Saturday, December 26, 2015

The Twelve Days of Christmas

In the Church bulletin the other day there was a little section which talked about the hidden meaning behind the song of the Twelve Days of Christmas.  Now I don't think I ever knew about this so thought I'd pass it on.  There is a nice site on the internet which talks about this:  The History of the Twelve Days of Christmas.   This song goes back to Catholics trying to survive in a Protestant England and was a way to teach some of the fundamentals of the Catholic faith in code.
The partridge in the pear tree represents Jesus because that bird is willing to sacrifice its life if necessary to protect its young by feigning injury to draw away predators.
The two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments
The three French hens stood for faith, hope, and love.
The four calling birds were the four gospels.
The five golden rings represented the first five books of the Old Testament.
The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.
Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit-----Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy.
The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.
Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit-----Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience [Forbearance], Goodness [Kindness], Mildness, Fidelity, Modesty, Continency [Chastity].
The ten lords a-leaping were the Ten Commandments.
The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful Apostles.
The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in The Apostles' Creed.
Original Source: Fr. Calvin Goodwin, FSSP, Nebraska
Printed with permission from Catholic Tradition.

So I hope everyone has a Blessed Christmas season and is drawn closer and closer to a deeper relationship with God.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Our Lady and Mother

On this feast of the Immaculate Conception and the beginning of this Jubilee of Mercy I wanted to take a moment to see what it is that Jesus Himself says about Our Lady as only He can do justice to Her.  In the Poem of the Man God there is a scene where Jesus reveals to some of his Apostles and disciples the mystery of Mary.

"I listened to you apostles, disciples and relatives speak, and I heard your impressions, your recollections and your statements concerning My Mother.  I will transfigure all that, which is admirable although still very human, into a supernatural knowledge.  Because My Mother is to be transfigured, before Me, in the eyes of the most deserving, to show Her as She is.  You see a woman.  A woman different from other women, because of Her holiness, but in actual fact you see Her as a soul wrapped in a body, just like all women Her sisters.  But now I wish to reveal to you the soul of My Mother.  Her true and eternal beauty.
Come here, Mother.  Do not blush.  Do not withdraw shyly, sweet dove of God.  Your Son is the Word of God and He can speak f You and of Your mystery, of Your mysteries, O sublime Mystery of God.  Let us sit down here, in the pleasant shade of the trees in blossom near the house, near Your holy room.  Thus!  Let us lift this fluttering curtain, so that waves of holiness and Paradise may come out of this virginal room, to saturate us all with Your virtues...  Yes.  Me as well.  That I may smell of You, O perfect Virgin, so that I may be able to bear the stench of the world, in order that I may see purity after saturating My eyes with Your Purity...  Marjiam, John, Stephen come here, and you women disciples, stand directly in front of the open door of the chaste abode of the most Chaste amongst women.  And you, My friends, stand behind.  And You, My beloved Mother, here, beside Me.
A little while ago I said to you:  "the eternal beauty of the soul of My Mother."  I am the Word, and thus I can make use of words without erring.  I said:  eternal, not immortal.  And I deliberately said to.  He is immortal who, after being born, does not die.  Thus the souls of the just are immortal in Heaven, the souls of sinners are immortal in Hell, because a soul, once it has been created, does not die but to grace.  But a soul has life, it exists from that moment that God thinks it.  It is in the Thought of God that creates it.  The soul of My Mother was thought by God from everlasting.  It is therefore eternal in its beauty, in which God poured every perfection to receive delight and comfort from it.
It is written in the Book of our ancestor Solomon, who foresaw You, and can thus be called Your prophet:  "God possessed me from the beginning of His works, from the very beginning, before Creation.  From everlasting I was firmly set, from the beginning before the Earth came into being.  The deep was not yet, and I was conceived.  There were no springs to gush with water, the mountains were not yet settled on their hug mass, and I already was.  Before the hills I came to birth.  He ha not yet made the Earth, the rivers, or the poles of the world, and I already existed.  When He prepared the sky and Heaven I was present.  When with inviolable law He closed the abyss under the vault, when He fixed firm the celestial vault and He suspended there the sources of water, when he assigned the sea  its boundaries and He ordered the water not to pass its limit, when He laid down the foundations of the earth, I was by His side arranging everything.  I was always joyfully at play in His presence.  I played in the universe."
Yes, Mother, with Whom God, Immense, Sublime, Virgin, Uncreated, was pregnant and carried You like a most sweet burden, rejoicing at feeling You stir within Him, when with Your smiles he created the Universe!  He laboriously gave birth to You to give you to the world, most gentle soul, born of the Deity to be the "Virgin," the Perfection of Creation, the Light of Paradise, the Advice of God, Who looking at You forgave Sin, because You alone, by Yourself can love as all Mankind put together cannot love.  In You is the Forgiveness of God!  You are the Treatment of God, You are the caress of the Eternal Father on the wound that man inflicted on God!  In You is the Salvation of the world, Mother of the Love Incarnate and of the granted Redeemer!  The soul of My Mother!  Merged in Love with My Father, I looked at You within Me, O soul of My Mother!...   And Your splendor, Your prayer, the idea of being carried by You comforted Me forever and ever for My destiny of sorrow and inhuman experience of what the corrupted world is for the most Perfect God.  Thank You, Mother!  When I came I was already full of Your consolation, I descended perceiving You alone, Your perfume, Your song, Your love...Joy, My joy!
Now that you know that one only is the Woman in Whom there is no stain, that one only Human Being costs the Redeemer no injury, listen to the second transfiguration of Mary, the Elect Daughter of God.
It was a clear afternoon in the month of Adar and the trees were in bloom in the silent kitchen garden, and Mary, Joseph's bride, had picked a flowery branch to replace the one that was in Her room.  Mary, taken from the Temple to adorn a house of saints, had recently come to Nazareth.  And with Her soul divided among Temple, house and Heaven, She was looking at the flowery branch, considering that by means of a similar branch, which had bloomed in an unusual manner, a branch cut off in this garden in the depth of winter and had bloomed as if it were springtime before the Ark of the Lord - perhaps the Sun-God beaming in His Glory had warmed it - God had revealed His will to Her...  And She was thinking also that on the day of their wedding Joseph had brought Her other flowers, but never like the first one on the thin petals of which It was written:  "I want You united to Joseph"...  She was thinking of many thing...  And while thinking She ascended to God.  Her hands ere busy with distaff and spindle and were spinning a yarn that was thinner than the hair of Her young Head...
Her soul was weaving a carpet of love, moving quickly, like a shuttle on a loom, from the earth to Heaven.  From the needs of the house, of Joseph, to those of the soul, of God.  And She sang and prayed.  And the carpet was forming on the mystical loom, it rolled off from the earth to Heaven, it ascended to get lost up there...  Formed with what?  With the thin, perfect strong threads of Her virtues, with the flying thread of the shuttle, which She thought was "Hers," whereas it was God's:  the shuttle of the Will of God, on which was rolled the will of the little, great Virgin of Israel, Unknown to the World, Known to God, rolled and made one with the Will of the Lord.  And the carpet was adorned with the flowers of love, of purity, with palms of peace and palms of glory, with sweet-smelling violets, with jasmines...  Every virtue flowered on the carpet of love, which the Virgin of God unrolled invitingly from the earth to Heaven.  And as the carpet was not sufficient She thrust Her heart singing:  "let My Beloved come into His garden and eat the fruit of His trees...  Let My Beloved come down to His garden, to the bed of spices, to pasture in the gardens and gather lilies.  I am My Beloved's and My Beloved is Mine.  He pastures among the lilies!"  And from infinite distance, among torrents of Light, a Voice came that human ear cannot hear and human throat cannot utter.  And it said:  "How beautiful You are, My love!  How beautiful You are!... Your lips distil wild honey...  You are a garden enclosed, a sealed fountain, My sister, My promised bride..."  and the two voices joined together to sing the eternal truth:  "Love is stronger than death.  Nothing can quench or drown 'our" love."  And the Virgin was thus transfigured when Gabriel descended and called Her back t the Earth, with his ardor, and joined Her soul to Her body again, so that She might hear and understand the request of Him, Who had called Her "Sister" but wanted Her to be His "Bride."
And the Mystery took place there...  And a modest woman, the most modest of all women, Who was not even aware of the instinctive incentive of the flesh, fainted before the Angel of God, because even an angel upsets the humbleness and modesty of the Virgin, and only when She heard him speak She calmed down, and She believed, and She said the word, whereby "their" love became Flesh and will defeat Death and no flood will be able to quench it or wickedness to submerge it..."
Jesus bends gently over Mary Who has slid to His feet, almost ecstatically, in the recollection of the remote hour; shining with a special light, which seems to issue from Her soul, and He asks Her in a low voice:  "Which was our reply, Most Pure Mother, to him who assured You that by becoming Mother of God, You would not Lose Your perfect Virginity?"
And Mary, almost in a dream, slowly, smiling, Her eyes shining with joyful tears:  "I am the handmaid of the Lord!  Let It be done to Me according to your Word" and She reclines Her head on the knew of Her Son, adoring Him.
Jesus covers Her with His mantle, concealing Her from everybody's eyes and He says:  "And it was done.  All will be done until the end.  Until Her net transfiguration and the one after that.  She will always be the "Handmaid of God." She will always act according to what "the Word" says.  My Mother!  That is My Mother.  And you ought to begin to become fully acquainted with Her holy Figure...  Mother!  Mother!  Raise Your face, My Beloved...  Call Your devout admirers back to the Earth, where we are for the time being..."  He says uncovering Mary after a little which, during which no nose was heard except the humming of bees and the gurgling of the little fountain.
Mary raised Her face wet with tears and whispers:  "Why did You do that to Me, Son?  The secrets of the King are sacred..."
"But the King can reveal them whenever He wishes.  Mother, I did it, so that the words of the Prophet may be understood:  "A Woman will enclose the Man in Herself," and the words of the other Prophet:  "The Virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son/"  And also that My disciples, who are struck with horror at too many things that they consider degrading for the Word of God, may have, as counterbalance, many other things confirming them in the joy of being "Mine."  Thus they will no longer be scandalized and will conquer Heaven..."

In the Volumes Jesus repeats this refrain of how Mary called God down to the Earth.

In addition to Myself, there is my Celestial Mama, who was given the unique mission of Mother of a Son-God, and the office of Co-Redemptrix of mankind. For Her mission of Divine Maternity, She was enriched with so much grace, that all that belongs to the other creatures, both celestial and terrestrial, united all together, will never be able to equal Her. But this was not enough to draw the Word into Her maternal womb; She embraced all creatures, She loved, repaired, adored the Supreme Majesty for all, in such a way as to accomplish, Herself alone, all that the human generations owed God. So, in Her virginal Heart She had an inexhaustible vein toward God and toward all creatures. When the Divinity found in this Virgin the requital of the love of all, It felt enraptured, and formed in Her Its Conception. And as She conceived Me, She took on the office of Co-Redemptrix, and She took part in, and embraced together with Me, all the pains, the satisfactions, the reparations, the maternal love toward all. So, in the Heart of my Mother there was a fiber of maternal love toward each creature. This is why, when I was on the Cross, in truth and with justice I declared Her the Mother of all. She ran together with Me in the love, in the pains - in everything; She never left Me alone. If the Eternal One had not placed so much grace in Her as to be able to receive the love of all from Her alone, He would never have moved from Heaven to come upon earth to redeem mankind. Here is the necessity, the befittingness, that, having the mission of Mother of the Word, She embrace and surpass everything.
Vol. 17, May 1, 1925

And again in the Volumes he expounds on the supremacy of our Queen and Lady and Mother.

But the one who surpasses all is my Celestial Mama.  She is the new heaven, the most refulgent sun, the brightest moon, the most flowery earth; She encloses everything – everything within Herself.  If each created thing encloses the fullness of its own good received by God, my Mama encloses all goods together, because, since She is endowed with reason and my Will lived wholly in Her, the fullness of grace, of light, of sanctity, grew in every instant.  Every act She did was suns and stars that my Will formed in Her.  So, She surpassed the whole Creation; and my Will, whole and permanent in Her, did the greatest thing and impetrated the longed for Redeemer.  This is why my Mama is Queen in the midst of Creation - because She surpassed everything, and my Will found in Her the nourishment of Her reason, which made It live as whole and permanent in Her.  There was highest accord, they held each other’s hand, there was not one fiber of Her Heart, or word or thought, over which my Will did not possess Its Life.  And what can a Divine Will not do?  It can do everything.  There is no power It lacks, or thing It cannot do.  Therefore it can be said that my Mama did everything; and everything that all others together could not do, nor will be able to do, She did by Herself.
“Therefore, do not be surprised if I point out to you the Creation and the Sovereign Queen, because I must point out to you the most perfect examples in which my Will has perennial life, and has never found an obstacle to Its field of divine action, in order to be able to operate things worthy of Itself.  My daughter, if you want my Supreme Fiat to reign as It does in Heaven – which is the greatest thing that is left for Us to do for the human generations – let my Will have the place of sovereign in you, and live as whole and permanent.  Do not be concerned about anything else, be it your incapacity, or the circumstances, or the new things which may arise around you, because as my Will reigns in you, they will serve as raw material and nourishment so that my Fiat may have Its fulfillment.”
Afterwards, I was thinking to myself:  ‘It is true that my Queen Mama made the greatest of sacrifices, which no one else has made - that is, not even wanting to know Her own will, but only that of God; and through this She embraced all sorrows, all pains, up to the heroism of sacrifice, sacrificing Her own Son in order to do the Supreme Will - but once She made this sacrifice, everything She suffered afterwards was the effect of Her first act.  Nor did She have to struggle as we do, in different circumstances, in unforeseen encounters, in unexpected losses… It is a constant struggle, to the point of making our hearts bleed for fear that we might surrender to our own belligerent human wills.  How much attention one must have, so that the Supreme Will may always keep Its place of honor and Its supremacy over everything; and many times this struggle is harsher than the pain itself.’
But while I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus moved in my interior, telling me:

      “My daughter, you are wrong.  The maximum sacrifice of my Mama was not only one, but they were so great and so many - for as many as were the sorrows, the pains, the circumstances and the encounters to which Her existence and Mine were exposed.  Pains were always doubled in Her, because my pains were Hers - more than Her own pains.  Besides, my wisdom did not change direction with my Mama; in each pain She was to receive, I always asked Her whether She wanted to accept it, in order to hear that ‘Fiat’ being repeated to Me in each pain, in each circumstance, and even in each heartbeat of Hers.  That ‘Fiat’ resounded so sweet, gentle and harmonious to Me, that I wanted to hear It being repeated in every instant of Her life.  This is why I would always ask Her:  ‘Mama, do you want to do this?  Do you want to suffer this pain?’  And my Fiat would bring Her the seas of the goods It contains, and would make Her understand the intensity of the pain She was accepting.  This understanding, through divine light, of that which, step by step, She was to suffer, gave Her such martyrdom as to infinitely surpass the struggle which creatures suffer.  In fact, since the seed of sin was missing in Her, the seed of the struggle was missing, and so my Will had to find another device, that She might not be inferior to the other creatures in suffering, because, having to acquire by justice the right of Queen of Sorrows, She was to surpass in suffering all creatures together.
“How many times have you yourself not experienced this – that while you felt no struggle within you, as my Will would make you understand the pains It inflicted upon you, you would remain petrified by the intensity of the pain; and while you were undone in that pain, you were the tiny little lamb in my arms, ready to accept yet more pains to which my Will would want you to be submitted.  Ah, did you not suffer more than in the struggle itself?  The struggle is a sign of vehement passions, while my Will, if It brings suffering, gives intrepidness; and with the knowledge of the intensity of the pain, It gives one such merit that only a Divine Will can give.  Therefore, just as I act with you – that in everything I want from you, first I ask you whether you want it, whether you accept it – so I did with my Mama.  This, so that the sacrifice may be always new, and may give Me the opportunity to converse with the creature, to be with her, and my Volition may have Its field of divine action in the human will.”
Vol 19, April 28, 1926

Our Heavenly Mother is the Queen of all and possess the fullness of all grace, beauty and virtue but she is not just the Mother of all of us she is even the Mother of all and each of our acts.  Jesus says that this is one of the greatest graces ever given to man but so many refuse her Maternity and making all that she would want to give futile.

“Now, you must know that as my inseparable Mama extended her maternity inside and outside of my humanity, thus I constituted her and confirmed her Mother of every single thought of the creature, of every breath, of every heartbeat, of every word, and I made her maternity extend in the works, in the steps, in all their sufferings.  Her maternity races everywhere; in the perils of falling into sin, she races, covers them with her maternity, so that they don’t fall, and if they have fallen, she leaves her maternity as help and defense in order to have them rise again; her maternity races and extends itself over the souls that want to be good and holy as if she might find her Jesus in them, she does as Mother to their intelligence, she guides their words, covers and hides them in her maternal love in order to raise so many other Jesus’s.  Her maternity makes (a) display over the beds of the dying, and making use of the rights of authority of Mother from me she gives (to) them, she says to me with (an) accent so tender that I can not deny her:  ‘My Son, I am Mother, and they are my children, I must put them into safety, if you don’t concede this to me my maternity goes (swept) under/(is undermined) by it’; and while she says this, she covers them with her love, hides them in her maternity in order to put them into safety.
            “My love was so much that I said to her:  ‘My mother, I want that you be the Mother of everyone, and that which you have done for me you will do to all creatures; let your maternity be extended in all their acts, in a way that all I will see is covered and hidden in your maternal love.’  My Mama accepted and remained confirmed that not only should she be Mother of everyone, but to invest every act of theirs with her maternal love.  This was one of greatest graces that I did to all the human generations, but how many sorrows doesn’t my Mama receive?  They arrive to not want to receive her maternity, to refuse to acknowledge her...
Vol. 36, December 28, 1938