Vol. 5, June 6, 1903
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Vol. 5, June 6, 1903
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Chastisement or Not?
He added: “See how many graces I was supposed to pour over the creatures, but since I find no correspondence, I am forced to hold them back within Myself; even more, they make Me change them into chastisement. Be careful, you, o my daughter, to correspond to Me in the so many graces I am pouring into you, because correspondence is the open door to let Me enter into the heart and form my residence in it. Correspondence is like that good welcome, that esteem, which is used with people when they come to visit us, in such a way that, drawn by that respect, by those affable manners used with them, they are forced to come again, and reach the point of not being able to detach themselves. Everything is in corresponding to Me, and according to how souls correspond to Me and treat Me on earth, so will I behave with them in Heaven. Making them find the doors open, I will invite the whole celestial court to welcome them, and I will place them on the most sublime throne; but it will be all the opposite for those who do not correspond to Me.”
Vol. 2, August 2, 1899
But how should we correspond? Jesus tells us and Mary, again shows us the way with her example.
accompany Me with your sighs and with your sufferings, praying that the very chastisements may turn out for the conversion of the peoples.”
Vol. 2, October 21, 1899
Jesus: “Even though I suffer, love pushes Me to send heavier scourges, and this, because in order to make man enter himself and recognize what his being is, there is no means more powerful than making him see himself undone. It seems that the other means make him grow bolder; therefore, conform to my Justice. I see well that the love you have for Me pushes you very much not to conform to Me, and you don’t have the heart to see Me suffer, but my Mother too loved Me more than all creatures - no one can equal Her; and yet, in order to save these souls She conformed to Justice and She resigned Herself to see Me suffer so much. If my Mother did this, could you not do it yourself?”
Vol. 2, October 24, 1899
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
The Prevenient Act and the Actual Act
- thinking in our minds;
- flowing in our blood;
- seeing in our eyes;
- hearing in our ears;
- talking in our voices;
- breathing in our breathing;
- beating in our hearts;
- moving in our movements;
- suffering in our suffering, and since our souls are united to You, let us be your living crucifixes offered in sacrifice for Father's glory;
- praying in us, and then by offering this prayer to yourself as ours it will be as if everyone had prayed and will give Father the glory that we should all give Him.
On the other hand, the actual act is not subject to clouds; on the contrary, it has the virtue of dispelling the clouds, if there are any, and it makes many more suns rise, in which my Life is duplicated, with such vividness of light and heat as to form as many new suns, one more beautiful than the other. However, both of them are necessary: the prevenient act gives the hand, disposes and forms the plane for the actual act; the actual act preserves and expands the plane of the prevenient.”
“My daughter, I bless you from the Heart in your soul and body - may my blessing be the confirmation of Our likeness in you. My blessing confirms in you what the Divinity did in the creation of man – that is, Our likeness. You must know that during the course of my mortal life, in everything I did, I always blessed. It was the first act of Creation that I called back over the creatures, and in order to confirm it, in blessing I invoked the Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit. The very Sacraments are animated by these blessings and invocations. So, while calling the likeness to the Creator within souls, my blessing calls also the life of my Divine Will, that It may return as in the beginning of Creation to reign in souls, because my Will alone has the virtue of painting in them, vividly, the likeness of the One who created them, of making it known and of preserving it with its divine live colors.
See then, what blessing means: confirmation of Our creative work, because the work We do once is so filled with wisdom, with sublimity and with beauty, that We love to repeat it always. And if Our blessing is nothing other than the sigh of Our Heart to see Our image restored in the creatures, as well as the repetition of Our confirmation of what We want to do, the sign of the Cross that the Church teaches to the faithful is nothing other than impetrating Our likeness on the part of creatures; and so, echoing Our blessing, they repeat: ‘In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ Therefore, without knowing it, the Church and all the faithful harmonize with the eternal Creator, and all want the same thing: God, by blessing and pronouncing the words, ‘Father, Son and Holy Spirit’, wants to give His likeness; the creatures impetrate it by making the sign of the Cross, pronouncing the same words.”
Vol 24, July 29, 1928
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Jesus, I Trust in You, Divine Will and Divine Mercy
The message of Divine Mercy is inseparable from trust in Jesus. "Completely trust in Jesus. God wants us to know that the graces of His mercy are dependent upon our trust. The more we trust in Jesus, the more we will receive." The Message of Divine Mercy
Also in the Volumes on the Divine Will trust is crucial and Jesus repeats this often to Luisa, but he also expounds on why and how it is important and on how he facilitates creatures trust.
Vol. 3, August 1, 1900
Jesus knows that without his intervention man can not stand before God. It is only through the Mercy expressed in and through the Humanity of Jesus that we can dare approach with trust the Divinity of God. Without this Mercy of God which diffuses and as veils his brilliance we would remain crushed and would flee such perfection. But when we look at ourselves in Jesus we can copy little by little his attributes in ourselves, each time bringing us closer to his Divinity. In fact even with the filter of the Humanity of Jesus he will even go further in his Mercy by hiding from ourselves certain defects which would keep us from approaching him with full trust. He does this so that we don't distance ourselves from him which ends up paralyzing or even killing the growth of his life in us. Truly sometimes ignorance is bliss.
Vol. 17, September 2, 1924
So distrust is a greater obstacle to God's grace than many defects. While trust opens the door to God's grace in order to let his light enter. The size of the area, the empty void, he can fill with his light can only be enlarged through humility and detachment from everything. But without trust the door that Jesus knocks at remains closed.
The greater the trust the larger the door we open to Jesus the more grace he is able to pour into us. Jesus says that the souls which will shine the brightest with his light are the ones which trust the most while the opposite is also true. Those who do not trust will be equally darkened and constrained. So the trusting souls become the object of God's love where he can pour himself out in love and amuse himself.
So trust is a sign of love to Jesus and honors him and he is then able to act as the generous, powerful God that he is, but the reverse is also true. One who distrusts Jesus dishonors him, constrains him, does not truly love him and is an affront to him.
Vol. 12, October 8, 1919
Vol. 28, June 2, 1930
So what about fear? There is holy fear after all. But Jesus says that fear even if it is holy is a step to removing trust in Jesus and so it is a step to losing Jesus. It is "human virtue" not Divine. Only love is Divine virtue and can overcome fear and distrust. And this love and trust forms the first post for the Divine Will to come and form his Kingdom in the creature where he can extend himself. So when fears assault us we need to cast them in the Divine Will and abandon ourselves even more in Jesus' arms.
Even faith in God is not enough and without trust it is empty. To know God without possessing him is empty knowledge. Only trust in Jesus is the sure hope that leads us to find Him and as he has said, we find him, not in some distant and remote place but in our very selves. So that love gives birth to trust which gives rise to hope. Hope, the fruit of the memory gives rise to faith a faculty of the intellect, which as we know God better we come to love God more which gives rise to greater trust.