Saturday, March 28, 2020

Living Temples

The centurion answered, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you come under my roof; but only speak the word, and my servant will be healed.  Matthew 8:8

The church recognizes the deeper meaning behind these words every time at mass we recite them saying:  "Lord I am not worthy that you should come under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed."   We were created to be a residence, a home for our Lord and not just a home but a temple.

After this, I remember that a few days passed and I received Communion.  I lost consciousness, and I saw, present before me, the Most Holy Trinity whom I had seen in Heaven.  I immediately prostrated myself at Their presence, I adored Them, I confessed my nothingness.  I remember that I felt so plunged within myself that I did not dare to utter a single word, when a voice came from Their midst and said:  “Do not fear, pluck up courage, We have come to confirm you as Our own, and to take possession of your heart.”  While this voice was saying this, I saw that the Most Holy Trinity descended into my heart and took possession of it – and there They formed Their dwelling.  Who can tell the change that occurred in me?  I felt divinized; it was no longer I who lived, but They were living in me.  It seemed to me that my body was like a residence, and that the living God was residing in it, because I could feel, sensibly, Their real presence in my interior.  I could hear Their voice clearly, coming from within my interior and resounding at the ears of my body.  It happened precisely as when there are people speaking inside a room, and their voices can be heard, clearly and distinctly, also outside.
From that moment on, I no longer had the need to go in search of Him somewhere else in order to find Him, but I could find Him there - inside my heart.  And when sometimes He would hide and I would go in search of Jesus, wandering around heaven and earth, searching for my highest and only Good, while I would be in the heat of my tears, in the intensity of my yearnings, amid unutterable pains for having lost Him, Jesus would come out from within my interior and say to me:  “I am here with you, do not look for me elsewhere.”
Vol. 1, The indwelling of the Divine Persons in the soul, of which they take possession and to which they give themselves.  It was then that they gave Luisa the gift of the Divine Will.

And again in Volume 2 he calls her his, "beloved dwelling", his "living temple."  And how much He loves us!  We are unable to comprehend it.

“How beautiful you are!  You are my simple dove, my beloved dwelling, my living temple, in which I am pleased to delight united with the Father and the Holy Spirit.  Your continuous languishing for Me relieves Me and refreshes Me from the continuous offenses that creatures give Me.  Know that the love I have for you is so great that I am forced to hide it in part, so that you may not go mad, but may live.  In fact, if I showed it to you, you would not only go mad, but would not be able to continue to live; your weak nature would be consumed by the flames of my love.” 
Vol. 2, Sept. 9, 1899

Sin robs us of  this indwelling and totally deforms us from that which we were designed to be and makes us a dwelling of the devil full of impurities.

“Oh, man, how you have disfigured, deformed, disennobled yourself!  Oh, man, I made you so that you might be my living temple, but you have made of yourself the dwelling of the devil.  Look, even the plants, by being covered with leaves, flowers and fruits, teach you honesty and the modesty you must have with your body; but you, having lost any modesty and even the natural reserve you should have, have become worse than the animals, so much so, that I have nothing else to which to compare you.  You were my image, but now I no longer recognize you; even more, I am so horrified at your impurities, that the mere sight of you nauseates Me, and you yourself force Me to flee from you.”
Vol. 2, Aug. 1, 1899

The human will is the only thing that has to ability to stop God from saving us.  A God for whom just to want is to do, but he will not go against the free will which he has given to man.  To do so would be to go against himself.  So if the creature does not give him full freedom to do and act in her as he wants than his plans will always remain frustrated and incomplete for that indivdual.

“You should know that when I elect a soul, I form there my residence, and I want to be free in my house to do that which I want, and to remain as pleases me, nor do I want restrictions from the part of the creature; I want absolute liberty, otherwise I would become unhappy and impeded in my way of acting.  It would be the greatest misfortune, even to the poorest (person), to not enjoy liberty in his little hovel, and I would incur the misfortune of a poor individual, that having formed a residence with so much love, when he has equipped it and put it in order he enters in order to live there, but with his sorrow there becomes made impositions and restrictions for him; it is said to him:  ‘In this room you can not sleep, in this one you can not receive, in this other one you are not able to pass.’  In short he can not remain as he wants nor do that which he wants, so that the poor little one feels unhappy, because he has lost his liberty, and he has repented of the sacrifices that he has made (in order) to build this residence.  Such am I; how many labors, how many sacrifices, how many graces have I not poured out in order to adapt one creature for my residence, and when I take the possession of her, more than everything I love and want liberty in my house, and when I find now the repugnancies, now the restrictions, instead of the residence adapting itself to me, I must adapt myself to her, hence I can’t develop either my life or my divine ways, nor is it given to me to complete the purpose for which with so much love I selected this residence.  Therefore I want liberty, and if you want to make me happy leave free to do that which I want.”
Vol. 29, May 4, 1931

When Jesus drove the money lenders out of the temple he was spiritually driving out the human will so that the Divine Will might reorder the human temple and restore it to what it was meant to be.

...when I took the ropes to drive the profaners out of the temple, it was the human will that I was driving out, so that Mine might enter, reigning and dominating, and they might be truly rich in their souls and no longer subject to natural poverty. 
Vol. 20, Oct. 26, 1926

The one time in which Jesus demonstrated an anger, a righteous anger was in cleansing the temple.  Those who profane and lead others astray rob Jesus of souls.  The profaning of Jesus' temples both the church and the soul is the catalyst which leads to other sins.  This is an act which can not be ignored by Divine Justice and brings about chastisements.

           I cried and prayed, saying to the Lord:  ‘Do not permit that they arrive at this – profaning your sacred temples – because who knows how many terrible chastisements You would unload upon your creatures because of these horrendous sins.’ 
           While I was saying this, He told me:  “My daughter, the cause of all these enormous crimes – because one sin is the cause and chastisement of making others fall into more sins – have been the sins of priests.  They have been the first to profane my holy temple hiddenly with sacrilegious masses, and by mixing impure acts in the administration of the Sacraments.  And under the appearance of holy things, they have reached the point of profaning not only my temples of stone, but of profaning and using violence on my living temples, which are the souls, and of profaning my very Body.  The secular have somehow perceived all this, and not seeing in them the light necessary for their journey – or rather, they have found nothing but darkness – they have been left so clouded as to lose the beautiful light of faith; and without light, it is no wonder that they reach such grave excesses.
Vol. 7, Oct. 20, 1906

Perhaps another sign of our times in the suspension of our being able to be present at Mass these days.  Jesus speaks in the above passage about how the priests have led to the lose of faith but Jesus also states that it is the human will that is the first profaner of his temple.  It requires sufferings to cleanse the temple from the effects of the human will.  Luisa was no exception to this.  She was cleansed even of her human will wanting the physical presence of Jesus to be with her over the Will of God.  So even in what appears holy to us we must bow before Gods Will even in the denial of receiving Sacrament Communion these days.

...your hard martyrdom is nothing other than the consummation of what does not belong to It. Don’t you know that the human will is the profaner of the creature? When it has its little ways, the slightest holes through which to enter into her, it profanes the holiest things, the most innocent ones. And my Will, which made of man Its sacred and living temple, in which to place Its throne, Its dwelling, Its regime, Its glory, feels that if the creature gives the little entries to the human volition, It feels Its temple, Its throne, Its dwelling, Its regime and Its very glory being profaned. Therefore, my Will wants to touch everything about you – even my very presence, to see whether Its dominion is absolute over you and you content yourself that It alone dominate you and have primacy in you. Everything in you must be Divine Will, so that It may be able to say: ‘I am sure, she has denied Me nothing – not even the sacrifice of the presence of her Jesus, whom she loved more than herself. Therefore, my Kingdom is safe.”
Vol. 23, Jan. 22, 1928

Each epoch; law, grace, and now the Kingdom of the Divine Will, has brought us closer and closer to Gods original plan for us.  Although some Christians might claim that now we are no longer bound by the law of Moses the law of grace is actually more exacting.  But even under grace there is still room for us to exercise our own wills.  The law of living in his Will brings us to the point where we are even more bound.  Now all must be under the dominion of God's Will and his law must be truly written on our hearts so that that which he wants we want too.

14 For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.
Romans 6:14

But now we are discharged from the law, dead to that which held us captive, so that we are slaves not under the old written code but in the new life of the Spirit.
Romans 7:6

and you show that you are a letter of Christ, prepared by us, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are competent of ourselves to claim anything as coming from us; our competence is from God, who has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not of letter but of spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
Now if the ministry of death, chiseled in letters on stone tablets, came in glory so that the people of Israel could not gaze at Moses’ face because of the glory of his face, a glory now set aside, how much more will the ministry of the Spirit come in glory? For if there was glory in the ministry of condemnation, much more does the ministry of justification abound in glory! 10 Indeed, what once had glory has lost its glory because of the greater glory; 11 for if what was set aside came through glory, much more has the permanent come in glory!
12 Since, then, we have such a hope, we act with great boldness, 13 not like Moses, who put a veil over his face to keep the people of Israel from gazing at the end of the glory that was being set aside. 14 But their minds were hardened. Indeed, to this very day, when they hear the reading of the old covenant, that same veil is still there, since only in Christ is it set aside. 15 Indeed, to this very day whenever Moses is read, a veil lies over their minds; 16 but when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 18 And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit.
2Corinthians 3:3-18

Living in the Divine Will frees God to act completely and wholly as he Wills.  There is no hindrance from priests who might mislead his people or circumstances which inhibit his generosity and his love.  God unveils himself to the creature so that the creature might be transformed into his image from one degree to the next.

This is why I want to make the sanctity of living in my Will; in them, I will have no need of priests for Me to be consecrated, nor churches, tabernacles or hosts; but they will be everything together:  priests, churches, tabernacles and hosts.  My love will be more free; anytime I want to consecrate Myself, I will be able to do it - in every moment, day and night, in whatever place they might be.  Oh! how my love will have its complete outpouring.
Vol. 12, Nov. 27, 1917

Living in the Divine Will is not a completion unto itself it allows us to grow more perfectly in the image of God.  This step process continues with each act the soul does in the Divine Will and she goes becoming the repeater of the life of Jesus.  And although we give the Divine Will dominance in ourselves Jesus tells us that by doing so we also become the dominator of God.

And since the creature is incapable of giving us everything in one act, that which by Us is formed in one act alone, her littleness goes spacing in our Will, and she now takes one work of ours, and now another, and with the dominion that our Will gives her, she descends in the Incarnation of the Word, and oh how beautiful it is to see her invested with his love, pearled with his tears, adorned with his wounds, possessor of his prayers, all the works of the Word surround her inside and outside, and that which is more, it converts for her, into joys, into beatitude, into fortitude with the inseparability of her Jesus as in (a) sacred temple held in her heart in order to make her the repeater of his Life.  And oh, what moving scenes she does before God, with her Jesus in (her) heart, she prays, suffers, loves together with Jesus, and in her infantile littleness she says: I possess Jesus, He dominates me and I Him, indeed I give him that which He doesn’t hold, my sufferings in order to form his complete life in me.  He is poor of sufferings because glorious, he can not have any, and I supply him in that which he doesn’t hold, and He supplies me in that which I lack.  So that in our Will the creature is the true queen, everything is hers, and she makes us such surprises with our works, that it enraptures us, and forms our happiness, that the creature can give to us in our Most Holy Will.”
Vol. 33, Feb. 10, 1934

This growth in the Divine Will is defined by how much the creature is capable and wants from it.  The goal is always to both love the creature more and to make the creature capable of loving his God more and more.  And the most beautiful and precious gifts that God can give to the creature are knowledges.  It is only with a new or clearer truth that the creature is able to want that which comes from God and thereby ask for it allowing God to act.  This expands the field of action of the creature and grows and expands Gods residence in the creature.

“My daughter, the Creation of man was the center where our Divinity centralized all the goods that should rise in the creature, we put in her Divine Life and Divine Will, human life and human will; human life should serve us as residence, and the two Wills fused together should make life in common with highest accord, indeed the human will should take from ours in order to form her acts, and ours should remain in the continuous act to give of his, in order to make that the human will might remain modeled and all informed in the Divine Will.  Now, there is no life, as much human, spiritual and divine, that doesn’t have need of food in order to grow, in order to become stronger, to embellish and to felicitate himself.  More so that we put our Divine life in man, [and] because he was incapable of receiving the whole fullness of our Divine Being, we put in him how much he could contain of our life, giving him the liberty to let him grow how much more he could and wanted.  Hence our life in man for growth had need of food, behold the necessity to put in him a Divine Will; our Divine life would not have adapted himself to foods of the human will.  Behold therefore all the acts of the creature done in virtue of and in our Divine Will, would serve to feed and to make our Divine Life grow in her, in a way that as soon as she went doing her acts in our Fiat, now she took our love and fed us, now she took our fortitude, now our infinite sweetness, now our Divine joys in order to feed us.  What order, what harmony put between him and us in creating man between him and us, even to ask of him our own foods through his means, not because we had need, no, but in order to maintain the enthusiasm of love, the correspondence, the inseparable union between him and us.  And while he occupied himself with us, we occupied ourselves with feeding him and with conserving our dear residence, not only, but making him other more beautiful gifts in order to render him more happy, to love him more and make ourselves more loved.  But do you want to know what are our most beautiful gifts that we make the creature?  To manifest to her a knowledge of our Supreme Being, a truth that pertains to us, one secret of ours is the most beautiful gift that we make her; each of these gifts is one more bond that we put between Her and us, our every truth is a property that we put in her soul.  Behold therefore that in the soul where our Will reigns we find our Divine foods, our property for how much it is possible for a creature, our residence, hence we find ourselves in our house, in our center, in the midst of our properties. 
Vol. 29, Aug. 3, 1931

But now there is a wonderful reciprocity in all of this.   Even from the Old Testament in God's promise to David when he wanted to build a temple, a house for the covenant and thereby for God, we are not just the residence, the temple of God but God in fact becomes our residence, our temple.

11 from the time that I appointed judges over my people Israel; and I will give you rest from all your enemies. Moreover the Lord declares to you that the Lord will make you a house.  2 Samuel 7:11

As God rested in his creature at the end of the work of Creation so he has promised that we too will rest in him where he becomes our residence, our temple and we will be free from any danger and happy.

The soul gives Jesus a dwelling in time, and He gives it to the soul in eternity.
Continuing in my usual state, I was saying to blessed Jesus:  ‘Oh, how I wish to love You, to be loved more by You!’  And He, in my interior, told me:  “I love you so much that I never leave you, and I dwell in you continuously.”  And I:  ‘Thank You for your benignity in dwelling in me, but I am not so content; I would be more content and would feel safer if I could dwell in You.’  And He:  “Ah, my daughter, in time you give a dwelling to Me, and in eternity I will give it to you; and be well content and sure that the One who dwells in you has the power to maintain your dwelling fortified and free of any danger.”
Vol. 7, Nov. 12, 1906

Jesus tells us that as the soul lives in grace she transforms from a simple residence to a Temple of God.  But when a soul then takes that step to live in the Divine Will God then makes himself the Temple of the soul.  The first always remains in danger of collapse due to the weakness of the human will but the second is secure and can not be overthrown by the enemy.  And the creature is given the freedom, true freedom, to act in a divine way.  She is given the authority  to call into action the acts of her Jesus, or that of Creation, or of Sanctification all as she wills.  And God and the creature will never be separated again  but will always be free to love and enjoy each other's company in the security of this Living Temple.

           "Now you should know that the soul in grace is the Temple of God.  However when the soul lives in our Will, God makes himself Temple of the soul, and oh, the great difference between the creature Temple of God and between God Temple of the soul; the first one is a temple exposed to perils, to enemies, subject to passions, many times our Supreme Being, finds himself in these temples as in temples of stone, not cared for, not loved as is appropriate, and the little lamp of her continuous love, that she should hold as homage to her God that resides in her, without pure oil is extinguished, and if ever she were to fall into grave sin, our temple collapses and she becomes occupied by thieves, ours and her enemies, that profane her and they make her foolish.
           “The second Temple, that is God Temple of the soul, is not exposed to dangers, enemies can not draw near, the passions lose life, the soul in this Divine Temple of ours is like the little Host that holds consecrated in Herself her Jesus, which with the perennial love that she draws, she receives and is fed, forms the little living lamp, that always burns, without ever going out, this Temple of ours occupies its regal post, his complete Volition and she is our glory and our triumph.  And the little Host what does she do in this Temple of ours?  She prays, loves, lives of Divine Will, substitutes for my Humanity upon the earth, takes my post of sufferings, calls the whole army of our works to make cortege, the Creation, the Redemption, she holds it as hers, and does (as) the commander above, and now puts it as army around in act of prayer, of adoration, now as army in act of loving us and glorifying us, but she (is) always at (the) head, to do that which she wants that our works do, and she always finishes with her little refrain so very appreciated by Us:  your Volition be known, loved and reign and dominate in the entire world.  So that all the anxieties, the sighs, the interests, the solicitudes, the prayers of this little Host, that lives in our Divine Temple, that our Fiat embraces everyone, puts apart all the evils of creatures, and with his almighty puff he makes his the post in the hearts of everyone, in order to make himself life of every creature.
           “Can one ever do (a) more beautiful office, more holy, more important, more useful to Heaven and earth, (than) this little Host that lives in our Temple?  Beyond this our love, our power makes all the shows, all the industries, all the stratagems, with one who lives in our Will, he makes himself little and encloses himself in the soul, in order to form his life, and of this remains only the castoffs in order to remain covered, he makes himself immense that is, and he forms (of) himself (a) sumptuous Temple, in order to hold her secure within, and to enjoy her company.  For one who does our Will she is always occupied with Us, and We are always occupied with her, therefore watch well to make yourself found always in our Will.”
Vol. 33, March 11, 1934

So if you want to be secure in holding onto the not just passing Sacramental presence of Communion but the real living presence of our Lord and God, secure as in his own Living Temple then look to living in the Divine Will.  It's the only way to obtain this to have his living presence even when circumstances in this world might otherwise deny Him to us.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Disease as Chastisement, Loss of the Mass and Reparation

Since the world is focused on pandemics at this time I started to look through the Volumes for what was said about these type of world diseases.  He pointedly states that these are chastisements due to the too many offenses from mankind.

As I was in my usual state, my always lovable Jesus made Himself seen all embittered and afflicted, and He told me:  “My daughter, my Justice has grown too heavy, and the offenses I receive from men are so many that I can no longer sustain them.  So, the scythe of death is about to harvest much - suddenly and by means of diseases.  The chastisements I will pour upon the world are so many, that they will be a sort of judgment.”  Who can say the so many chastisements He showed me, and how terrified and frightened I was left?  The pain that my soul feels is so great, that I believe it is better to keep silent.
But I continue, because obedience wants it so.  I seemed to see streets filled with human flesh, and blood inundating the ground, and cities besieged by enemies who spared not even children.  They seemed to be like many furies come out of hell; they respected neither churches nor priests.  The Lord seemed to send a chastisement from Heaven - what it is I don’t know; it just seemed to me that we will all receive a mortal blow, and some will be victims of death, others will recover.  I also seemed to see plants withered, and many other troubles which are to come over the harvests.  Oh God, what pain to see these things, and to be forced to manifest them!  Ah, Lord, placate Yourself!  I hope that your Blood and your wounds will be our remedy.  Or rather, pour the chastisements upon this sinner, for I deserve them; or otherwise take me, and then You will be free to do whatever You want; but as long as I live, I will do everything I can to oppose it.
Vol. 2, March 10, 1899

His Justice demands the reparation and must find it's compensation for all the sins of men.

He made me see a multitude of people, who were committing every kind of evil.  Indignant with them, Jesus would make different kinds of contagious diseases swoop down into their midst, and many would die black as charcoal.  It seemed that Jesus would exterminate that multitude of people from the face of the earth.  While seeing this, I prayed Jesus to pour His bitternesses into me, so as to spare the people, but He would not pay attention to me in this either....“My daughter, it is my Justice that wants to pour Itself out over the creatures.  The number of sins in men is almost complete, and Justice wants to come out, to make pomp of Its fury, and to find reparation for the injustices of men.  Look - to show you how embittered I am and to content you a little bit, I want to pour only my breath into you.”  And so, drawing His lips near mine, He sent me His breath, which was so bitter that I felt my mouth, my heart and my whole person being intoxicated.  If His mere breath was so bitter, what must be the rest of Jesus?  He left me with such pain, that I felt my heart pierced through.
Vol. 2, May 9, 1899

I went about looking at my sweet and only Good, and I saw that He was holding two lightnings in His hands:  in one hand, as though equipped, He had a strong earthquake and a war; in the other, many kinds of sudden deaths and contagious diseases.  I began to pray Him to pour those lightnings upon me, and I almost wanted to remove them from His hands, but to prevent me from doing this, He began to move away from me.  I tried to follow Him, and so I found myself outside of myself, but Jesus disappeared from me and I remained alone.
Now, finding myself alone, I went round a little, and I found myself in a place where, in this season, they harvest.  It seemed that uproars of war were happening there, and I wanted to go to help those poor people, but the demons prevented me from going there where such things were about to happen, and they beat me so that I would not be able to help or to prevent their artifices.  They used so much strength as to make me draw back.
Vol.3, November 17, 1899

What she saw at that point which so horrified her was only the beginning of what was being prepared. daughter, the chastisements I am sending are still nothing compared to those which have been prepared.  Therefore, do not want to afflict yourself with these, because they are not a matter of great affliction.”
As He was saying this, in front of me I saw many people affected by contagious diseases, who were dying; so, taken by horror, I said to Him:  ‘Ah! Lord, that’s all we need!  What are You doing? What are You doing?  If You want to do this, take me away from this earth, for my heart cannot bear the sight of scenes so gloomy.  
Vol. 3, July 3, 1900

This will come to the point where it is no longer reparation or chastisement for sins to turn man back to God but these scourges will be used to stop Man's rebellion by destroying him.  Utter destruction. 

As I was in my usual state, I seemed to see the Most Holy Trinity, as if They wanted to resolve what They should do with the world, and I was in Their midst.  It seemed that They were saying:  “If most fierce scourges are not sent to the world, everything is over for it concerning religion, and they will become worse than barbarians themselves.”  And while They were saying this, it seemed that wars of every kind, earthquakes destroying entire cities and diseases were coming down upon earth.  On seeing this, all trembling, I said:  ‘Supreme Majesty, forgive the human ingratitude; now more than ever the heart of man has rebelled, but if man sees himself being mortified he will rebel even more, adding outrages upon outrages against your Majesty.’  And a voice coming from Their midst said:  “Man can rebel when he is merely mortified, but when he is destroyed his rebellion ceases.  Here We speak not of mortification, but of destruction.”
Vol. 4, December 30, 1902

Continuing in my usual state, I just barely saw blessed Jesus and many purging souls, whom Jesus Christ was sending to the help of the peoples.  It seemed that many disgraces of contagious diseases were to happen to the peoples, and earthquakes in some places.  Some were killing themselves, some were throwing themselves into wells or into the sea, and some were killing others.  It seems that man is tired of himself, because without God he does not feel the strength to continue living.  Oh, God, how many chastisements, and how many thousands of people will be victims of these scourges!
Vol. 7, March 9, 1906

The Queen Mother intervenes on our behalf but not with complete deliverance from the scourges.

Then, around nighttime, Jesus came back with the Queen Mama, calling me by name, as if they wanted me to pay attention.  How beautiful it was to see Mama and Jesus speaking to each other.  The Celestial Mama was saying:

“My Son, what are You doing?  What You want to do is too much.  I have the rights of Mother, and I grieve that my children have to suffer so much.  You want to open Heaven to scourges, and destroy creatures and the food that will serve to nourish them; with infectious diseases You want to inundate them.  What shall they do?  You say that You love this daughter of mine - how much will she suffer if You do this.  So as not to embitter her, You will not do it.” 

And She pulled Him toward Me; but Jesus, determined, answered:

“I cannot.  I divert many evils because of her - but not everything.  My Mama, let us allow the whirl of evils to pass, so that they may surrender.”
Vol 12, May 28, 1918

And if one should think that all of these predictions have already occurred in the past and are not relevant to today or tomorrow this one shows that they are still relevant to us.  Even though it was written during WWI it still has yet to come to completion.  He even says that it will not be soon but it will come to pass.

“Now I want to tell you something consoling.  Italy, France, now win, and Germany loses.  All nations have some black stains, and all of them deserve humiliations and crushings.  There will be a general uproar - confusion everywhere; by the sword, by fire and by water, by sudden deaths, by contagious diseases, I will renew the world - I will make new things.  The nations will form a sort of tower of Babel; they will reach the point of being unable even to understand one another; the peoples will rebel among themselves, they will no longer want kings.  All will be humiliated, and peace will come only from Me.  And if you hear them say ‘peace’, it will not be true, but apparent.  Once I have purged everything, I will place my finger in a surprising way, and will give the true peace.  And then, all those who are humiliated will return to Me; and Germany will be Catholic - I have great designs upon her; England, Russia, and every place where blood was shed, will rise again to faith and will be incorporated into my Church.  There will be the great triumph and the union of peoples.  Therefore, pray - and it takes patience, because this will not be so soon, but it will take time.”
Vol. 12, October 16, 1918

The diseases that Luisa sees could only be compared to leprosy and we all know what a dread disease that was in history, and still continues in some places to this day.  She sees diseases which will touch all Nations.

I found myself outside of myself, and I saw as if contagious diseases were to come, and many were carried to leper hospitals. A general fright was reigning, and many other maladies of new kinds. But I hope that Jesus may want to placate Himself by the merits of His most precious Blood.
Vol. 15, June 21, 1923

my sweet Jesus escaped me like a flash, and I wanted to follow Him, but, to my highest bitterness, in that flash I saw that contagious diseases were to come, which will spread almost in all nations, not excluding our Italy.  It seemed that many were dying of it, to the extent of depopulating homes.  In several nations the scourge would rage more strongly, but almost all of them will be touched.  It seems that they hold hands in offending the Lord, and Our Lord touches everyone with the same scourges.  But I hope that He may want to placate Himself, so the peoples will suffer less.
Vol 20, December 29, 1926

Jesus makes it very clear that the human will acting on its own without the Divine Will to preserve the soul and body is to blame for contagions which cause disease.  Without the Divine Will reigning in the creature the human will emits putrid clouds which poison the body in the same way that the soul is poisoned.  The only true cure is for the Divine Will to once again reign in the creature so that it can be healed by receiving again the Divine life which will heal and overcome all the evils of the human nature.

Now, as Adam sinned, his human will remained alone, and he no longer had the one who would diffuse in his will the light, the varieties of so many fragrances which, being transfused outside, preserved the soul and the body as it had been created by God. Instead, thick clouds, putrid air, perfumes of weakness and of miseries began to emanate from within his human will, in such a way that the body also lost its freshness, its beauty. It became debilitated and remained subject to all evils, sharing in all the evils of the human will, just as it had shared in the good. So, if the human will is healed by receiving again the life of my Divine Will, all the evils of the human nature will have life no more, as if by magic.

Does, perhaps, the same not happen when a putrid, bad, stinking air surrounds the creatures? How many more evils does it not increase, as the stink reaches the point of taking one’s breath away, penetrating deep into one’s bowels, to the extent of producing contagious diseases that lead one to the tomb? And if some air from outside can cause so much harm, much greater harm can the foggy and putrid air of the human will cause, which comes from within the creature, from the depth of her whole being. And then, there is the palpable example of the plants. How many times, in a garden or a flowery field for which the farmer was all in feast hoping for an abundant harvest or expecting to pick many beautiful fruits, a fog was enough to strip the trees and make all the fruits fall to the ground, or an air too cold was enough to cast mourning over the flowery field, to blacken it and make it die, putting the poor farmer in mourning.        

If the air is good, it communicates the life of good; if it is bad, it communicates the life of evil, and even death. The exhalation of the air, if it is good, can be called life; if it is bad, it can be called death for the poor creatures. If you knew how much I suffered in my public life, when blind, mute people, lepers etc. presented themselves before Me… In them I recognized all the exhalations of the human will, and how man, without my Will, becomes deformed in soul and body. In fact, only my Fiat has the virtue of preserving Our works whole, fresh and beautiful, as they came out of Our creative hands.”          
Vol 24, July 7, 1928

Luisa constantly strove to repair and lessen all the chastisements that she witnessed.  In the beginning Volumes she frequently spoke about how she would do this and Jesus, himself, would teach her.  It begins by identifying oneself with Jesus so that everything is done together with him united in his Will.

“If you want to be safe, repair always, and repair together with Me.  Identify yourself with Me so much, as to form one single echo of reparations between Me and you.  Wherever there is reparation, the soul is as though under shelter, where she is protected from cold, from hail and from everything.  But where there is no reparation, it is like being out in the middle of the street, exposed to lightnings, to hail and to all evils.  Times are most sad, and if the circle of reparations does not expand, there is the danger that those who remain uncovered may be struck by the lightnings of Divine Justice.”
Vol. 12,  June 4, 1918 

Prayer, adoration and reparation disarm Divine Justice.  Arguments and worry do nothing.

‘My beloved Jesus, when it is about chastisements, one must no longer argue, but only pray.’  And so I began to pray, to kiss His wounds, and to make acts of reparation.  And while I was doing this, every now and then He would say to me:  “My daughter, do not use violence on Me.  By doing this, you want to use violence on Me by force; therefore, calm yourself.”
Vol. 3,  October 30, 1899

One particular was Luisa used was the Laudate Dominum, (click on link,) which she prayed in union with Jesus for all mankind.  It's so important to praise the Lord at all times.  Truly ingratitude is a horrible offense against such a generous, merciful God.

 ‘Do You want some reparation?  Let us do it together; in this way my reparations, united to Yours, will have the effects of Yours, for if I do them on my own I believe they will disgust You more.’  So I took His hand, dripping with blood, and kissing it, I recited the Laudate Dominum [Praise the Lord] with the Gloria Patri [Glory Be] – Jesus one part, I the other – to repair for the many evil works that are committed, placing the intention of praising Him as many times for as many offenses as He receives because of evil works.  How moving it was to see Jesus praying!  Then I continued to do the same to the other hand, placing the intention of praising Him as many times for as many offenses as He receives because of sins of causes.  Then, His feet, with the intention of praising Him as many times for as many evil steps and as many wrong paths which are covered, even under the appearance of piety and sanctity.  Lastly, His Heart, with the intention of praising Him for as many times as the human heart does not palpitate, does not love, and does not desire God.  My beloved Jesus seemed all refreshed by these reparations done together with Him...
Vol. 4, January 5, 1901 

Another way was to recite three Glory Be's, again in union with Jesus, to repair for all the glory that creatures owe God, followed by a Hail Mary as well to repair for the glory owed to Her.

 ‘Dear little One of my heart, let us recite three Glory Be’s, placing the intention of giving to your Divinity all the glory that the creature owes It, so You will receive at least a reparation.’  And He:  “Yes, yes, let us recite them.”  So we recited them together.  Then we recited one Hail Mary, placing the intention of giving the Queen Mother also all the glory that creatures owe Her.  Oh, how beautiful it was to pray with blessed Jesus!  I felt so much at ease that I said:  ‘My beloved, how I would like to make the profession of faith in your hands by reciting the Creed together with You.’  And He:  “The Creed you will recite by yourself, because that is for you, not for Me, and you will say it in the name of all creatures so as to give Me more glory and honor.”  So I placed my hands in His and I recited the Creed. 
Vol. 6, April 26, 1904 

The best way is to act with the intention of always living in the Divine Will.  This way Jesus, Himself, disposes the intentions for all of one's acts as best pleases Him.  And this fusing oneself in the Divine Will several times a day serves to maintain the balance of all reparations, satisfaction and glory owed to the Father just as Jesus did in his Humanity.

Another time I was thinking about what would be the best way to offer our actions, prayers, etc. - whether as reparations, as adorations, etc.  And my always benign Jesus told me: 

“My daughter, one who is in my Will and does her things because I want it, does not need to dispose her intentions herself.  Since she is in my Will, as she operates, prays, suffers, I Myself dispose these things as I best please.  Do I like reparation?  I place them as reparation.  Do I like love?  I take them as love.  Being the owner, I do with them whatever I want.  Not so for those who are not in my Will:  they are the ones who dispose, and I comply with their will.” 
 Vol. 11,  September 29, 1912 

 Know, however, that your mere fusing yourself in Me every day, and several times a day, serves to maintain the balance of all the reparations, because only one who enters into Me and takes from Me the origin of everything she does, can balance the reparations of everyone and of everything.  She can balance the glory of the Father on the part of creatures, because, since in Me is an eternal origin, an Eternal Will, I was able to balance everything:  satisfaction, reparation and complete glory of the Celestial Father on the part of all.   “So, as you enter into Me, you come to renew the balance of all the reparations and of the glory of the Eternal Majesty.  And do you think this is little?  Don’t you yourself feel that you cannot do without it, and that I do not leave you if, before, I do not see you fuse yourself in all my single parts, to receive from you the balance of all the reparations, as you substitute in the name of the whole human family?  Try, as much as you can, to repair Me for everything.  If you knew how much good the world receives when a soul, without a shadow of personal interest, but only for love of Me, rises between Heaven and earth and, united with Me, balances the reparations of all!” 
Vol. 12,  September 3, 1919

Know however that when we repair in the Divine Will we form Suns through which God looks at the earth making the earth less "disgusting" to God.  But man's sins often reduce the effect of the light on the earth.

 I said:  ‘Jesus, I multiply my thoughts in your Will, to give to each one of your thoughts a kiss of a divine thought, an adoration, a recognition of You, a reparation, a love of divine thoughts, as if another Jesus were doing it.  And this, in the name of all and for all the human thoughts, past, present and future; and I intend to compensate even for the intelligences of lost souls.  I want that the glory of all creatures be complete, and that no one miss the roll-call; and what they do not do, I do in your Will, to give You divine and complete glory.” Then, looking at me, Jesus was waiting, as if He wanted a reparation to His eyes.  And I said:  ‘Jesus, I multiply myself in your gazes, so that I too may have as many gazes for as many times as You have gazed upon the creature with love; in your tears, so that I too may cry for all the sins of creatures, to be able to give You, in the name of all, gazes of divine love and divine tears, to give You complete glory and reparation for all the gazes of all creatures.’ Then, Jesus wanted me to continue the reparations to everything - to His mouth, to His Heart, to His desires, etc., multiplying everything in His Will, such that it would be too long for me to say everything, therefore I move forward.  Then Jesus added: 

“My daughter, as you were doing the acts in my Will, many suns were formed between Heaven and earth; and I look at the earth through these suns, otherwise the earth would be so disgusting to Me that I would not be able to look at it.  But the earth receives little of these suns, because the darkness that they spread is such that, as it comes up against these suns, they can receive neither all the light, nor the heat.”
Vol. 12,  April 7, 1919 

Now as to the recent loss of public Mass.  Jesus stated that the offenses against the Sacraments, particularly those against the Most Holy Mass, would become so great that churches would remain deserted with no one to administer the Sacraments.  The pain of the loss of the Sacraments felt by those who want to receive them will be used as reparation for those who ignore or disdain them.

“My Justice can take no more.  I feel wounded by everyone – by priests, by devout people, by the secular, especially because of the abuse of the Sacraments.  Some do not care about them at all, adding despises; others, who attend them, turn them into a conversation for their own pleasure; and others, not satisfied in their whims, because of this reach the point of offending Me.  Oh, how tortured my Heart is in seeing the Sacraments reduced to painted pictures, or like those statues of stone which seem to be alive and operating from afar, but as one draws near them, one begins to discover the deceit.  Then, one goes about touching them, and what does he find?  Paper, stone, wood - inanimate objects; and here is how they are disillusioned completely.  This is how the Sacraments have been reduced for the most part – there is nothing but mere appearance.  What to say, then, about those who remain more filthy than clean?  And then, the spirit of interest that reigns among the religious – it is something to be wept over!  Don’t you think that they are all eyes where there is a most wretched penny, to the point of degrading their dignity?  But where there is no interest they have no hands nor feet to move a tiny bit.  This spirit of interest fills their interior so much that it overflows outside, to the point that the secular themselves feel the stench of it, are scandalized by it, and this causes them to give no credence to their words.  Ah, yes, no one spares Me!  There are some who offend Me directly, and some who, though they could prevent so much evil, do not bother doing it; so, I do not know to whom to turn.  But I will chastise them in such a way as to render them incapable, and some I will destroy completely.  They will reach such a point that churches will remain deserted, with no one to administer the Sacraments.” 
Interrupting His speaking, all frightened I said:  ‘Lord, what are You saying?!  If there are some who abuse the Sacraments, there are also many good daughters who receive them with the due dispositions, and who would suffer very much if they could not attend them.’  And He:  “Too scarce is their number; and then, their pain for not being able to receive them will work as reparation for Me, and to make them victims for those who abuse them.”  Who can say how tormented I was left by these words of blessed Jesus?  But I hope that He will placate Himself out of His infinite Mercy. 
Vol. 2, September 30, 1899 

Jesus early on told Luisa how important the Eucharistic Sacrament was and that in it he repeated constantly everything he did in his 33 years of life on the earth.  He wanted her to unite herself in thought with him in the Sacrament at the altar 33 times a day to repeat all of his intentions and honor each year of his life.

3. As for the visits and the acts of reparation, you must know that everything I did in the course of thirty-three years, from when I was born up to when I died, I am continuing in the Sacrament of the altar.  Therefore I want you to visit Me thirty-three times a day, honoring my years and also uniting with Me in the Sacrament with my own intentions – that is, reparation, adoration… You will do this at all times:  with the first thought of the morning, fly before the tabernacle in which I am present for love of you, and visit Me; and also with the last thought of the evening, while you sleep at night, before and after your meal, at the beginning of each one of your actions, while walking, working…” 

Vol. 1, The soul experiences that it cannot do anything without Jesus and that everything it does is all due to him.  Jesus, the true spiritual director, teaches the soul what to do in various situations.

Truly we have much to repair for all mankind.