Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Battle of the Divine Will


And war broke out in heaven; Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. The dragon and his angels fought back, but they were defeated, and there was no longer any place for them in heaven. The great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the Devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world—he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.

10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, proclaiming,

“Now have come the salvation and the power
    and the kingdom of our God
    and the authority of his Messiah,[b]
for the accuser of our comrades[c] has been thrown down,
    who accuses them day and night before our God.
11 But they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb
    and by the word of their testimony,
for they did not cling to life even in the face of death.
12 Rejoice then, you heavens
    and those who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea,
    for the devil has come down to you
with great wrath,
    because he knows that his time is short!”

Rev. 12: 7-12

We think of the battle of good against evil but we need to remember that for God the devil is already defeated.  It's a non-issue.  Michael and the heavenly legions cast the devil out and Jesus overcame the devil and all his temptations in His Passion and death.  The real battle is always for souls.  Even in the Passion Jesus' focus was never on the devil but on saving and sanctifying mankind.

I was accompanying Him in the sorrowful mystery of His scourging, He made Himself seen deluging Blood, and I heard Him say: “My Father, I offer You this Blood of Mine. O please! let It cover all the intelligences of creatures, rendering all their evil thoughts vain, dampening the fire of their passions, and making holy intelligences rise again. May this Blood cover their eyes and be a veil to their sight, so that the taste for evil pleasures may not enter into them, and they may not dirty themselves with the mud of the earth. May this Blood of Mine cover and fill their mouths, and render their lips dead to blasphemies, to imprecations, to all of their bad words. My Father, may this Blood of Mine cover their hands, and strike in them terror for so many wicked actions. May this Blood circulate in Our Eternal Will to cover all, to defend and be a defending weapon for creatures before the rights of Our Justice.” But who can say how Jesus prayed, and everything He said?
Vol. 17, July 1, 1924 

Now the battle of the Divine Will is waged, not against the devil but against the human will.  It is a battle not to destroy it but to enchant, enrapture and draw the human will to Himself in order to prepare and then form the Kingdom of the Divine Will in the midst of creatures.

“My daughter, each truth I have manifested on my Divine Will is not only a Divine Life that I have issued from Myself, but it possesses a sweet enchantment, to enchant the human will which, enchanted by Mine, will feel itself under the enchantment of an inactivity and will give free field of action to my Divine Will. So, each truth on my Divine Will will be a fierce army against the human will. But do you know what it will be fierce with? With light, with strength, with love, with beauty, with sanctity, to wage war on the human will by means of all these weapons. The human will, before all these weapons, will undergo a sweet enchantment and will let itself be conquered by the Divine Fiat. Therefore, each additional knowledge on It is a greater enchantment that the human will will undergo. It can be said that all the truths I have told you about my Divine Will are as many paths in order for It to make Its way into the human will, which will first prepare, and then form my Kingdom in the midst of creatures. Now, just as each truth possesses an enchantment, so each act done by the creature in my Will is an encounter that she has with my Volition, to receive all the strength of this divine enchantment. So, the more acts of my Will she does, the more human ground she loses, acquiring the divine. And if she plunges all of herself into It, the only thing left to her will be to remember that she has a will, but that she keeps it at rest and enchanted by the Divine Will.”
Vol. 25, October 17, 1928

In fact all of the acts that God the Father did in Creation, that Jesus did in Redemption and that the Holy Spirit does in Sanctification have yet to be put into full effect.  The creature living within the confines of it's own will can not absorb them all.  All of them are gifts, clothings, joys, divine weapons, which God has placed within each thing/act, they remain inert waiting for the ones who will take them, the ones who will live in the Divine Will.  Then the the divine army will be formed and the Kingdom of the Divine Will will reign in the midst of creatures.

“My daughter, all that has been done by Our Divinity, both in Creation and in Redemption, has not all been absorbed by the creature, but is all in my Divine Will, in waiting, to give itself to creatures. If you could see everything in my Divine Fiat, you would find an army of acts of Ours, which came out of Us to be given to creatures; but because Our Will does not reign, they have neither the space in which to put them, nor the capacity to receive them. And this divine militia has been waiting for as long as twenty centuries to place itself in office of exercise, so as to bring to creatures the gifts, the clothings, the joys and the divine weapons which each of Our acts possesses, in order to form together with them one single divine army – a celestial militia.
Now, so that the Kingdom of Our Divine Will may reign in the midst of creatures, it is necessary that the creature absorb into herself all of these acts of the Divinity done for love of them - and absorb them so much into herself, as to enclose within herself everything that my Fiat possesses, interiorizing them and consummating them within herself. So, my Divine Will, consummated within the creature, will make this whole divine army reenter into her. All of Our acts which came out of Us for love of them, in Creation, Redemption and Sanctification, will reenter into creatures, and my Divine Will, reentered and consummated within them, will feel triumphant and will reign, dominant, together with Our divine army. This is why I do nothing but make you sip, continuously, everything that was done by Us and that is done in Creation, Redemption and Sanctification - so as to be able to say once again, as I did on the Cross: ‘I have consummated everything – I have nothing left to do in order to redeem man.’ So shall my Will repeat: ‘I have consummated it in this creature, in a way that all Our acts have been enclosed in her - I have nothing left to add. I have consummated everything, so that man might be restored and the Kingdom of my Divine Will may have Its life and Its regime on earth as It does in Heaven.’
Vol. 25, October 28, 1928

Just as all of Jesus' acts were done in the Divine Will, by nature, and are thereby eternal and available to all and so each of Mary's acts were also done in the Divine Will, by grace, and they are also eternal and available to all and each who wants them.  Mary obtained the coming of the Word upon earth by her continuous acts, overcoming God Himself.

“My daughter, my Mama did Her first love and Her first act in the Divine Will, and since it was done in It, it possesses continuity as if it were always in act, loving and operating. Her love never ends; Her works are the continuous repeaters, in such a way that whoever wants to take Her love finds it always in act, while it is the effect of the first love that is repeated, and repeated always.
Such is one who operates in my Will. Her acts acquire the continuity - they are always repeated without ever ceasing. They are the true Sun which, from the moment It was created by God, has given Its first act of light - but so great, as to fill Heaven and earth with one single act. And It repeats this act always, without ever ceasing, in such a way that all can take Its act of light, though one was the act that constituted itself act of perennial light for all. If the Sun could repeat Its act of light, one would see as many Suns for as many acts as It could repeat; but since the act of light that It did is one, one sees only one Sun and no more. But what the Sun did not do the Sovereign Queen did, and one who operates in my Will does also: as many Suns for as many acts, and these Suns are fused together, though distinct among them in beauty, in light, in the glory that they give to their Creator, and in the universal good that they make descend upon all creatures. These acts have a divine power; by virtue of these acts the Most Holy Virgin could obtain the coming of the Word upon earth, and by virtue of these acts my Kingdom will come upon earth. One act repeated incessantly in my Fiat has a conquering, enrapturing and enchanting virtue before Our Divinity. That continuous repetition in the Divine Volition is the strength of the soul, the invincible weapon that debilitates her Creator and conquers Him with weapons of love, and He feels honored to let Himself be conquered by the creature.”
Vol. 24, June 25, 1928

All of Mary's acts stand ready to come to the assistance of one living in the Divine Will to carry out the Will of God.  They await the call of this creature as awaiting the retinue which is their due so that they can repour themselves out again to the glory of God.  This is the triumph of God over the creature and of the creature over God.

I continued my acts in the Divine Fiat, and feeling that I was not doing them well, I prayed my Celestial Mama to come to my help, that I might be able to follow that Supreme Volition which She had loved so much, and from which She recognized having received all Her glory and the height at which She finds Herself. But while I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, all the acts of my Queen Mother, done in my Will, are all in waiting, for they want the retinue of the acts of the creature done in It. So, in everything you do in my Volition, it is these acts that come to your help; even more, they line up around you to administer to you - some the light, some the grace, some the sanctity, and some the very act that you do, so as to have the retinue of these noble, holy and divine acts. These acts are the outpouring of God; and as He feeds them to the creature, she is filled so much that, unable to contain them, she pours them out again and gives her divine acts to her Creator. Therefore, they form the greatest glory which the creature can give to the One who created her. There is no good which does not descend through these acts done in the Divine Volition; they place everything in motion – Heavens, earth, and God Himself. They are the divine motion of the creature; and it was by virtue of these acts that the Celestial Sovereign Lady made the Word move to descend upon earth. Therefore, She awaits the retinue of Her acts, so as to move God to make Our Supreme Will come to rein upon earth. They are the triumph of God over the creature, and the divine weapons with which the creature conquers God. Therefore, continue your acts in my Will, and you will have divine helps in your power, as well as those of the Sovereign Queen.”
Vol. 23, December 1, 1927

God is in a battle to conquer the creature's human will.  Mary's battle, with the continuous acts that she did in the Divine Will, conquered God in order to bring about the Redemption.  Luisa, in the same way, is called to do continuous acts in the Divine Will to conquer God, taking all the acts of Creation and Redemption and Sanctification in order to bring about the Kingdom of the Divine Will and open the way to all.  So we are also called to use these Divine weapons of acts done in the Divine Will to conquer God so as to establish the Kingdom of His Will by giving back to God all that is His due in the name of everyone.

I felt myself in the terrible nightmare of His privation. I was oppressed, I agonized, I felt so ill that I could take no more. And my adorable Jesus, after having pressed me well under a press so painful, having compassion for my extreme affliction, clasped me tightly in His arms, telling me: “Poor daughter, how you suffer. Courage, I do not want you to reduce yourself to these extremes - you oppress yourself too much. Yet, you should be consoled, your interior is a continuous speaking before the Divine Majesty, and a continuous act. And a speaking ever unceasing before God, wanting the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat, brings with itself the certainty of victory. So, either you have won or you are about to win. A continuous doing and speaking acquires the nature of a winning power before God, and it is as if God would lose the resisting strength, while the soul acquires the winning strength. An exchange takes place: God is disarmed and the soul is armed with divine weapons, but the Supreme Being is not given to being able to resist. Does that asking Me continuously for the Kingdom of my Eternal Will seem trivial to you? - going around through the whole Creation, and, over and over again, in all the acts I did in Redemption, as well as in the seas of the acts of love and of sorrow of the Sovereign Queen of Heaven, to ask for my Kingdom? You seek nothing for yourself, and you go round and round, asking over and over again that my Divine Will be known, and that It dominate and reign. Not a shadow of what is human enters into this, nor any personal interest; it is the holiest and most divine prayer and act; it is prayer of Heaven, not of the earth, and therefore the purest, the most beautiful, the invincible one, which encloses only the interest of the divine glory. Until now no one has prayed Me with such insistence. My Mama did pray Me with such insistence for the sake of Redemption, and She was victorious; but for the Kingdom of my Will – no one until now with such insistence as to conquer a God. Therefore, your insistence says much; the very uproaring of all nature says much. In these times, all the elements, uproaring, are bearers of goods, and this is necessary to reorder my Kingdom. It is the greatest thing, and it takes the uproaring in order to purify the earth. Therefore, I do not want you to oppress yourself too much, but rather – keep on with your continuous flight, with your insistence, so as to acquire the complete strength to win the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat.”
Vol. 22, August 12, 1927

Jesus wants us to fight with Him, to overcome Him in the same way that He fights to overcome the creature.  In fact He gives us the weapons that we need in Creation, Redemption and Sanctification in order to conquer Him.  Jesus fights with the creature when He reveals His knowledges about the Eternal Fiat, revealing His love, the joys and happiness of the Divine Will in order to overcome the human will and giving the creature the weapons that she needs in order to overcome God Himself.  Both sides win with the establishment of His Kingdom.

February 19, 1927
Jesus invites her to fight.  How Jesus fights through His knowledges, through the examples, through the teachings, while the soul fights by receiving them, and by following the acts of His Will in Creation and Redemption.
I was continuing my flight in the Divine Fiat, and my sweet Jesus made Himself seen coming out from within my interior and braiding His hands with mine, inviting me to fight with Him.  I was so very little, and I did not feel capable and strong to fight with Him; more so, since a voice came out from within a light, which said:  “She is too little – how can she win this fight?”  And Jesus answered:  “On the contrary, it is because she is little that she can win, because all the strength is in littleness.”
I was disheartened, nor did I dare to fight with Jesus; and He, inciting me to the fight, told me:  “My daughter, courage - try; if you win, you will win the Kingdom of my Will.  Nor should you stop because you are little, because I have placed at your disposal all the strength of created things.  So, together with you fights all the strength contained in the heavens, in the sun, in the water, in the wind, in the sea; they all wage battle on Me.  They do it with Me to make Me surrender the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat; they do it with creatures with the weapons which each created thing has in its power, to make them surrender to recognizing my Will, so that creatures may let It reign as they themselves let It reign.  And wanting to win, they all have placed themselves as though in order for battle; and seeing that creatures resist, wanting to win by all means, because they have with them the strength of that Will which animates them and dominates them, with the weapons they possess they knock down people and cities, with such empire that no one can resist them.  You cannot comprehend all the strength and power that all the elements contain; it is such that, if my Will did not keep them as though restrained, the battle would be so fierce that they would make a heap of the earth. 
Now, their strength is also yours; therefore, you - go around in their midst to put them in order for battle; let your acts, your continuous asking for the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat, call all Creation to stand at attention.  And my Will, moving within It, places all of Its acts in royal office in order to give and to win Its Kingdom in the midst of creatures.  Therefore, it is my Volition Itself that fights - that wages battle with my very Will for the triumph of Its Kingdom.  So, your fight is animated by It, which has sufficient and irresistible strength in order to win.  Therefore, go ahead and fight, for you will win; and besides, to fight in order to win the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat is the holiest fight that can exist; it is the most just and most rightful battle that can be fought.  This is so true, that my Will Itself began this battle and this fight as It formed the Creation; and only when It wins completely - then will It surrender.
But do you want to know when you fight with Me and I with you?  I fight when I manifest to you the knowledges about my Eternal Fiat.  So, each saying, each knowledge, each simile about It is one fight and one battle that I make with you in order to win your will, put it in its place, created by Us, and call it, almost by dint of fighting, into the order of the Kingdom of my Divine Volition; and as I do it with you in order to subdue your will, I start it in the midst of creatures.  I fight with you when I teach you the way which you must follow, what you must do in order to live in my Kingdom, and the happiness, the joys, which you will possess.  In sum, I fight by dint of light, which my knowledges contain; I fight by dint of love and by the most touching examples, in such a way that you cannot resist my fight; I fight by means of promises of happiness and joy without end.  My fight is persistent, nor do I ever become tired – but to win what?  Your will, and in yours, those who will recognize Mine in order to live in my Kingdom.  And you fight with Me when you receive my knowledges, and placing them in order in your soul, you form the Kingdom of my Supreme Fiat within you; and fighting with Me, you try to win my Kingdom.  Each one of your acts done in my Will is a fight that you make with Me.  In each round you do through all created things, to unite yourself to all the acts that my Will does in all Creation, you call all Creation to wage battle in order to win my Kingdom, moving my very Will dominating in all created things, so as to wage battle on my Will Itself in order to establish Its Kingdom.  This is why, in these times, the wind, the water, the sea, the earth, the heavens, are all in motion more than ever, waging battle against creatures as new phenomena occur - and how many more will occur - destroying people and cities:  because in battles it is necessary to dispose oneself to suffer losses, and many times also on the part of the winner.  There have never been conquests of kingdoms without battle, and if there have been, they have not been lasting ones.  You fight with Me when, investing everything I did and suffered in my Humanity – that is, my tears, my most intimate pains, my prayers, my steps, my words, and even the drops of my Blood – you impress in them your ‘I love You’, and for each one of my acts you ask for the coming of the Kingdom of my Supreme Fiat.  Who can tell you the fight you make with Me?  You move my very acts to wage battle on Me, that I may surrender and grant you my Kingdom.
Therefore, I fight with you, and you fight with Me.  This fight is necessary – to you, in order to win my Kingdom; and to Me, in order to win your will and to begin the battle in the midst of creatures, so as to establish the Kingdom of my Supreme Will.  I have my own Will, and all of Its very Power, Strength and Immensity in order to win; you have my Will Itself at your disposal, all Creation and all the good I did in Redemption, in order to launch a formidable army to wage battle and win the Kingdom of the Supreme Fiat.  See, each word you write is also a fight that you make with Me - one more soldier that joins the army, which must win the Kingdom of my Will.  Therefore, be attentive, my daughter, for these are times of fight, and it is necessary to use all means in order to win.”
Vol. 20, February 19, 1927

So when the soul is fully living in the Divine Will all of her acts, bound to the Divine Will, become eternal, messengers which fill Heaven and earth.  These acts conquer both man and God and stand in defense of all.  The creature living in the Divine Will is the key to putting the Celestial army in order, at attention and in act.

The sanctity of living in my Will is more than sun. A soul who is upright and fully ordered in my Will is more than an army in battle. Her intelligence is ordered and bound to the Eternal Intelligence; her heartbeats, affections, desires, are ordered with eternal bonds. Therefore, her thoughts, her will and the whole of her interior, are armies of messengers which come from her and fill Heaven and earth; they are speaking voices; they are weapons which defend all and, first of all, their God. They bring good to all; they are the true celestial and divine militia which the Supreme Majesty keeps all ordered within Itself, ever ready at all Its commands.
Vol. 16, August 20, 1923

God's  battle is not with the devil.  The devil has already been defeated by Him.  God's battle is with His beloved creature to overcome the effects of the disordered human will and place everything back in the Divine order.  We are also called to this battle.  In battling with God Himself, we become so absorbed in the Beatific vision that we no longer look at the miseries of our own earthly limitations.  In this battle both sides win.  The only losers are those who do not allow themselves to be overcome with the love of God.