Monday, January 29, 2024

The Greatest Enemies of Man

When I would think of the greatest enemy of man I'd think of the devil but Jesus explains otherwise in the Volumes.  Man, himself, is his own worst enemy.

He states that self interest poisons creatures.  It enters all who do not surrender to the light of truth and the power of virtue.  Such that the disordered love of self blinds the soul and keeps virtue far from her.

the truth is light to the mind, and with light things can be seen as they are.  But if one does not want to know the truth, the mind is blind and things cannot be seen as they are; and so they raise doubts and difficulties, remaining more blind than before.
Vol. 11, June 29, 1914

“My daughter, the poison of interest has entered into all hearts, and they have become soaked with this poison like sponges.  This pestilent poison has penetrated into monasteries, into priests, into secular.  My daughter, that which does not surrender to the light of truth and to the power of virtue, surrenders before a most wretched interest; and before this poison, the most sublime and excelling virtues fall shattered like fragile glass.”  And while saying this, He cried bitterly.  Who can say the torment of my soul in seeing my most loving Jesus cry!
Vol. 4, January 30, 1901

The human will goes so far as to block the Divine light from entering the soul.  It blinds the creature in her intellect, memory and will.   All bonds with the Divine are broken and she decays from the beautiful origin which she comes from and becomes ugly, even to becoming the daughter of the enemy who engraves his image in her.

the human will causes her to deny her origin, it makes her decay from her beginning; her intellect, memory and will remain without light, and the divine image remains deformed and unrecognizable. The human will breaks all the divine bonds and relationships, and therefore it makes the soul live in the reflections of all passions, in such a way that she becomes ugly and the daughter of the infernal enemy, who tries to engrave his ugly image in her. How many evils does one’s own will not cause! It devastates every good and produces all evils.”
Vol. 19, September 3, 1926

Doing one's own will is more terrifying than if one could stop the course of the sun or any of the elements.  Instead she stops the course of God Himself.  When Adam sinned it was as if he stopped the course of God and immobilized Him from being able to give or even speak to His creature.  It was at that moment that man detached himself from God, from stability, from Divine life.  So now man vacillates in every moment when ruled by his own will.

“My blessed daughter, doing one’s own will is so very grave, that it would be a minor evil if the creature might impede the course of the sun, of the sky, of the wind, of the air, of the water.  And yet this course would cause such disorder and terror that man could live no more.  And yet this great evil would be nothing in comparison to the grave evil of doing one’s own will, because with this she doesn’t impede the course to created things, but to her Creator himself.  Adam with removing himself from our Will stopped the course of the gifts that (He) should give to his beloved creature.   If he might have been able to he would have constrained God to immobility.  Our Supreme Being with creating the creature wanted to remain in continuous correspondence with her, he wanted to give her now one gift and now another.  He wanted to make her so many beautiful surprises not ever interrupted.  Now as [the creature] does her will, thus silently she says to her Creator:  ‘Withdraw, I don’t have anywhere to put your gifts.  If you speak to me I don’t understand you, your surprises are not for me, I am enough by myself’, and with reason she says this, because without my Will that is her primary life, she has lost the life and the capacity where to put my gifts, to understand our celestial language, and she makes herself (a) stranger to our most beautiful surprises.   The creature with not doing our Will loses the divine life, the most beautiful acts, most interesting, more necessary than her creation and of how she was created by God.

“Behold therefore, as man removed himself from our Fiat, he disarranged himself in a way that every step vacillated, because he detached himself, rejected the vital act of his life, and from the stable and permanent act that He should live with him as one life alone, that (is) our Divine Will.  In a way that we feel immobilized by man, because we want to give and we can not.  We want to speak and he doesn’t mind us; it is as if from a distant we make our sorrowful laments heard by saying to him:   ‘Oh, man, finish it, recall in yourself that Will that you rejected!  He doesn’t mind your evils, and if you call Him He is ready to take possession of you and form his kingdom in you, of dominion, of peace, of happiness, of glory, of victory for me and for you.  Oh, don’t want to be enslaved anymore nor live in the labyrinth of your evils and miseries!   (For) such I didn’t create you, but I created you king of yourself, king of all.  Therefore call my Will as life, and he will make you know your nobility and the heights of your post in which you were put by God.  Oh, how content you will be, and you will content your Creator!”
Vol. 30, May 8, 1932

Love of self entraps, blinding the soul, tripping her up leading to disturbances and scrupulosity.  Creatures mistake scruples for sanctity but in fact scruples keeps the soul from true sanctity.  The answer to love of self is obedience.   Obedience kills scruples and leads the soul out of this entrapment.

“My beloved, obedience has an extremely long sight and surpasses the very light of the sun in beauty and in sharpness.  In the same way, love of self is very much shortsighted, so much so, that it cannot take a step without tripping.  And do not believe that this extremely long sight is possessed by those souls who go on always disturbed and in scrupulousness.  Rather, this is a net that love of self weaves around them, which, being very shortsighted, makes them fall first, and then provokes in them a thousand disturbances and scruples, and what they have detested today with so many scruples and fears, they fall into again tomorrow, to the point that their living is reduced to being always immersed in this artificious net which love of self knows well how to weave around them.  This, unlike the extremely long sight of obedience, which is killer of the love of self.  Her sight is so very long and clear, that immediately she foresees where she might slip, and with generous heart she abstains from it and enjoys the holy freedom of the children of God.  And just as darkness draws more darkness, so does light draw more light, and this light arrives at drawing to itself the light of the Word, and uniting together, they weave the light of all virtues.”
Surprised on hearing this, I said:  ‘Lord, what are You saying?  To me it seems that that scrupulous way of living is sanctity.’  And He, with a more serious tone, added:  “On the contrary, I tell you that this is the true mark of obedience, while that is the true mark of love of self, and that way of living moves Me more to indignation than to love.  In fact, when it is the light of truth that allows one to see one’s fault, be it even the slightest, there should be some emendation; but since it is the short sight of the love of self, it does nothing but keep them oppressed, having no development on the path of true sanctity.”
Vol. 4, February 10, 1901

This love of self takes the form of three enemies:  the love of pleasures, riches and honors.  Disordered desires woo a soul that is centered on itself.  They embitter, crush and torture her forming the most powerful enemies, obsessing her, but they will never content her.  Jesus conquered these on Calvary but man refuses these hard won graces.

“My daughter, the most powerful enemies of man are: the love of pleasures, of riches and of honors. These enemies render man unhappy, because they penetrate even into his heart and consume him continuously; they embitter him, they bring him down so much, as to make him lose all happiness.  And I, on Calvary, defeated these three enemies, and obtained for man the grace to conquer them too, giving back to him the lost happiness.  But man, always ungrateful and heedless, rejects my grace and loves these enemies fiercely, which put the human heart in a continuous torture.”   Having said this, He disappeared, and I comprehended with such clarity the truthfulness of these words, that I felt abhorrence and hate for these enemies.   May the Lord be always blessed, and may everything be for His glory.
Vol. 4,October 12, 1900

When one is divided between love of God and love of creatures or pleasures or riches, they are torn and shredded and they live with anxieties, fears and disillusions which embitter them.  Only when the creature makes God her whole focus and becomes alone with Him can God then centralize all of Himself in her.  He refers to this as extraordinary grace.  He likens this to the Sun focusing all of itself on a single plant, imparting all of the effects of the Sun within this one plant while other plants only receive one effect each.  

“My daughter, you are alone with Me, and I am alone with you; and because you are alone with Me, I centralize all of Myself in you.  In fact, since you are alone with Me, I can fill you completely with Myself; there is not one point of you in which I do not take my place; you are transformed into Myself and, as though naturally, the extraordinary grace enters into you.  When the soul is alone with Me, I am free to do whatever I want; I enjoy her, Myself alone, and my love makes Me do such great things with her that I reach the point of folly, and I perform so many of those loving stratagems, that if they could be seen or heard by all creatures, they would say:  ‘Only Jesus knows how to love and can love in a way so astounding, so ingenious and so great.’  With one who lives alone with Me, I act as the sun would, if it could centralize all of its light over one plant.  This plant would receive into itself the whole of the life of the sun, and would enjoy all of its effects, while the other plants receive only one effect each, which is sufficient for the nature of each plant.  But the first one, because it receives the whole of the life of the sun, receives with it all the effects which the light contains.  So I do.  I centralize the whole of my life in her, and there is nothing of Me which I do not let her enjoy.  On the other hand, one who is not alone with Me, because I cannot centralize my life, is without light; she feels within herself the weight of darkness; her being is divided into so many parts for as many as are the things that she cares about.  So, if she loves the earth, she feels divided with the earth; if she loves creatures, pleasures, riches, she feels as though divided into shreds, in such a way that some tear her from one side, some from the other.  Her poor heart lives amid anxieties, fears and bitter disillusions.  All the opposite for one who lives alone with Me.”
Vol. 23, November 10, 1927

Being united to Jesus, in His Divine Will, a soul is not subject to anxiety because everything is done by Jesus and the soul is together with Him.  This is the key to true sanctity, it is devoid of self-esteem, vainglory, and passions as all credit and glory goes to the Divine Will.  Anything else is false sanctity where the soul vacillates falling from pious practices to defects easily.  They deceive themselves when not united to Jesus and instead of honor they find dishonor.  In the end these scruples are revealed as only love of self, resentment, passions hidden under the aspect of good.  While the soul living in the Divine Will is the smile of Jesus and He guards her every act.

So, the enemy cannot bother this child - whether he has done well or badly, little or much - because Jesus Himself did everything, and he together with Jesus. He is the most peaceful; he is not subject to anxiety; he loves no one and loves everyone - but divinely. It can be said that he is the repeater of the Life of Jesus, the organ of His voice, the heartbeat of His Heart, the sea of His graces.
True sanctity, I believe, consists only in this. All other things are shadows, larvae, specters of sanctity. In the Divine Will, virtues take their place in the divine order; while, outside of It, in the human order, they are subject to self-esteem, to vainglory, to passions. Oh! how many good works, how many attended Sacraments are to be cried over before God, and to be repaired for, because they are empty of Divine Will, and therefore without fruits. Heaven willing that all would comprehend true sanctity. Oh! how all other things would disappear.
Therefore, many find themselves on the false way of sanctity. Many place it in the pious practices of piety - and woe to those who move them! Oh! how they deceive themselves. If their wills are not united with Jesus, and also transformed in Him - which is continuous prayer - with all their pious practices their sanctity is false. And it shows how these souls pass very easily from pious practices to defects, to amusements, to the sowing of discord, and other things. Oh! how dishonored is this kind of sanctity Others place it in going to church to attend all the services, but their will is far from Jesus; and it shows how these souls have little care for their own duties. And if they are hindered, they get angry, they cry that their sanctity goes up in the air, they lament, they disobey, they are the wounds of the families. Oh! what false sanctity. Others place it in frequent confessions, in minute spiritual directions, in having scruples about everything; but then they have no scruple that their will does not run together with the Will of Jesus - and woe to those who contradict them! These souls are like inflated balloons: a little hole is enough for the air to come out, and their sanctity goes up in smoke, and falls to the ground. These poor balloons have always something to say, they are mostly inclined to sadness, they live always in doubt, and therefore would like to have a director for themselves, who would advise them, give them peace and console them in every little thing. But they are soon more agitated than before. Poor sanctity, how forged it is.
the poor and false sanctity of the balloons is subject to continuous inconstancies, and while it seems that the balloons of their sanctity swell so much as to seem to be flying in the air at a certain height, to the point that many, and even the directors, are amazed - soon they are disillusioned. One humiliation, one preference of the directors toward someone else, is enough to make these balloons deflate, for they believe this is a theft against them, considering themselves the neediest. Therefore, while having scruples about trifles, they then reach the point of disobeying. Jealousy is the woodworm of these balloons, which, consuming the good they do, keeps sucking air from them, and the poor balloon deflates and falls to the ground, reaching the point of dirtying itself with earth. Then the sanctity that was in the balloon appears. And what does one find? Love of self, resentment, passions hidden under the aspect of good, almost to have occasion to say: ‘They have made themselves the amusement of the devil.’ So, of all their sanctity, nothing was found but a mass of defects, apparently disguised as virtues. But then, who can say everything? Only Jesus knows the worst evils of this false sanctity, of this devout life without foundation, because it leans on false piety. These false sanctities are the spiritual lives without fruit, sterile, which are the cause of who knows how much crying for my lovable Jesus. They are the ill feeling of society, the worries of the very directors, and of families. It can be said that they bring with themselves a noxious air that harms everyone.
Oh! how so very different is the sanctity of the soul who lives in the Divine Will! These souls are the smile of Jesus; they are far away from everyone, even from the very directors. Only Jesus is everything for them; therefore, nobody worries because of them. The beneficial air that they possess embalms all; they are the order and the harmony of all. Jesus, jealous of these souls, makes Himself actor and spectator of whatever they do – there is not one heartbeat, breath or thought which He does not regulate and dominate. Jesus keeps this soul so absorbed in the Divine Will that she can hardly remember that she is living in the exile.
Vol. 12, August 14, 1917

God wants to be in relation with man in everything but man, by doing his own will, broke all relations with Him and instead placed himself in relations with his enemies; sin and passions.  Only by living in the Divine Will can order be re-established.

Everything I contain I placed in relationship with man - relations in the order of all created things, and to him I gave primacy over everything.
“Now, by withdrawing from my Will, man broke all these relations, and placed himself in relationship with sin, with passions, with his fiercest enemy. Therefore, the soul who lives in my Will rises so high as to leave everyone behind; she places herself in order between Me and her; she gives herself back to the origin, and places all broken relations in force. All created things form her cortege and recognize her as their legitimate daughter, feeling honored to be dominated by her. The purpose for which they were created, to be commanded and to obey her slightest wishes, is already accomplished.
Vol. 13, January 3, 1922

This union with God, living in the Divine Will, being alone with God, takes firm resolution.  When someone tries to mix the human with the Divine action they blind themselves and can vacillate.  With determination and resolution one can shut the doors to the enemies of the soul.

I remembered the needs that M. had told me, and I prayed Our Lord to answer him. In the meantime, I seemed to see him with a silver-colored garment; a black veil descended from his head, covering part of his eyes, and this veil seemed to communicate itself to another person who was behind him. I could not understand anything of this, and blessed Jesus told me: “The silver-colored garment that you see on him is his purity in operating, and the black veil is the ‘human’ that he mixes with it. This human that he mixes is like a veil which, covering the light of truth that shines in his mind, sometimes makes him act with fear, or to content someone else, and not according to the truth which my Grace makes shine in his mind.”
And I: ‘Lord, grant him what he told me, for it is something that regards your glory very much.’ And He: “For an irresolute soul, temporizing gives time and space to the enemies to wage battle; while by not giving them time, and by showing oneself resolute and unshakeable, the doors are closed to the enemies, and one has the good of not even exposing oneself to the brawl. So, if he wants to reach his goal quickly, these are the means, and I will be with him, and he will be victorious. And then, the very ones who are most opposed to him will be the most supportive, and will admire him the most, seeing that he has undone their human views.”
Vol. 8, January 23, 1908

Hard won virtues that are not guarded by the Kingdom of the Fiat are always in danger.  Passions can upset and cast them down.  Only the Divine Will continually vivifies and nourishes the virtues and can safely guard them from all evils, but when the human will sets itself against the Divine Will, God will often use Creation and Redemption for justice to strike against man instead of the good they were meant to bring to him.

The virtues that are not under the continuous dominion of my Fiat are subject to continuous dangers and continuous oscillations; passions have the ways open to put everything upside down and cast virtues and sanctity to the ground, formed with many sacrifices. If the continuous vivifying and nourishing virtue of my Will is not present, which closes all doors and all ways to all evils, the human will has door and ways to let the enemy, the world, self-esteem, miseries, disturbances, enter, which are the wood worm of virtues and of sanctity; and when there is the wood worm, there is not sufficient strength to remain firm and persevering in good. Therefore, everything is unsafe when my Divine Will does not reign.
Moreover, the evil that Our Divine Will does not reign in the midst of creatures is so great, that all things are in continuous oscillation. Our very Creation, all the goods of Redemption, are intermittent, because, not finding Our Fiat reigning in the human family, they cannot always give the same goods. Even more, many times We have to make use of Creation and Redemption to arm them against man, because the human will puts itself against Ours, and We, by justice, have to strike them in order to make them comprehend that, because Our Will is not reigning, the human rejects Our goods and forces Us to punish them. The very glory which the creature gives Us through Creation and Redemption is not fixed, but it changes at each act of the human will. Therefore, the small interest which the creature was to give Us - her love and her glory which she should give to Us because We have given so much to her - is not even a fixed revenue, but everything is intermittent, because Our Will alone has the virtue of rendering unshakeable and continuous Its own acts, and those of the one in whom It reigns. So, until Our Divine Fiat reigns, everything is unsafe; the Creation, the Redemption, the Sacraments – they are all in danger, because the human will now abuses, now does not recognize the One who has so much loved it and benefited it, now tramples Our very goods under its feet. Therefore, until Our Will reigns, which will spread the divine order, Its firmness and harmony, and Its perennial day of light and of peace in the midst of creatures, everything will be in danger for him and for Us; Our things themselves will remain in the nightmare of danger, and will not be able to give to creatures the abundant goods which they contain.”
Vol. 26, April 28, 1929

A soul without the Divine Will becomes a city besieged by enemies, but the enemies are from her own will.  Her will can not unite her and she is torn between her thoughts, desires, affections, and love.  She is tormented, torn in different directions and is lead away from her origin into ever worsening evils.  Only the Divine Will can unite her making her strong against all evils.

Without my Divine Will the creature becomes as a besieged city, in which the enemies constrain her to die of hunger, and torture her in all (her) members, with this difference, that the executioners that tear (her) members are her own will, they are not enemies that torment her, but she herself makes herself enemy of herself. If you might know the sorrow that I feel when I see souls torn to shreds, every act of her will is a division that she forms between God and her, it is a move away from the beauty of her Creation, it is chilling herself from the true and pure love, it is losing herself from her origin, it is preparing herself, if the will precipitates into grave evil, or an anticipated hell, or a purgatory if the evil is slight. The human will is as gangrene to the body that holds (the) virtue of making the flesh fall in shreds and of deforming the beauty of the creature. Poor souls without my Divine Will, because He alone holds the unitive virtue that uniting everything together, the thought, the desire, the affection, the love, the human will, he gives the beautiful form united to the soul of the creature. Instead without my Will the thought wants one thing, the will another, the desire wants another, the affection another, in a way that they struggle among themselves, they become entangled, they are divided. Ah! There is no peace, nor union without my Will, she lacks one who puts the cement there, in order to reunite the divided parts and render her strong against all the evils, that can rise up. Therefore your Jesus does none other than cry over the ruins of these, more than Jerusalem thrown into confusion, that instead of knowing their Messiah they refused to acknowledge Him and they gave Him death.
Vol. 31, March 5, 1933

The Divine Will and the human will are fierce enemies of each other.  The human will is the only one who can stop God from giving and establishing His throne within her.  If one just strives to do the Will of God they will always be subject to waver and put their own will back in action.  Only by living in the Divine Will can the soul be a secure citizen of Heaven and no longer prey to earthly enemies. attentive, because this is about placing in safety that Eternal Will which, with so much love, wants to dwell in the creatures. But It wants to be known, It does not want to be like a stranger, but wants to give Its goods and become Life of each one. However, It wants Its rights, Its place of honor; It wants the human will to be put aside – the only enemy for Itself and for man. The mission of my Will was the purpose of the creation of man. My Divinity did not depart from Heaven - from Its throne, while my Will not only departed, but descended into all created things and formed Its Life in them. But while all things recognized Me, and I dwell in them with majesty and decorum, man alone drove Me away. But I want to conquer him and win him, and therefore my mission is not ended. So I called you, entrusting to you my own mission, that you may place the one who drove Me away on the lap of my Will, and everything may return to Me in my Will. Therefore, do not be surprised at the many great and marvelous things I may tell you for the sake of this mission, or at the many graces I may give you; because this is not about making a Saint, or saving the generations. This is about placing a Divine Will in safety, that all may return to the beginning, to the origin from which all came, and that the purpose of my Will may have its fulfillment.’”
Vol. 17, May 4, 1925

“My daughter, courage, do not fear. I have told you this, and I have showed you how all of Heaven is bound to that Will of Mine which reigns in you, so that you may never surrender to your will, because the Divine Will and the human will are the fiercest enemies of each other. And since the Divine Will is stronger, holier, more immense, it is befitting that Its enemy – the human will – remain under Its feet, and serve as the footstool of the Divine Will. In fact, one who must live in my Will must not consider himself a terrestrial citizen, but must regard himself as a citizen of Heaven. And it is with just reason that all the Blessed feel shaken, because one who lives with their same Will is thinking of letting the human will enter the field – cause of disorder, which has never entered the celestial regions. You must be convinced that by living of my Will, the life of your will is ended - it no longer has reason to exist. This is why I have told you many times that living in my Will is very different: those who do my Will are free to give their own and to take it back, because they live as terrestrial citizens; but one who lives in It is bound to an eternal point, flows together with my Will, is surrounded by an impregnable fortress. Therefore, do not fear, and be attentive.”
Vol. May 21, 1925

The enemy had access to the earthly Eden and man fell.  In the divine Eden he can not enter, nor does he want to enter as he would be burned more than the fires of hell.  The devil can not even approach one who is completely in the Divine Will with temptations because his lies are exposed and he would be ridiculed, and mockery is something that he can not stand.  It was Jesus' test in the desert that closed the way to the devil.  He can not enter enter the Kingdom of the Fiat so the children of the Divine Will are safe.

The enemy had access to the terrestrial Eden, and the first sin was committed; in the divine Eden entrance is precluded to the devil, to passions and to weaknesses. Even more, he does not want to enter, knowing that my Will would burn him more than the very fire of hell; and upon merely feeling the sensation of It, he flees; and you will give start to the first acts in the divine manner, which are immense, eternal, infinite, and embrace everything and everyone.”
Vol. 12, March 3, 1919

“My daughter, one who is completely in my Will is not subject to temptation, because the devil does not have the power to enter my Will. Not only this, but he himself does not want to enter because my Will is light, and before this light the soul would recognize his tricks very easily and would therefore make fun of the enemy. The enemy does not like this mockery, which is more terrible for him than hell itself; so he does all he can to stay away from her. Try to get out of my Will, and you will see how many enemies will swoop down on you. One who is in my Will carries the flag of victory always high, and none of the enemies dares to confront this impregnable flag.”
Vol. 11, December 14, 1912

You must be my echo, in whom I must form the deposit from which the Kingdom of my Fiat must arise. Follow Me step by step, and you will feel the life, the heartbeat, the happiness of this Kingdom which I contain within Me, and which wants to come out in order to reign in the midst of creatures. And my love for It is so great, that if I allowed the infernal enemy to penetrate into Eden, I will not allow him to set foot in the Eden of the Kingdom of the Fiat. And this is why I permitted that he draw near Me in the desert – to debilitate him and put an end to his steps, and to close the way for him, that he might not dare to enter. Don’t you yourself feel how your presence terrorizes the enemy and he takes flight so as not to see you? It is the strength of my victory that hurls him down, and, feeling confused, he flees. Everything is prepared; there is nothing left but to make it known.”
Vol. 23, February 9, 1928

The Divine Will and the human will are truly enemies and they are in battle with one another, but there is a Divine twist.  Jesus fights with the creature when He reveals His knowledges about the Eternal Fiat, revealing His love, the joys and happiness of the Divine Will in order to overcome the human will and subdue it.  God gives the creature the weapons that she needs in order to battle with and overcome God Himself in order to obtain the Kingdom.  Both sides win with the establishment of His Kingdom. you want to know when you fight with Me and I with you?   I fight when I manifest to you the knowledges about my Eternal Fiat.  So, each saying, each knowledge, each simile about It is one fight and one battle that I make with you in order to win your will, put it in its place, created by Us, and call it, almost by dint of fighting, into the order of the Kingdom of my Divine Volition; and as I do it with you in order to subdue your will, I start it in the midst of creatures.  I fight with you when I teach you the way which you must follow, what you must do in order to live in my Kingdom, and the happiness, the joys, which you will possess.  In sum, I fight by dint of light, which my knowledges contain; I fight by dint of love and by the most touching examples, in such a way that you cannot resist my fight; I fight by means of promises of happiness and joy without end.  My fight is persistent, nor do I ever become tired – but to win what?  Your will, and in yours, those who will recognize Mine in order to live in my Kingdom.  And you fight with Me when you receive my knowledges, and placing them in order in your soul, you form the Kingdom of my Supreme Fiat within you; and fighting with Me, you try to win my Kingdom.  Each one of your acts done in my Will is a fight that you make with Me.  In each round you do through all created things, to unite yourself to all the acts that my Will does in all Creation, you call all Creation to wage battle in order to win my Kingdom, moving my very Will dominating in all created things, so as to wage battle on my Will Itself in order to establish Its Kingdom.  This is why, in these times, the wind, the water, the sea, the earth, the heavens, are all in motion more than ever, waging battle against creatures as new phenomena occur - and how many more will occur - destroying people and cities: because in battles it is necessary to dispose oneself to suffer losses, and many times also on the part of the winner.  There have never been conquests of kingdoms without battle, and if there have been, they have not been lasting ones.  You fight with Me when, investing everything I did and suffered in my Humanity – that is, my tears, my most intimate pains, my prayers, my steps, my words, and even the drops of my Blood – you impress in them your ‘I love You’, and for each one of my acts you ask for the coming of the Kingdom of my Supreme Fiat.  Who can tell you the fight you make with Me?  You move my very acts to wage battle on Me, that I may surrender and grant you my Kingdom.
Therefore, I fight with you, and you fight with Me. This fight is necessary – to you, in order to win my Kingdom; and to Me, in order to win your will and to begin the battle in the midst of creatures, so as to establish the Kingdom of my Supreme Will. I have my own Will, and all of Its very Power, Strength and Immensity in order to win; you have my Will Itself at your disposal, all Creation and all the good I did in Redemption, in order to launch a formidable army to wage battle and win the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat. See, each word you write is also a fight that you make with Me - one more soldier that joins the army, which must win the Kingdom of my Will. Therefore, be attentive, my daughter, for these are times of fight, and it is necessary to use all means in order to win.”
Vol. 20, February 19, 1927