Friday, November 16, 2018

The Meaning behind The Miracle of the Sun

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While reading in the Volumes I came across one which pointedly reminded me of the Great Miracle of the Sun in Fatima and the nearly daily miracles of the Sun which continue in Medjugorje.  It occurred to me that in all this time, in all these recounts of these events no one has asked the question what was the point of the miracle, what was the message.  Was it merely to scare people to convert? God doesn't do things without purpose.  He doesn't just do things to scare people or put on a great light show.  Everything he does is with highest reason, power, beauty and utility.

So first let's review the Miracle of the Sun which occurred October 13, 1917....

The Great Miracle of the Sun
The greatest miracle to occur since the Resurrection is also the only miracle ever precisely predicted as to date, time of day and location. Although it is popularly known as “The Miracle of the Sun” and October 13, 1917 has come to be known as “The Day the Sun Danced,” a great deal more took place. The solar phenomena included the dancing of the sun, its fluctuations in color, its swirling and its descending toward the earth. There was also the stillness in the leaves of the trees in spite of howling winds, the complete drying of the rain-soaked ground and the restoration of clothes all wet and covered with mud so that, as eye-witness Dominic Reis, put it, “They looked as tho they had just come back from the cleaners.” Physical cures of the blind and the lame were reported. The countless unreserved public confessions of sin and commitments to conversion of life attest to the authenticity of what they saw.
The miracle is reported to have been seen from as far as 15-25 miles away, thus ruling out the possibility of any type of collective hallucination or mass hypnotism. Doubters and skeptics had become believers. Even O Seculo’s chief editor, Avelino de Almeida, now reported affirmatively and stood by his story later on in spite of harsh criticism.

Many feared it was the end of the world resulting in many converting and people going to confession.  Also in Medjugorje, although perhaps not as dramatic as Fatima, there has been nearly a daily observance of the dancing Sun.

For many of the youth, growing up in Medjugorje, the spinning of the sun has become almost a natural occurrence, as this has been happening daily since they were born. ...
“On August 2, 1981, the Feast of Our Lady Queen of the Angels, in the late afternoon, before the sun had set, the sun was seen to spin in its orbit, then descend toward the watching people of approximately 150, then retreat – a ‘dance of the sun’ that reminded the people of the miraculous phenomenon at Fatima.

Sun Miracles at Medjugorje

The sun has always been a great symbol of the unity of the Trinity in it's fire, light and heat.  See The Trinity  for further discussion on this topic.  The sun is a lesson given to us by God, a lesson of love and purity from which all goods can trace their origin just as the sun is the source of all the good effects which it brings to the earth.

But you must know that all of creation, and each created thing, gives a lesson to man.  They all narrate Our Divine qualities, and each thing gives a lesson about the quality that it contains: the sun gives a lesson in light, and teaches that to be light it is necessary to be pure, stripped of every material thing.  Light always contains heat united to it - you cannot detach the light from the heat - so if you want to be light you must love only your Creator, and this will bring to you, like the sun, the fecundity of good. 
Vol. 21, April 22, 1927

Just as the sun is a lesson on how we should be it is also a lesson on the very nature of God and his trans-formative power.  There is no darkness, pain, vice or sorrow which the Divine Will can not transform into beauty.

“My daughter, as the sun, when it rises, makes the darkness flee, so it brings with it the dawning of the light which replaces the dampness of the night which has so invested the plants that they have become oppressed, numbed, and dejected.  As the sun rises, that dampness changes into pearls making everything glisten:  plants, flowers, and all of nature.  It’s silvery brilliance restores joy and beauty as it removes the stupor of the night; and with its enchantment of light it seems as if it gives a hand to all of nature to vitalize her, make her beautiful, and give her life.  The sea, the streams, and the springs become all armed and enlarge the diversity and vivacity of the colors.
“Similarly, as My Volition rises, all human acts rest enveloped with light, they take their place of honor in My Will, [and] each receives its special tint of beauty and the tone of the Divine colors - in such a way that the soul remains transfigured and covered with an indescribable beauty.  As the Sun of My Volition rises It places in flight all the evils of the soul and takes away the numbness produced by the passions.  Rather, before the Light of the Divine Fiat the same passions taste that light and seek to convert themselves into virtues so they may give homage to My Eternal Volition.  As It rises all becomes joy, [even] the very sufferings [which], like the seas of the night, create fear in the poor creature.  Where My Volition rises It puts to flight the night of the human will, and removing every fear It thoroughly forms Its gold in those pains, and with Its Light It invests the bitter waters of suffering and crystallizes them into seas of sweetness so as to form an enchanting and admirable horizon.  What can My Volition not do?  It can do all, and wants to give all; [and] where It rises, It does things worthy of Our creative hands.”
Vol. 21, March 22, 1927

But if the sun were to leave it's orbit and come too close to the earth, as was witness in the Great Miracle of the Sun, the earth would burn up being transformed into the very fires of the sun losing it's own form and essence.  This is also a symbol of the difference between creatures living off of the effects of grace or the effects of the light of the sun and those who are called to live in the Divine Will or in the very unity of it.

I was thinking about the unity of the Divine Fiat, and was saying to myself: ‘How could all those who have done good, so many great works, do them, if they did not possess Its unity?’ And Jesus, always benign, added: “My daughter, all the good done until now by creatures has been done by virtue of the effects of my Divine Will, because there is no good without It; but as for living totally and fully in Its unity – none until now, only my Queen Mama; and this is why She drew the great prodigy of the Incarnation of the Word. Had there been someone, the earth would have returned to the state of Eden; and then, the one who would possess the unity of my Will could neither have contained It, nor endured without speaking about It. It would have been as if the sun wanted to enclose itself inside a vase of crystal, without spreading its rays. Would it not, instead, crack the glass with its heat so as to be free to spread its rays? To possess the unity of my Fiat and not to speak about It, and not to spread Its rays, the beauty of Its knowledges, would have been impossible for her; her heart would crack if she did not give it vent to manifest, in part, the fullness of Its light and of Its goods. So, good has been done by virtue of the effects of It.

The same happens with the sun which, by virtue of the effects which its light contains, makes the plants germinate, and makes the earth produce so much good. It seems that the earth and the effects of the sun work together to produce plants, fruits and flowers for the creatures. But the earth does not rise into the sphere of the sun; if it did so, the sun would have so much strength as to remove the dark side of the earth, and all of its atoms of dust it would convert into light - and the earth would become sun. But since the earth does not rise, nor does the sphere of the sun descend down below, the earth remains earth, and the sun does not transform it into itself. It seems that they look at each other from afar, they help each other, and they work together by means of the effects of the light, which the sun spreads over the earth from the height of its sphere. But even though the earth receives many admirable effects, produces the most beautiful flowerings, there passes a great distance between the earth and the sun, they do not resemble each other, nor does the life of one become the life of the other. And so the earth is unable to speak about the sun, nor tell all the effects it contains, or how much heat and light it possesses. In such condition is the creature who does not possess the unity of my Will. She does not rise into Its extremely high sphere to become sun, nor does my divine Sun descend to form her life; but, in wanting to do good, she moves around Its light, and my Will communicates the effects to make the good that she wants to germinate, because my Fiat does not deny Itself to anyone; on the contrary, with Its light, It wakens the human nature, to make it turn green again and make it produce fruits of good works.”
Vol. 23, February 2, 1928

So the Divine Will when it can not fuse itself with it's beloved creature does not turn away from her but still, even from a distance, communicates his effects in order produce fruits and good effects in her.  But it becomes limited and constrained by the will of the creature and what she will accept.  Still the object of love is unity, fusion, and a relationship from a distance can never wholly satisfy and when there is distance there will always be inconstancy and doubts.

Whence feeling oppressed and all full with intense bitterness, my sweet Jesus making himself seen and sustaining me between his arms said to me:

“My daughter, courage, think that a Divine Volition reigns in you, that he is the source of happiness and of perennial joy; whence your bitterness and oppressions form the clouds around the Sun of my Will, which impede his rays from shining in all your being, because wanting to make you happy he feels the happiness that he wants to give you rejected by your bitterness.  And in spite that you possess a divine Sun at your disposition, in virtue of your bitterness you feel the rain that oppresses you, that fills you even to the brim of your soul.  Because you should know that one who lives in my Will lives in the center of the sphere of the divine Sun, and can say:  ‘The Sun is all mine.’  Instead one who doesn’t live in Him lives in the circumference of the light that the divine Sun spreads everywhere, because my Volition neither can with his immensity deny himself to anyone, nor does he want to deny himself, he finds himself as the Sun that is constrained to give light to everyone, although not everyone might want it, and why is this?  Only because he is light and the nature of the light is to give itself to everyone, to whom doesn’t want him and to whom wants him.  But what great difference there is between one who lives in the center of my Divine Sun and between one who lives in his circumference?  The first one possesses the properties of the light and all his goods that are infinite; the light holds her defended from all evils, so that sin can not have life in this light, and if bitternesses arise, they are as clouds that can not have perennial life, a little breeze of my Will is enough in order to put in flight the densest clouds, and the soul finds herself sunk in the center of the Sun that she possesses.  More so that bitternesses of one who lives in my Volition are always for my cause, and I can say that I am embittered together with you, and if I see you cry, I cry together, because my same Will makes me inseparable from one who lives in Him and I feel her sufferings more than if they might be mine.  Indeed my same Will that resides in the soul calls my Humanity in one who suffers, in order to make him repeat his living life upon the earth; and oh, (the) divine prodigies that happen, the new currents that are opened between Heaven and earth, for the new life of sufferings that Jesus holds in his creature.  And my Heart while it is human, it is divine, it possesses the sweetest tenderness, they are such and so many the attractions and the powerful tendernesses of my Heart, that as I see one who loves me suffer, my most tender love liquefies my Heart and repours all of itself out over the sufferings and over the heart of my beloved creature.  Therefore I am with you in the suffering and do two offices:  as Actor of sufferings and (as) Spectator, in order to enjoy the fruits of my sufferings that I want to go developing in her.  Therefore for one who lives in my Will I am Sun and center of her life, hence we are inseparable, I feel her palpating life in me and she feels my palpating life in the intimacy of her soul.  Instead for one who lives in the circumference of the light because the sun of my Divine Will spreads everywhere, she is not proprietor of the light, because true mastery is said when a good resides in oneself, and no one can take away the good of within, neither in life nor after death, instead the good of outside is subject to peril nor does it hold power to hold us in security, and the soul suffers weakness, inconstancy, passions that torment her, and she arrives to feel as distant from her Creator.  Therefore I want you always in my Will, in order to let me continue my life upon the earth.”
Vol. 29, February 13, 1931

Now Jesus said in the beginning of this "...but as for living totally and fully in Its unity – none until now, only my Queen Mama;"  Only Mary up until Luisa has lived in the total unity of the Divine Will.  Only she is "the full of grace."   And as she is fully united with the Will of God just as God will have his Kingdom and victory in the end so will the Queen Mama.

July 13, 1917
In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me and she will be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world.”

There is a great deal which can be said about the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Her every act done in the Divine Will was in fact a triumph but her complete triumph will not occur until God Kingdom reigns supreme, that is it reigns within the creature just as it reigned within her.  I've explored this topic more in depth in:  The Queenship of Mary.  Instead I'd like to close this topic with looking at the difference between Jesus and Mary.  For no matter how lofty Mary is above all creatures she is still a creature before the face of God.  She may be the perfect reflection of His light being constantly bathed with the fullness of His light to the point where she is the mediatrix of all grace but Jesus contains within Himself the source of all.

“My daughter, between Myself and the Celestial Queen, one was the Will that animated Us, one the life; however, between She and I passed this difference: between a house which is such that the sun enters into it from all sides - in a way that the light invests it, dominates it, and there is not one part of this house in which the light does not act as queen, and therefore it is prey to the light, receives always light, and grows under the influence of the light - and another house which possesses the sphere of the sun within itself, therefore it does not receive the source of the light from outside, but possesses it inside. Is there not difference between one and the other? Now, this is the difference that passes between Me and my Mama. She is the house invested by the light, She gave Herself prey to it, and the Sun of my Will kept giving to Her, always; It nourished Her with light, and She grew within the endless rays of the eternal Sun of my Fiat. On the other hand, my Humanity possessed within Itself the sphere of the Divine Sun, Its source which always arises without ever decreasing; and the Sovereign Queen drew from Me the light which gave Her life and the glory of Queen of light, because one who possesses a good can be called queen of that good.”
Vol. 23, March 11, 1928

So in conclusion the Great Miracle of the Sun was a foreshadowing of the Triumph of the the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  Her Triumph being having children living in the unity of the Sun of the Divine Will, not just by it's effects.  Her triumph is the coming of the Kingdom of God, the return of the creature "... to the order, to her post and to the purpose for which she was created by God."  This is the very title of the Volumes given by Jesus himself written by Luisa.