Sunday, April 28, 2013

The second Virgin

Although all have prayed the Our Father in the past that it "Your Will be done", however Jesus makes it very clear that it is truly calling for the creature to not only do the Divine Will but to live in it.

Then, I was thinking to myself: ‘In the ‘Our Father’, Our Lord teaches us to say - to pray: “Your Will be done”. Now, why does He say that He wants us to live in It?’ And Jesus, always benign, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, ‘your Will be done’ which I taught in the ‘Our Father’meant that all were to pray that they might at least do the Will of God. And this is for all Christians and for all times; nor can anyone call himself a Christian if he does not dispose himself to do the Will of his Celestial Father. But you have not thought of the other addition which comes immediately after: ‘On earth as It is in Heaven’. ‘On earth as It is in Heaven’ means to live in the Divine Will; it means to pray that the Kingdom of my Will may come on earth in order to live in It. In Heaven, they not only do my Will, but they live in It – they possess It as their own thing, and as their own Kingdom. And if they did It, but did not possess It, their happiness would not be full, because true happiness begins in the depth of the soul. To do the Will of God does not mean to possess It, but to submit oneself to Its commands, while to live in It is possession. Therefore, in the ‘Our Father’, in the words ‘your Will be done’ is the prayer that all may do the Supreme Will, and in ‘on earth as It is in Heaven’, that man may return into that Will from which he came, in order to reacquire his happiness, the lost goods, and the possession of his Divine Kingdom.”
Vol. 20, Oct. 15, 1926

All Christians pray for the Kingdom to come and in doing so have brought Jesus to the point to call Lusia who through the Divine Will is the one who knocks on the doors Heaven so strongly and thus forces them open to call God to bring about this Kingdom and the manifest truths are the assurances that it comes.

God is order, and when He wants to give a good He establishes the divine order in the midst of creatures. How Our Lord, in forming the ‘Our Father’, placed Himself at the head of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat.

I continue what is written above. As I was concerned about all that regards the Kingdom of the Will of God, my always lovable Jesus added:

           “My daughter, God is order, and when He wants to give a good to the creatures, He always establishes His divine order, and everything that is done in order to obtain such a great good begins from God, since He places Himself at the head of it to take on the commitment, and then orders the creature for the same purpose. I did this, Myself, to give the Redemption, and so that creatures might receive It; and I am doing this, Myself, to give the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, and so that creatures may receive It. By forming, Myself, the ‘Our Father’, I placed Myself at the head of it and took on the commitment to give this Kingdom; and by teaching it to my apostles, I placed order in the creatures, so that they might obtain a good so great. So, the whole Church is praying - there is not one soul who belongs to Her that does not recite the‘Our Father’. And even though many recite it without interest in wanting and asking for a Kingdom so holy – that the Divine Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven – since the interest is in the One who taught it, when they recite it my interest is renewed, and I hear my own prayer asking: ‘May your Kingdom come, so that your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven’. And if the creature, in reciting the ‘Our Father’, had this interest of wanting and longing for my Kingdom, she would take part in my own interest, and her will would be fused in Mine for the same purpose. However, my Will and interest always run in each‘Our Father’.
           See then, the divine order: all asking for one thing. Among these who ask there are some who want to do my Will, others who do It. All this is braided together, and they knock at the doors of my Divine Will - they repeat the knocking, and some knock strongly, some slowly. However, there is always someone who knocks and asks that the doors be opened, so that my Will may descend to reign upon earth. And since everything is established and ordered by the Divinity, It waits for the one who must give the strongest knock which, forcing the doors with invincible strength – the very strength of my Divine Will – will open wide the doors, and with her sweet chains of love, will bind the Eternal Will to make It come and reign in the midst of creatures. She will be like a bride who, bejeweling the groom with her loving chains, will carry him as though in triumph into the midst of creatures. And just as the Holy Virgin put an end to the night hours of the patriarchs and prophets, and formed the dawn to make the Sun of the Eternal Word rise, so will this one form the dawn to make rise the Sun of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven.
           Do you think that my Will, which has made Itself known with so much love and has manifested so much interest in wanting to come and reign upon earth, pouring Its sorrow out with you, has done this without anyone praying to It? Ah, no! no! The knocks of my Church have been continuous, and I Myself was knocking in those knocks, but I used them to knock at the door of the Divine Fiat which, tired of hearing them knock at Its divine doors, has used you to be knocked more strongly; and opening the door to you, It made you share in Its knowledges. For as many truths as It made known to you, so many means has It given you to form the loving chains with which to be bound to come to reign upon earth. And all the times It calls you to live in Its Divine Will, making you know Its qualities, Its power, Its joys, Its immense riches, are as many pledges It gives you, with which It assures you of Its coming upon earth. In fact, there is this prerogative in Us: if We make a good of Ours, a truth, a knowledge that belongs to Us known, it is because We want to give it to the creature as gift. See then, how many gifts my Will has given you; how many knowledges about Itself It has made known to you! They are such and so many, that you yourself cannot count them.”
           And I: ‘My beloved Jesus, who knows when this Kingdom will come!’ And He: “My daughter, in order for Redemption to come, it took four thousand years, because the people that prayed and longed for the future Redeemer was smaller, of limited number. But those which belong to my Church are more peoples and - oh, how much greater in number than that one! Therefore, the number will shorten the time; more so, since religion is making its way everywhere, and this is nothing but the preparation of the Kingdom of my Divine Will.”
Vol. 24, May 26, 1928

The fruits of the Redemption are now available to any who wants it but at first it began with one creature, the Virgin Mary, so too is it with Sanctification.  There is one creature who must open the way to all the others, securing in herself all the goods that God wants to give to man.  Back in the post titled The Three Daily Breads I cited where Jesus spoke in Vol. 15 to Luisa.  In this reading about the fulfillment of the Our Father Jesus finished his lesson of that day with this:

Do you not want, then, that my Will descend upon earth? But just as Redemption had Its beginning in a Virgin - as I was not conceived in all men in order to redeem them, even though whoever wants it, can enter the good of Redemption and each one can receive Me in the Sacrament for himself alone – in the same way, now my Will must have Its beginning, possession, growth and development in one virgin creature. And then, whoever disposes himself and wants it, will enter the goods which the living in my Will contains. Had I not been conceived in my beloved Mama, Redemption would never have come. In the same way, if I do not operate the prodigy of making one soul live in my Supreme Will, the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven,’ will not take place in the human generations.”

Vol. 15, May 2, 1923

Jesus states that as he began the epoch of Redemption with the Virgin Mary and her Fiat Mihi secundum verbum tuum (let it be done to me according to your word), so in this final epoch of Sanctification he makes use of another Virgin, Luisa, to be the depository of the fullness of the work.

On hearing this, I thought to myself: ‘If these knowledges contain so much good, if blessed Jesus continues after my death with more knowledges on His Fiat to other souls, will a work so great not be attributed to that work?’ And Jesus, moving as though hurriedly in my interior, added: “No, no, my daughter. Just as of father Di Francia it will be said that he has been the first propagator, and your confessors have been cooperators, so it will be said that the little daughter of my Will has been the first and the depository of a good so great, to whom it was entrusted and who was chosen with a special mission. Suppose that someone has made an important invention; it might be that others propagate it, diffuse it more, imitate it, expand it; but no one will be able to say: ‘I am the inventor of this work.’ It will always be said: ‘The inventor was such-and-such.’ The same will be with you. It will be said that the origin of the Kingdom of my Fiat, the depository, was the little daughter of my Will.”
Vol. 23, Feb. 28, 1928

Luisa's role in the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat is unique and he centralizes the fullness of this living in her.  He clearly states here that she is the second Virgin in his designs over mankind.

           Now, in order to dispose souls to live in my Will, to let them partake in the goods It contains, and to make man return to the path of his origin, just as he was created by Me, I Myself wanted to pray as the first, making my voice resound from one end of the earth to another, and even up high in Heaven, saying: ‘Our Father, who art in Heaven’.I did not say ‘My Father’, but I called Him Father of the whole human family, so as to engage Him in that which I was going to add: ‘May all hallow your Name, so that your Kingdom may come, and your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven’. This was the purpose of Creation, and I asked the Father that it be fulfilled. Because I Myself prayed, the Father surrendered to my supplications, and I formed the seed of a good so great; and so that this seed might be known, I taught my prayer to the Apostles, and they transmitted it to the whole Church, so that, just as the people of the future Redeemer found salvation in Him and disposed itself to receive the promised Messiah, in the same way, with this seed formed by Me, the Church prays and repeats my very prayer many times, and disposes Herself to receive that creatures would recognize and love my Celestial Father as their Father, in such a way as to deserve to be loved as children and receive the great good that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.
          In this seed and in this hope that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, the very Saints have formed their sanctity, the martyrs have shed their blood. There is no good which does not derive from this seed. So, the whole Church prays; and just as the tears, the penances, the prayers to obtain the Messiah were directed toward that excelling Virgin whom I was to dispose in order to centralize such a great good in Her, so that they might receive their Savior, even though they did not know whom She would be – in the same way, now, when the Church recites the ‘Our Father’, it is precisely for you that She prays, so that I may centralize in you all the good that my Will contains, the ‘way’ - the ‘how’ the Divine Will may have life on earth as It does in Heaven. And even though you are not known, by echoing my prayer - ‘Thy Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven’ - the Church prays Me, presses Me to centralize all this good in a second virgin, so that, like a second savior, she may save the endangered humanity; and making use of my inseparable love and mercy, I may answer my own prayer, united to that of the whole Church, making man come back to his origin, to the purpose for which I created him – that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven. This is precisely the living in my Will; and everything I keep manifesting to you pushes you to this, confirms you in this. This is the great foundation I keep forming in your soul; and in order to do this, I keep centralizing in you all the graces, past, present and future, which I have given to all generations. Even more, I double them, I multiply them, because since my Will is the greatest, the holiest, the noblest thing, which has no beginning and no end, in order to place It in one creature, it is right and decorous that I centralize in her all possible goods, innumerable graces, divine purity and nobility, so that this Will of Mine may have the same cortege as It has in Heaven. It is the same Will that operated in Redemption, and wanted to make use of a Virgin. What portents and prodigies of graces did It not work in Her? My Will is great, It contains all goods, and in operating, It acts with magnanimity; and if it is about doing works and doing good for all humanity, then It puts all of Its goods at stake.
          Now It wants to make use of another virgin in order to centralize Its Will in her, and give rise to making know that Its Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven. And if in Redemption It wanted to come to save the lost man, to satisfy for his sins - which man had no power to do - and to give him refuge and many other goods which Redemption contains, now, wanting to display even more love than in Redemption Itself by making it so that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, It comes to give man his state of origin, his nobility, the purpose for which he was created. It comes to open the current between Its Will and the human will, in such a way that, absorbed by this Divine Will, dominated by It, the human will will give It life within itself, and my Will will reign on earth as It does in Heaven.”
Vol. 15, April 14, 1923

Lusia was called to do that which was necessary on the part of creatures to call the Kingdom of the Divine Will down on earth as we pray in the Our Father.  Here Jesus tells us exactly that which she must do with Him to accomplish this, repairing for all, supplying for all and making all cry out in one voice for the Kingdom to come.

“Good daughter, if you might know what void is formed in the act of the creature, when it is not filled with all my Will, so that in that act (there) lacks the fullness of sanctity, (there) lacks the infinite; and since there lacks the infinite, one sees an abyss of void that only the infinite could fill, because the creature with all her acts has been made for the infinite, and when my Will races in her acts he puts there the infinite, and one sees her act full of light, because [my Will] holds it in his womb of light, and he renders the act complete with the infinite inside.  Instead when my Will doesn’t enter [in] the act of the creature as life, beginning, means and end, the act is empty and no one can fill the abyss of that void, and if there is sin one sees in that act an abyss of darkness and miseries as to make one shudder.
“Now my daughter, how many of these acts there are in the length of the centuries, void of the infinite.  The infinite [is] rejected by the human act.  My Divine Will holds right over every act of the creature and in order to come to reign he wants one who lives in Him, who might go retracing all these empty acts in order to pray him, to press him that he might put the infinite in every act, so that [the Divine Will] might recognize in every single act his act in order to make that his dominion might be complete.  And although these acts might be past, there is always, for one who lives in my Will, as to be able to do and to repair, because in him there is the power to be able to repair and to re-do all, provided that he finds a creature that lends herself.  More so are that they are acts of the creature without my Will, another (who is) united with my Will is able to repair, (and) order everything.
“Behold therefore, my daughter, I have said other times and I repeat it:  we do all that which is needed in order to make the Divine Will known and to make him reign.  There must lack nothing on our part:  prayer, sacrifice of life itself, to take all the acts of the creature as in hand in order to call her to put forth of hers, so that it is mine and your ‘I love you’, mine and your prayer that cries out:  ‘We want the Divine Will.’  So that all the Creation and all the acts will be as all covered with Divine Will, and He will feel called by every act of creature, from all points, from every created thing, because you and I have already made the call, wanting to also put forth the sacrifice of life, in every thing and in every act, so that he might come to reign.  This will be power before the throne of God, magnetic strength, irresistible magnet, that all acts cry out that they want the Divine Will ruling in the midst of creatures.  But who is it that cries out?  I and the little daughter of my Volition.  Hence as enraptured he will descend to reign.
“Behold therefore the turns and returns in the Creation, in my acts themselves, in those of the Celestial Mama, in order to employ our same divine acts for a kingdom so holy, and in those of creatures in order to copy them and to put there that which can lack; but all must have one single voice, whether directly or indirectly through means of one who wants to make the sacrifice of making herself supplier and repairer, in order to obtain that he comes to reign in the midst of the generations.  Hence that which I make you do and what I do together with you are necessary acts, preparations, formations, substances, capitals that are needed.  When we have done everything on my part and on your part, in a way that nothing should be lacking, as to be able to say:  ‘We have done everything, there doesn’t remain other for us to do’, as I said in the Redemption:  ‘I have (done) everything in order to redeem man, my love doesn’t know what else to invent in order put him in safety‘, and I departed for heaven awaiting that [man] might take the good that with the sacrifice of my life I had formed and given.  Thus when nothing other remains to be done (for) the Kingdom of my Will upon the earth you also can come in heaven, awaiting from (within) the Celestial Country that creatures take the substances, the capital, the kingdom that will be already formed of the Supreme Fiat.  Therefore I always say to you:  ‘Be attentive.’  Do not omit anything, when one can not do other, we do our part; the rest, the circumstances, the events, the things, the diversity of persons will do the rest; and since [this kingdom] is already formed, it will go forth by itself and will go ahead in its reign.  One thing is needed:  more sacrifice to form it, that going forth it is done soon.  But in order to form it there is needed one who puts forth one’s own life and the sacrifice of a will sacrificed with continuous acts in mine.”
Vol. 30,  Feb. 16, 1932

So Luisa now awaits from within the Celestial Country that we should take all the goods of the Kingdom which she and Jesus have prepared for us the only question that remains is how much we will avail ourselves of it all.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The yeast of the Divine Will

The Divine Will has the ability to transform the finite to the infinite, the material to the divine, but he can not do this alone but needs the material of the human act in order to act.  To continue on the line of the bread of the Divine Will Jesus goes on to further define his Will as the yeast in making bread which has the ability to transform simple ingredients into leavened bread.

“My daughter, wherever there is the creative force of my Divine Will, my divine breath has the power to render the acts of the creature immense. In fact, as the creature operates in my Fiat, the creative force enters her act, placing in it the fount of the divine immensity; and the little act of the creature converts, one into fount of light, another into fount of love, others into founts of goodness, of beauty, of sanctity. In sum, the more acts she does, the more divine founts she acquires; and they grow so much, as to spread within the immensity of her Creator. It happens as to the yeast, which has the virtue of fermenting the flour, as long as, in forming the bread, one puts in it the little yeast as the germ of fermentation. But if one does not put the yeast, even though the flour is the same, the bread will never come out leavened, but unleavened. Such is my Divine Will - more than yeast that casts the divine fermentation into the human act; and the human act becomes divine act. And when I find the germ of my Divine Will in the act of the creature, I delight in breathing on her act, and I raise it so much as to render it immense; more so, since We can call that act ‘Our act’ - ‘Our Will operating in the creature’.”
Vol. 26, Sept. 15, 1929

The flour is symbol of the creatures acts, the water is the union of wills and the yeast is the leavening of the Divine Will.  It is these acts united and transformed in the Divine Will which form the foundation to bring about the Kingdom.  So even in asking for our daily bread in the Our Father we are in fact asking for the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

After this I was thinking of the Divine Will, how difficult it seemed to me that his kingdom might come; and my beloved Jesus added:
“My daughter, as the yeast holds the virtue to leaven the bread, thus my Will is the leavening agent of the acts of the creature; as she calls my Divine Will into her acts, thus they remain fermented by Him and they form the bread of the Kingdom of my Volition. Now the yeast is not enough in order to make a lot of bread, but there is needed a lot of flour, there is needed one who must complete these acts to unite flour and yeast, there is needed the water, bond of union, in order to be able to knead flour and yeast, in order to make that the yeast might communicate the leavening virtue and the flour might receive it, then there is needed the fire in order to cook this bread, in order to form it (as) bread to feed on and to digest. Now isn’t there needed more time, more acts in order to form it than to eat it? The sacrifice is in forming it, to eat it one does it immediately and the taste of the sacrifice is felt.
           “Whence, my daughter, the yeast of my Divine Fiat is not enough that holds only the virtue to ferment your acts, to empty them of the human volition in order to convert them into bread of Divine Will, but there is needed a continuation of acts, of sacrifices, and for a long time, in a way that my Volition with his leavening virtue, he will ferment/leaven all these acts, in order to form a lot of bread and to hold it prepared and reserved for the children of his kingdom. When everything will be formed, there remains to dispose the events, and this is easier and is done more immediately, because it is in our power to move the reasons accordingly, in order to do that which we want. Didn’t I do as much for the Redemption? My long thirty years of my hidden life were as yeast, in which all my acts were leavened in order to form and to leaven the great good of the Redemption, the brief life of my public life and my Passion. It was my leavened bread that my Divine Will formed and leavened in my acts, that as bread broken to everyone and I gave it to eat in order to make that everyone might receive the bread of the redeemed, in order to acquire the necessary strengths in order to put themselves in safety. Therefore do not give it any thought, think to make it your duty and do not let any act of yours escape in which there isn’t put the yeast of my Divine Will, so that your being remains fermented by Him, and I will think of all the rest.”
Vol. 29, May 10, 1931

We are each invited to share in this work and therefore it's rewards.  Luisa was specifically given this mission and as it's first was called to prepare all the necessary acts to encompass all generations, past, present and future.  I remember Fr. Robert saying that the part in the Bible where it speaks of the woman working the three measures of flour, each one being an epoch,  that is Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification, refers to Luisa.

33 He told them another parable. “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till it was all leavened.”

My abandonment is in the Holy Volition, which, like powerful magnet, draws me to Itself, to administer to me, sip by sip, Its life, Its light, Its prodigious, admirable and adorable knowledges. So, my mind was wandering within It, and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, the first who will do my Divine Will and will live in It, will be like the yeast of Its Kingdom. The many knowledges which I have manifested to you about my Divine Fiat will be like the flour for the bread, which, in finding the yeast, becomes fermented –as much flour as one puts in. But the flour is not enough – it takes the yeast and the water in order to form the true bread, to nourish the human generations. In the same way, the yeast of the few who live in my Divine Volition is necessary to Me, as well as the multiplicity of the knowledges about It, which will serve as the mass of light that will give all the goods which are needed in order to nourish and make happy all those who want to live in the Kingdom of my Divine Will. Therefore, do not worry if you are alone and few are those who know, in part, what regards my Divine Will; as long as the little portion of the yeast is formed, united to Its knowledges, the rest will come by itself.”
Vol. 25, April 4, 1929

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Three Daily Breads

In the Our Father there has often been theories on what Jesus  meant when he prayed "give us this day our daily bread."  You can read here on what Catholic teaching say on this matter:   In the Volumes he tells us exactly what he means by this.

...And when my ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua’ has Its fulfillment ‘on earth as It is in Heaven’, then will the complete fulfillment of the second part of the Our Father take place - that is, ‘Give us this day our daily bread.’ I said:‘Our Father, in the name of all, I ask You for three kinds of bread each day: the bread of your Will, or rather, more than bread, because if bread is necessary two or three times a day, this one is necessary at each moment, in all circumstances. Even more, it must be not only bread, but like balsamic air that brings life - the circulation of the Divine Life in the creature. Father, if this bread of your Will is not given, I will never be able to receive all the fruits of my Sacramental Life, which is the second bread we ask of You every day. Oh! how my Sacramental Life feels discomforted, because the bread of your Will does not nourish them; on the contrary, it finds the corrupted bread of the human will. Oh! how disgusting it is to Me! How I shun it! And even though I go to them, yet I cannot give them the fruits, the goods, the effects, the sanctity, because I do not find Our bread in them. And if I give something, it is in small proportion, according to their dispositions, but not all the goods which I contain; and my Sacramental Life is patiently waiting for man to take the bread of the Supreme Will, in order to be able to give all the good of my Sacramental Life. See then, how the Sacrament of the Eucharist - and not only It, but all the Sacraments, left to my Church and instituted by Me - will give all the fruits which they contain and complete fulfillment, when Our bread, that is, the Will of God, is done on earth as It is in Heaven.
           Then I asked for the third bread - the material one. How could I say: ‘Give us this day our bread’? In view of the fact that, as man would do Our Will, what was Ours would be his, and so the Father would no longer have to give the bread of His Will, the bread of my Sacramental Life and the daily bread of natural life, to illegitimate, usurping, evil children, but to legitimate and good children, who would share in the goods of their Father; it is because of this that I said: ‘Give us our bread.’ Then will they eat the blessed bread; everything will smile around them, and Heaven and earth will carry the mark of the harmony of their Creator.
           After this I added: ‘Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.’ So, charity also will be perfect. Then will forgiveness have the mark of heroism, as I had it on the Cross - once man has eaten the bread of my Will as my Humanity ate it. Then will the virtues be absorbed into my Will and receive the mark of true heroism and of divine virtues; they will be like many little rivulets which will gush forth from the bosom of the great sea of my Will.
           And if I added, ‘And lead us not into temptation’ - how could God ever lead man into temptation? - it was because man is always man, free in himself, since I never take away from him the rights I gave him in creating him; and he, frightened and fearful of himself, tacitly cries out, and prays without expressing it with words: ‘Give us the bread of your Will, that we may reject all temptations; and by virtue of this bread, deliver us from every evil. Amen.’
           See, then, how all the goods of man find again their connection, the tight bond of the ‘Let Us make man in Our image and likeness’, the validity of each of his acts, the restitution of the lost goods, as well as the signature and the assurance that his lost happiness, both terrestrial and celestial, is given back to him. Therefore, it is so necessary that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, that I had no other interest, nor did I teach any other prayer but the ‘Our Father’. And the Church, faithful executor and depository of my teachings, has it always on Her lips, and in every circumstance. And everyone - learned and ignorant, little and great, priests and lay people, kings and subjects - all pray to Me that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.                    
Vol. 15, May 2, 1923

Jesus asks for three breads for creatures:  the bread of the Divine Will, the bread of his Sacramental Life, and the daily bread of natural life.  The Material bread serves to maintain the physical body of the creature and although he says the first and most important is the Bread of his Will the Material bread serves as a concrete example of the works of God in the creature.

“My daughter, the material bread is food and life for the body, and there is no particle of the body which does not receive life from that bread.  In the same way, God is food and life of the soul, and there must be no particle which does not take life and food from God – that is, animating all of oneself in God, nourishing one’s desires in God, and making one’s affections, inclinations and love take life and food in God, in such a way as to enjoy no other food but God alone.  But – oh, how many let their souls feed on all sorts of filth!”
Vol. 7, May 6, 1906

The bread of his Sacramental Life serves as a remedy for sick man.  A cure for all maladies.  It is dependent however on the will of the creature and if they do not wish or desire true change there is no effect of good.  Only with the coming of the Kingdom of the Divine Will will the creature be always disposed to receive his Sacramental Life, not as remedy since they will then be whole and healthy but as new joys and happinesses.

Then, after this, I was following, in the Divine Will, what Jesus has done in Redemption; and my sweet Jesus, coming back, added: “My daughter, my Redemption came as remedy for man, and therefore It serves as remedy, as medicine, as food, for the sick, for the blind, for the mute, and for all kinds of maladies. And because they are sick, they do not enjoy nor receive all the strength which all the remedies that I came to bring them for their good contain. The Eucharistic Sacrament which I left as food in order to give them perfect health - many eat It over and over again, but they appear always sick. Poor food of my very Life, hidden under the veils of the accidents of the bread – how many corrupted palates, how many undigesting stomachs, which prevent creatures from enjoying the taste of my food, and from digesting all the strength of my Sacramental Life. And so they remain infirm; and because they are members feverish in evil, they take it with no appetite. This is why I long so much for the coming of the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat – because, then, everything I did in coming upon earth will serve as food for those who enjoy perfect health. What is not the difference between a sick person who takes the same food, and someone else who enjoys perfect health? The infirm one takes it without appetite, without taste, and it serves him in order to sustain himself and not die. The healthy one takes it with appetite, and because he enjoys it, he takes more, and preserves himself strong and healthy. So, what will not be my contentment in seeing that, in the Kingdom of my Will, everything I did will serve no longer as food for the sick, but as food for the children of my Kingdom, who will be all full of vigor and in perfect health? Even more, by possessing my Will, they will possess my permanent Life within them, just as the Blessed in Heaven possess It. So, my Will will be the veil that will hide my Life in them. And just as the Blessed possess Me within themselves as their own life, because true happiness has its origin inside the soul, and so the happiness which they receive continuously from the Divinity holds hands and exchanges the kiss with the happiness which they possess inside, and this is why they are fully happy; in the same way, the soul who possesses my Will will have my perennial Life within her, which will serve her as continuous food – not once a day, like the food of my Sacramental Life. In fact, my Will will make greater display, nor will It be content with giving Itself once a day, but It will give Itself continuously, because It knows that these have pure palates and strong stomachs to be able to enjoy and digest, in every moment, the strength, the light, the Divine Life. And the Sacraments, my Sacramental Life, will serve as food, as delight, as new happiness for the Life of the Supreme Fiat which they will possess.

The Kingdom of my Will will be the true echo of the Celestial Fatherland, in which, while the Blessed possess their God as their own life, they receive Him into themselves also from the outside. So, inside and outside of themselves, Divine Life they possess, and Divine Life they receive. What will not be my happiness in giving Myself sacramentally to the children of the Eternal Fiat, and in finding my own Life in them? Then will my Sacramental Life have Its complete fruit; and as the species are consumed, I will no longer have the sorrow of leaving my children without the food of my continuous Life, because my Will, more than sacramental accidents, will maintain Its Divine Life always with Its full possession. In the Kingdom of my Will there will be neither foods nor communions that are interrupted – but perennial; and everything I did in Redemption will serve no longer as remedy, but as delight, as joy, as happiness, and as beauty ever growing. So, the triumph of the Supreme Fiat will give complete fruit to the Kingdom of Redemption.”
Vol. 20, Nov. 2, 1926

It is the Divine Will alone which provides for everything for the creature and completes every part of Gods plan.  By possessing the Divine Will the creature comes to possess everything else as well.

32 For the Gentiles seek all these things; and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.
Matt. 6:32-34

My Will absorbs everything and melts everything within Itself; and the soul remains absorbed in my Will - she feeds herself with It, in It she walks, she knows my Will alone, and my Will is enough for her in everything. One can say that, among all, she is the only fortunate one who does not need to beg for bread - no; but the water of my Will inundates her above and below, to the right and to the left. If she wants food, she eats; if she wants strength, she finds it; if she wants to sleep, she finds the softest bed to rest upon. Everything is ready, at her disposal.”
Vol. 13, Sept. 28, 1921


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Reason we must pray for the Kingdom

 The promise in the Our Father for the coming of the Kingdom is a certainty.  Jesus had said that in the Creation he did everything with out anyone praying for or interceding to him for it, however this was not the case in the Redemption and in this last epoch of the Kingdom or Sanctification.  In the Redemption the Jewish people prayed for the coming Redeemer but it wasn't until Mary's acts done in the Divine Will where the greatest effect to move the hand of God came to pass which also secured the coming of the Kingdom as well.

The same happened in Redemption. Sin was flooding the earth; the very people called the people of God, was the smallest people, and if it seemed that it occupied itself with it, it was in a superficial way. In fact, they did not possess within themselves the life of that Redeemer whom they were asking for. It can be said that they occupied themselves just like, today, the Church, consecrated people and religious, occupy themselves by reciting the Our Father. But the fullness of the Life of my Will which they ask for in the Our Father is not in them, therefore their petition ends up in words, but not in facts. But when the Queen of Heaven came, who possessed the fullness of the Divine Life, everything She asked for for the good of the peoples moved God, conquered Him, made Him decide; and in spite of the evils which were present, the Eternal Word came upon earth by means of She who already possessed Him, as He formed the whole of Her life. With the fullness of this Divine Life, She was able to move God, and so came the good of Redemption. That which all others together were not able to obtain, She obtained – the Sovereign Queen, who had conquered, first within herself, Her Creator and the fullness of all the goods which She was asking for for others; and, being the conqueror, She had the virtue of being able to impetrate and give the good which She possessed.
Vol. 23, Nov. 27, 1927

          “Now, this Holy Virgin held her humanity, in which bound the whole human family, almost as members to the body; and we, for her love, watching in her the whole of mankind, as she was conceived we gave the first kiss of peace to all humanity and we constituted her heir of our divine heiress, despite some ungrateful one (that) might not want to receive her.
          “Now you see, therefore, how it is certain that the Kingdom of our Will must come upon the earth, now that one exists who inherited him, and having a creature (who) inherited him who belongs to the human race, all creatures acquired the right to be able to possess him.
          “This Celestial Sovereign (Lady), taken by love, formed a pledge of herself in our creative hands, in order to have that everyone might receive this Kingdom, and since this pledge possessed the life of my Will, it contained an infinite value, that for everyone she could pledge herself.  What (a) sweet and dear pledge was this holy creature in our hands!  She, by making her life, her acts flow in our Divine Volition, formed divine coins in order to be able to pay us for those that should inherit our Divine FiatThen my humanity came, united to the Eternal Word, that with my life, sufferings, and death I disbursed the sufficient price in order to repurchase this our Divine Will, and give him to creatures as (an) inheritance that belonged to them.
         “One act, one breath, one motion in my Will contains such value, that it can buy heaven and earth, and all that which one wants. Hence, let him alone be your life and your everything.”
Vol. 35, Oct. 25, 1927

So with all of the acts of  Jesus and Mary to secure the Kingdom for all mankind why do we need to pray for it to come?

The Divine Being is balanced. The gift of the Divine Fiat places everything in common. In giving, Justice wants to find the prop of the acts of creatures.
After doing my usual round in the Supreme Volition, I was praying to good Jesus in the name of His Creation and Redemption, in the name of all, from the first to the last man, in the name of the Sovereign Queen and of everything She did and suffered, that the Supreme Fiat may be known, so that Its Kingdom may be established with Its full triumph and dominion. But while doing this, I thought to myself: ‘If Jesus Himself wants and loves so much that His Kingdom be established in the midst of creatures, why does He want one to pray for It with such insistence? If He wants It, He can give It without so many continuous acts.’ And my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:
“My daughter, my Supreme Being possesses the perfect balance, and also in giving my graces and my gifts to creatures; much more so, then, for this Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, which is the greatest gift, that I had already given at the beginning of Creation, and which man rejected with so much ingratitude. Does it seem trivial to you to place a Divine Will at his disposal, with all the goods It contains? And not for one hour, or one day, but for his whole life? The Creator placing His adorable Will in the creature to be able to put His likeness, His beauty, His infinite seas of riches, of joys, of endless happiness, in common? Only by possessing Our Will could the creature acquire the rights of communion, of likeness and of all the goods of his Creator. Without It there can be no communion with Us; and if he takes anything at all, it is just Our flowerings and the crumbs of Our endless goods.
“Now, with a gift so great, a happiness so immense, a right of divine likeness with the acquisition of the nobility of Our offspring which had been rejected, do you think it is something easy that the Divine Sovereignty, without being prayed, with no one giving a thought to receiving this Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, would give It to creatures? It would be like repeating the story that took place in the terrestrial Eden, and maybe even worse. And besides, Our Justice would be justly opposed to this. Therefore, everything I have you do, the continuous rounds in the Supreme Volition, your incessant prayers for my Will to come to reign, your sacrificed life of so many years, knowing neither heaven nor earth, directed to the sole purpose of the coming of my Kingdom – are many props that I place before my Justice, that It may surrender Its rights, and balancing Itself with all Our attributes, It may find it just for the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat to be given back to the human generations. The same happened in Redemption; if Our Justice had not found the prayers, the sighs, the tears, the penances of the patriarchs, of the prophets and of all the good of the Old Testament, and then a Virgin Queen who possessed Our Will as whole, and who took everything to heart with so many insistent prayers, taking upon Herself the whole task of the satisfaction for all mankind, Our Justice would never have conceded the descent of the longed for Redeemer into the midst of creatures. It would have been inexorable and would have uttered a curt ‘no’ to my coming upon earth. And when it is about preserving the balance of Our Supreme Being, nothing can be done. 
“Now, who until now has ever prayed with interest, with insistence, laying down the sacrifice of his own life so that the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat may come upon earth, and may triumph and dominate? No one. It is true that the Church has been reciting the ‘Our Father’ from the time I came upon earth, in which one asks, ‘Thy Kingdom come’, so that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, but who thinks about the request they make? It can be said that the whole importance of such a request remained in my Will and that creatures recite it just to recite it, without understanding and without any interest in obtaining what they ask for. Therefore, my daughter, everything is hidden in secret while one lives on earth, and therefore everything seems a mystery; and if anything is known it is so limited, that man has always something to say about all that I operate in my works through the veils of creatures. They reach the point of saying: ‘And why have this good and these knowledges not been given before, while there have been so many great Saints?’ But in eternity there will be no secrets, I will reveal everything, and will show all things and my works with Justice, and how Justice could never have given, had there not been sufficient acts in the creature to be able to give what the Supreme Majesty wants to give. It is true that everything that the creature does is my grace, but my grace itself wants to find the prop of the dispositions and good will of the creature. Therefore, in order to restore the Kingdom of my Will upon earth it takes sufficient acts of the creature, so that my Kingdom may not remain in the air, but may descend, to be formed upon the very acts of the creature formed by her to obtain a good so great.
“This is why I push you so much to go around in all Our works – Creation and Redemption – so that you may place the share of your acts, your ‘I love You’,your adoration, your gratitude, your ‘thank You’ upon all Our works. Many times I have done this together with you; and then, as the fulfillment, after your round in Our Will comes your refrain, so pleasing to Us: ‘Supreme Majesty, your little daughter comes before You, on your paternal knees, to ask You for your Fiat, your Kingdom, that It be known by all. I ask You for the triumph of your Will, that It may dominate and reign over all. I am not the only one who asks this of You, but with me are your works and your very Will. Therefore, in the name of all, I ask – I plead for your Fiat.’ If you knew what a breach in Our Supreme Being is this refrain of yours! We feel We are being prayed by all Our works, beseeched by Our very Will; Heaven and earth pray on their knees to ask Us for the Kingdom of the Eternal Will. Therefore, if you want It, continue your acts, so that, by reaching the established number, you may obtain what you long for with so much insistence.”
Vol. 19, Sept. 13, 1926

God is balanced in all of his attributes and in mankind initially rejecting the Kingdom of the Divine Will there now must be a response from man in order to receive it again.  More so that God does not want to see a repeated fall as occurred in Eden.  Just as in the Redemption where the whole Jewish nation prayed for the coming Redeemer but without results until the Virgin, doing eternal acts in the Divine Will, came and completed the necessary corresponding acts on behalf of man to move God to act so it is now with this third epoch of Sanctification in the coming of the Kingdom.  There is a concrete number of acts required on behalf of mankind and because the Kingdom is to reign in each individual, each must be disposed to come to know and long for the Kingdom so that it might not be rejected again but treasured and safeguarded. 

Now, before my coming upon earth, even though my Divine Will was present in the midst of creatures with Its immensity, the relationships that existed between It and them, however, were as if It lived in a foreign land, and they received from afar the scarce communications, the brief news, which announced to them my coming upon earth. What sorrow, for It to be in their midst, while they do not recognize It, and they keep It so far away from their wills, as if It were in a foreign land. With my coming, since I possessed It as life and my Humanity recognized It, loved It and let It reign, through Me It drew closer to the creatures, and the relationships It had with them were as if It lived no longer in a foreign land, but in their own lands. But since they did not know It, nor did they give It dominion in order to let It reign, it cannot be said that my Divine Volition formed Its Kingdom. Therefore, my coming upon earth served to draw the two wills, human and Divine, closer to each other, and to place them in intimate relations, and to increase the news in order to make It known; so much so, that I taught the ‘Our Father’, making them say: ‘Your Kingdom come, your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.’ If my Will does not live on earth as It does in Heaven, it cannot be said that It has Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures. And therefore, in the time of Its Kingdom, It will be present not only in their midst, but inside each one of them as perennial Life; and in order to come to this, It must be recognized – how It is like head and primary life of each creature; and because this head is not recognized, Its Strength, Its Sanctity, Its Beauty, does not flow to the members, nor can It let Its noble and divine blood flow in their veins, and therefore the life of Heaven cannot be seen in creatures. So, this is why I love so much that my Divine Will be known – knowledge will make love arise; and feeling loved and longed for, It will feel drawn to come to reign in the midst of creatures.”
Vol. 26, July 24, 1929

 Acts done outside of the Divine Will can never move a God who being Divine is eternal. Eternal acts are required.   It is these knowledges that Jesus is giving to us in this our age that open the door to us to do these eternal acts which will call down the Kingdom both upon the earth and within the earth of our beings.


Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Promise of the Our Father

In the last post it ended with one of the readings which deserves a lot more attention.  So I wanted to look at those readings which reference the Our Father and once again have come across quite a bit of material so it will take a couple of posts.  Jesus often speaks of the certainty of the coming of the Kingdom and states that it will come and even in the liturgy the Church confirms the irresistible power of the Will of God.

Entrance Antiphon for 10/02/2016
"Within your will, O Lord, all things are established, and there is none that can resist your will."

My sweet Jesus became silent and I continued to think of the impossibility (of) how the Divine Will could reign as in Heaven so in earth. Jesus sighing added:

“My blessed daughter, that which is impossible to men, everything is possible to God. And if it might be impossible that my Will could reign as in Heaven so in earth, my goodness all paternal would not have taught the prayer of the Our Father, because to have (one) pray for impossible things first I would have neither recited it with so much love, putting myself at the head of everyone, nor would I have taught it to the Apostles so that they might teach it to all the world as the most beautiful prayer and the most substantial of my Church. I don’t want impossible things, nor do I demand them from the creature, nor do I myself do impossible things. Hence if it might have been impossible that my Divine Will could reign as in Heaven so in earth I would have taught a useless prayer and without effect, and I don’t know how to do useless things, at the most I wait more even centuries but I must have the fruit of my taught prayer arise, more so that gratuitously, without anyone having told Me(,) I gave this great good that my Will might be done as in Heaven so in earth. I myself as according to Creation, without anyone having prayed Me, I extended the Heavens, I created the sun and all the rest. Thus with my Will all spontaneous I said: ‘pray, that my Will be done as in Heaven so in earth.’ And when spontaneously it says pray that this happens, without anyone having troubled Me it means that first I looked (at) all in my omniclairvoyance, I pondered things very well and when I saw that this was possible then I decided to teach the Our Father, wanting the will united to ours that it might yearn and that he might come to reign as in Heaven so in earth. So that all that which I have manifested on my Will is enclosed in those words alone: ‘be done your Will as in Heaven so in earth.’ In these few words are enclosed abysses of graces, of sanctity, of light and abysses of communications and Divine transformations between the Creator and creatures. My daughter, it was the regal gift that your Jesus made to the human generations, as completion of my Redemption. My love was not yet content, my sufferings had not brought Me full satisfaction. I wanted, I wanted to give still, I wanted to see my Heaven in earth in the midst of my children, therefore a few days before departing for Heaven, first I decided to give my Will as in Heaven so in earth and afterwards I taught the Our Father in which I remained promised to give this gift. Your Jesus when he promises it never comes to less, therefore do not put forth doubts, and if the others doubt leave them to do it, that they know as I should develop things, I have power and volition in my hands and this is enough for Me. And you remain in peace and always follow my flight, trust your Jesus and you will see.”
Vol. 31, Feb. 24, 1933

He states that for him to speak and to do are the same things, and as he says above in the Creation he extended the Heavens and all the rest on his own.  However in the coming of his Kingdom he wants the creature to participate to long for and pray that it might come and to bring this about he is now manifesting  the truths about his Kingdom.

So, while I was thinking about the Kingdom of the Divine Will, and Its reigning upon earth seemed as though difficult to me, my beloved Jesus, coming out from within my interior, told me: “My daughter, as Adam sinned, God made him the promise of the future Redeemer. Centuries passed, but the promise did not fail, and the generations had the good of Redemption. Now, as I came from Heaven and formed the Kingdom of Redemption, before departing for Heaven, I made another promise, more solemn, of the Kingdom of my Will; and this was in the ‘Our Father’. And so as to give it more value, and to obtain It more quickly, I made this formal promise in the solemnity of my prayer, praying the Father to let His Kingdom come, which is the Divine Will on earth as It is in Heaven. I placed My very Self at the head of this prayer, knowing that such was His Will, and that, prayed by Me, He would deny Me nothing; more so, since I prayed with His very Will, and I asked for something which was wanted by my Father Himself. And after I had formed this prayer before my Celestial Father, certain that the Kingdom of my Divine Will upon earth would be granted to Me, I taught it to my Apostles, that they might teach it to the whole world, so that one might be the cry of all: ‘Your Will be done, on earth as It is in Heaven.’ A promise more sure and solemn I could not make. Centuries are like one single point for Us, but Our words are accomplished acts and facts. My very praying to the Celestial Father: ‘Let It come – let your Kingdom come; your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven’, meant that with my coming upon earth the Kingdom of my Will was not established in the midst of creatures; otherwise I would have said: ‘My Father, let Our Kingdom, which I have already established on earth, be confirmed, and let Our Will dominate and reign.’ Instead, I said: ‘Let It come.’ This meant that It must come, and creatures must await It with that certainty with which they awaited the future Redeemer, because there is my Divine Will, bound and committed, in those words of the ‘Our Father’; and when It binds Itself, whatever It promises is more than certain. More so, since everything was prepared by Me; nothing else was needed but the manifestation of my Kingdom - and this I am doing. Do you think that my giving you so many truths about my Fiat is only to give you simple news? No, no; it is because I want everyone to know that Its Kingdom is near, and to know Its beautiful prerogatives, so that all may love – may yearn to enter, to live in a Kingdom so holy, full of happiness and of all goods. Therefore, that which seems difficult to you is easy for the power of Our Fiat, because It knows how to remove all difficulties, and to conquer everything - the way It wants, and when It wants.”
Vol. 23, Feb. 5, 1928

Each time someone recites the Our Father it is as watering the seed that will bring forth the plant that is the Kingdom.  Manifesting the truths on the Kingdom make creature know, love and there fore long for the Kingdom making the prayer more fecund.

          “My daughter, you must know that my coming upon earth and everything I did in Redemption, my very Death and Resurrection, was nothing other than preparatory act for the Kingdom of my Divine Will; and when I formed the ‘Our Father’, I formed the seed of the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat in the midst of creatures. And if, when I speak, I create and I make the greatest, most beautiful and marvelous works come out of nothing, much more so when, with the empire of my speaking prayer, I have the virtue of creating what I want. Therefore, the seed of the Kingdom of my Will was created by Me in the act of my praying, as I formed and recited the ‘Our Father’. And if I taught it to the Apostles, it was so that the Church, by reciting it, might water and fecundate this seed, and they might dispose themselves to model their lives according to the dispositions of my Divine Fiat.
          My knowledges about It, my many manifestations, have developed this seed; and since they have been accompanied by the acts done by you in my Divine Will, so many little grains have formed as to form a great mass, from which each one can take his part - always if they want to - in order to live of the Life of the Divine Will. Therefore, everything is there, my daughter – the most necessary acts. There is the seed created by Me, because if there is no seed, it is useless to hope for the plant; but if the seed is there, it takes work, the will of wanting the fruit of that seed; and one is sure of having the plant, because, by possessing the seed, one has in his power the life of the plant of that seed. There are those who water this seed in order to make it grow - each‘Our Father’ that is recited serves to water it; there are my manifestations in order to make it known. All that is needed are those who would offer themselves to be the criers - and with courage, without fearing anything, facing sacrifices in order to make it known. So, the substantial part is there – the greatest is there; the minor is needed – that is, the superficial part, and your Jesus will know how to make His way in order to find the one who will accomplish the mission of making known my Divine Will in the midst of the peoples. Therefore, on your part, do not place any obstacle - do what you can, and I will do the rest. You do not know how I will overwhelm things and will dispose the circumstances, and this is why you reach the point of doubting that my Fiat will be known and Its Kingdom will have Its Life upon earth.”
Vol. 26, Aug. 25, 1929

Creatures have a right to the Kingdom because Adam formed acts in the Divine Will establishing the foundation of its Kingdom which can not be erased.  The Immaculate Virgin then continued and completed the acts done in the Divine Will and confirmed the rights of this Kingdom for her children and became the first heiress of it.  In reciting the Our Father each individual creature asserts his right to enter this Kingdom.

How the greatest grace that God made man in the Creation was to be able to do his acts in the Divine Will. How this kingdom exists, and liv(ing) Humanity have possessed it.

I was thinking of the Holy Divine Volition; how ever can his Kingdom come upon the earth? Given the stormy times that threaten tempests, and the sad conditions of the human generations, it seems impossible, and it seems to me that they increase the impossibility, the indifference and indisposition of those that at least are said (to be) good, who don’t have any interest to make a Volition so holy known and his Will that wants to make the great grace that he wants to reign in the midst of creatures, how ever can one make a good live that one doesn’t know? But while I thought this, my amiable Jesus surprising me said to me:

“My daughter, that which is impossible to the human views, everything is possible to God. You should know that the greatest grace that we made man in his Creation, was that he could enter in our Divine Will in order to be able to emit his human acts, and since the human volition was little and the Divine great, hence he held the virtue to absorb the little into the great, and to change the human into the Divine Volition. Whence Adam in the beginning of his creation entered into the order of our Divine Will, and there did many of his acts, and while with removing himself from our Volition he went forth from inside of Him, his human acts worked in our Volition remained as pledge and right of man and as beginning and foundation of a divine kingdom that he acquired; in the Divine Will, that which one does in Him is indelible, God himself can not cancel a single act done by the creature in the Supreme Fiat. Now Adam going out, the first created man, it was as a consequence, being he as the root, the trunk of all the human generations, that they might inherit, almost as branches that which the roots possess and the trunk of the tree of man, and as all creatures as in nature inherited the germ/seed of original sin, thus they inherited his first acts done in our Volition, that constitute the beginning and the right of the Kingdom of our Divine Volition for creatures. To confirm this the humanity of the Immaculate Virgin came to work and to follow the acts of Adam, in order to complete all entire the Kingdom of the Divine Will, in order to be the first Heiress of a kingdom so holy and in order to give the rights to her dear children to make it possessed, and to complete all this my Humanity came, that possessing my Divine Will in nature, that which Adam and the Sovereign Queen possessed through grace, in order to confirm with the seal of his acts this Kingdom of the Divine Will. So that this kingdom exists in reality, because living Humanity have formed their acts in Him, as necessary materials in order to form this kingdom, in order to give the right to the other humanities to possess it. And in order to confirm it all the more I taught the Our Father, so that with the prayer [the creature] might dispose herself and acquire the rights in order to receive him and God might feel as duty to give him. With teaching the Pater Noster, I myself put in their hands the right in order to receive him and I undertook to give a kingdom so holy. And every time that the creature recites the Pater Noster, she acquires a kind of right to enter in this kingdom, first, because it is (a) prayer taught by me, that contains the value of my prayer, second, that so much is the love of our Divinity toward creatures, that we pay attention to everything, we notice everything, even the littlest acts, the holy desires, the little prayers, in order to reciprocate them with great graces, we can say that they are pretexts, occasions that we go finding in order to say to her: ‘You have done this and we give you this, you have done the little and we give you the great.’

“Hence the kingdom exists. And if I have spoken so much to you about my Divine Will, they have been none other than the preparations of so many centuries of my Church, the prayers, the sacrifices and the continuous recitations of the Pater Noster, that has inclined our goodness to select a creature in order to manifest to her the so many knowledges of our Will, his great prodigies, thus I bound my Will to creatures, giving them new pledges of his kingdom. And as you listened and sought to model yourself to my teachings that I gave you, thus you formed new bonds in order to bind creatures in my Will. You should know that I am the God of everyone and when I do a good I don’t ever do it isolated, I do it for everyone, except those who not wanting to take it don’t take it, and when a creature corresponds to me, I look at her not as alone, but (as) belonging to the whole human family, and hence the good of the one is communicated to the others. Now if the Kingdom exists, live Humanity has possessed him and made life in Him, my Will wants to reign in the midst of creatures, my knowledges themselves say it in clear notes, how therefore can you think that it is impossible that this kingdom comes? To me everything is possible, I will make use of the tempests themselves and of new events, in order to prepare for me those people that must occupy themselves with making my Will known. The tempests will serve to purify the bad air and also to empty the harmful things. Therefore I will dispose everything, I know how to do everything, I have the times at my disposition. Hence leave your Jesus to do it, and you will see how my Will will be known and completed.”
Vol. 29, June 30, 1931