Friday, December 9, 2022

The Queenship of Mary

 by Diego Velázquez

Aug. 22 is the celebration of the memorial of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This feast was first established by Pius XII on Oct. 11, 1954 but there has been a long tradition of honoring Mary's special place and role in the plan of God. I found a nice site on the internet that goes into more detail about this The Queenship of Mary for those who would like to read more.  I wanted focus more on Mary's Queenship as spoken of in the Volumes.  Here Jesus expounds on what is only hinted at in the Church going into detail on the depth and breadth and reach of the reign of Mary as Queen, "elect among the elect," who from the moment of her conception was given the use of reason and with the power of God's Will reigning in Her, made Her dominator of God Himself.

I follow my abandonment in the Divine Fiat. His sweet chains squeeze me so much, but not in order to take away liberty from me, no, no, but in order to make me more free in the divine fields and in order to hold me defended from everyone and from everything. So that I feel more secure chained by the Divine Will. And while I did my acts in him, I felt the need of my celestial Mama that she might help me and that she might sustain my little acts, so that they might be able to meet the divine satisfaction and smile. And the celestial Comforter, who knows how to deny me nothing when one tries to please him, visiting my poor soul said to me:

I was thinking about the great portent of the immaculate conception of my Queen and Celestial Mama, and in my interior I heard, being said to me: “My daughter, the immaculate conception of my beloved Mama was prodigious and all marvelous; so much so, that Heaven and earth were stupefied and made feast. All Three Divine Persons competed among Themselves: the Father poured out an immense sea of power; I, the Son, poured out an infinite sea of wisdom, and the Holy Spirit, an immense sea of eternal love, which, merging into one, formed one single sea; and in the middle of this sea the conception of this Virgin was formed, elect among the elect. So, the Divinity administered the substance of this conception, and this sea was not only the center of life of this admirable and singular creature, but it remained around Her - not only to keep Her defended from anything that might shadow Her, but to give Her, in each instant, new beauties, new graces, power, wisdom, love, privileges, etc. So, Her little nature was conceived in the center of this sea, and was formed and grew under the influence of these divine waves; so much so, that as soon as this noble and singular creature was formed, the Divinity did not want to wait as usual with the other creatures - It wanted Her embraces, the requital of Her love, Her kisses, and to enjoy Her innocent smiles. Therefore, as soon as Her conception was formed, I gave Her the use of reason, I endowed Her with all sciences, I made known to Her Our joys and Our sorrows with regard to Creation. And even from the maternal womb, She would come to Heaven, at the foot of Our Throne, to give Us Her embraces, the requital of Her love, Her tender kisses; and throwing Herself into Our arms, She would smile at Us with such delight of gratitude and thanksgiving as to snatch Our smiles. Oh! how beautiful it was to see this innocent and privileged creature, enriched with all the divine qualities, coming into Our midst, all love, all trust, without fear. In fact, sin alone is what puts distance between Creator and creature, breaking love, dispersing trust, and striking fear. So, She would come into Our midst as Queen who, with Her love, given by Us, dominated Us, enraptured Us, put Us in feast, and captivated yet more love. And We let Her do it, delighting in the love that She captivated from Us, and constituting Her Queen of Heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth exulted and made feast together with Us, having their Queen after so many centuries. The sun smiled in its light, and held itself fortunate in having to serve its Queen by giving Her light. The heavens, the stars, and the whole universe smiled with joy and made feast, because they were to gladden their Queen, showing Her the harmony of the spheres and of their beauty. The plants smiled, which were to nourish their Queen; and the earth too smiled and felt ennobled in having to provide the dwelling and let itself be trodden by the steps of its Empress. Only hell cried, and felt itself losing strength because of the dominion of this Sovereign Lady.

But do you know what was the first act that this Celestial Creature did when She found Herself before Our throne for the first time? She recognized that all the evil of man had been the split between his will and that of his Creator; She trembled, and with no delay She bound Her will to the foot of my throne, without even wanting to know it. And my Will bound Itself to Her and constituted Itself the center of Her life, so much so, that all currents, all relations, all communications opened between Her and Us, and there was no secret which We did not entrust to Her. This, indeed, was the most beautiful, the greatest, the most heroic act that She did – to lay down Her will at Our feet; an act which made Us, as though enraptured, constitute Her Queen of all. Do you see, then, what it means to bind oneself to my Will and to not know one’s own?

The second act was to offer Herself to any sacrifice for love of Us. The third, to render Us the honor and the glory of the whole Creation, which man had taken away from Us by doing his own will. And even from the maternal womb She cried for love of Us, in seeing Us offended; and She cried with sorrow over guilty man. Oh! how these innocent tears moved Us, and hastened the longed-for Redemption! This Queen dominated Us, bound Us, and snatched infinite graces from Us. She made Us incline so much toward mankind, that We could not resist, nor did We know how to resist Her repeated petitions. But whence came to Her so much power, and such great ascendancy over the very Divinity? Ah! you have understood: it was the power of Our Will acting in Her, which, while dominating Her, rendered Her dominator of God Himself. And then, how could We resist so innocent a creature, possessed by the power and sanctity of Our Will? It would be as though resisting Ourselves. We could see Our divine qualities in Her. Like waves, the reverberations of Our sanctity, the reverberations of the divine manners, of Our love, of Our power, etc., poured out upon Her; as well as Our Will, which was Her center, drawing all the reverberations of Our divine qualities, and making Itself crown and defense of the Divinity dwelling within Her. If this Immaculate Virgin had not had the Divine Will as center of life, all the other prerogatives and privileges with which We so enriched Her would have been, in comparison, an absolute nothing. This is what confirmed and preserved for Her so many privileges; even more, It multiplied new ones at each instant.

Here, then, is the reason why We constituted Her Queen of all; because when We operate, We do it with reason, wisdom and justice: She never gave life to Her human will, but Our Will was always intact in Her. How could We say to another creature: ‘You are Queen of the heavens, of the sun, of the stars, etc.’, if instead of having Our Will as dominion, she were dominated by her human will? All the elements, the heavens, the sun, the earth, would have withdrawn from the regime and dominion of this creature. All would have cried out in their mute language: ‘We do not want her, we are superior to her, because we have never withdrawn from your Eternal Volition - as You created us, so we are’. So would the sun have cried out with its light, the stars with their twinkling, the sea with its waves, and everything else. On the contrary, as soon as they all felt the dominion of this excelling Virgin who, almost as their sister, never wanted to know Her own will, but only that of God, not only did they make feast, but they felt honored to have their Queen, and they ran around Her to form Her cortege and to pay obsequies to Her – the moon, by placing itself as footstool at Her feet; the stars as crown, the sun as diadem, the Angels as servants, and men as though in waiting. Everyone – everyone paid Her honor and rendered their obsequies to Her. There is no honor and glory which cannot be given to Our Will - whether acting within Us, in Its own center, or dwelling in the creature.

But do you know what was the first act that this noble Queen did when, coming out of the maternal womb, She opened Her eyes to the light of this low world? As She was born, the Angels sang lullabies to the Celestial Baby, and She remained enraptured; Her beautiful soul went out of Her little body, accompanied by angelic cohorts, and went around Heaven and earth, gathering all the love that God had spread throughout the whole Creation; and penetrating into the Empyreum, She came to the foot of Our throne, offered Us the requital of the love of all Creation, and pronounced Her first ‘thank You’ in the name of all. Oh! how happy We felt in hearing the ‘thank You’ of this Little Baby Queen. And We confirmed in Her all the graces, all the gifts, such as to make Her surpass all other creatures together. Then, throwing Herself into Our arms, She delighted with Us, swimming in the sea of all contentments, remaining embellished with new beauty, with new light and with new love. She pleaded once again for mankind, praying Us, with tears, to let the Eternal Word descend in order to save Her brothers. But as She was doing this, Our Will let Her know that She should descend to the earth, and immediately She left Our contentments and joys, and departed, in order to do… what? Our Will. What powerful magnet Our Will was, dwelling on earth in this newborn Queen! No longer did the earth appear alien to Us; We no longer felt like striking it, making use of Our justice. We had the power of Our Will which, in this innocent child, restrained Our arms, smiled at Us from the earth, and turned justice into graces and sweet smile; so much so, that unable to resist this sweet enchantment, the Eternal Word hastened His course. Oh! prodigy of my Divine Will - to You everything is due, through You everything is accomplished, and there is no greater prodigy than my Will dwelling in the creature.”
Vol. 15, December 8, 1922

From the moment of her conception Mary put her will aside taking God's Will as ruling over her in all things.  She offered this as a continuous sacrifice throughout her entire life in ever moment.  She then acted as peacemaker offering back to God everything that everyone owed Him, continuously.  Mary's Queenship is expressed in her constancy in making peace between man and God and defending both.  In doing so she surpasses the entirety of all of Creation and places her first before God among all creatures.    

“But the one who surpasses all is my Celestial Mama. She is the new heaven, the most refulgent sun, the brightest moon, the most flowery earth; She encloses everything – everything within Herself. If each created thing encloses the fullness of its own good received by God, my Mama encloses all goods together, because, since She is endowed with reason and my Will lived wholly in Her, the fullness of grace, of light, of sanctity, grew in every instant. Every act She did was suns and stars that my Will formed in Her. So, She surpassed the whole Creation; and my Will, whole and permanent in Her, did the greatest thing and impetrated the longed for Redeemer. This is why my Mama is Queen in the midst of Creation - because She surpassed everything, and my Will found in Her the nourishment of Her reason, which made It live as whole and permanent in Her. There was highest accord, they held each other’s hand, there was not one fiber of Her Heart, or word or thought, over which my Will did not possess Its Life. And what can a Divine Will not do? It can do everything. There is no power It lacks, or thing It cannot do. Therefore it can be said that my Mama did everything; and everything that all others together could not do, nor will be able to do, She did by Herself.

“Therefore, do not be surprised if I point out to you the Creation and the Sovereign Queen, because I must point out to you the most perfect examples in which my Will has perennial life, and has never found an obstacle to Its field of divine action, in order to be able to operate things worthy of Itself. My daughter, if you want my Supreme Fiat to reign as It does in Heaven – which is the greatest thing that is left for Us to do for the human generations – let my Will have the place of sovereign in you, and live as whole and permanent. Do not be concerned about anything else, be it your incapacity, or the circumstances, or the new things which may arise around you, because as my Will reigns in you, they will serve as raw material and nourishment so that my Fiat may have Its fulfillment.”
Vol. 19, April 28, 1926

“My daughter, one who lives in my Will has primacy over everything and over all the acts of creatures; she has her act as first in love before her Creator. So, if the other creatures love, the soul who lives in my Will is first in loving; the others come, some second, some third, some fourth, according to the intensity of their love. If the other creatures adore Me, glorify Me, pray Me, the soul who lives in my Will is first in adoring Me, in glorifying Me, in praying Me. And this is natural, because my Will is life and prime act of all creatures, therefore one who lives in It finds herself in Its prime act and she is first before God, above all creatures, in doing all of their acts and in doing all the acts which they do not do. So, the Sovereign Queen of Heaven, who never gave life to Her own will, but had Her life fully in my Will, holds as though the right of primacy. Therefore, She is first in loving Us, in glorifying Us, in praying Us. If We see that the other creatures love Us, it is behind the love of the Celestial Queen; if they glorify Us and pray Us, it is behind the glory and the prayers of She who holds primacy and therefore empire over everything. How beautiful it is to see that, as creatures love Us, She never gives up Her first place in love. Even more, She places Herself as prime act, She makes Her sea of love flow around the Majesty, in such a way that the other creatures remain behind the sea of love of the Celestial Mama, with their little drops of love; and so with all the other acts. Ah! my daughter, to live in my Will is one word, but it is a word that weighs as much as eternity – it is a word that embraces everything and everyone.”

Vol. 20, November 21, 1926

With her continuous acts, done in the Divine Will, Jesus would repay her for each with a degree of graces, a divine life.  God will never be out done.  Mary is truly "full of grace."

“My daughter, in each act that my Celestial Mama did for Me – and they were continuous – I repaid Her with a degree of graces, because I do not let Myself be beaten nor surpassed by the acts of creatures – I am insuperable. Therefore, if my dear Mama gave Me love, acts, steps, words - I, in each degree of grace, gave Her a divine life, because grace is nothing other than the bilocated life of God which gives itself to creatures. What a great difference between an act which a creature can give and a divine life which God gives at each of their acts. So, the Queen of Heaven was immensely rich, with so many divine lives which She received at each instant; and She used them to form the cortege, to honor, to love, with divine lives, Her Son, Her Jesus, Her All.

Vol. 22, September 14, 1927

Because she conquered God with all the constancy of her acts of love done in the Divine Will she was able to impetrate the longed for Redeemer over and beyond all before her who only prayed with empty words for the same.  One who possesses a good, possesses the virtue of asking for it and of giving it.

The same happened in Redemption. Sin was flooding the earth; the very people called the people of God, was the smallest people, and if it seemed that it occupied itself with it, it was in a superficial way. In fact, they did not possess within themselves the life of that Redeemer whom they were asking for. It can be said that they occupied themselves just like, today, the Church, consecrated people and religious, occupy themselves by reciting the Our Father. But the fullness of the Life of my Will which they ask for in the Our Father is not in them, therefore their petition ends up in words, but not in facts. But when the Queen of Heaven came, who possessed the fullness of the Divine Life, everything She asked for for the good of the peoples moved God, conquered Him, made Him decide; and in spite of the evils which were present, the Eternal Word came upon earth by means of She who already possessed Him, as He formed the whole of Her life. With the fullness of this Divine Life, She was able to move God, and so came the good of Redemption. That which all others together were not able to obtain, She obtained – the Sovereign Queen, who had conquered, first within herself, Her Creator and the fullness of all the goods which She was asking for for others; and, being the conqueror, She had the virtue of being able to impetrate and give the good which She possessed.

There is great difference, my daughter, between one who asks and possesses, and one who asks and does not possess the Divine Life. The first one asks by right; the second does it as alms, and one who asks as alms is given money, lira, at the most, but not entire kingdoms. On the other hand, one who asks by right, possesses, she is already the owner, the queen, and one who is queen can be given the kingdom; and because she is queen, she has her divine empire before God to be able to impetrate the kingdom for creatures. So it will happen for the Kingdom of my Will. Therefore, I so much recommend to you: be attentive, let It form the fullness of Its Life in you; in this way, you will be able to move God, and when God moves, no one can resist Him.”

Vol. 23, November 27, 1927

Mary is Queen and Mother and takes on the role of peacemaker between God and man.  She is not distant but involves herself with every act of man, surrounding, helping, making up for, embellishing, and strengthening, as cementing every act of man with an act of her own in order to put everyone into safety and say that the acts of her children are one with hers.

“My daughter, our celestial Mama holds the primacy over all the good acts of creatures. She as Queen holds the mandate and the right to make the retreat of all the acts of them in her acts. So much is her love as Queen and Mother, that as the creature disposes herself to form her act of love, thus from the heights of her throne, she makes a ray of her love descend, invests and surrounds the act of love of them in order to put there hers as first love, and as it is formed, thus it re-arises in her same ray of love, in the source of her love, and she says to her Creator: ‘Adorable majesty, in my love that always rises for you, there is the love of my children fused in mine, that I with right of Queen have withdrawn in my sea of love, so that [you] might be able to find in mine, the love of all creatures.’
“If they adore, if they pray, if they repair, if they suffer, the ray of adoration descends From the heights of her throne, the ray of her prayer, the ray of her reparation, she emits the vivifying ray from within the sea of her sorrows, and she invests and surrounds the adoration, the prayer, the reparation, the sufferings of the creature; and [when] they have done and formed the act, the same ray of light re-arises even to her throne and they fuse themselves in the sources of the seas of adoration, of prayer, of reparation, of sorrows of the celestial Mama, and she repeats: ‘Most Holy Majesty, my adoration extends itself in all the adorations of creatures, my prayer prays in the prayer of them, it repairs with their reparations, and as Mother my sorrows invest and surround their sufferings. I wouldn’t feel (as) Queen if I didn’t race and put my first act over all of their acts, nor would I taste the sweetness of Mother if I didn’t race in order to surround, to help, to make up for, to embellish, to strengthen all the acts of the creature, and thus be able to say: “the acts of my children are one with mine, I hold them in my power I press God in order to defend them, to help them, and as sure pledge that they will reach me in heaven.”’
“Hence, my daughter, you are not ever alone in your acts, you have the Celestial Mama together with you, who not only surrounds you, but with her light of her virtues she feeds your act in order give them life. Because you should know that the Sovereign Queen, even from her Immaculate Conception, was the first and only creature that formed the ring of conjunction between the Creator and the creature, broken by Adam. She accepted the divine mandate to bind God and men, and she bound them with her first acts of fidelity, of sacrifice, of heroism, to make her will die in every act of hers, not once, but always, in order to (make) live again that of Gods. From this sprang forth a source of divine love that cemented God and man and all their acts, so that her acts, her maternal love, her dominion as Queen, is cement that races, that cements the acts of creatures in order to make them inseparable from hers, except some ungrateful one who refuses to receive the cement of the love of her Mama. Hence you should be convinced that around your patience there is the patience of the Queen Mama, that surrounds, sustains and feeds yours; around your sufferings, her sorrows surround you, that sustain and feed like balsamic oil the hardness of your sufferings; in short in everything. She is the busybody Queen that doesn’t know how to remain in idleness upon her throne of glory, but descends, races as Mother in the acts, [in] the needs of her children. Therefore thank her for her so many maternal solicitudes and thank God that he has given to all the generations a Mother so holy, amiable, that loves so much that she arrives to do as re-tracer of all the their acts, in order to cover them with hers, and in order to make up for that which lacks in them of beauty and of good.” 

Vol. 30, Dec. 8, 1931

So Mary is truly the Queen Mama, who administers not only to each child of hers but even to each act of each child. She stands ready to aid each creature in each of their acts, some as support and strength, some as reparation, some as embellisher, each to their individual need. This role was given to her from the moment of her conception and in every and each of her acts she set them as a dowry to be given to each of us so that we can say we triumph with her in each act and share in each and all.

“Listen to me…[Hence I follow the same argument of that which is written before.] My blessed daughter, the prodigies are unheard of, the surprises that I will narrate to you they will astound everyone, I feel the need of love to make known what thing we have done with this Celestial Mother and the great good that all the generations have received. Whence you should know that in the act of conceiving this Holy Virgin, our Divine Will that possesses everything, and with his immensity embraces everything, and possesses the omniclairvoyance of all the possible and imaginable beings, and with his virtue all proper that when he works he always does universal works, hence as she was conceived, with his creative virtue he called all creatures to be conceived in the heart of this Virgin; but it was not enough to our love, giving in the most incredible excesses he made this Virgin conceived in every creature, so that each one might have a Mother all her own, they might feel her Maternity in the depth of their souls, her love, that more than children, that while she holds them conceived in herself, bilocating herself to conceive (herself) in every single creature, in order to put herself at (the) disposition of them, in order to raise them, guide them, free them from perils and with her Maternal power feeds them the milk of her love and the food with which She herself was fed, that is the Divine Fiat. Our Will having free life in Her, his total dominion, with his power, while he called everyone in this Celestial Creature, in order to have the joy of seeing everyone contained in Her, in order to hear her say; they are already all in me(,) mine and your children, therefore I love you for everyone; then she bilocated in everyone and in each one, in order to feel in every single soul, the love of this Daughter of ours, all beautiful and all love, we can say, there is no creature that She did not take the pledge of loving us for. Our Fiat elevated her so much as to give her everything, and even from the first instant of her life we constituted her Queen of our Fiat, Queen of our love, and when she loved us her Maternity was felt in her love, and it harmonized the love of all creatures, and oh how beautiful it was, that formed of everything one love alone, how it wounded us, felicitated us, even to feel ourselves languish, her love disarmed us, made us see all things, Sky, Sun, earth, seas and creatures covered and hidden in her love.

“Oh! how beautiful it was to see her, to feel her that she did as Mother in every single creature and forming in them her sea of love, she sent her notes, her arrows, her loving darts to her Creator. And doing as true Mother she carried them to us even before our Throne in the sea of her love, in order to make us look at them, in order to make us propitious, and with the force of our Divine Volition she imposed herself over us, put them in (our) arm (s), made us caress, kiss them, and made us give surprising graces, how much sanctity was formed and impetrated by this Celestial Mother, and in order to be sure her love remained to watch.
“Beyond this, you should know that even from the first instant of the life of this Celestial creature, our love was so much that we endowed her with all of our Divine qualities. So that she held for dowry our Power, Wisdom, love, goodness, light, beauty and all the rest of our Divine qualities. Already to all creatures in putting them forth to the light of day we give the dowry, no one is born if not endowed by her Creator, but since they are drawn away from our Will, one can say that they don’t even know it. Instead this Holy Virgin was not drawn away ever, she made perennial life in the interminable seas of our Fiat, hence she grew together with our Attributes and as she formed her acts in our Divine qualities, thus she formed seas of Power, of wisdom, of light and other. We can say that living with our science we gave her continuous lessons, who her Creator was, she grew in our knowledges, and she knew so much of the Supreme Being, that not one Angel and Saint could arrive to her, rather they are all ignorant before Her, because not one grew and made life together with us. She entered in our divine secrets, in the most intimate hideaways of our Divine Being without beginning or end, in our joys and imperishable beatitudes, and with our Power that she held in her power she dominated and mastered us, and we made/let her do it, indeed we enjoyed ourselves with her mastery and in order to make her more happy, we gave her our chaste embraces, our loving smiles, our condescensions, saying to her: do that which you want. Our Volition has so much love toward creatures, and his great desire of having her live in Him, that if he obtains this he casts her in an abyss of graces, of love, even to drown her (so) that, the human littleness is constrained to say: enough, I am already drowned, I feel devoured by your love itself, I am not able to endure more.
“Now you should know that, our love is not content, it never says enough, how much more it gives more it wants to give and when we give it is our feast, we prepare the table to one who loves us and we press her to remain with us, in order to have life together. Now my daughter, listen to another prodigy of our Fiat in this Holy Creature, and how She loved us and made her Maternity extend to all creatures. In every act that she did, if she loved, prayed, adored, if she suffered, everything even the breath, the heartbeat, the step, being our Fiat, they were triumphs and victories that our Supreme Being made in the acts of the Virgin, the Celestial Lady triumphed and conquered in God, in every instant of her admirable and prodigious life they were triumphs and victories between God and the Virgin; but this is nothing, doing as True Mother she called all her children, and covered and hid all their acts in hers and covered them with her triumphs and with her victories, giving all her acts as dowry, with all her victories and her triumphs. And then with a tenderness and love as to break hearts and feel ourselves conquered she said to us: Adorable majesty, look at them, they are all my children, my victories and triumphs are of my children, they are my conquests that I give to them, and if the Mama has conquered and triumphed, the children have conquered and triumphed. And so many triumphs and victories she did in God, for how many acts all creatures would have done, so that everyone might be able to say: I am endowed by the acts of my Queen Mama, and for seal she has invested them with me with her triumphs and victories that she made with her Creator.
“So that who wants to make herself holy finds the dowry of her Celestial Mother and her triumphs and victories in order to arrive to the greatest sanctity, the weak one finds the strength of the sanctity of her Mama and her triumphs in order to be strong, the afflicted one, the suffering one finds the dowry of the sufferings of her Celestial Mother in order to obtain the triumph, the victory of resignation, the sinner finds the victory and the triumph of pardon, in short everyone finds in this Sovereign Queen the dowry, the support, the help to the state in which they find themselves. And oh, how beautiful it is, it is the most moving scene, enrapturing and enchanting, to see this Celestial Mother in every single creature, that she does as Mama, we feel her that she loves and prays in her children. This is the greatest prodigy between Heaven and earth, good more great we could not give to creatures.
“Now my daughter, I must tell you a sorrow of the Celestial Mother, to so much (of) her love, the ingratitude of creatures, this dowry, that with so many sacrifices even to the heroism of the sacrifice of her Son God with so many atrocious sufferings, some don’t know it, some hardly take a slight interest, and they have life poor of sanctity, and oh how she suffers in seeing her children poor; to possess immense riches of love, of grace, of sanctity, because they are not material riches, but the riches of this Celestial Mother are riches that she has put forth her life in order to acquire them, and not seeing them possessed by her children and she holds them without the purpose (of) why she has acquired them it is a continuous sorrow, and therefore she wants to make this great good known to everyone, because if one doesn’t know one can not possess. And how she acquired these dowries in virtue of the Divine Fiat that reigned in Her, that loved her so much that he let her do that which she wanted and anywhere she might want to arrive to (the) good of creatures. Therefore it will be my ruling Divine Volition that will put to (the light of) day these celestial dowries and will make them take possession. Therefore pray that a good so great be known and wanted by creatures.” 

Vol. 34, Dec. 20, 1936

Mary is Queen and Mother but her triumph is not yet complete even though her life may be complete in all of her acts while on the earth. This means that her acts have not yet reached the fullness to which they are destined to reach. It is only through the establishment of the Kingdom of the Divine Will in the hearts of creatures that Mary will reach the fullness of her reign as Mother and Queen.

“My daughter, how beautiful is my Mama, her Majesty is enchanting, before her Sanctity the Heavens abased themselves, her riches are interminable and incalculable, no one can say themselves (to be) similar to Her, therefore She is Lady, Mother and Queen; but do you know what are her riches? Souls. Every soul is worth more than an entire world, no one enters in Heaven if not through her means and in virtue of her Maternity and of her sorrows, so that every soul is a property of hers, therefore one can give (Her) with fact the name of true Lady. You see therefore how rich she is, her riches are special, they are full of speaking lives, lovers that extol the Celestial Lady. As Mother she holds her innumerable children, as Queen she will hold her people of the Kingdom of the Divine Will. These children and this people will form her most radiant crown, some as sun and some as stars they will crown her august Head with such beauty as to enrapture all Heaven. So that the children of the Kingdom of my Divine Will will be those that will render Her the honors of Queen and transforming themselves into suns they will form for Her the most beautiful crown. Therefore yearn so much that this Kingdom comes, because to her radiant crown with which the Most Holy Trinity crowned Her, she awaits the crown of her people, that extolling her as Queen, they offer Her their lives transformed into Suns as testament of love and of glory. Oh! If one might understand what it means to live in my Volition, how many Divine secrets would be revealed, how many discoveries they would make of their Creator. Therefore be content to die rather than to not live of my Will.” 
Vol. 33, July 8, 1935

Mary's crowning as Queen is not yet complete. Her complete glory is found in the glory of her children. Only when her children are fully beautiful and holy with the same sanctity and beauty that she possesses will she then obtain her complete Queenship and Motherhood.

Then, I continued my abandonment in the Eternal Fiat in order to receive Its reflections, and my sweet Jesus added:

“My daughter, my Celestial Mama was the first who occupied the first place in Heaven as Daughter of the Supreme Volition; and because She was the first, She has around Herself the place for all the children of the Supreme Fiat. So, around the Queen of Heaven many empty places can be seen, which can be occupied by no one else but Her copies. And since She was the first from the generation of my Will, the Kingdom of the Fiat will also be called ‘Kingdom of the Virgin’. Oh! how the Sovereignty over all Creation will be recognized in these children of Ours. In fact, by virtue of my Will, these will enjoy indissoluble bonds with all created things; they will be in continuous relations of communication with them. They will be the true children, in whom the Eternal Creator will feel honored, glorified to have them as children, because He will recognize in them His own Divine Will operating, which has reproduced His true images.” 
Vol. 20, Nov. 10, 1926

Mary states that the Kingdome of the Divine Will has been entrusted to her by God so that it is truly her kingdom.  Her anxieties, prayers, efforts and love are continuous assaults against the Holy Trinity in order to obtain this Kingdom.   Her glory as Queen and Mother will not be complete until her children live in and can love with that same Divine Will.  When she finds one disposed she enters their hearts, forming her life there in order to form everything that is needed for the decorum of that Divine Fiat putting forth all her love, virtues and sorrows to create a secure wall of defense around that creature. 

“Daughter of my Maternal Heart, the kingdom of the Divine Will will be my kingdom, the Sacrosanct Trinity has entrusted it to me, as he entrusted the Eternal Word to me when he descended from Heaven in earth, thus he entrusted to me his and my kingdom, therefore my sighs are ardent, my prayers incessant, I don’t do other than assault the Most Holy Trinity with my love, with the rights of Queen and of Mother that he gave me, so that that which he entrusted to me comes to the light, forms his life, so that my kingdom triumphs upon the face of the earth; you must know that my desire is so much that it burns me, that I feel as if I might not have glory, while I have so much of it that Heavens and earth are filled, if I don’t see it fully formed, the kingdom of the Divine Will in the midst of my children, because, each one of these children that will live in it, will give me so much glory, as to double my glory that I possess, therefore seeing myself deprived, I feel as if I might not have (the) glory of Queen and (the) love of Mother from my children, therefore in my Heart I always call and go repeating, ‘my children, my children, come to your Mama, love me as Mother as I love you as children, if you won’t live with that same Will that I lived, you can not give me the love of true children, nor can it be known where my love arrives for you.’
“You must know that so much is my love and my ardent anxieties that I want that this kingdom exists upon the earth, that I descend from Heaven, turn through souls in order to see who remains more disposed to live of Divine Volition, I do for them (as a) spy, and when I see them disposed I enter in their hearts and I form my life in them, as preparation, honor and decorum of that Fiat that will take possession and will form his life in them. Therefore I will be inseparable from them, I will put my Life, my love, my virtues, my sorrows, at their disposition, as (a) wall of insurmountable fortitude, so that they can find in their Mother that which is needed in order to live in this kingdom so holy.
“And then my feast will be complete, my love will rest in my children, my Maternity will find one who loves me as child, and I will give surprising graces and I will put all Heaven and earth in feast, I will do as (a) Queen lavishing unheard of graces. Therefore my daughter, you will remain united with your Mama, so that you pray and yearn with me the kingdom of the Divine Will.” 

Vol. 34, Feb. 10, 1937

Although Mary's seeming focus was on obtaining the Redemption her main focus was always on the triumph of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.  She, as sole Queen who contains the fullness of living completely in the Kingdom, longs to be able to have children equal to her which can only happen in the Reign of the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

“My daughter, to all appearances it may seem that the whole interest of our Queen Mama was for the Kingdom of Redemption; but it is not true – that was the external part, but the interior was all for the Kingdom of my Divine Will.  In fact, She, who knew all the value of It and the complete glory for Her Creator and the maximum and complete good for creatures, could not do without asking for the Kingdom of the eternal Fiat.  On the contrary, by obtaining the Redemption, She laid the foundations of the Kingdom of my Will.  It can be said that She prepared the materials for It.  It is necessary to do minor things in order to obtain greater ones, and this is why I had to give the first field to Redemption, almost to build the factory of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat.  If a kingdom is not formed, how can a king say that he has his kingdom and that he dominates?  More so, since the Sovereign Queen of Heaven is the only and sole one in the glory in the Celestial Fatherland, because, as the only and sole one, She formed Her whole life in my Will, and a mother loves and wants for her children to possess her same glory.  And She, in Heaven, cannot communicate all Her glory and greatness and sovereignty which She possesses, because she does not find anyone who has lived Her same continuous life in the Divine Will.  Therefore, She longs for the children of Its Kingdom, so as to have all Her glory be reflected in them, and be able to say: ‘I have my children who equal Me in my glory.  Now I am happier, because my glory is the same glory as my children’s.’  The happiness of a mother is more that of her children than her own; more so for the Celestial Mother who, in my Will, more than mother, conceived all the redeemed ones and formed the very life of the children of my Divine Will.”
Vol. 23, October 16, 1927

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Jesus' lessons on Death

There are many scenes of deathbeds, skeletons and grim reapers when searching for images on death.  I don't know the story behind this one that I found on-line but this is what I think of when I think of death.  When I was a child and going though difficult times I'd close my door and hide under the covers crying and at times I would feel myself enveloped and lifted up in soft whiteness.  All too soon I'd be "put down" again and I just longed to be picked back up.  This is what I think of when I think of death, a gentle embrace in "soft whiteness."   There are many insights and lessons concerning death in the Volumes.  In short with the victory of Jesus over death, death is noting to fear indeed.  Mary tells us that, indeed, death becomes transformed into life though Jesus' resurrection.

Now, my child, oh, how I wish you to be present in the act in which my Son rose again. He was all Majesty; His Divinity, united to His soul, unleashed seas of light and of enchanting beauty, such as to fill Heaven and earth; and, as triumpher, making use of His power, He commanded His dead Humanity to receive His soul again, and to rise, triumphant and glorious, to immortal life. What a solemn act! My dear Jesus triumphed over death, saying: “Death, you will no longer be death - but life.”

The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Day Twenty-eight

So now due to Jesus' agonies and death, which He suffered for each one of us, we can find our support and font of sweetness and life.


You are, stirring Yourself as though rising again from death to life, looking at me, and saying to me, “O soul, are you here? Have you then been spectator of My pains and of the so many deaths I suffered? Know that in these three hours of most bitter agony in the Garden, I enclosed in Myself all the lives of the creatures, and I suffered all of their pains, and their very death, giving My own Life to each one of them. My agonies will sustain theirs; My bitternesses and My death will turn into a fount of sweetness and Life for them. How much souls cost Me! Were I at least requited! You have seen that while I was dying, I would return to breathe again, those were the deaths of the creatures that I felt within Me!”

The Hours of the Passion, Seventh Hour: From 11 PM to Midnight Third Hour of Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane

The agony in the Garden was specifically for the help of all the dying while the Agony on the Cross was help for the very last dying breath of each creature.  Only death has the power to change, reveal, impower, and complete that which needs to be made up for from life.

“My daughter, in a special way I wanted to suffer the agony in the Garden, in order to help all of the dying to die well. Look well at how my agony is combined with the agony of Christians: tediums, sadnesses, anguishes, the sweat of blood – I felt the death of all and of each one, as if I were really dying for each one in particular; so I felt the tediums, the sadnesses, the anguishes of each one within Me, and with my own I offered help, comfort and hope to all, so that, as I felt their deaths in Me, they all might receive the grace to die in Me, as though in one single breath - with my breath, and to be beatified immediately by my Divinity.
“If the agony in the Garden was in a special way for the dying, the agony on the Cross was for help at the last moment, at the very last breath. They are both agonies, but one is different from the other: the agony in the Garden, full of sadnesses, of fears, of anxieties, of frights; the agony on the Cross, full of peace, of imperturbable calm. And if I cried out ‘I thirst!’, it was the insatiable thirst that all might breathe their last in my last breath; and in seeing that many would go out of my last breath, out of grief I cried out ‘Sitio!’ [‘I thirst!’], and this ‘sitio’ still continues to cry out to all and to each one like a bell at the door of each heart: ‘I thirst for you, oh soul! O please, never go out of Me, but enter into Me and breathe your last in Me!’
“So, six are the hours of my Passion which I gave to men in order to die well: the three in the Garden were for help in the agony; the three on the Cross for help at the very last sigh before death. After this, who could not look at death with a smile? More so for one who loves Me, for one who tries to sacrifice himself on my very cross. Do you see how beautiful death is, and how things are changed? In life I was despised; the very miracles did not produce the effects of my death; even up to the Cross there were insults. But as soon as I breathed my last, death had the power to change things: all beat their breasts, confessing Me the true Son of God; my very disciples plucked up courage, and even those who were hidden became brave and asked for my body, giving Me honorable burial. Heaven and earth, in full voice, confessed Me the Son of God. Death is something great, something sublime; and this happens also for my own children: in life they are despised, oppressed; those very virtues which, like light, should make those who are around them start, remain half-veiled; their heroisms in suffering, their abnegations, their zeal for souls, cast lights and doubts in those who surround them; and I Myself permit these veils, so as to preserve with more safety the virtue of my dear children. But as soon as they die, I withdraw these veils since they are no longer necessary, and the doubts become certainties, the light becomes clear, and this light makes others appreciate their heroism - they pay esteem to everything, even to the smallest things. Therefore, what cannot be done in life, is made up for by death. This, as for what happens down here. That which happens up there, then, is truly surprising and enviable to all mortals.”

Vol. 9, July 4, 1910

Jesus didn't just suffer the agonies of death in the Garden and on the cross.  He suffered the pain of death from the moment of His conception throughout His entire life.  He felt a triple death of sin, of goodness and also the natural death of every creature.  It's a death that only the power of the Divinity could allow Jesus to endure or He would have died of sheer pain. 

“My daughter, the pains I suffered in this virginal womb of my Mama are incalculable to the human mind. But do you know what the first pain was, which I suffered in the first act of my Conception, and which lasted for my whole my life? The pain of death. My Divinity descended from Heaven as fully happy, untouchable by any pain and by any death. When I saw my little Humanity being subject to death and to pains for love of creatures, I felt the pain of death so vividly, that I really would have died of sheer pain, if the power of my Divinity had not sustained Me with a prodigy, making Me feel the pain of death and the continuation of life. So, for Me it was always death: I felt the death of sin, the death of good in the creatures, and also their natural death. What a cruel torment this was for Me, during my whole life! I, who contained life and was the absolute Lord of life itself, was to subject Myself to the pain of death. Don’t you see my little Humanity immobile and dying in the womb of my dear Mama? And don’t you yourself feel, within yourself, how hard and excruciating is the pain of feeling oneself dying, without dying? My daughter, it is your living in my Will that makes you share in the continuous death of my Humanity.”

Vol. 17, December 24, 1924

It was the deaths that He suffered for every act of love of His which was not repaid that was the most painful so that the passion of His love was infinitely more painful than His Passion and death on the cross.

The pains of love are the most bitter, the most cruel; they are pains without pity, more painful than my very Passion! Oh! If they loved Me, the weight of so much love would become light, because when love is loved in return, it remains quenched and satisfied in the very love of the beloved. But when it is not loved in return, it goes mad, it raves, and it feels the love which it had issued being repaid with an act of death. See, then, how much more bitter and painful was the Passion of my love; because if in my Passion they gave Me only one death, in the Passion of love they made Me suffer as many deaths for as many acts of love as came out of Me, for which I was not requited. Therefore, you, my daughter, come to requite Me for so much love. In my Will you will find all this love as though in act; make it your own and, together with Me, constitute yourself love of each act of creature, to give Me the requital of the love of all.”

Vol. 17, October 30, 1924

Jesus even suffered the pains of Hell for each of the damned in order to reestablish the all the graces and goods that they should have received to re-give them to all who would want them.  In order for a soul to partake of the joys and happinesses which His Humanity contains a person must be empty of themselves and of the things of the earth.  To form these voids Jesus makes himself known to the soul and then withdraws forming the soul's privation which draws in the glory of His Humanity.   In these souls He deposits that which the others have rejected.

You must know that when the Divinity issued the work of Creation, It also issued all the glory, all the goods and happiness that each creature was to receive, not only in this life, but also in the Celestial Fatherland. Now, the whole part that was destined for souls who are lost remained suspended, having no one to whom to give itself. Therefore, having to complete everything and absorb everything into Myself, I offered Myself to suffer the privation that the very damned suffer in hell. Oh! how much did this pain cost Me - it cost Me pain of hell and ruthless death. But it was necessary. Having to absorb everything into Myself – everything that came out of Us in Creation, all the glory, all the goods and happiness, so as to let them come out of Me and enter the field again for all those who wanted to enjoy of them, I had to absorb all the pains and the very privation of my Divinity.

Now, having absorbed into Myself all these goods of the whole work of Creation, I being the Head from which every good descends upon all generations, I keep searching for souls who are like Me in the pains, in the works, so as to let them partake in so much glory and happiness which my Humanity contains. And since not all souls want to enjoy of them, nor are all of them empty of themselves and of the things of down here, I keep looking for souls to whom I may make Myself known and then withdraw, forming this pain of my privation in these voids of themselves and of the acquired knowledge of Me. And in the privation that she suffers, the soul comes to absorb into herself this glory of my Humanity which others reject. Had I not been almost always with you, you would not have known Me nor loved Me, and you would not feel this pain of my privation, nor could it form in you - the seed and the nourishment of this pain would be missing in you. Oh! how many souls are without Me, and maybe they are even dead; they grieve if they are deprived of a little pleasure, of whatever trifle, but they have no pain, and not even a thought, if they are without Me. So, this pain should console you, because it brings you the sure sign that I have come to you, that you have known Me, and that your Jesus wants to place in you the glory, the goods, the happiness, which others reject.”

Vol. 15, March 12, 1923

Jesus felt the death of each creature who went to hell and these sufferings were the most sorrowful and cruelest pain of His whole life, even to His last breath. When He deprived Luisa of Himself He shared with her the shadow of the pains which He suffered for these souls causing her to feel a death with each privation. Pains of privation from the divinity united in God's Will with His own sufferings run for the good of all, especially for those about to fall into Hell and these pains bring greater light opening new currents of union, love and grace. If not united with Jesus' sufferings and His Will it would not diffuse for the good of all and all the weight of the suffering would have to born by the creature alone.

I...was feeling embittered because of the privation of my lovable Jesus, and I was lamenting to Him that each privation He caused me was a death that He gave me – and a cruel death, such that while one feels death, one cannot die.  And I said:  ‘How can You have the heart to give me so many deaths?’  And Jesus, in passing, told me:
“My daughter, do not lose heart; when my Humanity was on earth It contained all the lives of creatures, and these lives came all from Me.  But how many of them would not return into Me because they would die and bury themselves in hell - and I felt the death of each one, which tormented my Humanity.  These deaths were the most sorrowful and cruel pain of my whole life, up to my last breath.  My daughter, don’t you want to take part in my pains?  The death you feel because of my privation is nothing but a shadow of the pains of death which I felt because of the loss of souls.  Therefore, give it to Me to sweeten the so many cruel deaths that my Humanity suffered.  Let this pain flow in my Will, and you will find mine; and uniting with it, it will run for the good of all, especially for those who are about to fall into the abyss.  If you keep it for yourself, clouds will form between you and Me, and the current of my Will will be broken between you and Me; your pains will not find mine, you will not be able to diffuse yourself for the good of all, and will feel all the weight of it.  On the other hand, if you think of how to let everything which you may suffer flow in my Will, there will be no clouds for you, the very pains will bring you light, and will open new currents of union, of love and of graces.”

Vol. 11, August 10, 1916

It takes the suffering of death for most people to finally seek spiritual help.  It is only when they feel their own flesh being touched and undone by death that they shake themselves and ask for the last Sacraments.

“My daughter, it is my Justice that must balance Itself - everything is balance in Me.  However, the scourge of death touches souls with the imprint of grace, so much so, that almost all of them ask for the last Sacraments.  Man has reached such extent that only when he sees his own flesh being touched and feels himself being undone, he shakes himself; so much so, that others who are not being touched live lightheartedly and continue the life of sin.  It is necessary for death to harvest in order to remove many lives which do nothing other than make thorns sprout beneath their steps; and this, in all classes - secular and religious.  Ah! my daughter, these are times of patience.  Do not become alarmed, and pray that everything may abound to my glory and to the good of all.”

Vol. 12, October 3, 1918

Death, through the resurrection of Jesus, has the power to reunite God and man.  Only through the cross and death can the void of sin be filled and the infinite distance sin created between God and man be reunited.  This will be especially seen in the Church.

This morning my adorable Jesus made Himself seen united with the Holy Father, and He seemed to say to him:  “The things suffered up to now are nothing other than everything I went through from the beginning of my Passion until I was condemned to death.  My son, there is nothing left for you but to carry the Cross to Calvary.”  As He was saying this, it seemed that blessed Jesus took the Cross and placed it upon the shoulders of the Holy Father, helping him to carry it Himself.  While doing this, He added:  “My Church seems to be dying, especially with regard to the social conditions, which anxiously wait for the cry of death.  But, courage, my son; after you have reached the top of the mountain, as the Cross is lifted up, all will be shaken, and the Church will lay down Her aspect of a dying one, and will reacquire Her full vigor.  The Cross alone is the means for it.  Just as the Cross alone was the only means to fill the void which sin had made, and to unite the abyss of infinite distance that existed between God and man; in the same way, in these times the Cross alone will make my Church’s forehead rise, with courage and splendor, so as to confuse and put to flight the enemies.”  Having said this, He disappeared. 

Vol. 4, September 2, 1901 

With all the helps that Jesus provides souls the fear of death is foolishness and an insult to the love and mercy of God.  The desire to die in order to be united with God is the most pleasing homage that can be offered to God.   All of Jesus' merits, virtues and works are available to whomever wants them as a sure passport to Heaven and those who have added on to this with their own works receive an even greater profit.

I also saw many people who greatly feared death.  On seeing this, I said:  ‘My lovable Jesus, it must be a defect in me, this not fearing death.  I see that others fear it so much, while to me, instead, thinking only that death will unite me with You forever and will put an end to the martyrdom of my hard separation, the thought of death not only gives no fear, but is of relief; it gives me peace and I make feast, disregarding all the other consequences which death brings with itself.’  And Jesus:  “Daughter, in truth, that extravagant fear of dying is foolishness, when one has all my merits, virtues and works as passport in order to enter Heaven, since I made a donation of it to everyone.  Those who have added from their own, then, profit even more from this donation of mine; and with all this substance, what fear can one have of death?  Rather, with this most safe passport the soul can enter wherever she wants, and out of regard for her passport, everyone respects her and lets her pass.  As for you, then, your not fearing death at all comes from your having dealt with Me, and having experienced how sweet and dear is the union with the highest Good.  Know, however, that the most pleasing homage that can be offered to Me, is desiring to die in order to be united with Me.  This is the most beautiful disposition in order for the soul to be purged and to pass straight on, with no interval, through the way of Heaven."  Having said this, He disappeared.

Vol. 4, January 6, 1902

In order for a soul to cross into eternal beatitude she must lose all her own tastes, even spiritual, so as to form a void which God can fill with Himself and all His happinesses. Typically this happens at the moment of death and Purgatory completes the soul's readiness. God wants to do this for the soul while still on earth, filling them with the sufferings and virtues of His Humanity. So He strips them, not only of material tastes, but also of spiritual tastes in order to fill them with His own things giving them the beginning of true beatitude.

I saw myself as naked, stripped of everything – perhaps a soul more miserable than I am cannot be found, so extreme is my misery.  What a dismal change!  If the Lord does not make a new miracle of His omnipotence to make me rise again from this state, I will certainly die of misery. 

Then blessed Jesus told me:  “My daughter, courage, the beginning of eternal beatitude is to lose every taste of one’s own.  In fact, as the soul keeps losing her own tastes, the divine tastes take possession of her, and the soul, having undone and lost herself, no longer recognizes herself; she finds nothing else of her own – not even spiritual things.  Seeing that the soul has nothing else of her own, God fills her with all of Himself and replenishes her with all the divine happinesses.  Only then can the soul truly be called blessed, because as long as she had something of her own, she could not be exempt from bitternesses and fears, nor could God communicate His happiness to her.  No soul that enters the port of eternal beatitude can be exempted from this point – painful, yes, but necessary; nor can she do without it.  Generally they do it at the point of death, and Purgatory does the last job; this is why, if creatures are asked what God’s taste is, what divine beatitude means, these are things unknown to them and they are unable to articulate a word.  But with the souls who are my beloved, since they have given themselves completely to Me, I do not want their beatitude to have beginning up there in Heaven, but to have beginning down here on earth. I want to fill them not only with the happiness, with the glory of Heaven, but I want to fill them with the goods, with the sufferings, with the virtues that my Humanity had upon earth; therefore I strip them, not only of material tastes, which the soul considers as dung, but also of spiritual tastes, in order to fill them completely with my goods and give them the beginning of true beatitude.”

Vol. 6, December 6, 1904

God uses all means to tear the creature away from sin and save her and when He can't do this during her life He makes the ultimate spying of love at the moment of the creature's death.  Here the creature is fully stripped of all earthly tastes and she sees clearly.  Jesus shows Himself with such sweetness and tenderness of love so as to soften and overcome the hardest hearts so that He might "tear" an act of sorrow and love from the creature so that she might submit and adhere to God's Will accepting death.  This one act of adherence to God's Will saves the creature allowing them to reach Heaven even though she might have a long purgation.  This point of death is the extreme moment of disillusionment where all that is of earth is finished and the creature stands at the threshold of eternity.  God allows this moment of clarity in order to pull, at least this one act of resignation to the Will of God for love of God.  Except for the most perverse this is His greatest catch.

“Our goodness, our love is so much, that we try all routes, we use all means in order to tear her from sin, in order to put her in safety, and if we don’t succeed there in life, we make the ultimate surprise of love at the point of death. Now, you must know that at that point it is the ultimate spying of love that we do to the creature, and we furnish her with graces, with light, with goodness; there we put such tenderness of love, as to soften and to overcome the hardest hearts. And when the creature finds herself between life and death, between the time that finishes and the eternity about to begin, almost in the act that the soul is about to go forth from the body, I, your Jesus, make myself seen with an amiability that enraptures, with a sweetness that captivates and softens the bitterness of life, specifically at that extreme point; then, my look..., I look at her, but with so much love as to tear an act of sorrow from her, an act of love, an adherence to my Will.

“Now, in that point of disillusionment, in seeing, in touching with (one’s) hand how much we have loved and love them, they feel such sorrow that they repent for not having loved us, and they recognize our Will as beginning and completion of their life, and as satisfaction they accept death in order to complete an act of our Will. Because you must know that if the creature doesn’t do not even one act of the Will of God, the doors of heaven are not opened, nor is she recognized as heir of the celestial fatherland, nor can the angels and saints admit her among them, nor would she like to enter there, because she would know that it doesn’t belong to her. Therefore without our Will there is neither true sanctity, nor salvation. And how many become saved in virtue of this spying of ours all of love, except the most perverse and obstinate, although it will be necessary for her to make the long stopover of purgatory. Therefore the point of death is our daily catch, the recovery of lost man.”

Afterwards he added:

“My daughter, the point of death is the hour of disillusionment, and all things are presented in that point the one after the other, in order to say: ‘Good-bye, the earth for you is finished, eternity for you begins.’ It happens for the creature as when she finds herself closed in a room, and it comes to be said to her: ‘Beyond this room there is another room, in which there is God, paradise, purgatory, hell, in short eternity’; but she sees nothing, if she listens to it asserted by others, and since those that say it it has not yet come to them, they say it in a way almost as not believing, not giving a great importance as to make one believe reality, certainty, (of) that which they say in words.

“Now, one beautiful day the walls fall, and she sees with (her) eyes that which they said before; she sees her Father God, who with so much love has loved her; the benefits that he has done for her one by one, and all the injured rights of love that she owed him; how her life was of God not hers. Everything (brings) itself before her: eternity, paradise, purgatory, hell; the earth escapes her, pleasures turn (their) shoulders/(backs), everything disappears, and only that which is present to her is in that room in which the walls have fallen, that is eternity. What change happens for the poor creature!

“My goodness is so much, that I want everyone safe, that I allow that these walls fall when creatures find themselves between life and death, between the soul going forth from the body in order to enter into eternity, so that at least they make an act of sorrow and of love for me, and they recognize my adorable Will upon them, I can say (that) I give (them) an hour of truth, in order to put them in safety. Oh, if everyone might know my industries of love that I do at the last point of life, so that they don’t escape from my more than fatherly hands, they would not wait for that point, but they would love me for all (of their) life.”


Vol. 35, March 22,1938

In the past people have often considered a sudden death as a great misfortune in that the person had no recourse to the sacraments.  But Jesus, the good shepherd knows best for each of His own.  He states that a sudden death is not restricted from grace and help, as long as the person is not perverted, and does not willfully reject the sacraments and all the assistance of that the Church could give at that moment.  When human helps fail, and in the last moments they all fail, the Divine surrounds that one with the tenderness of Jesus' Humanity, having compassion on them and brings them to safety.  As long as one is not perverted indeed a sudden death then prevents the diabolical action from taking place, that is the temptations, fears and anxiety of dying which can hamper grace and mercy.

I was feeling all afflicted because of the sudden death of one of my sisters.  The fear that my lovable Jesus might not have her with Himself tormented my soul; and as my Highest Good, Jesus, came, I told Him of my pain, and He, all goodness, said to me:  “My daughter, do not fear, is there perhaps not my Will that makes up for everything, for the very Sacraments and for all the helps that can be given to a poor dying one?  Much more so, when there is not the will of the person of not wanting to receive the Sacraments and all the helps of the Church which, like mother, She gives at that extreme moment.  You know, in kidnapping her suddenly from the earth, my Will made Me surround her with the tenderness of my Humanity.  My Heart, human and divine, placed my most tender fibers into the field of action, in such a way that her defects, her weaknesses, her passions, have been looked upon and weighed with such finesse of tenderness - infinite and divine.  And when I place my tenderness into the field, I cannot help having compassion and letting her pass into a safe harbor, as triumph of the tenderness of your Jesus.  And besides, don’t you know that where human helps are lacking, divine helps abound?  You fear that there was no one around her, and that if she wanted help, she had no one from whom to ask for it.  Ah! my daughter, in that moment the human helps cease; they have neither value nor effect, because the dying enter into the sole and prime act with their Creator, and to no one is it given to enter this prime act.  And then, for one who is not perverted, a sudden death serves in order to prevent the diabolical action from entering the field - his temptations, and the fears which, with so much art, he strikes into the dying, because he feels them being snatched from him, without being able to tempt them or follow them.  Therefore, what by men is believed to be disgrace, many times is more than grace.”

Vol. 20, November 21, 1926

Jesus experienced a distinct death for each sin.  The Divine Will gave Him these deaths and made rearise grace for creatures.  So if a creature will allow even one act of the Divine Will to enter she will receive life in her soul and be saved.  A soul that lives in the Divine Will receives continuous acts of life, receiving the fullness of life placing her sanctity in safety.

“My daughter, my Will has the power to give death and to give life; and since my Humanity knew no other life but the Life of my Divine Will, as the sins crowded over Me, my Will made Me feel a distinct death for each sin. My Humanity moaned under the pain of the real death which my Supreme Will gave Me; but over that very death which this Divine Will gave Me, It made the new life of grace rise again for creatures. So, as evil and bad as a creature might be, if she has the fortune of letting one act of my Will enter into herself, even at the point of death, since my Will is life, It sows the seed of life in the soul. And as she possesses this seed of life, there is great hope that the soul may be saved, because the power of my Will will be careful so that this act of life of Its own, which has entered the soul, may not perish and turn into death. In fact, my Will has the power to give death, but my Will Itself and all of Its acts are untouchable and not subject to any death. Now, if one act alone of my Will contains the seed of life, what will not be the fortune of one who embraces within her soul, not one act alone, but continuous acts of my Will? This creature receives, not just the seed, but the fullness of life, and places her sanctity in safety.”

Vol. 19, May 23, 1926

Jesus' life was a continuous sacrifice of dying and He tells Luisa that as many times as she disposes herself to the sacrifice of death so many times does He give her the merit of it as if she were truly dying.

As I was all oppressed and afflicted, upon coming, my adorable Jesus told me: “My daughter, why do you remain all immersed in your affliction?” And I: ‘Ah, my beloved, how can I not be afflicted since You do not want to take me with You yet, and You leave me on this earth still?’ And He: “Ah, no, I do not want you to breathe this sad air of yours, because everything I have placed inside and outside of you is all holy; so much so, that if something or someone draws near you who is not upright and holy, you feel bother, immediately detecting the opposite stench of that which is not holy. Now, why would you want to shade what I have placed inside of you with this air of sadness? Know, however, that as many times as you dispose yourself to make the sacrifice of death, so many times do I give you the merit as if you were truly dying. This must be of great consolation for you; more so, since you conform to Me more, as my life was a continuous dying.” And I: ‘Ah, Lord, it does not seem to me that death is a sacrifice; on the contrary, it seems to me that life is sacrifice.’ And as I wanted to say more, He disappeared.

Vol. 4, September 22, 1900

When a creature does not want to do a good that Jesus sets before her the Divine Will suffers a death and her will also dies to that good.  If she accepts it and does it it is as if another Divine life is formed and multiplied.  More so by not being in the continuous act of doing God's Will she suffers as many deaths, dying to God's light, grace, and charisms.  By living in the Divine Will when Luisa suffers from the privation of Jesus she suffers a divine death, for which He attributes the value of His own death, giving life back to her brothers and sisters.

I recalled that years before my sweet Jesus had said to me:
“We will present ourselves before the Supreme Majesty with written on our foreheads in indelible characters:  ‘We want death to give life to our brothers; we want pains to free them from eternal pains.’
Now, I said to myself:  ‘How can I do this if He does not come?  I could do it together with Him, but I am unable to go by myself.  And then, how can I suffer so many deaths?’  And blessed Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:
“My daughter, you can do it always and in every instant, because I am always with you and I never leave you.  And then, I want to tell you how these deaths are, and how they are formed.  I suffer death when my Will wants to operate some good in the creature, and departing from Me, It brings with Itself the grace and the help which are needed in order to do that good.  If the creature is willing to do that good, it is as if my Will multiplied another life; if the creature is reluctant, it is as if my Will suffered a death.  Oh! how many deaths my Will suffers.  Death in the creature is when I want her to do some good, and by not doing it, her will dies to that good.  So, if the creature is not in continuous act of doing my Will, she suffers as many deaths for as many times as she does not do It.  She dies to that light which she should have by doing that good; she dies to that grace; she dies to those charisms
Now I will tell you what your deaths are, with which you could give life to our brothers.  When you feel you are without Me and your heart is lacerated, and you feel an iron hand that grips it - you feel a death; or rather, more than death, because death would be life for you.  This death could give life to our brothers, because this pain and this death contain a Divine Life, an immense light, a creative strength - they contain everything.  It is a death and pain that contains an eternal and infinite value.  Therefore, how many lives could you give to our brothers?  I will suffer these deaths together with you,; I will give them the value of my death, so as to make life come out of death.  So, take a look at how many deaths you suffer:  each time you want Me and you do not find Me is a real death for you, because you truly do not see Me, do not feel Me.  For you it is death, it is martyrdom; and what is death for you can be life for others.”

Vol. 12, December 22, 1920 

The pain of privation of Jesus is a divine pain and is the one that most equals Him in his suffering being the most satisfying, pleasing, and powerful before God.  When souls are lost it is the pain of a physical breaking away from Jesus and only the pain of privation can weld them back into His humanity because it is a divine pain it has this power.  These pains of privation are a gift that should not be kept to oneself but should fly to help souls in order to place them in safety and return them to Jesus.

I was lamenting to my always lovable Jesus about His usual privations, and was saying to Him:  ‘My Love, what a continuous death.  Each privation of You is a death that I feel - but such cruel and ruthless death, that while it makes me feel the effects of death, it does not make me die.  I have not understood how the goodness of your Heart can endure seeing me suffer so many continuous deaths, and then make me still continue to live.’

And blessed Jesus came for a just a little, and pressing me to His Heart, told me:

“My daughter, press yourself to my Heart and draw life.  But know, however, that the pain most satisfying, most pleasing, most powerful, that equals Me the most and can stand before Me, is the pain of my privation, because it is divine pain.  You must know that souls are so bound with Me as to form many links connected together within my Humanity; and as souls become lost, they break these links, and I feel the pain as if one member were detaching itself from the other.  Now, who can join these links for Me?  Who can weld them in such a way as to make the split disappear?  Who can make them enter into Me again, to give them life?  The pain of my privation, because it is divine.  My pain because of the loss of souls is divine; the pain of the soul who cannot see Me, cannot feel Me, is divine.  And since both of them are divine pains, they can kiss each other, join together, stand before each other, and have such power as to take the souls unlinked, and connect them in my Humanity. 

“My daughter, does my privation cost you much?  And if it does cost you, do not keep as useless a pain of such great cost.  As I give it to you as gift, do not keep it for yourself, but let it fly into the midst of the combatants; snatch souls from amid the bullets, and enclose them in Me.  And as the weld and seal, place your pain; and then let your pain go around through the whole world, to make it catch souls and bring them all back into Me.  So, as you feel the pains of my privation, you will keep placing the seal of the reconnection.”

Vol. 12, April 2, 1917

When Luisa's mother died she felt herself invested with a living fire which burned her from her inside out.  This fire both consumed her and kept her alive.  Jesus reveals that her sufferings were the echo of what Jesus, Himself, suffered, merited and did on her mother's.  So that her mother became exempt from this justice because Luisa suffered and prayed for her which was satisfied the Divine Justice in her place.  Her mother had only to pass through the final stage of all of Jesus' humanity, which is full of enjoyments and joy, before she could enter the paradise of His Divinity.

...while I was in my usual state, my mother passed from this life into the sphere of eternity; and blessed Jesus, allowing me to see her as He was taking her, told me:  “My daughter, the Creator takes his creature.”

At that moment, I felt I was being invested, inside and out, with a fire so alive that I felt my bowels, my stomach and all the rest burning; and if I would have something, it would convert into fire, and I would be forced to bring it up immediately after I had swallowed it.  This fire consumed me and kept me alive.  Oh, how I understood the devouring fire of Purgatory which, while consuming the soul, gives her life!  The fire does the office of food, of water, of death and of life; but I was happy in that state.  However, since I had only seen that Jesus had taken her, but He had not showed me where He had taken her, my happiness was not full, and from my very sufferings I would draw concern, since those would be the sufferings of my mother if she was in Purgatory.  And seeing blessed Jesus, who in these days has almost never left me, I would cry and say to Him:  ‘My sweet love, tell me – where did You take her?  I am content that You have taken her away from us, because You keep her with Yourself; but if You do not have her with Yourself, this I do not tolerate, and I will cry so much until You content me.’  And He seemed to enjoy my crying; He would embrace me, He would sustain me, He would dry my tears, and would say to me:  “My daughter, do not fear, calm yourself; and once you have calmed yourself I will let you see her, and you will be very pleased.  Besides, you can have the certainty that I have contented you from the fire that you feel.”

But I would continue to cry, especially when I would see Him, since I felt in my interior that something was still lacking to the beatitude of my mother; so much so, that the people who surrounded me, who had come because of the death of my mother, in seeing me cry so much, thinking that I was crying because of the death of my mother, were almost scandalized, thinking that I had moved away from the Divine Will, when, more than ever, I was swimming in this sphere of the Divine Will.  But I do not appeal to any human tribunal, because it is false – only to the divine, which is full of truth.  And good Jesus was not condemning me; on the contrary, He would compassionate me, and in order to sustain me, He would come more often, almost giving me a reason to cry more, because if He would not come, with whom was I to cry to impetrate what I wanted?  The people were right because they judged from the outside; and then, after all, since I am so very bad, it is no wonder that the others would be scandalized by me.

Then, after quite a few days, as good Jesus came, He told me:  “My daughter, be consoled, for I want to tell you and show you where your mother is.  Since before and after she passed away, you have suffered continuously that which I earned, did and endured for her good in the course of my life, she partakes in what I did and enjoys my Humanity.  Only the Divinity is concealed from her, but It will shortly be unveiled to her as well, and the fire you feel, and your prayers, have served to exempt her from any other pain of senses, which all must have, because my justice, receiving satisfaction from you, could not take it from both.”  At that moment, I seemed to see my mother within an immensity which had no boundaries, and in it there were many delights and joys - for as many words, thoughts, sighs, works, sufferings, heartbeats…; in sum, for everything that the Most Holy Humanity of Jesus Christ contained.  I understood that It is a second Paradise for the Blessed, and in order to enter the Paradise of the Divinity, all must pass through this Paradise of the Humanity of Christ.  Therefore, the fact of having touched no other purgatory had been a most singular privilege for my mother, reserved for very few.  However, I understood that even though she was not amid torments, but rather, amid delights, her happiness was not perfect, but almost halved. 

Vol. 7, May 9, 1907

When Luisa's father died soon afterwards, Jesus did not allow her to suffer for him but promised her that He would appear to him, for love of her, as a benign father rather than as a judge.  She could not even cry on his behalf as she did for her mother because Jesus would not allow it.  From this she understood that he had gone to Purgatory but she petitioned Jesus to allow her father to spend his Purgatory within a church in order to benefit from the prayers and presence of Jesus in the tabernacle.


I continue by saying that only about ten days had passed from the death of my mother, when my father fell gravely ill, and the Lord made me understand that he too would die. I gave him to Him as a gift in advance, and I repeated the same pleas which I made for my mother – that He should not let him touch Purgatory. But the Lord showed Himself more reluctant, and would not listen to me. I feared greatly, not for his salvation, because good Jesus had made me a solemn promise almost fifteen years before that, of my family and of those who belong to me, no one would be lost; but I feared very much about Purgatory.  I kept praying, but good Jesus would hardly come. Only on the day my father died, that is, after about fifteen days of illness, did blessed Jesus make Himself seen, all benign, clothed in white, as if He were in feast, and He told me: “Today I am waiting for your father, and for love of you I will let Myself be found, not as a judge, but as a benign father. I will welcome him in my arms.” I insisted about Purgatory, but He did not listen to me, and He disappeared. After my father died, I did not have any new suffering as had happened with my mother, and from this I understood that he had gone to Purgatory. I prayed and prayed again, but Jesus would make Himself seen flashing by, without giving me time; and what’s more, I could not even cry because I had no one with whom to cry, and the One who, alone, could listen to my crying, would run away from me. Adorable judgments of God, in His ways.

Then, after two days of interior pains, while I was seeing blessed Jesus and asking Him about my father, I felt he was behind the shoulders of Jesus Christ, as though bursting into tears and asking for help; and then they disappeared. I was left lacerated in my soul, and I kept praying. Finally, after six days, as I was in my usual state, I found myself outside of myself, inside a church, and there were many purging souls. I was praying to Our Lord that He would at least let my father come inside a church to make his purgatory, because I could see that the souls in the churches receive continuous reliefs from the prayers and Masses that are said, and much more, from the real presence of Jesus in the Sacrament; it seems that that is a continuous refreshment for them. At that moment, I saw my father, venerable in his appearance, and Our Lord let me place him near the Tabernacle. So it seems I was left less lacerated in my interior.

Vol. 7, May 9, 1907

But who in Purgatory benefits most from the prayers and suffrages of wayfaring souls and Which wayfaring souls can most help the souls in Purgatory?  Jesus tells us that souls who have done more acts submitted to God's Will have that many more avenues to receive suffrages from the earth.  There are those who have not done God's Will but are saved at the moment of death in that they have at least recognized the supreme dominion of God's Will, adored it and submitted their last act to it.  This one act has saved them but limits their access to suffrages.  Others who do God's Will at times, but not fully receive many helps and their stay in Purgatory is greatly shortened.  Those who has always done God Will there is no stay in Purgatory at all.  Now those still living, in order to send suffrages, also must submit to the Divine Will to form paths to those in Purgatory.  Suffrages without doing the Divine Will will be empty of life and not have the means to make their way there to them.  All the measure of how effective a suffrage is can be found in how aligned these acts are with the Divine Will.  One who lives in the Divine Will, in all it's fullness, is not restricted by paths but can go everywhere and bring help to all, because possessing the Divine Will she has the passport allowing her to go into all the depths, to bring suffrages to all. 

I thought to myself:  ‘How I would like to descend into the prisons of the purging souls to release them all, and in the light of the Eternal Will, bring them all to the Celestial Fatherland.’  At that moment, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, the more the souls who have passed to the next life have been submitted to my Will, and the more acts they have done in It, the more paths they have formed for themselves in order to receive suffrages from the earth.  So, the more they have done my Will, forming for themselves the ways of communication of the goods which are present in the Church and which belong to Me, there is no path formed by them which does not bring, to some a relief, to some a prayer, to some a diminution of pains.  The suffrages walk within these royal paths of my Will, to bring to each one the merit, the fruit and the capital which one has formed for oneself in my Will.  Therefore, without It, there are no paths and no means in order to receive suffrages.  Even though the suffrages and everything that the Church does always descend into Purgatory, they go, however, to those who have formed paths for themselves.  For the others, who have not done my Will, the paths are closed or do not exist at all; and if these were saved, it is because at least at the point of death they have recognized the supreme dominion of my Will, they have adored It, and have submitted themselves to It – and this last act has rescued them; otherwise, they could not even be saved.  For one who has always done my Will, there are no paths to Purgatory - his path goes straight to Heaven.  And one who has recognized my Will and has submitted to It, not in everything and always, but in great part, has formed for himself so many paths and receives so much, that Purgatory sends him quickly to Heaven.

Now, just as the purging souls had to form their paths to be able to receive suffrages, in the same way, the living, in order to send suffrages, must do my Will in order to form their paths, so as to make their suffrages ascend into Purgatory.  If they make suffrages, but they are far away from my Will, since the communication with my Will is missing, which alone unites and binds everyone, their suffrages will not find the way in order to ascend, the feet to be able to walk, the strength in order to give relief.  They will be suffrages without life, because the true life of my Will is missing, which alone has the virtue of giving life to all goods.  The more the soul possesses of my Will, the more value her prayers, her works, her pains, contain; and so she can bring more relief to those blessed souls.  I measure and give value to everything that the soul can do, according to how much of my Will she possesses.  If my Will runs in all of her acts, the measure I take is immense; even more, I never stop measuring, and I put so much value into it, that its weight cannot be calculated.  On the other hand, if one does not care much about my Will, the measure is scarce and the value of little importance.  And if one does not care at all, as much as the soul may do, I have nothing to measure, nor any value to give.  Therefore, if they have no value, how can they bring relief to those souls who, in Purgatory, recognize nothing, nor can they receive anything, but what my Eternal Fiat produces.

But do you know who can bring all reliefs, the light that purifies, the love that transforms?  One who possesses the life of my Will in everything and in whom It dominates triumphantly.  This soul has not even need of paths, because by possessing my Will, she has the right to all paths.  She can go to all points, because she possesses within herself the royal path of my Will in order to go into that deep prison, to bring them all reliefs and liberations.  More so since, in creating man, We gave him Our Will as his special inheritance, and We recognize everything he has done within the boundaries of Our inheritance, with which We endowed him.  Anything else is not recognized by Us – it is not Our thing, nor can We allow anything to enter Heaven which has not been done by creatures either in Our Will, or at least in order to do It.  Since Creation came out of the Eternal Fiat, Our Will, jealous, allows no act to enter the Celestial Fatherland which has not passed through Its Fiat Itself.  Oh! If all knew what Will of God means, and how all works, even those which appear to be good, but are empty of It, are works empty of light, empty of value, empty of life; and works without light, without value and without life do not enter into Heaven.  Oh! how attentive they would be to do my Will in everything and forever.”    

Vol. 20, November 3, 1926

Doubts and fears about one's death are the effects of the human will being in act.  For those who live in the Divine Will all their acts, although seemingly invisible, become sealed by the Divine Will at the moment of their death. They all become resurrected into new, perennial life in the Divine Will being placed in action to give themselves to creatures.

I was feeling oppressed, and a thought wanted to disturb the serenity of my mind: ‘And if you found yourself at the point of death, and doubts and fears came to you about the way you conducted yourself during your life, to the point of making you doubt about your salvation – what would you do?’ But as I was thinking about this, my sweet Jesus gave me no time to reflect any further, or to answer my thought. Moving in my interior, He made Himself seen shaking His head; and as though saddened by my thought, He told me: “My daughter, what are you saying? To think about this is an affront to my Will. Neither fears, nor doubts, nor any danger at all, can enter into It. These are things which do not belong to It; rather, they are the miserable rags of the human will. My Will is like a placid sea that murmurs peace, happiness, safety, certainty; and the waves It releases from Its bosom are waves of joys and of contentments without end. Therefore, in seeing you think about this, I was shaken. My Will is not capable of fears, of doubts, of danger, and the soul who lives in It becomes estranged to the miserable rags of the human will. And besides, what could my Will fear? Who can ever raise doubts about Its operating, if before the Sanctity of my operating Will all tremble and are forced to lower their foreheads, adoring the operating of my Will?

Even more, I want to tell you something very consoling for you, and of great glory for Me. It will happen with you, at your dying in time, just as it happened with Me at my death. In life, I operated, I prayed, I preached, I instituted Sacraments, I suffered unheard-of pains, and even death itself; but I can say that my Humanity saw almost nothing, compared to the great good It had done, nor did the very Sacraments have life as long as I remained on earth. As soon as I died, my death put a seal upon all my works, my words, my pains, the Sacraments; and the fruit of my death confirmed everything I did, and made my works, my pains, my words, my Sacraments which I instituted, as well as the continuation of their life until the consummation of the centuries, rise again to life. So, my death put all my works in motion, and made them rise again to perennial life. All this was right; in fact, since my Humanity contained the Eternal Word and a Will which has no beginning and no end, and which is not subject to dying, nothing was to perish of all that It did - not even a single word, but everything was to have continuation until the end of the centuries, in order to pass into Heaven to beatify all the Blessed eternally. The same will happen with you: my Will which lives in you, speaks to you, makes you operate and suffer, will let nothing perish, not even a single word, of the so many truths I have manifested to you about my Will; It will put everything in motion, It will make everything rise again. Your death will be the confirmation of everything I have told you; and since, in the living in my Will, everything that the soul does, suffers, prays and says, contains an act of Divine Will, all this will not be subject to dying, but will remain in the world, like many lives - all in the act of giving life to creatures. Therefore, your death will tear the veils which cover all the truths I have spoken to you; and they will rise again like many suns, such as to dispel all the doubts and difficulties with which they seemed to be covered in life. So, as long as you live in this low world, you will see little or nothing in others, of all the great good which my Will wants to do through you. But after your death, it will have its full effect.”

Vol. 17, June 29, 1925

All crosses, incidents, and mortifications suffered for love of God form the pebbles that mark the way leading the soul to Heaven.  Now all the incidents of life suffered in the Divine Will form, not pebbles but as many Suns, Divine Lives, which will then mark her way to Heaven on the right and left, investing her with their light.

 “My daughter, the crosses, the incidents, the mortifications, the acts, the abandonments of creatures – everything that one can suffer for love of Me, are nothing other than the pebbles which mark the way that leads to Heaven. So, at the moment of death, the creature will see that everything she has suffered has served her to form the road, which has marked with indelible ways and with unmovable stones, the straight path that leads to the Celestial Fatherland. And if everything that my Providence has disposed for her to suffer, she has suffered in order to fulfill my Divine Will - to receive, not the pain, but an act of Its Divine Life, she will form as many Suns for as many acts as she has done and pains that she has suffered, in such a way that her road will appear as marked, to the right and to the left, by Suns, which, taking her and investing her with their light, will lead her into the celestial regions. Therefore, the many incidents of life are necessary, because they serve to form for oneself the road and to mark the way to Heaven. If roads are not formed, it is difficult to go from one town to another; much more so, it is difficult to reach eternal glory.”

Vol. 28, August 29, 1930

Normally Jesus confirms all the good one does at the moment of death and then any voids must be then filled in Purgatory.  This confirmation converts all of God's love and Will into the creature's nature so that each will have their own God within and without.  But for those who firmly decide to live in the Divine Will God doesn't wait for the moment of death.  Instead he will confirm them in advance in anticipation of this moment so that the good is converted into her nature, that is His love and Will.  She feels that His love and Will is hers, feeling more of Him than of her own.  She then will still be able to grow in His life and the more she lives in His Will thus the more she will come to know Him, and He will love her still more, augmenting her glory.  Those who are confirmed at the moment of death are fixed at this point and will not grow more in the love of God.

“Now I want to tell you another consoling surprise, so much is our gratification, when the creature decides with immovable firmness to live in our Volition, that that which we should do at the point of death, of confirming her in the good, in which she finds herself, because you should know that all that which she has done in life, prayers, virtue, pains suffered, good works, these serve to form our little Divine life in her soul, not one blessed enters into Heaven if she doesn’t possess this divine life according to the good that they will have done, and if they have loved me and completed my Will more, thus they will have some a little lesser, some a little greater, because true happiness, true joys must be possessed within, so that they will have every one inside and outside of them their God, who will always give them new joys, so much so that if the souls dying are not filled up to the brim with love and with my Will, I confirm them yes, but they don’t enter into Heaven, I send them into Purgatory to fill these voids of love and of my Will, by way of pains, of anxieties and of longings, and when they are entirely filled in a way that one doesn’t see it in them(,) that they are indeed all transformed in my love and in my Will, then they take flight toward Heaven.

“Now for the one that doesn’t want to do her will anymore but only mine, we don’t want to await that point, our love brings us with an irresistible strength to anticipate the confirmation of the good and to convert in nature our love and our Will, so that she will feel that my love, my Volition is hers, she will feel more my life than hers, but with that difference of those that are confirmed at (the) point of death, they will not grow anymore in good, their merits are finished, instead (with) these, my life will always grow, the merits don’t finish, rather they will have the divine merits, as they continue to love me and to live of my Will, thus they will know me more, and I love her more, and I will augment their glory.  I can say that I race in her every act in order to give her my kiss, my love, in order to recognize that it is mine, and give them the value, the merit as if I might have done it.

“Ah! you can not understand what we feel for one who lives in our Volition, how we love her, we want to make her content in everything, because in her we find realized the purpose of the Creation, we center all the glory that all things should give us, and then our completed Will is all for us.”

Vol. 34, July 12,1937