(As a side note I love Michelangelo's final Pieta, although some say it is rough and unfinished. It shows the figure of Jesus as melting into the figure of Mary, so identified with each other that it is hard to see where one ends and the other begins.)
Back in Dec of 2019 and then again in March of 2021 Pope Francis commented on the title of Our Lady as Co-Redemptix.
“She never wanted for herself something that was of her son,” Francis said. “She never introduced herself as co-redemptrix. No. Disciple,” he said, meaning that Mary saw herself as a disciple of Jesus.
Mary, the pope insisted, “never stole for herself anything that was of her son,” instead “serving him. Because she is mother. She gives life.”
“When they come to us with the story of declaring her this or making that dogma, let’s not get lost in foolishness [in Spanish, tonteras],” he said.
12-2019 Pope Francis calls Mary as co-redemptrix foolishness
Jesus, Francis said speaking off-the-cuff, entrusted the entire Church and all the faithful to Mary, but “as a mother. Not as a goddess. Not as a co-redemptrix. As a mother.”
“It’s true that Christian piety always gives beautiful titles to her, like a son to the mother … how many beautiful things does a son say to the mother? But pay attention: the [beautiful] things that the Church, the saints, say to Mary, take nothing away from Christ’s uniqueness as a redeemer,” the pope added, always looking away from his prepared remarks.
“He [Christ] is the only redeemer. They [Marian titles] are expressions of love like a son to the mother, sometimes exaggerated, but we know love always makes us do exaggerated things. Lovesickness,” Francis said.
3-2021 Pope Francis refutes Mary as Co-Redemptrix
Interesting St John Paul II used the term Co-Redemptrix on several occasions.
"Pope St. John Paul II has used the term co-redemptrix on at least five occasions in the course of his papal teachings."
Pope Francis vs the Marian Title Co-Redemptrix
It's true that Mary under the title of Co-Redemptrix is not currently accepted as dogma in the church but I couldn't help feeling very sad for Pope Francis' response. I heard the Gospel of Mark read in the daily mass recently and felt the connection of people using human measures to try to explain away the divine ways.
6 He said to them, “Isaiah prophesied rightly about you hypocrites, as it is written,
‘This people honors me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me;
7 in vain do they worship me,
teaching human precepts as doctrines.’
8 You abandon the commandment of God and hold to human tradition.”
Mark 7: 6-8
In the Volumes Jesus states that Mary was not to be dis-similar from Him and that she was to be co-redemptrix suffering all pains voluntarily with Him. And when Jesus speaks He does not speak in "exaggerated expressions" but in truth.
“My daughter, there is an immense difference between one who must form a good, a kingdom, and one who must receive it in order to enjoy it. I came upon earth to expiate, to redeem, to save man; and in order to do this I had to receive the pains of creatures, and take them upon Myself as if they were my own. My Divine Mama, who was to be co-redemptrix, was not to be dissimilar from Me; rather, the five drops of blood which She gave Me from Her most pure Heart in order to form my little Humanity, came out of Her crucified Heart. For Us the pains were offices which We came to fulfill, therefore they were all voluntary pains, not impositions of a fragile nature.
Vol. 20, January 30, 1927
In some ways it is understandable that Pope Francis can not accept Mary under the title of Co-Redemptrix, but it is because he is looking at her with human eyes and not the eyes of God. His knowledge is limited to only that what he, himself, can see. Jesus explains how Mary's heart was indeed the deposit of all sufferings and she was pierced not just with the seven visible swords that the Church recognizes but by millions of swords, one for each sin from mankind.
“My little daughter, you yourself are saying how necessary knowledge is. If it is necessary for you, much more so for others. Now, you must know that in order to form the Kingdom of Redemption, those who distinguished themselves the most in suffering were my Mama and I. And even though apparently She suffered none of the pains that the other creatures knew, except for my death which was known by all, and which was the fatal and harrowing blow for Her maternal Heart, more than any most sorrowful death, however, since She possessed the unity of the light of my Will, this light brought to Her pierced Heart, not only the seven swords told by the Church, but all swords, spears and pricks of all sins and pains of creatures, which martyred Her maternal Heart in a harrowing way. But this is nothing. This light brought Her all my pains, my humiliations, my torments, my thorns, my nails, the most intimate pains of my Heart. The Heart of my Mama was the true Sun: though one can see nothing but light, this light contains all the goods and effects that the earth receives and possesses; so, one can say that the earth is enclosed in the Sun. The same for the Sovereign Queen: one could only see Her person, but the light of my Supreme Will enclosed in Her all possible imaginable pains; and the more intimate and unknown these pains were, the more valuable and powerful they were over the Divine Heart, to impetrate the longed for Redeemer; and more than solar light, they descended into the hearts of creatures, to conquer them and bind them in the Kingdom of Redemption.
“So, the Church knows so very little of the pains of the Celestial Sovereign Queen, that one can say that She knows only the visible pains, and this is why She gives the number of the seven swords. But if She knew that Her maternal Heart was the refuge, the deposit of all pains, and that the light of my Will brought everything to Her, sparing Her nothing, the Church would not speak of seven swords, but of millions of swords. More so, since they were intimate pains, and therefore God alone knows the intensity of the sorrow. This is why, by right, She was constituted Queen of martyrs and of all sorrows. Creatures can give a weight, a value to exterior pains, but they do not know enough of the interior ones to be able to attribute to them the right price. Now, in order to form in my Mama, first the Kingdom of my Will, and then that of Redemption, so many pains were not necessary because, since She had no sin, the inheritance of pains was not for Her – Her inheritance was the Kingdom of my Will. But in order to give the Kingdom of Redemption to creatures, She had to submit Herself to so many pains. So, the fruits of Redemption were matured in the Kingdom of my Will possessed by Me and by my Mama. There is nothing beautiful, good or useful, which does not come from my Will.
Vol. 19, July 11, 1926
Jesus speaks of His office as Redeemer and Our Lady's office as Co-Redemptrix. Mary, whose mission is to be Mother of God was enriched with grace as to surpass all creatures, terrestrial and celestial combined. But this is just the beginning. She reciprocated God for the love and adoration of all, repairing for each before God. This is what drew the second person of the Trinity to incarnate Himself in Her womb. And as Jesus was conceived in her, she received the office of Co-Redemptrix. She then took part in, and embraced together with Jesus, all the pains, the satisfactions, the reparations, and the maternal love toward all. So that when Jesus declared that Mary was the Mother of all, on the cross, He did so in truth, not in a beautiful exaggeration...
“My daughter, in certain missions or offices, such gifts, graces, riches and prerogatives must be enclosed within them, that if it wasn’t for the mission or the office occupied, it would not be necessary for one to possess the whole magnitude of what he possesses, which has been given to him because of the necessity to carry out that office.
My Humanity was given by my Divinity the mission of the salvation of souls and the office of Redeemer – of redeeming them. Because of this office, I was entrusted their souls, their pains, their satisfactions; so, I enclosed everything. And if my Humanity had not enclosed even just one soul, one pain, one satisfaction, the office of Redeemer would not have been complete - I would not have enclosed within Myself all the graces, the goods and the light which it was necessary to give to each soul. And even though not all souls are saved, this says nothing; I was to enclose the goods of all, so that, on my part, I might have the necessary and superabundant graces for all, in order to be able to save all. This was befitting to Me for the decorum and the just honor of my office of Redeemer. The same happens to the sun which is above your horizon: it contains so much light as to be able to give light to all; and even if not everyone wanted to enjoy its light, because of the unique office of sun which it has, it possesses even that light which creatures might refuse. If this was befitting to the sun, because it was created by God as the unique sphere which was to warm the earth and embrace it with its light – in fact, when one thing or one office is unique, in order to be able to carry out its office, it is necessary for it to contain so much of that good as to be able to give it to all, without exhausting one atom of it in giving it to others – much more befitting was it to Me, who was to be the new Sun of souls; who was to give light to all and embrace everything with my light, to be able to bring them to the Supreme Majesty, and offer to It an act which would contain all acts, and make superabundant light descend upon all in order to place them in safety.
In addition to Myself, there is my Celestial Mama, who was given the unique mission of Mother of a Son-God, and the office of Co-Redemptrix of mankind. For Her mission of Divine Maternity, She was enriched with so much grace, that all that belongs to the other creatures, both celestial and terrestrial, united all together, will never be able to equal Her. But this was not enough to draw the Word into Her maternal womb; She embraced all creatures, She loved, repaired, adored the Supreme Majesty for all, in such a way as to accomplish, Herself alone, all that the human generations owed God. So, in Her virginal Heart She had an inexhaustible vein toward God and toward all creatures. When the Divinity found in this Virgin the requital of the love of all, It felt enraptured, and formed in Her Its Conception. And as She conceived Me, She took on the office of Co-Redemptrix, and She took part in, and embraced together with Me, all the pains, the satisfactions, the reparations, the maternal love toward all. So, in the Heart of my Mother there was a fiber of maternal love toward each creature. This is why, when I was on the Cross, in truth and with justice I declared Her the Mother of all. She ran together with Me in the love, in the pains - in everything; She never left Me alone. If the Eternal One had not placed so much grace in Her as to be able to receive the love of all from Her alone, He would never have moved from Heaven to come upon earth to redeem mankind. Here is the necessity, the befittingness, that, having the mission of Mother of the Word, She embrace and surpass everything.
When an office is unique, it comes as a consequence that one must let nothing escape him; one must have everything under one’s eyes, so as to be able to hold out that good which one possesses; one must be like a true sun which can hold out light to all. So it was for Me and for my Celestial Mama.
Vol. 17, May 1, 1925
Now without doubt there is still a great difference between Jesus and Mary. Mary will always be a creature before God and she lived off of His reflections. But all this is done in such a manner that no one else can ever equal her. God was able to operate perfectly and fully in her because She lived fully in the Divine Will from the first moment of her existence. Furthermore, God, who is perfect and immeasurable to us in His generosity is still on the look out to find others to reflect the reverberations of His life and sorrows in. Others who are willing to live in His Will by His Fiat.
“My daughter, I was the first King of sorrows, and being Man and God, I had to centralize everything within Me in order to have primacy over everything, even over sorrows. Those of my Mama were nothing other than the reverberations of mine which, being reflected in Her, made Her share in all my sorrows which, piercing Her, filled Her with such bitterness and pain that She felt Herself dying at each reverberation of my sorrows. But love sustained Her and gave Her life again. Therefore, not only for honor, but also by right of justice, She was the first Queen of the immense sea of Her sorrows.” While He was saying this, I seemed to see my Mama in front of Jesus, and everything that Jesus contained, the sorrows and the piercings of that Most Holy Heart, were reflected in the Heart of the sorrowful Queen. At those reflections, many swords formed in the Heart of the pierced Mama; and these swords were marked by a Fiat of light, in which She remained circumfused, in the midst of so many Fiats of most refulgent light which gave Her so much glory that there are no words to narrate it.
Then, Jesus continued, saying: “It was not the sorrows that constituted my Mama as Queen and made Her shine with so much glory, but it was my omnipotent Fiat, which was braided to Her every act and sorrow, and constituted Itself life of each of Her sorrows. So, my Fiat was the first act that formed the sword, giving Her the intensity of pain that It wanted. My Fiat could place all the sorrows It wanted in that pierced Heart, adding piercings upon piercings, pains upon pains, without a shadow of the slightest resistance. On the contrary, She felt honored that my Fiat would constitute Itself life of even a heartbeat of Hers; and my Fiat gave Her complete glory and constituted Her true and legitimate Queen.
Now, who will be the souls in whom I can reflect the reverberations of my sorrows and of my very Life? Those who will have my Fiat as life. This Fiat will make them absorb my reflections, and I will be generous in sharing with them that which my Will operates in Me. Therefore, in my Will do I await souls, to give them the true dominion and the complete glory of each act and pain that they may suffer. The operating and suffering outside of my Will I do not recognize; I could say: ‘I have nothing to give you; what is the will that animated you in doing and suffering this? Get your reward from that one.’ Many times, doing good or suffering, if my Will is not present in them, can be miserable slaveries which degenerate into passions, while it is my Will alone that gives true dominion, true virtues, true glory, such as to transform the human into divine.”
Vol. 15, March 23, 1923
Mary is an essential part of the mission of God's manifest Will upon the earth where the Holy Trinity is veiled. Jesus represents Himself, the Son, the man/God and Redeemer. Mary veils the Paternity of God the Father and as God the Father is inseparable from His Son so is Mary inseparable from Jesus and she is in truth the Co-Redemptrix of mankind. It is Luisa who will veil the role of the Holy Spirit, being inseparable from the one and the other.
‘The mission of my Will will veil the Most Holy Trinity upon earth. Just as in Heaven there are the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, inseparable from One Another but distinct among Themselves, forming the whole beatitude of Heaven; in the same way, on earth there will be three persons who, because of their missions, will be distinct and inseparable among themselves: the Virgin, with Her Maternity which veils the Paternity of the Celestial Father and encloses His power in order to fulfill Her mission of Mother of the Eternal Word and Co-Redemptrix of mankind; my Humanity, for the mission of Redeemer, which enclosed the Divinity, and the Word, without ever separating from the Father and from the Holy Spirit, manifested my celestial wisdom - adding the bond of rendering Myself inseparable from my Mama; and you, for the mission of my Will, as the Holy Spirit will make display of His love, manifesting to you the secrets, the prodigies of my Will, the goods It contains, to make happy those who will give themselves to knowing how much good this Supreme Will contains, to love It and to let It reign in their midst, offering their souls to let It dwell within their hearts, that It may be able to form Its Life in them – adding the bond of inseparability between you, the Mother and the Eternal Word.
These three missions are distinct and inseparable. The first two have prepared the graces, the light, the work, and with unheard-of pains, for the third mission of my Will, to then fuse themselves all in It without leaving their office, so as to find rest, because my Will alone is celestial rest. These missions will not be repeated, because the exuberance of grace, of light, of knowledge is such and so great that all human generations can be filled with them; even more, they will not be able to contain all the good which they contain.
Vol. 17, May 4, 1925
In response to Pope Francis' statement that Mary "... never introduced herself as co-redemptrix." In fact she did. In the Hours of the Passion of the Blessed Virgin's Desolation, Mary states that she binds all souls to her Son's cross so that no one may be lost by trials or crosses. She claims this right as Co-Redemptix and mother.
Now I see you are obliged to return to Jerusalem by that same path on which you came. After just a few steps the cross already appears, on which Jesus suffered so much and then died. You run to it and kiss it. Seeing it stained with blood, the pains he suffered on it are renewed in your heart one by one. Unable to contain your sorrow, sobbing, you exclaim:
"O cross! How is it that you were so cruel to my Son? Now, you didn't spare him in anything! What wrong did he do to you? You didn't permit me, his sorrowful mother, to give him even a sip of water when he asked for it; and to his parched mouth you gave him gall and vinegar. I felt my transfixed heart liquefied, and would have liked to offer my melted heart to those lips to quench his thirst, but I received the sorrow of being rejected. Yes, O cross, you are cruel, but holy, because you were divinized and sanctified by your contact with my Son. Change that cruelty you used with him into compassion for miserable mortals. And for the pains he suffered on you, plead grace and strength for suffering souls, so that no one may be lost because of trial and crosses. Souls cost me too much. They cost me the life of a Son-God. And as Co-redemptrix and mother, I bind them to you, O cross."
The Hours of the Passion, 4 p.m. to 5 p.m., The Blessed Virgin Mary's Desolation
Luisa, Mary and Jesus are so important in the mission of the Kingdom of the Divine Will that Luisa forms the second link to Jesus' humanity, where He forms the first link to the true living in the Divine Will. Luisa feeling crushed and confused by this asks then about Mary and He says that she is so identified with Him that she forms one link with Him and does not enter into the secondary part of His love.
“Now, the first link which connected the true living in my Will was my Humanity. My Humanity, identified with my Divinity, swam in the Eternal Volition, and kept tracing all the acts of creatures in order to make them Its own, and give to the Father a divine glory on the part of creatures, and bring to all the acts of creatures the value, the love, the kiss of the Eternal Volition. In this sphere of the Eternal Volition, I could see all the acts of creatures that could possibly be done and were not done, and the very good acts done badly; and I did those which were not done, and redid those done badly. Now, these acts, not done, and done only by Me, are all suspended in my Will, and I await the creatures to come to live in my Volition, and repeat in my Will that which I did. This is why I chose you as the second link of connection with my Humanity, forming one single link with mine, living in my Volition, repeating my very acts. Otherwise, on this side my love would remain without outpouring, without glory on the part of creatures for what my Divinity operated in my Humanity, and without the perfect purpose of Creation, which must be enclosed and perfected in my Will. It would be as if I had shed all my Blood, suffered so much, and no one had known it. Who would have loved Me? Which heart would be shaken? No one; and therefore in no one would I have had my fruits, the glory of Redemption.”
Vol. 12, January 29, 1919
(Here Luisa is questioning what she received in the previous entry.) I was saying to my sweet Jesus: ‘How is it possible that I am the second link of connection with your Humanity? There are souls so very dear to You, under whose feet I do not deserve to be; and then, there is your inseparable Mama, who occupies the first place in everything and over everything. It seems to me, my sweet Love, that You really want to play with me; yet, to the crudest torment of my soul, I am forced by obedience to put this on paper. My Jesus, have pity on my hard martyrdom.’
While I was saying this, my always lovable Jesus, caressing me, told me:
“My daughter, why do you trouble yourself? Is it perhaps not my usual way to elect from the dust and form great portents - portents of grace? All the honor is mine, and the weaker and lower is the subject, the more I am glorified. And then, my Mama does not enter the secondary part of my love, of my Will, but forms one single link with Me.
Vol. 12, February 9, 1919
I find it ironically amusing, although very sad as well, that so many buck at Mary being given the title of Co-Redemptrix. If Pope Francis has a hard time accepting this of She who was born immaculate and was given the mission of Mother of God and Mother of mankind how can he even begin to accept the great plan of God as He reveals in the Volumes. Here Jesus tells Luisa how her mission is of such enormity that she will not be able to finish it on earth but it will continue long after she has gone to Heaven. It is none other than establishing the Kingdom on earth through revealing all the knowledges about the Divine Will. And just as the Holy Trinity is one in three so the earthy representatives of this manifestation are also united and Jesus says to Luisa "...then We will give the name of Co-Redemptrix of Our Will, declaring you mother of all the children of Our Fiat." So Luisa shares in the title of Co-Redemptrix and Mother of all."
(Luisa was questioning)...how will it be for Father [Di Francia]? It will be a mission without fruit, and it will be the same for me, if I should have the good fortune to flee to my (Heavenly) home.
What will be the fruit of my mission? To have sacrificed myself so much, to have spent entire nights writing; the many interests of Jesus will also be without fruit, because a good which He Himself has given brings forth its fruit when it is known. So if they aren’t made known, they will rest without fruit, without anyone receiving the goods which they contain.
Now as I was thinking that, my sweet Jesus moved within my interior, and He said to me:
“My daughter, whoever has been given a mission and has barely had an opportunity to begin, or has not been able to complete the entirety of his missions because at the best moment I call him to Heaven, will continue from up there his mission, so that it may bring into the depths of the soul its deposit of good relating to the knowledges which he has acquired in life. In Heaven he will understand with greater clarity and understanding the great good of the knowledge of the Supreme Fiat. He will pray the Fiat, indeed he will ask all of Heaven to pray, that (the knowledges) be known throughout the earth; he will beseech that clearer light be given to whoever must work in making It known.
“This is especially true because every knowledge concerning My Will will bring them one more glory, [and] a greater happiness, and as they are known throughout the earth, their glory and happiness will be doubled, because this will be the fulfillment of his mission which he had in his will to do. It is just that as his mission is unfolding upon the earth, that [the earth] receive the fruit of his mission; for this reason I told him to make haste, I strongly urged him not to waste time, because I wanted him to not only begin this work, but that he make great progress in the publication of the knowledges of the Eternal Fiat, so that he not have to do it all from Heaven. He, instead, who has completed his mission on earth can say that his mission is finished; but whoever has not completed [theirs], must do so from Heaven.
“As for you, your mission is very long, and you will not be able to complete it on earth. Until all the knowledges [about the Divine Will] are known on earth, and the Kingdom of the Divine Will is known, your mission cannot be said to be completed. In Heaven you will have much to do; My Will, which held you so occupied on earth on behalf of Its Kingdom, will not leave you - you will still work with It in Heaven. It will always keep you in Its company so that you will do nothing other than descend and ascend from Heaven to earth to help establish My Kingdom with decorum, honor, and glory.
“This will be your great contentment, happiness, and highest glory - in seeing your smallness which, united to My Volition, has transported Heaven to the earth, and the earth to Heaven. You could not have any greater gratification than this - seeing the glory of your Creator completed by His creatures, the (natural) order re-established, all of creation with its full splendor, and seeing man, Our dear jewel, in his place of honor. How great will be Our, and your, utmost satisfaction, glory, and unending happiness to see the purpose of creation realized! To you then We will give the name of Co-Redemptrix of Our Will, declaring you mother of all the children of Our Fiat. Will you not then be happy?
Vol. 21, March 19, 1927
Jesus again asserts that Luisa's mission is intimately bound with His own and Mary's, that is making the Divine Will known. So that Mary brought forth the Humanity of Jesus to present to the world, Luisa is bringing forth the Spiritual Life of the Divine Will to make Him known to the world and to all.
Now, your mission of making the eternal Will known is braided with mine and with that of my dear Mother. And since it is to serve for the good of all, it was necessary to centralize this eternal Sun of my Volition in one creature, so that, as unique mission, this Sun might let Its rays blaze from one alone, so that all might take the good of Its light. Therefore, for the decorum and honor of my Will, I was to pour into you such graces, light, love and knowledge of It, as the herald and preparation which befitted the dwelling of the Sun of my Volition. Even more, you must know that, just as my Humanity, because of Its office of Redeemer, conceived all souls, in the same way, because of your office of making my Will known and reigning, as you keep doing your acts in my Will for all, all creatures remain conceived in your will; and as you keep repeating your acts in my Will, you form so many sips of life of Divine Will as to be able to nourish all the creatures which, by virtue of my Will, are as though conceived in yours. Do you not feel how, in my Will, you embrace everyone, from the first to the last creature which is to exist upon earth; and, for all, you would want to satisfy, love, please this Supreme Will, binding It to all, removing all obstacles that prevent Its dominion within creatures, making It known to all; and you expose yourself, even with pains, to satisfy this Supreme Will for all, which so much loves to make Itself known and to reign in the midst of creatures? To you, firstborn daughter of my Divine Volition, it is given to make known the qualities, the value, the good It contains, and Its eternal sorrow of living unknown, hidden, in the midst of the human generations; even more, despised and offended by the evil, and placed by the good at the level of the other virtues, as if It were a little lamp, like the other virtues, and not a Sun, which my Will is.
The mission of my Will is the greatest that can exist; there is no good which does not descend from It; there is no glory which does not come from It. Heaven and earth - everything is centered in It. Therefore, be attentive, and do not want to waste time; everything I have told you for this mission of my Will was necessary - not for you, but for the honor, the glory, the knowledge and the sanctity of my Will. And since my Will is one, one was to be she to whom I was to entrust It, and through whom I was to make Its rays blaze, to do good to all.”
Vol. 17, May 1, 1925
Now there is still more. Something that can be only worthy of our all powerful, merciful and benevolent God. And here is the pinacol of the scandal indeed that would really have Pope Francis squirming in his seat. Jesus tells Luisa that all who do the Hours of the Passion in the Divine Will also receive a share in the title of co-redemptrix. So all of us, although certainly to a lesser degree, can receive this same title of co-redemptrix that is rightly given to Mary and that Luisa as well shares in due to her intimate mission linked to Mary and Jesus.
As I continued the usual Hours of the Passion, my lovable Jesus told me:
“My daughter, the world is in continuous act of renewing my Passion; and since my immensity envelopes everything, inside and outside the creatures, from their contact I am forced to receive nails, thorns, scourges, scorns, spit and all the rest which I suffered in the Passion - and still more. Now, at the contact with souls who do these Hours of my Passion I feel the nails being removed, the thorns shattered, the wounds soothed, the spit taken away. I feel I am repaid in good for the evil that others do to Me, and in feeling that their contact does no harm to Me, but good, I lean more and more on them.”
In addition to this, returning to speak about these Hours of the Passion, blessed Jesus said:
“My daughter, know that by doing these Hours the soul takes my thoughts and makes them her own; she takes my reparations, prayers, desires, affections, and even my most intimate fibers, and makes them her own. And rising up between Heaven and earth, she does my same office, and as co-redemptrix, she says with Me: ‘Ecce ego, mitte me [Here I am, send me] - I want to repair for all, answer for all, and impetrate good for all’.”
and your, utmost satisfaction, glory, and unending happiness to see the purpose of creation realized! To you then We will give the name of Co-Redemptrix of Our Will, declaring you mother of all the children of Our Fiat. Will you not then be happy?
Vol. 11, November 6, 1914
Now to those who have the faith of a child this is not strange at all. Doesn't God Himself, reveal just this to us, through Paul when he states that he, Paul, is completing what is lacking in Christ's sufferings with his own. If Paul can see how we are all called to identify, unite, and even complete the mission of Redemption how then would such an all good, all gracious, all benevolent God then not also share the glory of the title with His own who are so united to Him.
24 I am now rejoicing in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am completing what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church. 25 I became its servant according to God’s commission that was given to me for you, to make the word of God fully known,
Colossians 1:24-25