosen people, the Jews.  But even in the catechism of the Catholic Church it recognizes that we are a pilgrim church moving toward a more perfect consummation, communion with God and a new Heaven and a new Earth.

The Hope of the New Heaven and the New Earth

1045  For man, this consummation will be the final realization of the unity of the human race, which God willed from creation and of which the pilgrim Church has been “in the nature of sacrament.”636 Those who are united with Christ will form the community of the redeemed, “the holy city” of God, “the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.”637 She will not be wounded any longer by sin, stains, self-love, that destroy or wound the earthly community.638 The beatific vision, in which God opens himself in an inexhaustible way to the elect, will be the ever-flowing well-spring of happiness, peace, and mutual communion. (775, 1404)
Catechism of the Catholic Church

Mutual communion between God and man where man can always partake from his "ever-flowing well-spring of happiness, peace, and mutual communion."  Mutual communion might just mean to some a two way communication but as is often the case there is a deeper meaning here which includes Eucharistic communion.  It means mutual where we are not the only ones to receive but God receives as well.  How can this be?  What would God stand to gain with this?

So, to the one who does my Will I say:  ‘You are my life, my blood, my bones.’  The true and real sacramental transformation takes place - not by virtue of the words of the priest, but by virtue of my Will.  As soon as the soul decides to live of my Volition, my Will creates Myself in the soul; and as my Will flows in the will, in the works, in the steps of the soul, she undergoes as many of my creations.  It happens just as to a pyx full of consecrated particles:  there are as many Jesuses for as many particles - one for each particle.  In the same way, by virtue of my Will, the soul contains Myself in her whole being, as well as in each part of it.  One who does my Will fulfills the true eternal communion – and a communion with complete fruit.”
Vol. 11, Aug. 20, 1913

Jesus states that living in the Divine Will is an eternal communion, yielding true and complete fruit.  So communion as we know it right now is neither true as God envisions it or complete.  Luisa, herself, questioned what Jesus told her not believing it to be something new.  She assumed he must be speaking of the mystical Life of Jesus formed in the hearts of those who possess his grace.  But he assures her that this is nothing less than his real life which is not possible to exist in those who live by grace alone but only can exist in those who live in the Divine Will.  In fact he states that where those who receive communion under grace he can only make a short visit before the sacramental species is consumed and he must leave however in those who live in his Will he must remain with his real life so that they might live in the Divine Will.  Therefore the two are inseparable, that is living in the Divine Will and possessing the true and real presence of Jesus within the soul.

And I: ‘My beloved Jesus, isn’t what you are telling something new and singular - that in one who lives in your Will You form your real Life? Isn’t it rather the mystical Life which You form in the hearts which possess your Grace?’ And Jesus: “No, no, it is not mystical Life, as for those who possess my Grace but do not live with their acts identified within my Volition - they do not have sufficient material to form the accidents in order to imprison Me. It would be as if the priest did not have the host and wanted to pronounce the words of the consecration. He could say them, but would say them to the empty space - my Sacramental Life would certainly not have existence. This is how I am in the hearts which, though they may possess my Grace, do not live completely in my Will. I am in them by Grace, but not in reality.” And I: ‘My love, but how can it be that You can live really in the soul who lives in your Will?’ And Jesus: “My daughter, do I perhaps not live in the sacramental host, alive and real, in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity? And why do I live in the host in Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity? Because there is not a will that opposes Mine. If I found in the host a will opposed to Mine, I would form neither real nor perennial Life in it. This is also the reason why the sacramental accidents are consumed when creatures receive Me – because I do not find a human will united with Me in such a way as to want to lose its will in order to acquire Mine, but I find a will that wants to act, that wants do things on its own. So I make my little visit, and I leave. On the other hand, for one who lives in my Will, my Volition and hers are one. And if I do this in the host, how much more can I do it in her; more so, since I find a heartbeat, an affection, my return and my interest - which I do not find in the host. To the soul who lives in my Will, my real Life within her is necessary; otherwise, how could she live in my Volition?
Ah! you do not want to understand that the sanctity of living in my Will is a sanctity completely different from the other sanctities. Except for the crosses, the mortifications, the necessary acts of life which, done in my Will, embellish the soul more, it is nothing other than the life of the Blessed in Heaven who, because they live in my Will, by virtue of It, have Me within each one of them, as if I were for each one alone - alive and real - and not mystically, but really dwelling within them. And just as this could not be called life of Heaven if they did not have Me within them as their own life, and their happiness would be neither complete nor perfect if even a tiny particle of my Life were missing in them; in the same way, for one who lives in my Will, my Will would be neither full nor perfect in her, because my real Life, which emits this Will, would be missing. It is true that these are all prodigies of my love – even more, the prodigy of prodigies, which my Will has kept within Itself until now, and which It now wants to issue in order to achieve the primary purpose of the creation of man. Therefore, my first real Life I want to form in you.”
On hearing this, I said: ‘Ah! my Love, Jesus; yet, I feel so bad because of all these contrasts - and You know it. It is true that this serves me to abandon myself more into your arms, and to ask from You what they do not give me; but in spite of this, I feel a breath of disturbance that troubles the peace of my soul. And you are saying that You want to form your real Life in me? Oh, how far I am from this!’ And Jesus, again: “Daughter, do not worry about this. What I want is that you put nothing of your own, and that you obey as much as you can. It is known that all other sanctities - that is, those of obedience and of other virtues - are not exempt from pettiness, disturbance, conflicts and waste of time, which prevent the forming of a beautiful sun; at the most, they form a little star. Only the sanctity of my Will is exempt from these miseries. And besides, my Will encloses all the Sacraments and their effects; therefore, abandon yourself completely in my Will, make It your own, and you will receive the effects of the absolution, or of anything else which you might be denied. So, I recommend to you - do not waste time, because by wasting time you come to hamper my real Life, which I am forming in you.”
Vol. 16, Nov. 5, 1923

The Blessed in Heaven each possess a Jesus within themselves for themselves and it would not be Heaven if they did not.  We can now live on the earth and each possess our own true and living Jesus within ourselves for ourselves in the same way, transforming the earth beginning within the earth of our bodies and souls.  Saints have been enraptured by the power within the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist and the innumerable grace we are able to receive from it when properly disposed but oh what attention we receive, and what benefits when we have Jesus with us always.

“With one who does my Will and lives in It, my love finds no obstruction; and I love her so much and have so much predilection for her, as to reserve to Myself alone everything that is needed for her:  both help and direction, both unexpected aids and unforeseen graces.  Even more, I am jealous that others might do something – I Myself want to do everything for her.  And I reach so much jealousy of love that, if I give to priests the authority to consecrate Me in the Sacramental Hosts so that I may be given to souls, with these souls, instead, as they keep repeating the acts in my Will, as they resign themselves, as they make the human will go out in order to let the Divine Will enter, I Myself reserve to Myself the privilege to consecrate these souls.  And what the priest does over the host, I do with them - and not only once, but every time she repeats the acts in my Will, like powerful magnet, she calls Me, and I consecrate her for Myself like privileged host, repeating over her the words of the Consecration.  And I do this with justice, because the soul, by doing my Will, sacrifices herself more than those souls who receive Communion and do not do my Will.  They empty themselves of themselves in order to place Me; they give Me full dominion, and if needed, they are ready to suffer any pain in order to do my Will.  And I cannot wait - my love cannot keep from communicating Me to them until when it is convenient to the priest to give them a Sacramental Host.  Therefore, I do everything by Myself.  Oh! how many times I communicate Myself before the priest feels comfortable to communicate her himself.  If it were not so, my love would remain as though hampered and bound in the Sacraments.  No, no, I am free; I have the Sacraments inside my Heart, I am the Owner of them and can exercise them whenever I want.”
Vol. 12, June 20, 1918

With possessing the Divine Will we possess Jesus too and everything of Gods including the source of all the Sacraments.  When Jesus is given a soul that wants to live in his Will he is no longer restricted in the circumstances of time and place and when a priest might be available to administer the sacraments to the soul.  He can give us in every moment of every day whenever he wants.