I had been feeling rather discouraged. Nothing seemed to be working or going right and everything that could go wrong seemed to go wrong and there was no clear path ahead that anything would go right again in the near future. I felt paralyzed. So I did a little research on the topic. In the old Testament it speaks of not being afraid or discouraged you will not suffer disgrace or shame. I was given the insight that perhaps my discouragement was more based on my own perception of myself and what I thought I should be able to do instead of focusing on God's Will in all things. Ashamed of "bearing bad fruit" I'd become discouraged.
Do not fear, for you will not be ashamed; do not be discouraged, for you will not suffer disgrace; for you will forget the shame of your youth, and the disgrace of your widowhood you will remember no more.
Isaiah 54:4
Jesus tells St Faustina how anxiety and discouragement are the greatest obstacle to holiness and are the result of self-love rather than loving God wholly and trusting in him.
Jesus: My child, know that the greatest obstacles to holiness are discouragement and an exaggerated anxiety. These will deprive you of the ability to practice virtue. All temptations united together ought not disturb your interior peace, not even momentarily. Sensitiveness and discouragement are the fruits of self-love. You should not become discouraged, but strive to make My love reign in place of your self-love. Have confidence, My child. Do not lose heart in coming for pardon, for I am always ready to forgive you. As often as you beg for it, you glorify My mercy.
Divine Mercy in my Soul, n.1488
Jesus describes discouragement as an infection which invades the whole person destroying it's beauty and withering them. The remedy comes from watering the soul with the contrary humor, confidence. Discouragement is so dangerous because it disguises itself as a type of companion that sympathizes and comforts the soul all the way to death.
He told me: “Discouragement is an infectious
humor, which infects the most beautiful flowers and the most pleasant fruits,
and penetrates down to the bottom of the root, in such a way that, by invading
the whole tree, that infectious humor renders it withered and squalid.
And if one does not remedy it by watering it with a contrary humor, since the
bad humor has infiltrated deep into the root, it will make the root wither and
the tree fall to the ground. So it happens to the soul who becomes soaked
with this infectious humor of discouragement.”
In spite of all this, I still felt discouraged, all
huddled within myself, and I saw myself as so bad that I did not dare to fling
myself toward my sweet Jesus. My mind was occupied with the thought that
it was useless for me to hope for His continuous visits as before, for His
graces, for His charisms – everything was over for me. And He, almost
scolding me, added: “What are you doing? What are you doing?
Don’t you know that lack of confidence renders the soul moribund?
Thinking that she has to die, she no longer thinks of anything - neither of
gaining anything, nor of making it circulate, nor of embellishing herself more,
nor of remedying her sicknesses - she thinks of nothing else but that
everything is over for her.”
Ah, Lord, I imagine seeing this specter of the lack
of confidence - squalid, emaciated, fearful and all trembling; and all of his
mastery, with no other ingenuity but fear alone, leads souls to the tomb.
But what is more, this specter does not show himself as an enemy so that the
soul may sneer at his fear, but he shows himself as a friend, and infiltrates
so sweetly into the soul, that if the soul is not attentive, seeing him as a
faithful friend who agonizes with her and even dies together with her, she will
hardly be able to free herself from his artificious mastery.
Vol. 3, February 4, 1900
Jesus reaffirms that discouragement kills the soul and even calls it a vice, killing more souls than all the other vices. The countermeasure to discouragement is courage which has the power to revive the soul renewing hope and thereby undoing herself and redoing herself in God.
He told me: “My daughter, don’t you know that discouragement kills souls more than all other vices? Therefore, courage, courage, because just as discouragement kills, courage revives, and is the most praiseworthy act that the soul can do, because while feeling discouraged, from that very discouragement she plucks up courage, undoes herself and hopes; and by undoing herself, she already finds herself redone in God.”
Vol. 6, September 8, 1904
Vol. 6, September 8, 1904
But how does one gain courage/confidence? Humility is the key. Only true Humility produces confidence. If there is no confidence accompanying it then it is false. True Humility must be invested with the spirit of Faith otherwise it is not true and will do harm instead causing one to become discouraged and paralyzed. Knowledge of oneself is only good when balanced with knowledge of God so that in knowing the first, one will lean on God for all things.
Finally, Jesus
showed Himself a little more clearly, and in seeing me so annihilated, He told
me: “If you knew how much I like humility… Humility is the littlest plant
that can be found, but its branches are so high as to reach Heaven, wind their
way around my throne, and penetrate deep into my Heart. This little plant
is humility, and the branches which this plant produces, are confidence; so,
there cannot be true humility without confidence. Humility without
confidence is false virtue.” From the words of Jesus it shows that my
heart was not only annihilated, but also a little discouraged.
Vol, 2, April 3, 1899
My good Jesus, always benign with this miserable sinner, came and told
me: “Contempt of yourself is praiseworthy when it is well invested with
the spirit of Faith; but when it is not invested with the spirit of Faith,
instead of doing you good, it can harm you. In fact, in seeing yourself
as you are, unable to do anything good, you will be discouraged, disheartened,
without daring to take one step on the path of good. But by leaning on Me
– that is, by investing yourself with the spirit of Faith – you will come to
know and despise yourself, and at the same time, to know Me, confident of being
able to do anything with my help. And here is how, by acting in this way,
you will walk according to the truth.”
How much good these words of Jesus have done to my soul! I
understood that I must enter into my nothingness and know who I am, but I must
not stop there. Rather, immediately after I have known myself, I must fly
into the immense sea of God, and stop there, to draw all the graces that my
soul needs; otherwise, nature becomes weary and the devil will look for means
in order to cast it into discouragement. May the Lord be always blessed,
and may everything be for His glory.
Vol. 2, May 26, 1899
Faith also produces fortitude which allows one to remain strong in sufferings keeping one united with God.
This morning I was feeling all discouraged and embittered because of the loss of my adorable Jesus; and while I was in this state, He let His most sweet voice be heard, saying to me: “My daughter, all things take origin from Faith. One who is strong in Faith is strong in suffering; Faith makes one find God in every place, it makes one see Him in every action, touch Him in every movement, and every new occasion that presents itself is a new divine revelation that one receives. Therefore, remain strong in Faith, for if you are strong in it, in all states and circumstances, Faith will administer fortitude to you, and will make you be always united with God.”
Vol. 6, March 20, 1904
And Hope keeps one at peace throughout all things. With obsessing over imagined difficulties and misfortune one can actually bring about that reality.
“My daughter, do
not be disturbed – Hope is peace. And just as I, in the very act in which
I make justice, remain in the most perfect peace, you too, by immersing
yourself in Hope, must remain at peace. The soul who is at peace, by
wanting to afflict herself, become disturbed or lose trust, would run into the
misfortune of one who, though possessing millions upon millions of coins, and
even being queen of various kingdoms, keeps fantasizing and lamenting,
saying: ‘What shall I live on? How shall I clothe myself? Ah,
I am dying of starvation! I am so unhappy! I will be reduced to the
meagerest misery and I will end up dying.’ And while she says this, she
cries, sighs and spends her days in sadness and squalor, immersed in the
greatest melancholy. But this is not all; the worst thing about her is
that if she sees her treasures, if she walks within her properties, instead of
rejoicing, she afflicts herself more, thinking of her nearing end; and if she
sees food, she does not want to touch it to sustain herself. And if
anyone tries to persuade her by letting her touch her riches with her own
hands, showing her that it cannot be that she will be reduced to the meagerest
misery, she is not convinced, she remains dazed, and cries even more over her
sad lot. Now, what would people say about her? That she is crazy,
that it shows that she has no reason, that she has lost her brain. The
reason is clear, it cannot be otherwise.
Yet, it can
happen that she may run into the misfortune over which she keeps
fantasizing. But in what way? By going out of her kingdoms,
abandoning all of her riches, and going into foreign lands in the midst of
barbarian people, where no one will deign to give her a crumb of bread.
Here is how the fantasy has become reality – what used to be false, is now
true. But who has been the cause of it? Who should be blamed for a
change of state so sad? Her perfidious and obstinate will. Such is
precisely the soul who is in possession of Hope: her wanting to become
disturbed or discouraged is already the greatest madness.”
Vol. 2, October 14, 1899
So to avoid the pitfall of discouragement Faith and Hope are required. Now these 2 can never be far from Charity, the three theological virtues, veiling of the Trinity.
“Faith and Hope give way to Charity, and Charity connects all the rest of the other two together, in such a way as to make them one, while they are three. And here It is, oh my spouse, veiled in the three theological virtues, the Trinity of the Divine Persons.”
“If Faith makes one believe, and Hope makes one hope, Charity makes one love. If Faith is light and serves as the sight of the soul, and Hope, which is the nourishment of Faith, provides the souls with courage, peace, perseverance and all the rest - Charity, which is the substance of this light and of this nourishment, is like that most sweet and fragrant ointment which, penetrating everywhere, relieves and soothes the pains of life. Charity makes suffering sweet, and makes one reach the point even of desiring it. The soul who possesses Charity diffuses fragrance everywhere; her works, all done out of love, give off a most pleasing odor. And what is this odor? It is the odor of God Himself. The other virtues render the soul solitary and almost unrefined with creatures; Charity, on the other hand, being substance that unites, unites the hearts. But where? In God. Being a most fragrant ointment, Charity spreads everywhere and with everyone. Charity makes one suffer the most ruthless torments with joy, and one reaches the point of not being able to be without suffering. And when she sees herself deprived of it, she says to her spouse Jesus: “Sustain me with the fruits, which is suffering, because I am languishing with love; and where else can I show You my love other than in suffering for You?” Charity burns, consumes all other things, even the virtues themselves, and turns them all into itself. In sum, it is like a queen who wants to reign everywhere, and does not want to surrender to anyone.”
Vol. 1, Jesus prepares Luisa for the renewal in heaven of the Mystical Marriage, with the approval of the Blessed Trinity; so he speaks to her of the three theological virtues.
So discouragement is the natural state of the soul that attempts to work by itself and it ends in first the immobilization of the soul and then it's death. The soul can only climb out of this by focusing on God and being imbued with the three Cardinal Virtues of Faith, Hope and Love. These fortify, pacify and sweeten the soul allowing it to continue it's course regardless of it's circumstances. Because now instead of focusing on it's path it now focuses on God.
In conclusion Luisa wrote several letters where she would encourage people. Here they are in review to continue their work and encourage us too.
In conclusion Luisa wrote several letters where she would encourage people. Here they are in review to continue their work and encourage us too.
In Luisa's letters she consoled the General Superior Fathers and the Daughters of the Divine Zeal over the loss of M. Gesuina.
all we can do is to say "Deo gratias" for the fortunate M. Gesuina,
and "Fiat" for ourselves who have lost her, and this "Fiat"
will remedy everything. So, let us not get discouraged by sorrow and losses;
they are always bearers of graces, light, and most surprising aids. We have an
omnipotent Will with us; therefore there is nothing to fear. This Divine
Volition will change hearts in order to form the ones who are needed. Blessed
Jesus and our Celestial Mama will be together with you, to guide you and
dispose all things according to their adorable Will.
To the General Superiors of the Rogationist Fathers and of the Daughters of the
Divine Zeal.
24, 1932
at what a beautiful gift the operating Divine Will is sending you, as It wants
to make of you a saint. Do not get discouraged; these are works that It wants
to do, and when It is determined to do them, It won’t listen to reason: if It
does not finish Its work, It is not content.
my daughter, be at peace, rest in Its arms like a little baby. I repeat the
greetings of the "Fiat".
everything - pains, bitterness, strains - into the Divine Will; tell Him from
the heart that you want nothing but His Will, and look at all things as bearers
of a Will so holy, and you will see that the Fiat will defend you. Don’t get
discouraged, do not fear, do not lose peace, abandon yourself more than ever in
the arms of the Divine Will, and be tranquil, waiting in full confidence for
the helps and means which are necessary to you.
good daughter, how bad did your words sound to me, "I am afraid to be
lost"! Don’t you know that sufferings are the certainty, the seal, of our
salvation? Sufferings form the carriage which brings us to Heaven, and the more
the sufferings, the faster it will go. So, each additional pain is a faster
ride which takes us soon and straight to Heaven.
Therefore, courage, courage. All other things
are left; while sufferings are brought to Heaven, and form our most beautiful
throne and never ending glory.
January 5, 1935
To Mrs. Costanza Benedetta Pettinelli from Siena
good daughter in the Divine Volition,
Let us thank from the heart the Lord and the Celestial Queen for having
consoled you. This is why we should never get discouraged or lose peace, when
we are not answered immediately. When there is prayer, the hour of the Lord
will come and He will give us more than we ask for. Our part must be to remain
always in our place, to always do the Divine Will, because this is the greatest
of miracles, and Our Lord will provide and take care of everything; more than
that we ourselves would not do. If we always do the Divine Will, our names will
be written in Heaven and our salvation, our sanctity, will be secured. Jesus
will be all ours; and what will He not give to us? Everything. Therefore, think
about making yourself a saint, and the rest will come by itself.
good daughter,
I received your letter and with sorrow I learned of the state of your health. Patience, my daughter, dear Jesus wants to make you mature more in sanctity, and His Divine Volition wants to hasten Its life in your soul. Crosses are firewood: the more the wood, the more the fire grows; or like the sun to the plants, which caresses the plants with its light and heat, matures them, and gives them sweetness and taste. Without a cross we are like unripened fruits - like sterile plants, which do more harm than good. However, my daugther, remove the sadness from your soul; do not get discouraged or disturbed; hold peace as the greatest treasure. Jesus is good, He won’t harm you, but will dispose everything for your good.
I received your letter and with sorrow I learned of the state of your health. Patience, my daughter, dear Jesus wants to make you mature more in sanctity, and His Divine Volition wants to hasten Its life in your soul. Crosses are firewood: the more the wood, the more the fire grows; or like the sun to the plants, which caresses the plants with its light and heat, matures them, and gives them sweetness and taste. Without a cross we are like unripened fruits - like sterile plants, which do more harm than good. However, my daugther, remove the sadness from your soul; do not get discouraged or disturbed; hold peace as the greatest treasure. Jesus is good, He won’t harm you, but will dispose everything for your good.
To Sister Remigia
good daughter in Jesus Christ,
Do not get discouraged, never lose trust. What I recommend is that you look at your crosses as many visits from Jesus, Who brings you the life of the Divine Will, to make It reign in you and to give you all His love as food; to make you grow in His likeness within His arms, and to make of you such a rare beauty as to enrapture even Himself. If you do the Will of God, you will feel a strength in all your sufferings; you will feel an invisible hand which helps you, guides you, and does whatever you do within you. In fact, when one does the Will of God, the work is more of God than ours. Therefore, I wouldn’t know what else to say: do the Divine Will - live in It, and you can be sure that you will make yourself a saint. You will feel the bond and the association with the Divine Family. What is Theirs will be yours. So, banish fear and fright, and all the most painful circumstances will bring you the kiss, the strength – the life of the Divine Will, embalmed by Its love and joy.
To Mrs. Mazari, from BariDo not get discouraged, never lose trust. What I recommend is that you look at your crosses as many visits from Jesus, Who brings you the life of the Divine Will, to make It reign in you and to give you all His love as food; to make you grow in His likeness within His arms, and to make of you such a rare beauty as to enrapture even Himself. If you do the Will of God, you will feel a strength in all your sufferings; you will feel an invisible hand which helps you, guides you, and does whatever you do within you. In fact, when one does the Will of God, the work is more of God than ours. Therefore, I wouldn’t know what else to say: do the Divine Will - live in It, and you can be sure that you will make yourself a saint. You will feel the bond and the association with the Divine Family. What is Theirs will be yours. So, banish fear and fright, and all the most painful circumstances will bring you the kiss, the strength – the life of the Divine Will, embalmed by Its love and joy.
good daughter in the Divine Volition,
I recommend that you do not lose peace, and that you live so abandoned in the Divine Will as to feel It as your own life. If you do so, this Will so holy will take you upon Its maternal knees, more than a tender mother; It will hold you tightly to Its Divine Heart; It will raise you as Its beloved daughter. So, in all your pains, you will feel your Mama near you, assisting you, guiding you and changing your little pains into a Sun and into little coins for Heaven. In each pain, dear Jesus will give you a kiss, a hug, and will adorn your soul with most refulgent gems. Therefore, courage, my daughter; never lose heart; never get discouraged. It is Jesus that wants His daughter similar to Himself; aren’t you happy? So, do not care about anything else but to live abandoned in His arms. With this you will feel a new strength, and you will no longer feel alone; sufferings will turn for you into sanctity and into celestial joys. Dear Jesus will give you His pains as courtship, strength and company.
I recommend that you do not lose peace, and that you live so abandoned in the Divine Will as to feel It as your own life. If you do so, this Will so holy will take you upon Its maternal knees, more than a tender mother; It will hold you tightly to Its Divine Heart; It will raise you as Its beloved daughter. So, in all your pains, you will feel your Mama near you, assisting you, guiding you and changing your little pains into a Sun and into little coins for Heaven. In each pain, dear Jesus will give you a kiss, a hug, and will adorn your soul with most refulgent gems. Therefore, courage, my daughter; never lose heart; never get discouraged. It is Jesus that wants His daughter similar to Himself; aren’t you happy? So, do not care about anything else but to live abandoned in His arms. With this you will feel a new strength, and you will no longer feel alone; sufferings will turn for you into sanctity and into celestial joys. Dear Jesus will give you His pains as courtship, strength and company.
To Teresa
And when we need to we can unite ourselves in Jesus' Hours of the Passion where he specifically makes reparation for discouraged souls and obtains the antidote for them.
At your dignified words everyone trembles. But, oh, what wickedness! Wanting to honor Annas, a servant with an
ironclad hand comes up to you and slaps you so hard that you stagger, and your
most holy face turns livid.
My gentle life, now
I understand why you woke me. You were
right. Who was going to hold you up in
this moment when you were about to fall?
Your enemies burst
out in satanic laughter, in hisses and clapping, applauding such an unjust
act. Meanwhile, you stagger, having no
one to lean on.
My Jesus, I embrace
you. I even want to form a wall with my
being [for you to lean on]. And I
courageously offer you my cheek, ready to support any pain for your love. I sympathize with you for this outrage; and
together with you I make reparation for the timidity of so many souls that
easily become discouraged, for those that out of fear do not tell the truth,
for the lack of respect due to priests, and for murmurings.
The Hours of the Passion, From 2 A.M. to 3 A.M. Jesus Is Presented
to Annas
Nothing escapes your gaze. You
forgive everyone and say good-by to all.
Then, gathering all your strength, with a powerful and resonant voice
you cry:
"Father, into
your hands I commend my spirit!"
And bowing your
head, you die....
My dead Jesus, with this cry you put all of us as well into the hands of
the Father so that he won't reject us.
So, you not only cry out with your voice, but with all your pains and
with the voices of your blood as well:
"Father, into
your hands I place my spirit and all souls."
My Jesus, I too
abandon myself in you. Give me the grace
to die completely, in your love and in your Will. I pray you never to permit me, neither in
life nor in death, to go out of your Most Holy Will.
Meanwhile, I intend
to make reparation for all those who do not abandon themselves perfectly to
your Most Holy Will, thus losing or diminishing the precious fruit of your
redemption. What sorrow your heart
feels, O my Jesus, to see so many creatures escape from your arms and become
discouraged! Have pity on everyone, O my
Jesus! Have pity on me!