The Bible speaks of all of creation as "groaning" awaiting the freedom of the glory of the children of God. So Creation, since the fall of Adam and Eve, has been awaiting the ones that would free it from it's bondage. These true children of God would bring about God's triumph over decay even as Jesus has triumphed over the death and decay of man. When St Paul wrote this to the Romans he could sense the groaning of Creation and could feel the longing for more, and to this day we also continue to long for more, long for the promised day. Even with the Redemption through Jesus Christ and all the sacraments that He has established since 2000 years ago there still remains a groaning, a waiting, a longing and knowing that somehow things are not yet complete, that there is more to come.
18 I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory about to be revealed to us. 19 For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God; 20 for the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and will obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. 22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labor pains until now; 23 and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly while we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies.
Romans 8: 18-23
For all the seeming enormity and grandeur of Creation the Volumes tell us that man greatly surpasses it all in God's eye. Creation was, in fact, created for man and God, in the Creation of man, made him so beautiful such that He became enamored with him. Creation was meant to serve man but because of the fall of man into sin this purpose has not been fully realized.
So, everything you see in Creation was absolutely nothing compared to the creation of man. Oh! how many more beautiful heavens, stars, suns, He extended in the created soul; how much variety of beauty, how many harmonies. It is enough to say that He looked at man created, and He found him so beautiful as to become enamored with him. And jealous of this portent of His, He Himself made Himself the custodian and possessor of man, and said: ‘I have created everything for you; I give you dominion over everything – everything is yours; and you will be all mine.”
Vol. 12, February 24, 1919
God is jealous of all His acts displayed in Creation and He keeps everything bound to Himself as our own members are bound to us. Creation, itself does not have reason or speech but instead Creation speaks with deeds of the glory of God. Creation recognizes the creature who lives in the Divine Will as belonging to it's same body and lovingly binds these creatures to itself. It communicates all the goods it possesses to these fortunate ones. So in recognizing the truth in the goods of Creation we recognize God, and all His attributes, who has bound Himself to all of Creation.
“My daughter, when Our Divinity created the whole Creation, It left It all bound within Itself. So, it can be said that the heavens keep their relation with God, are fixed in God, and from within God they spread their immensity. The stars are bound in God, and from within God they adorn with gold the vault of the firmament. In God is the sun bound, and from the divine bosom it spreads its light which invests the whole earth. There is not one created thing which does not have its links in God; and while they come out, they do not separate from God. God is jealous of His acts, and He loves them so much, that He does not permit that they be separated from Him. Therefore, He keeps them all fixed within Himself as perennial glory of His own acts, as relaters of His Being to creatures, which, with mute voice, speak with facts of the One who created them, and tell, with facts, that He is most pure and endless light, love that is never extinguished, eye that sees everything, hears and penetrates everything. The sun says this. Created things also say: ‘Look at us, and, with facts, we will tell you. This is why we do not speak - because facts are greater than words. He is power which can do anything, He is immensity which envelops everything, He is wisdom which orders everything, He is beauty which enraptures everything.’ The Creation is the continuous narration of the Supreme Being, from whom It receives continuous life. And as you go around from one thing to another, you remain bound through them to your Creator, and receive the relations of light, of love, of power, etc., which each of them possesses.”
On hearing this, I said: ‘My Love, the created things do not have reason – how can they give me their relations and give You so much glory?’ And Jesus added: “My daughter, created things are in relationship with Me and are bound to Me like the members to the head, and they act like members which receive life from the head. See, you have hands and feet; these do not have reason, nor do they speak, but because they receive life from the head, the hands operate, the feet walk, remaining at the disposal of what the head wants, and forming its greatest glory. Only if hands and feet are severed from the body – then would they have neither works nor steps, because they would lose the life which the head communicated to them. So it is with the whole Creation: even though created things have neither reason nor speech, because they are united with God like the members to the body, they receive life from their Creator, and therefore all created things are operating, their acts are incessant, and are at Our disposal more than are your members at the disposal of your head. And just as your hands have the virtue of communicating your works to other creatures, so do created things have the virtue of communicating the good they possess to creatures, and to one who lives in my Divine Will. Because the Will that animates them is one with that of this soul, they feel that she belongs to the body of the whole Creation, and therefore they communicate to her all the relations which they have with the Head, and with great love they bind her to themselves. Therefore, be constant in living in my Divine Will, if you want to live communal life with your Jesus and with all Creation, and give Me all the glory which all my works give Me incessantly.”
Vol. 22, September 8, 1927
All Creation, greatest to the smallest, each contains a specific and distinct love of God for man and only in knowing all of these can man reciprocate God for all the love He has for us. More so when not known man returns offenses and ingratitude to God instead of love. It is only when God's Kingdom comes and His children then recognize Him reflected in all of Creation and are able to love Him as He longs to be loved then will Creation achieve it's purpose, "obtain(ing) the freedom of the glory of the children of God."
From the greatest created thing even to the littlest there is one new and distinct love of ours for creatures, and since they don’t know it they don’t reciprocate us, rather with highest ingratitude they reciprocate our love in offenses.
“And therefore we await that our Will is known and dominant in the midst of the human generations, which will be the revealer of our love, and then we will do it again and we will love each other with one love alone. How content we will be and seeing ourselves loved we will add on other new and distinct loves, thus our love won’t be repressed anymore but will have its outlet of love and of being loved in return. Therefore pray that our kingdom comes and you recognize our love, and if you want love(,) love us, if we don’t find our love in the creature, we don’t know what to give her, nor what to do because there lacks the knoll where to put our graces and the first element that forms our life in her.”
Vol. 34, June 18,1937
Man, as well, was created to be continually bound to God, as Creation is, but in an even greater union such that God remains in man as in His own residence.
“Now, from the creation of the beings, I passed to the creation of man; how much love in creating him! Our divine being flowed love, and in forming him our love raced and invested every fiber of his heart, every little particle of his bones; our love extended in his nerves, we made flow in his blood our love, we invested his steps, his motion, his voice, his heartbeat, each one of his thoughts, with love. When our love shaped him, it filled him so much with our love, in a way that in each thing, even in his breath, he had to give us love; how we loved him in everything, then our love arrived to the excess of breathing (in) him in order to leave (in) him our breath of love; for conclusion and crown we created our image in his soul, endowing him with three powers, with memory, with intellect and with will, remaining there in him as our carrier. So that man is united to us as members and we remain in him as our residence.
Vol. 36, August 28, 1938
When the creature, living in the Divine Will, follows Creation with her acts of love, God binds all of these acts to Himself, hiding them within Himself, jealous of them all and each. They create the most beautiful ornament to Creation and give Him the greatest glory. God in return gives the creature ever greater love, joy and happiness. Then when this creature makes her acts run in the Redemption she compassionates her Lord with her 'I love you's' such that Jesus feels the company of the creature in His sufferings, bitternesses and tears. She dries His tears, comforts Him, sustains Him, and accompanies Him. He no longer feels alone but finds one who loves Him and defends Him, sharing His burden and He jealously binds her to Himself.
“Such is the creature that lives in our Will. As she loves, adores, thus he forms the beauty of the rainbow of love of her in his works, the range of joys and sweetnesses of his good acts, that jealous he hides in his bosom. My Will is the hideaway of love and (of) all that which the creature does in him, and she forms the most beautiful ornament to our divine works and the sweet enchantment to our pupils, and she is so much our satisfaction that we show her to all the Celestial Court, in order to make her feel happy together with us. Hence, you cannot give us greater glory, (than) by following our acts in creation, because it is united to our own purpose, it is woven with our love, we feel that it kisses our love, and we kiss hers and we make of it one alone. What joy, what happiness, to have the creature together with us to love us and do that which we ourselves want to do!“Now, in the redemption the purpose changes, it is guilty man, of whom we go in search of, in the creation everything was festival; our works smiled at us with joy, with love, with glory; instead in the redemption, sufferings, bitternesses, tears, remedies, medicines in order to restore man to health. And the creature, entering into our Volition, can invest my sufferings, bitternesses and tears with her tender and compassionate ‘I love you’, and hide her jewels of the ‘I love you’ in them; and I, kissing these jewels, will not feel alone, but comforted, sustained, accompanied by one who lives in my Volition. In the jewels of her ‘I love you’ I will find one who dries my tears, one who divides my sufferings with me, one who defends me. Therefore, I want you always in my Will; thus, either in festival or in suffering, I will always hold you with me.”Vol. 35, November 12, 1937
When Adam sinned he placed himself at odds, even at war, with the Eternal Fiat. He lost the strength and the armies of the Kingdom which he had possessed in his innocence because all of his strength and authority came from God. He now faced an impossible task to retake this Kingdom. But this does not mean that his descendants couldn't retake this lost Kingdom again where he failed. Jesus has mandated that His Kingdom will come, He has paid the price for mankind and given man the opportunity to reclaim the full force of God's army in order to conquer God and re-win the Kingdom. And this army is all of Creation, which, always animated by the Divine Will, contains the strength of the Eternal Fiat, and this authority for man to reclaim this force is the gift of living in the Divine Will put into action.
“My daughter, you must know that before he sinned Adam did his acts in the Divine Fiat. This means that the Trinity had given him the possession of this Kingdom, because to be able to possess a kingdom there must be one who forms it, one who gives it, and one who receives it. The Divinity formed It and gave It to man, and he received It. Adam, in the first period of creation, possessed this Kingdom together with the Supreme Fiat, and because he was the head of all human generations, all creatures received this right of possession. And Adam, withdrawing from Our Will, lost the possession of this Kingdom, because by doing his own will he placed himself in a state of war with the Eternal Fiat.
“Poor thing, not having enough strength to do combat, and not having an army capable enough to battle with such a Holy Will - a Will which has invincible strength and a formidable army - he lost the battle and the Kingdom which We had given him. What a great loss, because the strength which he possessed before [the fall] was Our own, and with [this] strength he also had our own army at his disposition. As he sinned [that] strength returned to Us, its source, and the army retired from him, placing itself at Our disposition. All of that did not take away the rights of his descendants to possibly once again take over the Kingdom of My Will.
“It is similar to that which happens to a king who, because of war, lost his kingdom - but is there not the possibility that one of his children could win back with another war, his father’s kingdom which is already his? It is [even] more likely [for the Kingdom of My Will] because I, as the Divine Winner, came to earth to recover man’s losses; and, having found one who would want to receive this Kingdom, I restored these forces to him by once again putting My army at his disposition to maintain the order, the decorum, and the glory of [My Kingdom].
“And. what is this army? It is all of creation, more than a wondrous and formidable army; it is the life of My Will which is bilocated within each created thing, [put] there to maintain the Life of this Kingdom. How could man lose hope of again possessing this Kingdom? If he had seen this invincible army of creation totally disappear, then he could have said that God had withdrawn from the face of the earth His Will which vivifies, beautifies, and enriches this Kingdom, [and] there is no longer any hope that It may return into [man’s] possession. But as long as this [army] exists, We must wait until the times are right to find those who will want to receive It.
“Then again, if there was no longer any hope for the possession of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, it would not have been necessary that God manifest to you so many knowledges regarding It, nor how His Volition wishes to reign, nor the extent of His sorrow because It doesn’t reign. When something cannot be done, it is useless to speak about it; in that case I would not have had such interest in relating so many things regarding My Divine Will. The mere fact of [My] having spoken about It is a sign that I want It to be possessed once again.
Vol. 21, March 19, 1927
Mankind will reclaim this Kingdom because it is even more than his own personal battle, it is God's battle and He will obtain that which He Wills. Just as in Deuteronomy 1:29-31, "Have no dread or fear of them. The Lord your God, who goes before you, is the one who will fight for you, just as he did for you in Egypt before your very eyes, and in the wilderness, where you saw how the Lord your God carried you, just as one carries a child, all the way that you traveled until you reached this place." And when He reclaims His true children, whom are animated by His same Will who act with His acts and spread His love through their acts over all of Creation and all of humanity then will God demolish all obstacles and re-establish His Kingdom upon the face of the earth.
“My Will, jealous, holds her tight to himself, and inundating her always anew (with) love makes songs of love, dirges of love, sweet enchantments of love, wounding with love. It seems that he says: ‘I have found one who loves me, and I want to enjoy myself with her’; I would not feel happy if she does not always and everywhere say to me, ‘I love you, I love you.’ So that the soul that lives in our Will will be our triumph, our victory, the depositary of our love, our continuous glory.
“My love feels the need of the company of this creature, in order to vent mine and to have hers. Therefore I want to breathe together with her, to palpitate and work together. The union knows (how) to produce joys more beautiful, contentments ineffable, works more great, love more intense.
“Now, my Will will give so much love to this creature that lives in him, as to be able to inundate all creation; he will extend a new sky of love over all human generations, in a way that one will feel themselves embraced, loved by the love of this one, given by herself, anywhere, in each one and everywhere; and while she embraces and loves him, she will say to him: ‘Come, oh Supreme Volition, to reign upon the earth! Invest all generations! Overcome and conquer everyone!’
“Do you not see how beautiful the living in him is? To have your love in his power, that contains such power and virtue that no one can resist?
“Then, when this love will have arrived to invest everything and everyone, since it is (the) love of a creature that has lived in our Fiat, that offered with herself the bond of the human family, we will win, we will demolish all the obstacles and we will have our Kingdom upon the face of the earth. Therefore pray and use all things in order to ask me that he come to reign as in heaven so on earth.”
Vol. 35, November 20, 1937
And then and only then will all of Creation rest in the glory of God.