Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Man's God Given Free Will

It seems more and more today that I hear how man's free will is used as justification for people doing some of the most truly insane and awful things.  It's true that God gave man the gift of free will, a crowning gift and God never takes back what he gives, but free will was given for the good of man not for his detriment.  Simply put if man had been using his free will in the manner in which it was intended to be used and for it's correct purpose God would have never had needed to establish the law or the Sacraments.  But man fell and his intellect became darkened and his will no longer was aligned with that which was best for him. So I wanted to take the time to explore this gift of free will from God's perspective as revealed in the Volumes and how it is meant for our good and not for evil and what happens when one uses it to act without God. 

In the Catechism of the Catholic Church man's free will is to be used to direct man towards his true good.

1704 The human person participates in the light and power of the divine Spirit. By his reason, he is capable of understanding the order of things established by the Creator. By free will, he is capable of directing himself toward his true good. He finds his perfection "in seeking and loving what is true and good."

Catechism of the Catholic Church,

The Catechism also states that free will is meant to be a tool to shape one's own life.  A means to grow in maturity, truth and goodness when directed toward God.  But man can choose not to direct himself to God and thereby chose evil.  His free will is his ability to choose good or evil.

1731 Freedom is the power, rooted in reason and will, to act or not to act, to do this or that, and so to perform deliberate actions on one's own responsibility. By free will one shapes one's own life. Human freedom is a force for growth and maturity in truth and goodness; it attains its perfection when directed toward God, our beatitude. 1732 As long as freedom has not bound itself definitively to its ultimate good which is God, there is the possibility of choosing between good and evil, and thus of growing in perfection or of failing and sinning. This freedom characterizes properly human acts. It is the basis of praise or blame, merit or reproach. 

Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Jesus tells Luisa that free will was given to man so that they could choose whether they wanted to be true children of God or not.  He will never take it away but it is only through the Divine Will that man will find all his good and happiness.

 I will never take free willing away from the human will – a great gift, given to man in creating him, which makes creatures distinguishable as to whether they want to be my true children, or not.  But, rather, with the light of the knowledges about my Will, I will form more than solar rays, and whoever wants to know them and look at them, will be invested by this light; in such a way that, eclipsed, the human will will take delight and love in looking at this light, and will feel fortunate that the action of the light takes the place of its own.  And it will lose love and delight for other things.  This is why I am saying so much about my Will – to form the strong light, because the stronger it is, the greater is the eclipse it forms in order to occupy the human will.

Vol. 20, Oct. 13, 1926

God didn't establish laws for man in the beginning.  Initially the only thing that man needed to make himself holy and happy was God's Will.  It is only because man fell from his origin that God established laws as a means to bring him back again but still man became lost and Jesus in the course of time instituted the Sacraments as a stronger means to save him.  But so many use the law and the Sacraments badly and condemn themselves instead of saving themselves.  Only the Divine Will places man in safety and secures his beginning, means and end.

“My daughter, my Will is everything and contains everything; and then, It is beginning, means and end of man. This is why, in creating him, I did not give him any law, nor did I institute Sacraments, but I gave man my Will alone, because, as he would find himself in the beginning of It, It would be more than sufficient so that he might find all the means to reach, not a low sanctity, but the height of the Divine Sanctity, and therefore find himself in the port of his end. This means that man was to need nothing but my Will alone, in which he was to find everything in a surprising, admirable and easy way, to render himself holy and happy in time and eternity. And if I gave him a law, after centuries and centuries of creation, it was because man had lost his beginning, and therefore he had lost the means and the end. So, the law was not beginning, but means. But in seeing that, with all my law, man was getting lost, in coming upon earth I instituted the Sacraments as stronger and more powerful means to save him. But, how many abuses, how many profanations. How many use the law and the very Sacraments to sin more and to fall into hell - while with my Will alone, which is beginning, means and end, the soul places herself in safety, she rises to Divine Sanctity, she reaches, in a complete way, the purpose for which she was created, and there is not a shadow of danger that she might offend Me. So, the safest way is only my Will. The very Sacraments, if they are not received in order with my Will, can serve as means of condemnation and of ruin. This is why I inculcate my Will so much – because, the soul being in her beginning, the means will be favorable to her, and she will receive the fruits which they contain. On the other hand, without It, the Sacraments themselves may be a poison for her, which may lead her to eternal death.”

Vol. 17, June 10, 1924

Jesus could have destroyed free will, thereby stopping all chastisements and sufferings but he would have had to go against his own Divine Wisdom, something which he can not do, and man would be left without any merit, always ashamed of himself and he would not be worthy of Divine Love without his free will to love God in return.

“My daughter, since I was Man and God, my Humanity could see, present, all sins, chastisements and lost souls.  It would have wanted to seize all this in one single point, destroy sins and chastisements, and save souls; It would have wanted to suffer, not one day of Passion, but all days, to be able to contain all these pains within Itself and spare the poor creatures.  But in spite of the fact that I would have wanted to, and could have done it - because I could have destroyed the free will of creatures and I would have destroyed these heaps of evils – yet, what would have happened to man without his own merits, without his own will in operating good?  What impression would he ever have made?  Would he ever have been an object worthy of my creative wisdom?  Certainly not.  Oh, would he not have been like a foreign son in someone else’s home, who, not having worked together with the other sons, has no right and no inheritance?  This son is always full of blushes if he eats or drinks, because he knows that he has done not one favorable act to prove his love for that father, therefore he can never be worthy of the love of that father for him.  So, the creature would never have been worthy of Divine Love without a free will.            

On the other hand, my Humanity was not supposed to violate my creative wisdom; It was supposed to adore it, as It did adore it, and It resigned Itself to receiving the voids of Justice within Itself – but not in the Divinity, because these voids of Divine Justice are filled by the chastisements of this life, by hell and by Purgatory. 

Vol. 6, November 13, 1904

Man's true freedom lies in his interior.  His free will gives him the ability to love, internal acts that can't be controlled or taken away.  This is where one sees the true likeness of God in being free and untouchable.  Man's greatest merits and victories come from suffering for love of God and mankind.  This is where love grows and man conquers God.

“My daughter, my executioners were able to lacerate my body, insult Me, trample upon Me…, but they could touch neither my Will nor my love; these I wanted free, so that, like two currents they might run and run, without anyone being able to hinder them, pouring Myself out for the good of all, and also of my very enemies.  Oh, how my Will and my love triumphed in the midst of my enemies!  They would strike Me with scourges, and I would strike their hearts with my love; and with my Will I would chain them.  They would prick my head with thorns, and my love would turn on the light in their minds to make Me known.  They would open wounds on Me, and my love would heal the wounds of their souls.  They gave Me death, and my love gave life back to them; so much so, that as I breathed my last on the Cross, the flames of my love, touching their hearts, forced them to prostrate themselves before Me and to confess Me as true God.  Never was I so glorious and triumphant as I was in my pains during the course of my mortal life down here.

“Now, my daughter, in my likeness, I made the soul free in her will and in her love.  So, others might take possession of the external works of the creature, but no one – no one can do so with her interior, with her will and her love.  I Myself wanted her to be free in this, so that, freely, not being forced, this will and this love might run toward Me; and immersing herself in Me, she might offer Me the noblest and purest acts which a creature can give Me; and since I am free, and so is she, we might pour ourselves into each other and run - run toward Heaven to love and glorify the Father, and to dwell together with the Sacrosanct Trinity; run toward the earth to do good to all; run into the hearts of all to strike them with our love, to chain them with our will, and make of them conquests.  Greater dowry I could not give to the creature.  But where can the creature make greater display of this free will and of this love?  In suffering.  In it love grows, the will is magnified, and, as queen, the creature rules over herself, she binds my Heart, and her pains surround Me like a crown, they move Me to pity, and I let Myself be dominated.  I cannot resist the pains of a loving soul, and I keep her at my side like a queen.  In the pains, the dominion of this creature is so great, that they make her acquire noble, dignified, ingratiating, heroic, disinterested manners, similar to my manners; and the other creatures compete to let themselves be dominated by this soul.  And the more the soul operates with Me, is united with Me, identifies herself with Me, the more I feel absorbed in the soul.  So, as she thinks, I feel my thought being absorbed in her mind; as she looks, as she speaks, as she breathes, I feel my gaze, my voice, my breath, my action, step and heartbeat being absorbed in hers.  She absorbs all of Me, and while she absorbs Me, she keeps acquiring my manners, my likeness; I keep gazing at Myself in her continuously, and I find Myself.”

 Vol. 11, December 30, 1916

Free will was given to man so that he might always grow in beauty, wisdom and virtue as much as he wanted.  He was the crowning of Creation but his fall in sin made him horrid to even look at.

So I tried, as much as I could, to go around through all created things, to give to my God the requital of love, of glory, of gratitude, for everything He had done in Creation. I seemed to see in all created things the requital of love of my Empress Mama and of my beloved Jesus. This requital formed the most beautiful harmony between Heaven and earth, and bound the Creator to the creature. Each requital of love was a key, a little sonata of enrapturing celestial music. And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, all created things were nothing other than an act of Our Will that issued them; nor can they move, or change the effects, the position or the office which each of them received by its Creator. They are nothing other than mirrors in which man was to admire the reflections of the qualities of his Creator: in some the power, in some the beauty, in other created things the goodness, the immensity, the light, etc. In sum, each created thing preaches to man the qualities of its Creator, and with mute voices they tell him how much I love him. On the other hand, in creating man, it was not just Our Will, but an emanation that came out of Our womb - a part of Ourselves that We infused in him; and this is why We created him with a free will – that he might grow always, in beauty, in wisdom, in virtue. In Our likeness, he could multiply his goods, his graces.

Oh! if a sun had a free will and could make two suns from one, four suns from two, what glory, what honor would it not give to its Creator, and how much glory also to itself? Yet, what the created things cannot do, because they are without a free will, and because they were created to serve man, man can do, because he was to serve God. So, all Our love was centralized in man, and this is why We placed all Creation at his disposal, all ordered around him – that man might make use of Our works like as many stairs and ways in order to come to Us, to know Us, and to love Us. But what is Our sorrow in seeing man below Our created things - even more, his beautiful soul, given by Us, transformed into ugliness by sin, and not only ungrown in good, but horrid to the sight? Yet, as if everything that was created for him were not enough to Our love, in order to preserve this free will, We gave him the greatest gift, which surpassed all other gifts: we gave him Our Will, as preserver, as antidote, as prevenience and help for his free will. So, Our Will placed Itself at his disposal, to give him all those aids which man might need. Our Will was given to him as primary life, and as the first act of all his works. Having to grow in grace and in beauty, he needed a Supreme Will, which would not only keep company with his human will, but would substitute for the operating of the creature. But this great gift also he despised and did not want to know. See, then, how Our Will enters the primary life of the creature; and as long as It maintains Its first act, Its life, the creature grows always in grace, in light, in beauty; she preserves the bond of the first act of her creation, and We receive the glory of all created things, because they serve Our Will operating in the creature – the only purpose of all Creation. Therefore, I recommend to you – let Our Will be more than life for you, and the first act of all your actions.”

Vol. 18, August 9, 1925

Only man, who was given the great liberty to be able to freely love God has left the highest post of honor above all creation, drawing away from union with God and descending to the lowest place below all creation, becoming the most unhappy.

“My blessed daughter, how much more one understands of my Volition, so much more one enjoys his beauty and sanctity, and so much more one participates in his goods, and the abandonment in Him destroys all the obstacles and keeps the soul so very pressed in his arms, that without effort, my Fiat, can regenerate his Divine life in the creature.  True and full abandonment says with deeds:  do with me that which you want, my life is yours, and of mine I don’t want to know anything more of it.  So that the abandonment holds (the) virtue to put the creature in the power of my Divine Will.  Because you should know that all things and the human nature itself takes from the Eternal motion of God, in a way that everything turns around him, all the Creation, the breath, the heartbeat, the circulation of blood, they are under the empire of the Eternal motion, and since everyone and everything, have life from this motion, they are inseparable from God and as they have life, thus with an unanimous course, they turn around the Supreme Being.  So that the breath, the heartbeat, the human motion it is not in their power to breathe, to palpitate, to move themselves, if they want, or don’t want, being incessant the motion of the Eternal they also feel the incessant act of the breath, of the heartbeat and of the motion, one can say they have life together with God, and with all created things, that they turn around him without ever stopping.  Only the human will, having created it with the great gift of free liberty/will, so that she might be able to say to us that freely she loved us, not because she is constrained as is constrained the breath to breathe, the heart to palpitate and to receive the motion of her Creator, but with wanted will, not forced she can love us and be together with Us in order to receive the working life in our Volition, it was the honor and the greatest gift that we gave to the creature and she ungrateful drew away from our union and inseparability, and hence from the union of everyone and everything, and therefore lost herself, degraded herself, weakened herself, lost the unique strength, and is the only one that in all the Creation, who lost her course, her post of honor, her beauty, her glory, and she goes wandering moved from her post, that she holds in our Will, that calls her, longs for her to her post of honor, so that everyone has a post, also the breath and the human heartbeat, and since everyone and everything have a post, they never lose the life and their incessant motion, no one feels poor, weak, but rich in the Eternal motion of their Creator.  Only the human will, because she doesn’t want to be in the regal post of our Divine Volition she is the lost one and the poorest of everyone, and since she feels poor, she feels unhappy, and is the disturber of the human family.  Therefore if you want to be rich, happy, never descend from your post of honor, that is inside of our Will, then you will have everything in your power, strength, light, and also my Will himself.”

 Vol. 33, May 12, 1934

God placed his entire Divine Will at the disposition of the creature just to receive the little "I love you" from her.  But she did not want to give her love to God and thereby bankrupted herself, rejecting all the Divine assets.

“My daughter, for whoever lives in My Will there are no acts of Our’s that cannot be present.  There are no acts of Our’s which we have put forth that cannot be received; so now (I give) to you My Breath, and Our outpouring of love.  How great was Our pleasure in this first act of man’s creation.  We had created Heaven and earth, but We felt nothing new in Ourselves.  Yet in creating man, it was much different.  One was the will which was created - this free will and in it we enclosed Our own (Will), placing It as in a bank to earn interest in the love, glory, and adoration that was due to us.  Oh how love overflowed in us, how we trembled with joy in putting, forth this free will so that we could hear it said to us:  ‘I love you.’  And when man, full of that which was Ours, let burst forth from his breast his first word ‘I love you,’ Our pleasure was immense, because it was as if he returned to Us the interest of all the goods that we had placed in him.  This free will which We created was where We deposited the capital of a Divine Will, and We were satisfied if We could - receive a small interest, without ever again claiming the capital.  So the fall of man was a great sorrow for Us, because he refused Our capital so [that] he would not have to pay the small interest.  His bank was left empty, and since his enemy had made a deal with him, he filled man with passions and miseries - and the poor thing was left a failure.

Vol. 21, April 22, 1927

The problem lies in  the fact that with the fall of man his three powers became obscured deforming the image of God in him.   He can no longer sense the breath of God in him or feel his love.  So as God originally created him by breathing into him and giving him life, God will again re-breathe into him so strongly as to make him feel once again the palpating life of God in himself.

“My good daughter, it is decreed in the Consistory of the Most Holy Trinity that my Divine Will will have his Kingdom upon the earth; and how many prodigies there are needed, we will do them; we will not spare anything, in order to have that which we want.  But we, in the work, always use the simplest, but powerful ways, to overwhelm heavens and earth, (and) all creatures, in the act that we want.

“You must know that in the creation, in order to infuse life into man, not was needed from us but our omnipotent breath; but how many prodigies in that breath!  We created the soul, endowing her with the three powers, true image of our adorable Trinity.  With the soul she had the heartbeat, the breath, the circulation of blood, the motion, the heat, the word, the sight.  What thing was needed from us in order to make all these prodigies in man?  Our simplest act, armed with our power, that is our breath, and from the race of our love, that not being able to contain it, it raced, raced toward him, even to make of him the greatest prodigy of all the creative work.

“Now, my daughter, with man not living in our Divine Volition, his three powers have been obscured, and our adorable image deformed in him, in a way that he has lost the first heartbeat of love of God in his divine breath in his human breath; that is, not that he has lost it: he does not sense it, hence he does not feel the circulation of divine life, the motion of good, the heat of supreme love, the word of God in his, the sight to be able to look at his Creator.  All has remained obscured, weakened and perhaps even deformed.

“Now, what thing is needed from us in order to renew this man?  We will return again to breathe in him with more strength and growing love.  We will breathe into the depths of his soul, we will breathe forth more strongly into the center of his rebellious will, but so very strongly as to shake off from him the evils by which he is bound; his passions will remain knocked down and petrified before the power of our breath, they will themselves burn from our divine fire, and the human will will feel the palpitating life of his Creator, by which he, as veiled, will hide in him, and he will return to be the bearer of his Creator.

“Oh, how happy he will feel!  With our breath we will renew him, we will restore him to health; we will do as a most tender mother that, having her child crippled, she pours herself upon him by way of breath, by breathing forth, by puff of breath, and then she allows him to breathe forth when he has been restored to health and made beautiful as she wanted him.  The power of our breath will not leave him; then we will cease blowing (in) him when we will see him returning into our fatherly arms, (as) beautiful as we want him, and then we will feel that the child has recognized our paternal goodness, that we love him so much.

“You see therefore what is needed from us in order to make our Will come to reign upon the earth: the power of our omnipotent breath.  With it we will renew our life in him.  All the truths that I have manifested, the great prodigies of living in my Volition, will be the most beautiful properties, most great, of which I will make a gift to him.  Even this is a certain sign that his Kingdom will come upon the earth, because if I speak, first I do the deeds and then I speak; my word is the confirmation of the gift, of the prodigies that I want to do.  Hence, to what gain is it to expose my divine properties, make them known, if his Kingdom should not come upon the earth?”

Vol. 35, Dec. 21, 1937

The creature can only use it's free will within the limitations of it's reason and understanding meaning it's three powers of memory, intellect and will.  These are the links of communication with God that are meant to guide and encourage man in operating his free will correctly.  When all three powers work in harmony with God the creature becomes raised to the likeness of her Creator and the links of communication with the Holy Trinity are open and secure.

“My daughter, man was created by God with three powers:  memory, intellect and will; and this, so that he might have the links of communications with the Divine Persons of the Sacrosanct Trinity.  These were like paths along which to ascend to God, like doors through which to enter, like rooms in which to form the continuous dwelling – the creature for God, God for the creature.  These are the royal paths of both of them, the gold doors which God placed in the depth of the soul through which the Supreme Sovereignty of the Divine Majesty might enter; the safe and unshakeable room in which God was to have His celestial dwelling.  Now, in order to be able to form Its Kingdom in the inmost place of the soul, my Will wants to find these three powers, given to the creature to raise her to the likeness of the Creator, in order with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit.  My Will would not go out of Its dominions if these three powers of the soul were in order with God, and Its reigning would be happy and as though natural, because, her three powers being in order with God, the creature would have order within herself and outside of herself, and the Kingdom of the Will of God and that of the creature would not be a divided Kingdom, but a single one, and therefore Its dominion and regime would be one.  More so, since my Will does not know how to reign where there is no order and harmony - inseparable qualities and indispensable properties of the Divine Persons; and the soul can never be ordered and harmonize with her Creator if she does not have her three powers open to receive from God His qualities ordered and His properties harmonized, in such a way that, finding the divine harmonies and the supreme order of the Divine Kingdom and of the human kingdom, my Will may make them one and reign in It with Its full dominion.
Ah! my daughter, how much disorder reigns in the three powers of the human soul.  One can say that they have shut the door on Our face, they have barricaded the paths to prevent Our passing and to break the communications with Us, while it was the greatest gift We gave man in creating him.  These three powers were to serve him to comprehend the One who had created him, to grow in His likeness, and, his will being transfused in that of his Creator, to give Him the right to let It reign.  This is why the Supreme Volition cannot reign in the soul if these three powers – intellect, memory and will – do not hold hands in order to return to the purpose for which God created man.  Therefore, pray that these three powers may return to the order and the harmony of their Creator, so that my Supreme Will may reign with Its full triumph.”
Vol. 19, August 12, 1926

When the creature uses her free will to allow God's Will to reign and work in her she then becomes the great wonder of Creation and this is the greatest honor to God that a creature can give.  This can only happen with a free will.  Forced love can at most be slavery.

“All are waiting on your acts,” and while he breathed, He gathered in Himself all my acts done in his Divine Volition, and continued:

 “My daughter, the acts done in my Volition are mine, so I came to take them with my breath.  And as I was breathing upon your breast, all of your acts, being mine, are being waited for by all so that I, going to diffuse them into all of creation, will be able to receive from all the universe the honor of the free act of a creature.  This will of the creature freely, not under force, comes into my Will and - works, and I receive the honor of a free will, which is the greatest honor for me, and which is suitable for a me as God.  A free will that loves me and that voluntarily annihilates itself for Me and operates in [My Will] is the great wonder of creation.  All things were created because they should be at the service of this free, unforced will loving Me; and this will, having dominion, over all and enjoying all of creation, should have served as a will for all created things, because created things do not have a will, and the creature was to have served as a will for them.  Thus her will and her free love for her Creator would have been in each created thing.  It is only in my Will that the human (will) can defend us entirely, in order to give this great love to her Creator.

“My daughter, a will which doesn’t love me freely, but under force, says distance between creature and Creator; it says slavery, and servitude; it says dissimilarity.  Instead, a free will which does my Will says union between the soul and God; it says inheritance; it says that that which is of God, is also of the creature; it says similarity in sanctity and love, in such a way that that which one does the other does also, and where one is to be found the other is there also.  So I created man with freedom of will so that he could receive this great honor that is fitting for a God.  A will that is forced to love me and which sacrifices itself - I do not know what to do with it.  On the contrary, I don’t even recognize it, and neither does it merit any reward.  So you can understand why my eyes are fixed on the soul who, of spontaneous will, lives in my Will.  Forced love belongs to men, not God; they content themselves with appearances and do not descend into the depths of gold found in the will, so that they might have a sincere and loyal love.

            “As the king is content with the subjection of the subjects because he holds formed his army, and he doesn’t mind if his soldiers have a distant will form him, if this is distant he will have the army but he won’t be secure, it could be an army that plots his crown and life.  A lord may have many slaves, but if they do not serve their master freely, but out of necessity - for gain, for fear, or just to receive their pay - these servants that eat the master’s bread may be his first enemies.  But your Jesus, who sees into the depths of the will, is not content with appearances, so if this will spontaneously wants my Will and wants to live in It, my glory and all of creation is placed into safety because they are not servants, but my children who possess It and who love to see the glory of their celestial Father [such] that they would be ready and would feel honored to give their lives for love of Him.”

Vol. 21, April 3, 1927

Acts done in the Divine Will will be the counter poison to the sad effects of the human will.  Only these will restore the freshness, the beauty, the order, as the human will was originally created.  A Divine act for every human act is needed in order to restore the Divine empire.

We are inseparable from Our works, and We like them so much that We delight in doing them continuously, and this is why they maintain themselves majestic, beautiful, fresh, as if, there and then, they were receiving the beginning of their life. Look at them – how beautiful they are; they are the narrators of Our Divine Being and Our perennial glory. But amid so much glory of Ours, look – there is the black speck of the human will. Loving man with greater love, We endowed him with a free will, but, abusing, he wanted to breathe and palpitate in his human will, not with Ours, and therefore it changes continuously to the extent of blackening, losing its beauty and freshness, and it reaches the point of losing the Divine Life in its human nature.

So, who will put to flight the thick darkening of the human will? Who will give back to it the freshness, the beauty of its creation? The acts done in Our Divine Will. They will be light which will dispel the darkness, and heat which, molding it with its heat, will destroy in it all the bad humors that have rendered it ugly. The acts done in my Will will be the rebound to all the human acts done with the human will. This rebound will restore the freshness, the beauty, the order, as the human will was created. Therefore, many acts are needed, done by the creature in Our Divine Volition, in order to prepare the counterpoison, the beauty, the freshness, the act opposite to everything evil that the human will has done. Then will Our works in Creation appear all beautiful; the black speck will disappear, and it will convert into a point, the most luminous one, in the midst of the magnificence of Our created works; and Our Divine Will will take the dominion of all, and will reign on earth as It does in Heaven. Therefore, be attentive to operate in my Divine Will, because for each human act, the divine act is needed which, with empire, knocks down, purifies and embellishes the evil done by the human will.”

Vol. 26, August 12, 1927

Ultimately God will win man over and renew him without taking away his free will but by drawing him to himself, face to face and enchanting him so much that he will not withdraw ever again.

Then, moved to tears and sorrowful for poor man, He kept silent; and I thought to myself: ‘How can we return to the original state of Creation since the human will has made man fall into an abyss of miseries, almost deforming him from the way in which he was created?’ And my sweet Jesus added: “My daughter, my Will can do anything. Just as It made man from nothing, so It can draw the new man from his miseries – and without changing method from the way in which we created him. Leaving him his free will, We will use another loving device: the light of Our Will will unleash Its most refulgent rays more powerfully; It will draw near him, in such a way as to look at his human will face to face, which will receive the enchantment of a penetrating light that, while dazzling it, draws it sweetly to Itself. And the human will, attracted by a light so radiant and of rare beauty, will have the desire to see what is so beautiful in this light. In looking, it will undergo the enchantment, it will feel happy and will love - not being forced, but spontaneously - to live in Our Will. Does the Sun not have this virtue – that if one wants to stare at it, the pupil of the human eye remains dazzled within its light; and if it tries to look, it will see nothing but light, as the power of the light prevents the pupil from looking at the things around? And if man is forced to lower his eyes to be freed of the light, it is because the excessive light bothers him and he does not feel happy; but if he felt happy, he would not easily withdraw his pupils from within the light of the Sun. On the other hand, the light of my Will will not bother the pupils of the soul; on the contrary, she will have the good of seeing the very human acts converted into light, and will yearn for this light to unleash its rays more powerfully so as to see her acts with the enchantment and the beauty of this divine light. My Will has the power to solve the problem of man, but It must use a more excessive act of greater magnanimity of Our Supreme Fiat; therefore, you, pray and plead for a cause so holy on behalf of poor creatures.”

Vol. 24, June 12, 1928

Each act done in the Divine Will is a light which further enlightens the creature drawing it every further and further into the dazzling light of God which eclipses the human will allowing the Divine Will to reign.  But the great gift of free will will never be taken away.  It's the gift which allows us to choose whether we want to be God's true children or not.

“My daughter, each act, prayer and pain which the soul makes enter into the light of my Will, becomes light and forms one more ray in the Sun of the Eternal Volition.  These rays form the most beautiful glory that the creature can give to the Divine Fiat, in such a way that, seeing Itself so glorified by Its own light, It invests these rays with new knowledges which, converting into voices, manifest to the soul more surprises about my Will.  But do you know what these knowledges of mine form for the creature?  They form the eclipse for the human will.  The stronger the light is, the more the rays are, and the more strongly the human will remains dazzled and eclipsed by the light of my knowledges; in such a way, that it almost feels impotent to act, and it gives field to the action of the light of my Will.  The human will remains occupied within the action of my Will, and it lacks the time, the place, to make its own will act.  

It is like the human eye when it stares at the sun:  the strength of the light invests the pupil, and lording over it, it renders it impotent to look at other things; but in spite of this, the eye has not lost its vision.  It is the strength of the light that has this power:  it takes away any other object from one who looks at it, and allows him to look at nothing but light.  I will never take free willing away from the human will – a great gift, given to man in creating him, which makes creatures distinguishable as to whether they want to be my true children, or not.  But, rather, with the light of the knowledges about my Will, I will form more than solar rays, and whoever wants to know them and look at them, will be invested by this light; in such a way that, eclipsed, the human will will take delight and love in looking at this light, and will feel fortunate that the action of the light takes the place of its own.  And it will lose love and delight for other things.  This is why I am saying so much about my Will – to form the strong light, because the stronger it is, the greater is the eclipse it forms in order to occupy the human will.
Vol. 20, Oct. 13, 1926

It's true that in creating us and giving us the gift of free will we are all God's children but this gift gives us the ability to be able to say "yes" or "no" to God.  That in itself is mind boggling.  We can choose not only this but how close we want to be to God, whether we want to be not just His adoptive children through the law and the Sacraments but whether we want to be his true legitimate children with all the features of His likeness.  God is waiting for this generation of His true children and the world will not end until they come forth.  Children who will live in His Will effortlessly, naturally, as easy as the breath, and the heartbeat and the circulation.   

...only those who will have preserved intact within themselves the purpose of Creation will be my true legitimate children. By doing my Will, they have preserved within themselves the pure blood of their Celestial Father, who has given them all the features of His likeness, and therefore it will be very easy to recognize them as Our legitimate children. Our Will will preserve them noble, pure, fresh, all love for the One who created them. And as Our children, who have always been in Our Will, and who have never given life to their own, they will be as though the first to be created by Us, giving Us the glory and the honor of the purpose for which all things were created. This is why the world cannot end: We are waiting for the generation of Our children who, by living in Our Will, will give Us the glory of Our works. These will have my Will alone as life; it will be so very natural in them to do the Divine Will - spontaneous, effortless, just as natural is the heartbeat, the breathing, the blood circulation. They will not keep It as law, because laws are for rebels – but as life, as honor, as the beginning and as the end. Therefore, my daughter, may you take to heart my Will alone; be concerned with nothing else, if you want your Jesus to fulfill in you and enclose in you the purpose of the whole Creation.”

Vol. 16, March 2, 1924