From the post on
The Temptation of Man I have been thinking about original sin. It was mentioned that both Adam and Eve had the chance to turn to God initially and in that way there would not have been original sin. Both choose to rely on themselves instead, both had a chance to stop this catastrophic fall. But it still seems to me that there needs to be a greater understanding in that original sin came into the world through the collective act of both Adam and Eve. Too long has Eve born the burden throughout the ages that with out her mankind would have been hunky-dory. It can clearly be seen throughout every generation and culture how severely women have been oppressed and dehumanized as a result of this viewpoint. Original sin, however, was a combination of three, the devil, Adam and Eve, in direct opposition and in the perversion of God's Triune Act. This is why original sin was so severe that it has been carried on by all the human generations. Adam and Eve making use of the Divine Will entrusted to them and through the craftiness of the devil, who keeps trying to be like God but only can be a poor perversion, brought about the fall of mankind. So that is was one act with three components, if any one part of these three aspects where not present there would not have been original sin. In order to explore this topic further I've gone through the all the Volumes looking for passages which speak about God's Truiune Act. So that by understanding the true Divine Act we can see how original sin was actually done in direct opposition to this.
Jesus often refers in the Volumes to the role of Actor when referring to an act done by God. He is the master actor who prepares the most beautiful and moving scenes all for the benefit of man who often does not even take notice. Will, which, like capable actor, prepares the most beautiful scenes in order to amuse man in the theater of the whole Creation – not to receive, but to give. It prepares scenes of light - of the most refulgent; scenes of flowerings and of beauties - the most radiant; scenes of strength in the roaring of the thunder, in the bursting of the thunderbolt, in the continuous rising of the waves, and even on the height of the highest mountains; the most moving scenes of a Baby who cries, shivers, and is numb with cold; sorrowful and tragic scenes of blood, and even of death, in my Passion. No actor, as capable as he might be, can match Me in the varieties of my loving scenes. But, alas!, how many do not look at my Will in all these scenes, and do not take the substance of the fruit which is in them, and turn the feasts which my Will prepared in Creation and in Redemption into mourning. Therefore, my daughter, let nothing escape you; take all things as a gift that my Will gives you; whether they are small or great, natural or supernatural, bitter or sweet, let them all enter into you as gifts and as the fulfillment of my Will.”
Vol. 18, January 10, 1926
Which leads to the other role necessary to support an actor, a spectator. If there is no one to witness the act or appreciate it, taking it in and making it their own, then it would be an empty useless act and it is not possible for God to do useless acts. So even if there is no creature to witness and appreciate his works then he himself acts as spectator to himself. Here is the meaning in Genesis where it states "and God saw that it was good." He himself was acting as a spectator to himself and his work a necessary role to a Divine Act.
...wherever my Will reigns, It is the continuous Actor that never ceases to operate; and making Itself Spectator, It delights in Its divine scenes which It Itself unfolds in the creature; and she lends her being like matter in Its hands, to let It unfold the most beautiful and delightful scenes, which my Fiat wants to do in the soul in whom my Divine Volition dominates and reigns.”
Vol. 27, January 20, 1930
Not only is God actor and spectator in the acts of Creation and Redemption but even in those creatures who do not recognize him he preforms this role inside of man and in all of his acts.
“My daughter, man was created to be inseparable from God; and if He is not known and loved, it is precisely because they think that God is the Being far away from man, as if we had nothing to do – either he with Us, or God with him. To believe Him far away causes God to be dispersed from man, and everything I had in creating him, Our very divine qualities, remain weakened, suffocated and, for many, as if they had no life; while Our Divinity is not far away, but close – even more, inside of man, and in all his acts We are actors and spectators. Therefore, Our sorrow is great in seeing that the creatures consider Us and believe that We are far away from them, and therefore they neither know Us nor love Us. To think of Us as far away is the deadly iron that kills the love of the creature toward the Creator; distance breaks any friendship.
Vol. 28, November 30, 1930
Little daughter of my Will, this immense light that you see is my Supreme Will, from which nothing escapes. You must know that as I created the heavens, the sun, the stars, etc., for all I fixed the limits, the place, the number, and they can neither increase nor decrease. I hold all things as though in the palm of my hand. In the same way, in creating man, at the same time I created all intelligences and each thought, all words, works, steps, and all the rest of man, from the first to the last who will exist. And this was as though natural in Me; more so, since I Myself was to be the actor and spectator of even one thought. Since man would not be able to do it without Me, how could I not know it, and know also their number? Therefore, all the works of the creatures swim inside my Will, just as the fish swim inside a vast sea.
Vol. 14, Nov. 11, 1922
And so not recognizing God within them they keep him isolated and as alone. One who recognizes him, however, will then come to love him and keep him company, and he keeps such a one always with him. However for one who lives in his Divine Will God wants more than this. He wants her to play the role he normally plays and have her be spectator of all his acts. In doing so the creature comes to take these acts within herself as her own and begins to play a part in God's Triune Act and Jesus delights in occupying himself with her playing the role of actor and spectator of whatever she does.
...know that if I am content with the mere company of the creature who loves Me and tries to break my loneliness, with one who lives in my Divine Will I am not content – I want her always together with Me, as spectator of my baby tears, of my moans, of my sobs, my pains, works and steps, and also of my joys, because I want to make the deposit of them in her.
Vol. 27, December 24, 1929
Oh! how so very different is the sanctity of the soul who lives in the Divine Will! These souls are the smile of Jesus; they are far away from everyone, even from the very directors. Only Jesus is everything for them; therefore, nobody worries because of them. The beneficial air that they possess embalms all; they are the order and the harmony of all. Jesus, jealous of these souls, makes Himself actor and spectator of whatever they do – there is not one heartbeat, breath or thought which He does not regulate and dominate. Jesus keeps this soul so absorbed in the Divine Will that she can hardly remember that she is living in the exile.
Vol. 12, August 14, 1917
This is God's way of working that by having a spectator he can make the initial deposit of his works in her and then disburse them to others. Adam and Eve were the first spectators of the work of the Fiat in Creation and then Mary became the only witness that was living in the Divine Will to whom God could deposit his work for Redemption and from there to everyone. He repeats this pattern in everything he does.
...know that I begin all of my works between Myself and one creature; and then they are spread. In fact, who was the first spectator of the Fiat of my Creation? Adam, and then Eve. It surely wasn’t a multitude of people. Only after years and years did crowds and multitudes of people become spectators of It. In the second Fiat my Mama was the only spectator; not even Saint Joseph knew anything, and my Mama found herself more than in your condition: the greatness of the creative power of my work which She felt within Herself was such that, confounded, She did not feel the strength to mention it to anyone. And if, then, Saint Joseph knew it, it was because I manifested it to him. So, this Fiat germinated like a seed within Her virginal womb; the ear of grain was formed in order to multiply It, and then It came to the light of day. But who were the spectators? Very few. In the room of Nazareth my dear Mama and Saint Joseph were the only spectators. Then, when my Most Holy Humanity grew up, I went out and I made Myself known - but not to all. Afterwards, It spread more, and It will still spread.
Vol. 12, January 24, 1921
My very hidden Life, my interior pains and everything I did, always had at least one or two spectators; and this, with reason, out of necessity, and in order to obtain the purpose of my pains themselves. The first spectator was my Celestial Father, from whom nothing could escape; since He Himself was the One who inflicted those pains upon Me, He was actor and spectator. If my Father had seen and known nothing, how could I satisfy Him, give Him glory, and bend Him to mercy for mankind at the sight of my pains? Their purpose would have failed.
Secondly, my Mama was spectator of all my pains of my hidden Life, and this was necessary. Having come from Heaven to earth to suffer, not for Myself, but for the good of others, I had to have at least one creature in whom I was to place that good which my pains contained, and therefore move my dear Mama to thank Me, to praise Me, to love Me and to bless Me, letting Her admire the excess of my Goodness; so much so that, captured, enraptured and moved at the sight of my pains, She prayed Me that in the face of the great good which my pains brought to Her, I would not exempt Her from being identified with my own pains in order to suffer them, to repay Me, and to be my perfect imitator. If my Mama had seen nothing, I would not have had my first imitator - not a ‘thank you’, no praise. My pains and the good they contained would have remained without effect because, since no one would have known them, I could not have made the first prop, and the purpose of the great good which the creature was to receive would have been lost. See how necessary it was that at least one creature be aware of my pains?
If for Me it was so, I want it to be so also for you. Even more, I tell you that I want the confessor acting together with Me, as spectator and depository of the pains I make you suffer, so that he too may share in their good; and having him with Me, I may excite him more in the faith and infuse in him light and love, to make him comprehend the truths I keep manifesting to you.”
Vol. 14, October 3, 1922
But Jesus does not just want his creature acting as a spectator he also enjoys trading roles with her and having her take on the role of actor as he becomes the spectator of her. In this way he repeats and doubles his acts so that they might double the graces upon the earth for all creatures.
“Therefore, calm yourself; this state will end,
to make you pass on to other steps of my Humanity. When you feel that you
can take no more, abandon yourself more in Me, and you will feel your Jesus
praying, suffering, repairing. And you - follow Me; I will be the actor and you the spectator; and when you are cheered, you will take the part of actor, and I will
be the spectator; so we will alternate with each other.”
Vol. 12,
November 3, 1919
If you knew how much I enjoy it when I hear you say: ‘I want to unite myself with the thoughts of Jesus, with His words, with His works and steps, so as to position myself together with His thoughts, words, etc., over each thought, word, work and steps of creatures, in order to repeat along with Him, for all and for each one, that which Jesus did with His thoughts, words… and everything else He did. There is nothing You did which I do not want to do as well, so as to repeat the love and all the good that Jesus did.’ I feel Myself upon earth; I feel my acts being repeated by you, and I keep waiting for the repetition of my acts with so much love, that I Myself become actor and spectator in you, to enjoy them and take the glory of my own life. Therefore, the creature who lives and operates in my Will is recognized by the whole of Heaven as bearer of divine joys for all of Heaven; and keeping Heaven opened, she makes the celestial dew of graces, of light, of love descend upon earth over all creatures.”
Vol. 24, May 13, 1928
Now by this point I would imagine that you might be wondering about the third person in these acts. So far he's only talked about the actor and the spectator roles and these two roles he consistently refers to as actor and spectator. The third, however, he refers to in different terms and it's really only by looking at them all that one can start to understand this third role. I believe that although he doesn't mention it directly in the above passages it is hinted at when he states that he makes the deposit of everything in the creature, Vol. 27,
December 24, 1929. Now to examine the other ways he refers to the third role in the Triune Act.
In this first one he describes the role as custodian. So that it would be one who safeguards all these acts.
Continuing in my usual state, I was thinking to myself: ‘I feel I am the most bad of all; yet, my sweet Jesus tells me that His designs upon me are great; that the work which He is doing in me is so important that He does not want to entrust it even to the Angels, but He Himself wants to be the custodian, the actor and the spectator.
Vol. 14, March 16, 1922
Now, my daughter, I want to tell you of another excess of my love. One who does my Will and lives in It, comes to embrace the works of my Humanity, because I love so much for the creature to become similar to Me. And since my Will and hers are one, my Will takes pleasure in her, and, amusing Itself, It places all the good I contain into the creature, and I form in her the deposit of the very sacramental hosts. My Will, which she contains, lends her and surrounds her with divine decorum, homages and honors; and I entrust everything to her, because I am certain to keep my operating in a safe place, as my Will makes Itself actor, spectator and custodian of all my goods, of my works, and of my very Life.”
Vol. 15, June 18, 1923
In another reference he calls himself the engine and dictator in addition to the actor and the spectator. The engine I envision would be the framework and definition of what the act would be able to do. The dictator, similar, would orchestrate how the act reveals itself. So it would be the source from which the acts can become formed and defined.
“Daughter, pour yourself
into my Will to make complete reparations for Me. My love feels an
irresistible need for them; after so many offenses of creatures, it wants one at
least who, placing herself between Me and them, would give Me complete
reparations, love for all, and would snatch from Me graces for all. But you can do
this only in my Will, in which you will find Me and all creatures. Oh!
with what yearnings am I waiting for you to enter into my Will, to
be able to find in you the satisfactions and the reparations of all. Only
in my Will will you find all things in act, because I am engine, actor and spectator of everything.”
Vol. 11,
June 15, 1916
“My daughter, as soon as you began to write, I felt Myself being drawn so strongly, that I could not resist, in such a way that, as my Fiat overflowed from you, It put Me out in order to direct, while you write, what I have manifested to you about my Divine Volition. This is a commitment, it is a sacred and divine right that It has, to be the actor, the dictator and the spectator while you write, so that everything may be light and surprising truths, in a way that the divine characters of my Will may be known in clear notes. Do you think that you are the one who writes? No, no – you are nothing other than the superficial part. The substance, the primary part, the dictator, is my Divine Will; and if you could see the tenderness, the love, the yearnings with which my Fiat inscribes Its Life on these papers, you would die consumed with love.”
Vol. 25, February 22, 1929
Now he refers to it as life. He does not just safeguard all the acts or provide the framework and source from which they spring but he gives each act life. And when God refers to life he means eternal life as he is eternal which can reach everywhere and everyone.
“My daughter, have
you seen what it means to pray in my Will? Just as there is no point at
which my Volition does not exist – It circulates in everything and in everyone;
It is life, actor and spectator of everything - in the same way, the acts done
in my Volition become life, actors and spectators of everything, even of the
very joy, beatitude and happiness of the Saints. Everywhere they bring
light, the balsamic and celestial air which unleashes joys and happiness.
Therefore, never depart from my Will; Heaven and earth await you to receive new
joy and new splendor.”
Vol. 14, April
21, 1922
Furthermore he emphasizes this role of life giver when he refers to the third person in the Triune Act as the divinizer. That is one who sanctifies. He make all things similar to himself, good, holy, useful and alive with eternal life. One who lives in the Divine Will can share in this Triune Act of Actor, Spectator and Divinizer.
My Saints have done my Will, but have not entered into It, to do all that my Will does, taking all acts as though in a twinkling of an eye, from the first to the last man, and making themselves actors, spectators and divinizers. By doing my Will one does not arrive at doing all that my Eternal Volition contains; rather, It descends into the creature as limited, as much as the creature can contain of It. Only one who enters inside expands and diffuses himself like solar light in the eternal flights of my Volition, and finding my acts and those of my Mama, he places his own. Look inside my Will: are there perhaps other acts of creature multiplied within mine, reaching up to the last act that is to be performed on this earth? Look well - you will find none. This means that no one has entered. It had been reserved that the doors of my Eternal Volition would only be opened to my little daughter, so as to unify her acts with mine and with those of my Mama, and render all our acts triple before the Supreme Majesty and for the good of creatures. Now, since I have opened the doors, others may enter, provided that they dispose themselves to such a great good.”
Vol. 15, January 24, 1923
Mary by living in the Divine Will participated in this Triune Act which Jesus here describes as two reflectors of the same subject. In this way he states he was conceived in the womb of Mary.
Imagine two reflectors, each one reflecting the same subject into the other. These subjects are three: the one in the middle takes on the operating, suffering, supplicating role; the other two are with it, concur with it, and are spectators. So, I could say that one of the two reflectors was the Sacrosanct Trinity, and the other was my dear Mama. During the brief course of Her life, by living always in my Will, She prepared for Me in Her virginal womb the little divine ground in which I, Eternal Word, was to clothe Myself with human flesh, since I would never have descended into a human ground. And as the Trinity was reflected in Her, I was conceived. So, while that same Trinity remained in Heaven, I was conceived in the womb of this noble Queen.
Vol. 15, December 16, 1922
Now lets go back and look at that scene in Genesis again after having looked at God's Triune Act and it's three components.
4 But the serpent said to the woman, “You will not die; 5 for God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate.
Genesis 3:4-6
The devil the woman and the man are all present in that scene and Eve did not have to go out and find Adam after having been deceived by the devil, he was there with her from the first witnessing everything. Each component rotates through taking a turn at being the actor and spectator. Initially the devil shapes and poses the the question to Eve forming the framework for the fall. Then Eve after already playing the role of actor in taking and eating of the fruit, she then acts as engine offering the apple to Adam. Adam then completes the tragedy acting as the actor himself and eating of the fruit and because Adam and Eve were animated by a Divine Will this act became eternally sealed. But fortunately for us God will not be frustrated and what he wants he will obtain because for him to will, to want, and to do are one and the same. His plan was to create creatures that would live in his Divine Will reflecting and echoing all his Divine harmonies. Although this plan has initially been frustrated though the wiles of the devil and the frailty of man he will achieve his wanted result and will put forth everything that is needed in order to do so.
My daughter, it takes much to sustain and preserve a Divine Will in the soul; and the Divinity, knowing that the creature does not have equivalent things for a Will so holy, holds nothing back - everything is placed in her, at her disposal, in order to form the sanctity of living in my Will. God Himself acts as prime actor and spectator; my Humanity gives everything – everything It did, suffered and conquered, which are endless seas - as help of this sanctity, fully divine. The Queen Mama Herself places Her seas of grace, of love and of sorrow at her disposal, as help, and feels honored that they serve the Supreme Will in order to accomplish the sanctity of the Eternal Fiat in the creature. Heaven and earth want to give, and they give, because, feeling all invested by this Will, they desire - they yearn to help the fortunate creature to fulfill the purpose of Creation – the origin of the sanctity which the Supreme Volition wanted from the creature. Therefore, nothing will you lack on the part of your Jesus; more so, since this is my desire from of old, wanted, yearned-for and longed-for, for as long as six thousand years: wanting to see Our image reproduced in the creature, Our sanctity impressed, Our Will operating, Our works enclosed in her, and Our Fiat fulfilled. I wanted the enjoyment and to take the pleasure of seeing Our reflector in the creature; otherwise, the Creation would be without delight, without amusement, without harmony for Us. Our echo would not find the way through which to resound; Our sanctity, the place in which to impress itself; Our beauty, the place in which to shine; Our love, the place into which to pour itself; Our wisdom and mastery would find no place in which to operate and unfold. So, all of Our attributes would remain hampered in their work, because they would not find the suitable material with which to form their work, so as to have their reflector. On the other hand, in the soul in whom my Will reigns, my Will disposes her to become suitable material, so that Our attributes may carry out their delightful crafting.”
Vol. 20, November 14, 1926
He will do this without taking away the gift of free will that he has made to man since the beginning. He, instead, has worked a new and greater act than before in order to renew, heal and santify mankind. He redoubles all the acts of man laying a new divine act over each and through the free will of Mary and Lusia acting in the Divine will he has doubled and tripled this. He makes use of two women to do so for although original sin was an act of both Adam and Eve, Eve did form the first active role which started the fall. A triple seal of love over mankind. A Triune Act truly worthy of an omnipotent God. An Act for which the devil will be totally crushed and humiliated for all time. An Act for which man will bow to the overwhelming love of God and finally cry out Abba to him in the love that he so longs to receive from his creature.
... having created man,
not a slave, but free - because it would not have been decorous for Me, nor a
work worthy to come out of my hands had I delivered this man hampered, without
freedom; nor could I have said, ‘Let Us make him in Our image and
likeness’, had I not made him free - I wanted to endow him with freedom.
I was free - free was he also to be. Besides, there is nothing that
tortures a person more than to give a forced love, which causes diffidences,
suspicions, fears, and almost disgust in the one who receives it.
Do you see where each act of
creature, even one thought, has its origin? In the sanctity of my
Will. With this difference: that if man wants, he can do that very
thought, word, etc., well or badly, in a holy way or wickedly. Now, my
Will grieved in seeing the acts of many, of which It was the actor, changed
into deadly acts for Me and for them. Therefore I wanted that my Will,
becoming the double actor of each act, lay another divine act over all, which
was to repay Me with as many other divine acts, according to the sanctity of my
Will. However, someone was needed to do this: and here is my
Humanity, Holy and free as well, which, wanting no other life than the Divine
Will, swimming in this immense sea, went on redoubling each thought, word and
work of creature, and laid an act of Divine Will over all. This satisfied
and glorified the Divine Father, in such a way that He was able to look at man
and open the doors of Heaven to him. And I bound the human will more
strongly, leaving it always free not to detach from the Will of its Creator,
since detaching from It had made it fall into many disasters.
But I was not content with
this. I wanted my Mama, Holy as well, to follow Me in the immense sea of
the Supreme Volition, and to duplicate all human acts together with Me, placing
the double seal, after my own, of the acts done in my Will, upon all the acts
of creatures. How sweet was for Me the company of my inseparable Mama in
my Will! Company in operating makes happiness, delight, love of
tenderness, competition, accord and heroism arise; isolation produces the
opposite. Therefore, as we operated together, Myself with my dear Mama,
seas of happiness, of delight on both parts, and seas of love arose which,
competing with each other, dived into each other and produced great
heroism. These seas arose not only for Ourselves, but also for those who
would keep Us company in Our Will. Even more, I could say that these seas
turned into many voices which called man to live in Our Will, to give back to
him the happiness, his original nature, and all the goods he had lost by
withdrawing from Our Will.
Now I come to you.
After my Celestial Mama, I called you, so that all human acts may have the
first seal done by Me, the second done by my Mama, and the third by one
creature of common stock. My eternal love would not be content, if I did
not raise one of common stock, who must open the doors to those who would
dispose themselves to enter these gates in order to live in Our Will.
This is the reason for my many manifestations, for the many values and effects
which I made known to you about my Will. These will be powerful magnets
to draw you, and then others, to live in It. However, in order to enter
Our Will and follow the sublime flight of my acts and of those of my inseparable
Mama, being of common stock, you could not enter Our Will if you did not have,
or had at least been transformed into the nature which came out of my hands,
before man withdrew from Our Will. Here are, then, my many graces in
order to restore your nature, your soul, to that original state. As I
kept giving you graces, I removed from you the seeds, the tendencies, the
passions of the rebellious nature, always leaving your will free. Having
to call you into the center of my Will to live a communal life in It, and to
make you cover all the acts done by Me, which are not yet known by creatures,
it was necessary to restore your nature to this happy state, for my decorum,
sanctity and dignity. Otherwise, you could not have run with Me in the
endless acts of my Will, nor be with Me with that familiarity which is needed
in order to operate together. The passions, the seeds of tendencies which
are not good, would have been like many bars of division between you and
Me. At the most, you would have been at the commands of my Will like many
of my faithful ones, but you would have been very far from doing what I did,
and neither you nor I would have been happy; while living in my Will is
precisely this - to live fully happy on earth, to then move on to live more happy
in Heaven.
Therefore I tell you, true
daughter of my Volition, first happy birth from my Will - be attentive and
faithful to Me; come into my Eternal Volition. My acts await you, wanting
the seal of yours; those of my Mama await you; the whole of Heaven awaits you,
wanting to see all of their acts glorified in my Will by a creature of their
own stock. The present and future generations await you, to be given back
the lost happiness. Ah! no, no, the generations will not end until man
returns into my womb, beautiful, dominating, just as he came out of my creative
hands. I am not content with having redeemed him; even at the cost of
waiting I will still have patience, but he must return to Me as I made him, by
virtue of my Will. By doing his own will, he went down into the abyss and
transformed himself into a brute; by doing my Will, he will rise and acquire
the new transformation into the nature created by Me. Then will I be able
to say: ‘I have accomplished everything; the order of the whole Creation
has returned to Me, and I will rest in It.”
Vol. 14, November
11, 1922