Thursday, June 30, 2022

Flames of Love and The Three Rebirths of Man in The Breath of God

And suddenly a sound came from heaven like the rush of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.
And there appeared to them tongues as of fire, distributed and resting on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

Act 2:2-4

The rush of a mighty wind, tongues of fire and they began to speak in other tongues, or in another light, the breath of God, and flames of love and through the action of the Spirit of love is formed the spoken word and so we see the full image of the Trinity.  In the Volumes Jesus talks about how he sees creatures as His "little flames of love," the little images of God.  We are each a created flame of love, each the living expression of the Breath of God.

You see therefore how everything is in the Will, and therefore with giving it to the creature we give everything, and since they are our little images created by us, our breaths/[fiati], the little tiny flames of love scattered by us in all the creation, behold therefore we gave them a free will united to ours, in order to form our facsimiles wanted by us, there is no thing that glorifies us more, that loves us more, that makes us content, than to find our life, our image, our Will in our work created by us.  Therefore we entrust all to the power of our Fiat, in order to obtain the intent.
Vol. 32, September 17, 1933

Jesus says that the Divine Will is breath without body.  The creature is the body and the Divine Will is the breath that gives the creature life and motion.  They are so closely tied together that God feels man's breath within his own breathing.

In addition to this, my Divine Will is breath without body – the creature is the body, my Will is the breath. The body without the breath is dead; so, what forms the breath of the creature is my Divine Will; therefore, one can say: ‘The body of It is that of the creature, and her breath is that of my Divine Volition.’ See what further union exists between one and the other – a union which cannot be separated, because if the breath ceases life ceases. Therefore, my Divine Will is everything for the creature;
Vol. 27, February 17, 1930

“Daughter of my Divine Will, I want to make known to you all the peculiarities with which man was created, to make you comprehend the excess of Our Love and the right of Our Fiat to reign in him. You must know that, in the creation of man, Our Divine Being found Itself in the condition of necessity of love to love him, because everything We gave him did not remain as detached from Us, but transfused in Us. This is so true that, in breathing on him, We infused life in him, but did not detach Our breath from the breath created in him – We kept it identified with Our own, in such a way that, as man breathed, We felt and feel his breath within Our own.
Vol. 28, April 23, 1930

Even though God bound the creature to Himself in his breath, man, in sinning, escapes so that not feeling the creature in His breath, nor finding the creature safe in His embrace, God tirelessly searches for the creature to return to Him.

“My daughter, I love the creature so much that I conceived her in my breath and I delivered her on my knees, to let her rest on my lap and keep her safe.  But the creature runs away from Me; and not feeling her in my breath nor finding her on my lap, my breath calls her continuously, my knees are tired of waiting for her, and I keep searching for her everywhere, to have her back with Me.  Ah! in what constraints of pain and love creatures place Me.”
Vol. 13, September 28, 1921

Man's breath, without the life of the Divine Will, becomes poisonous which covers man with confusion and humiliations. The fruit of this is seen in the Passion of Jesus.

In My Passion I wanted to suffer being stripped in the flagellation and placed nude on the cross, being torn apart in such a horrible way that My bones could even be counted -[I wanted to suffer] all amid the confusion, abandonment, and unspeakable bitternesses.  All of that was nothing other than the fruit of the human volition which had stripped (the creature) of all goods, and with its poisonous breath had covered him with confusion and humiliations to the point of transforming him in a horrible way and making him the object of scorn for all his enemies. 
Vol. 21, April 14, 1927

Man was created to always grow in holiness and beauty.  This is only possible with the continuous breath of God acting in and on the creature's soul.  However from the moment of original sin man chose to follow his own will and thereby prohibits God from approaching man with His divine breath.  But the creature can again choose God and His Will anew and reinstate the familial bonds.

The soul, purged by my Will, through that omnipotent breath which was infused in her by God, no longer produces the nausea of the human will, and therefore God continues to breathe upon her with His omnipotent breath, that she may grow with that Will with which He created her. On the other hand, the soul who has not yet been purged, feels the attraction of her own will, and so she acts against the Will of God, doing her own. God cannot approach her to breathe upon her again, until the soul gives all of herself to the exercise and the fulfillment of the Divine Will.
Vol. 17, April 23, 1925

God wants the creature to return to him.  God wants the relations of Father and child to be renewed and plans on redoing this just as He did in the Creation of man when He infused life into him with His divine breath.

“My daughter, in creating man, I infused the soul in him with my breath, wanting to infuse in him the inmost part of Our interior – Our Will, which would also bring him all the particles of Our Divinity which, as a creature, he could contain, to the extent of making of him Our image. But man, ungrateful, wanted to break off from Our Will, and even though he still had his soul, the human will, which took the place of the Divine, obscured him, infected him, and rendered all the divine particles idle, to the extent of disordering him completely and of maiming him. Now, since I want to dispose him again to receive this Will of Mine, it is necessary that I return to breathe on him again, so that my breath may put to flight darkness and infections from him, and may render active the particles of Our Divinity which We infused in him in creating him. Oh! how I wish to see him beautiful, restored, just as I created him! And my Will alone can work this great prodigy. This is why I want to breathe on you - that you may receive this great good: that my Will reign in you and give you back all the goods and the rights which It gave in the creation of man.” And as He was saying this, drawing near me, He breathed on me, He looked at me, He clasped me, and then He disappeared from me.
Vol. 17, July 16, 1924

As is common in God's plans there is an element of three here.  Man will have a third rebirth in the breath of God.  The first breath of God was in the creation of man.  The second breath opened the path to salvation through the way of grace in Redemption.  Now God wants to re-give to man in a third rebirth the indwelling and the continuous effects of his living divine Breath in order to renew the loving games of Father and child and to be able to hold the creature again on his lap as in the beginning.  Here Jesus shares with Luisa that first moment that Adam opened his eyes and the spontaneous "I love you" which came from him.


My daughter, I also feel the desire to tell you what was the first word pronounced from the lips of the first creature created by Us.  You should know that no sooner than Adam felt life, motion, reason, he saw his God before himself and understood that He had formed him, he felt in himself, in all his yet fresh being the impressions, the touch of his created and thankful hands, in an impetus of love he pronounced his first word:  ‘I love you my God, my Father, author of this my life’, but it was not only the word, but the breath, the heartbeat, the drops of his blood, that raced in his veins, the motion, all his being, united together they said as in chorus:  ‘I love you, I love you, I love you.’  So that the first lesson that he learned from his Creator, the first word that he learned to say, the first thought that had life in his mind, the first beat that formed in his heart, it was I love you, I love you, he felt himself loved, and he loved.  I could say that his I love you never ended, it was so long that then it was interrupted when he had the misfortune to fall into sin.  Whence our Divinity felt wounded in hearing on the lips of man I love you, I love you, it was the same word that we had created in the organ of his voice, that said to us I love you, it was our love created by us in the creature, that said to us I love you, how not to be wounded?  How not to repay him with a larger love, stronger(,) worthy of our magnificence, as we heard said I love you, thus We repeated to them I love you, but in our I love you, we made it flow in all, his being, the working life of our Divine Will.  So that we enclosed in man, as within one of our Temples, our Will, so that he was enclosed in the human circle, while he remained in us, so that he might work great things and He might be the thought, the word, the heartbeat, the step and the work of man, our I love you could not give a thing more holy, more beautiful, more powerful, that alone could form the life of the Creator in the creature, than our Will working in Him, and oh how pleasant it proved to us to see that our Will held his post of actor, and the human volition dazzled by his light, enjoyed his Paradise, and giving him full liberty, let him do that which he wanted, giving him supremacy in everything, and the post of honor that is appropriate to a Volition so holy.

“You see therefore the beginning of the life of Adam was an act full of love toward God with all his being, what sublime lesson, as the beginning of love should race in all the work of the creature.  The first lesson that he received from our Supreme Being, in the exchange of his I love you, was that while he loved tenderly responding to him I love you, he gave him the first lesson on our Divine Will and while he instructed him he communicated the life to him of Him and the infused science of what our Divine Fiat means and every time that turn he said to us I love you, our love prepared for him other more beautiful lessons on our Volition.  He remained enraptured and we delighted ourselves in conversing with him and we made flow over him rivers of love and perennial joys, so that the human life became enclosed by Us in love and in our Will.

“Therefore my daughter, there is no greater sorrow for Us, than to see our love as broken in the creature and our Will impeded, smothered, without his working life and as subject to the human volition.  Hence be attentive and in all things have for beginning love and my Divine Will.”

 Vol. 33, December 10, 1933

The second renewal of man occurred with the last breath of Jesus on the cross, amid extreme agony, so Jesus delivered man anew with his dying breath, sealing him with the mark of His Humanity.  With this breath, Jesus renewed man, giving him all the necessary graces to save man and place him in salvation. 

“And do you know when I delivered them?  I delivered them on the Cross, on the bed of my bitter pains, among atrocious spasms, in the last breath of my Life.  As I died, they were born again to new life, all sealed and marked with the whole work of my Humanity.  Not content with having given them new birth, I gave to each one everything I had done so as to keep them sheltered and safe.  Do you see what sanctity man contains?  The sanctity of my Humanity, which could never bring to light unworthy children, dissimilar from Me.  This is why I love man so much:  he is a birth from Me.  But man is always ungrateful, and reaches the point of not recognizing the Father who delivered him with so much love and pain.”
Vol. 13, October 16, 1921

Now God wants to again renew the creature in this third outpouring of His Divine Breath.  When the creature lives in the Divine Will God is then able to give her His continuous breath which carries with it all goods, joys and happiness so that the creature becomes like unto God, but through grace.  Thus God and the creature will once again enjoy the filial bonds and closeness as before.

“My daughter, it is Our Will that the creature ascend again into Our womb, in Our creative arms, that We may give her again Our continuous breath, and, in this breath, give her the current that generates all goods, joys and happinesses. But in order for Us to be able to give this breath, man must live in Our Will, because only in It can he receive it, and We, give it.
            Our Fiat has such virtue as to render the creature inseparable from Us, and what We do and are by nature, she can do by grace. In creating man, We did not put him at a distance from Us; rather, in order to have him together with Us, We gave him Our very Divine Will, which would give him the first act, to operate together with his Creator. This was the reason why Our Love, Our Light, Our joys, Our Power and Beauty gushed out all together, and overflowing outside of Our Divine Being, they spread the table before the one whom, with so much love, We had formed with Our creative hands, and generated with Our very breath. We wanted to enjoy Our work, see him happy of Our own happiness, embellished with Our beauty, rich with Our richness; more so, since it was Our Will for Us to remain close to the creature, to operate together and to amuse Ourselves together with her; and games cannot be played from a distance, but in closeness.
Vol. 26, April 28, 1929

All of Creation is overflowing with the exuberant love of God for man and God waits for His beloved creature to take this love and make a reciprocation of love back to Him.  Only one who lives in the Divine Will can receive this love of God and can return it to Him as He wants to be loved continuing the loving games as before.  Outside of the Divine Will it all ends up in voids and defects.  All that which the creature does, who lives in the Divine Will, is gathered by God and incorporated into His very own life. In this way God feels the complete exchange for bringing the creature forth in a flame of love from His bosom by having the creature return this love back into His bosom with her complete union with Him.

“My blessed daughter, creation is the sweetest enchantment of the manifestation of our love toward creatures, there is the azure sky with its stars, the radiant sun, the air, the wind, the sea, always fixed, they are never moved, in order to say to man our love that never ceases; there is then in the low earth, flowers, plants, trees, the little grass, that all have a voice, a motion, a life of love of their Creator, in order to say to everyone, even the littlest thread of the grass, the story of love of he who has created them toward man.

... one can say that every flower and plant brings the kiss, the I love you of its Creator to he who looks at it and takes possession of it.  And therefore our supreme love waits that in every thing he recognize us and send us his I love you, but in vain we wait.

“In all created things our supreme being manifests our power, wisdom, goodness, (the) order of our love and we offer it to man so that he love us with love (that is) powerful, wise, full of goodness, that is that the image of our divine love be in him.  And this one who lives in our Will can receive, because we can say, that she lives of our life; instead outside of him love is weak, wisdom is insipid, goodness is changed into defects, order into disorder; poor creature, without our Will, how it makes us pity!  Even more so that we love the creature with incessant love and he wants to find in her the love that never ceases; and when she doesn’t love us it forms great voids in her soul of our love, and our love not finding his love in these voids does not have a place to rest itself, it remains suspended, goes wandering, races, flies and does not find one who receives it, and it cries, suffers agonies of sorrow and says: I am not loved, I love and I don’t find one who loves me.

Then he added with a tender accent:

“Dearest daughter, (if) you might know where my love arrives for who lives in my Divine Will, you would love me so much, that it would burst your heart for joy, and yours and my love would make you remain consumed, devoured of pure love for me.  Now you must know that my Divine Will is the gatherer of all that which the creature does that lives in him; all that which becomes done in my Fiat does not exit, it remains in our fields of light, and my Will delighting himself goes gathering the motion, the love, the breath, the step, the words, the thoughts, all that which she has done in our Volition, in order to incorporate it in our own life.  If I didn’t do this there would be missing a breath, a motion and all that which the creature has done in our Volition, to our life.  Hence being parts of our life, we feel as the need that they continue their breath in ours, her motion, her step in ours.

“Therefore we call one who lives in our Volition: our breath, heartbeat, motion, our love; to separate from us even the breath of one who lives in him, we can not do it, nor do we want it, we would feel (our) life torn.  Therefore as she moves, breathes, and so on, my Will puts himself in festival and goes gathering that which the creature does and feels of loving him so much, as if he contributed to form the breath, the motion in the creature and the creature as if she contributed to give the breath, the motion to God.  They are the excesses and the inventions of our love that then is content, when it can say:  ‘That which I do she does, we move, we sigh and we love together.’  And then we feel the happiness, the glory, the exchange of our creative work, that as it went forth from our paternal bosom in a flame of love thus it returns to us all love into our divine bosom.”


Vol. 36, May 2, 1938

We have each been created as a flame of love, infused with the love of God by His breath.  We are all called to live in the bosom of His Divine Will were each act is a return of love to God for all the love that He continually gives to us.  Each "I love you" is a balm, a refreshment, a vent to Him of the love which consumes Him.  He sees His love finally reciprocated.  But in a sweet reproach even Luisa could not always meet the continuous reciprocation of love that God longs for from His creature.  God is an ocean of burning love and each "I love you" from the creature is none other than a little piece of wood, which in the Divine Will, converts itself into a flame of love, increasing degree by degree for the Divine Lover Jesus.

Now, every ‘I love you’ of the creature is an outlet to my love, which entering into mine, incorporates itself in my same love, and it holds the virtue to defend it while it remains all entire that which it is, and forming as the cracks, it forms the ways in order to let my love vent.  But this love then is pure, when it is animated by my Will.  Do you see therefore what is your long sing-song of your ‘I love You’?  They are so many vents that you give to your Jesus, and they call me to rest in your soul.  Therefore I want that you always tell me your ‘I love You’, I want to see it in all the things that I have done for you, I love to hear it always, always and when you don’t say it to me, I longing for it say:  ‘alas!  Not even the little daughter of my Volition gives me the continuous outlet in order to be able to vent in her little love’, and I remain all afflicted and I wait for your dear little refrain ‘I love You, I love You’.  Love my daughter, love me, have pity on my wounded heart that is racked with spasms.  Restless, delirious and lover I ask love of you, and eagerly I embrace you, I clasp you strongly, strongly to my heart in order to make you feel how I burn with love, so that feeling my flames, it moves you to pity me and you love me.  Oh!  Make me content, love me, when I am not loved, I feel unfortunate in my love, and therefore I arrive to deliriums, and when a compassionate heart is moved to pity me, and she loves me, I feel the misfortune change into happiness.  And then your every ‘I love You’ is none other than a little piece of wood that cast in the immense ocean of my love, converts itself into a tongue of flame, increasing love one degree more for your lover Jesus.”

Vol. 31, December 16, 1932