Friday, October 27, 2023

On my Right and On my Left

I've repeatedly heard priests, in their homilies, questioning who has been given the coveted positions of being on Jesus' right and left in His Kingdom.  Even the apostles recognized the privilege, importance, and value of such a lofty position and schemed and squabbled over it.


20 Then the mother of the sons of Zebedee came to him with her sons, and kneeling before him, she asked a favor of him. 21 And he said to her, “What do you want?” She said to him, “Declare that these two sons of mine will sit, one at your right hand and one at your left, in your kingdom.” 22 But Jesus answered, “You do not know what you are asking. Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink?” They said to him, “We are able.” 23 He said to them, “You will indeed drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left, this is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.”  24 When the ten heard it, they were angry with the two brothers. 25 But Jesus called them to him and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them. 26 It will not be so among you; but whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant, 27 and whoever wishes to be first among you must be your slave; 

Mathew 20: 20-27

Most people intuitively accept that Mary, being His Mother and most devoted disciple, is always at his righthand side.  Jesus' Kingdom is in the order of the Davidic kingdom and as such the King's mother is the one crowned Queen and as such: 

daughters of kings are among your ladies of honor; at your right hand stands the queen in gold of Ophir.
Psalm 45:9

But the question remains who has the position on His left?  Jesus, in the Volumes, makes this very clear.   Luisa is at his left.  He states that in His agony in the garden it was with the help and support of Mary and Luisa that He was able sustain the sorrow and agony which otherwise would have been deathblows.

“My daughter, my agony in the garden was hard and painful, maybe more painful than that of the Cross.  In fact, if that was the fulfillment and the triumph over all, here in the garden it was the beginning, and sufferings are felt more at the beginning than when they are ended.  But in this agony the most harrowing pain was when all sins came before Me, one by one.  My Humanity comprehended all their enormity, and each crime carried the mark,  ‘Death to a God’, armed with sword to kill Me!  Before the Divinity, sin appeared to Me as so very horrifying and more horrible than death itself.  Just in comprehending what sin means, I felt I was dying - and I did really die.  I cried out to the Father, but He was inexorable.  Not even one was there to help Me, so as not to let Me die.  I cried out to all creatures to have pity on Me - but in vain.  So, my Humanity languished, and I was about to receive the last death-blow.

“But do you know who prevented the execution and sustained my Humanity from dying?  The first was my inseparable Mama.  In hearing Me ask for help, She flew to my side and sustained Me; and I leaned my right arm on Her. Almost dying, I looked at Her, and I found in Her the immensity of my Will intact, without ever a break between my Will and hers.  My Will is Life, and since the Will of the Father was immovable and death was coming to Me from creatures, another creature, who enclosed the Life of my Will, gave Me Life.  And here is my Mama who, in the portent of my Will, conceived Me and gave Me birth in time, now giving Me Life for the second time to let Me accomplish the work of Redemption. 

“Then I looked to my left, and I found the little daughter of my Will.  I found you as the first, followed by the other daughters of my Will.  Since I wanted my Mama with Me as the first link of Mercy, through which we were to open the doors to all creatures, I wanted to lean my right arm on Her.  And I wanted you as the first link of Justice, to prevent It from unloading Itself upon all creatures as they deserve; therefore I wanted to lean my left arm on you, so that you might sustain It together with Me.    

“With these two supports I felt life come back to Me, and as if I had not suffered anything, with firm step, I went to meet my enemies.  In all the pains that I suffered during my Passion, many of which were capable of giving Me death, these two supports never left Me.  And when they saw Me nearly dying, with my own Will which they contained, they sustained Me, as though giving Me many sips of life. 

Vol. 13, November 19, 1921

Jesus states that God wants to recreate the image of the Trinity, that is, the Three acting in the accord of one Will, as in Heaven so on Earth.  This Triune recreation on the Earth are: the Mother, the Son, and the Spouse.  By doing so He will release more seas of happiness for all pilgrim souls.  Mary is the Mother, Jesus, the son, and Luisa is the Spouse.

“My daughter, my Will in Heaven contained the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. One was the Will of the Three Divine Persons; while They were distinct among Themselves, yet Their Will was one, and being the only Will acting within Us, It formed all Our happiness, and Our equality in love, in power, in beauty, etc. If instead of one Will there had been three Wills, We could not be happy, and even less could We make others happy. We would have been unequal in power, in wisdom, in sanctity, etc. So, Our one Will, acting within Us, is all Our good, from which so many seas of happiness are released, that no one can penetrate down to the bottom. Now, seeing the great good of acting alone in Three distinct Persons, Our Will wants to act alone in three distinct persons on earth; and these are: the Mother, the Son, the Spouse. From them It wants to release more seas of happiness which will bring immense goods to all the pilgrim souls.”

All amazed, I said: ‘My Love, who will be this fortunate Mother, this Son and this Spouse, which will veil the Trinity on earth, and in whom your Will will be one?’ And Jesus: “What? Have you not understood? Two of them are already at their place of honor: my Divine Mama and I, Eternal Word, Son of the Celestial Father, and Son of the Celestial Mother since, by incarnating Myself in Her womb, I became Her own Son. The Spouse is the little daughter of my Will. I am in the center, my Mama is at my right, and the Spouse at my left. As my Will acts in Me, It echoes to the right and to the left, and forms one single Will. This is why I have poured so many graces in you, I opened the doors of my Will, I revealed to you the secrets, the prodigies which my Will contains: to open many ways, so that you might be reached by the echo of my Will, and, losing your own, you might live with my Will alone. Aren’t you happy?”

Vol. 15, January 24, 1923

The key as to how Mary and Luisa have come to take these places of honor, privilege, and authority is found in the statement of Jesus to his Apostles.

"Are you able to drink the cup that I am about to drink?"

Indeed no two people on the face of the Earth, that has existed or will exist will ever drink the cup of sorrows that Jesus drank to the same degree.  Mary did so to the fullest possible scope that a creature can do so, being full of grace, and then Luisa to the next degree, being a fallen creature raised to live in the Divine Will.   But it's important to know that no creature can ever equal the depth and degree of sorrow, sacrifice and agony that Jesus made throughout His entire life.  But of all mankind it is Mary and Luisa that share in His sufferings the most.   

In The Gospel as Revealed to Me by Maria Valtorta Jesus comments on the scene she witnessed where Salome requests that James and John take these positions:

"Jesus says to me: 'Make the following sentence very clear;  " will certainly drink of My chalice."  In translations you read:  "my chalice."  I said:  "of My chalice," not "my chalice."  No man could have drunk My chalice.  I alone the Redeemer, had to drink all My chalice.  My disciples, My imitators and lovers, are certainly allowed to drink of that chalice from which I drank, with regards to that drop, sip or sips, that God's predilection grants them to drink.  But no one will ever drink all the chalice as I did.  So it is right to say "of My chalice" and not "My chalice."'"

The Gospel as Revealed to Me, Vol. 9, pg. 234

If Luisa and Mother Mary have received these coveted positions it only because they have drunk more from Jesus' chalice than anyone else.  They in their great love for God and man have made themselves as the slaves to all for the benefit of all in the same image, but not the same degree, as Jesus Himself.