I was following the Hours of the Passion of my sweet Jesus, especially when He was presented to Pilate, who asked Him what His Kingdom was. And my always lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, that was the first time in my terrestrial Life that I dealt with a gentile authority, who asked Me what my Kingdom was. And I answered him that my Kingdom is not of this world, for if it were of this world, thousands of legions of Angels would defend Me. But with this, I opened my Kingdom to the gentiles, and communicated my celestial doctrines to them; so much so, that Pilate asked me: ‘What? You are a king?’ And immediately I answered him: ‘I am King, and I have come into the world to teach the truth.’ With this, I wanted to make my way into his mind in order to make Myself known; so much so that, touched, he asked Me: ‘What is the truth?’ But he did not wait for my answer; I did not have the good of making Myself understood. I would have said to him: ‘I am the truth; everything is truth in Me. Truth is my patience in the midst of so many insults; truth is my sweet gaze among so many derisions, slanders, contempts. Truths are my gentle and attractive manners in the midst of so many enemies, who hate Me while I love them, and who want to give Me death, while I want to embrace them and give them Life. Truths are my words, full of dignity and of celestial wisdom - everything is truth in Me. The truth is more than majestic sun which, as much as one may want to trample upon it, rises more beautiful and bright, to the point of shaming its very enemies, and of knocking them down at its feet.
Pilate asked Me with sincerity of heart, and I was ready to answer. Herod, rather, asked Me with malice and curiosity, and I did not answer. So, to those who want to know holy things with sincerity, I reveal Myself more than they expect; but with those who want to know them with malice and curiosity, I hide Myself, and while they want to make fun of Me, I confound them and make fun of them. However, since my Person carried the truth with Itself, It performed Its office also in front of Herod. My silence at the stormy questions of Herod, my humble gaze, the air of my Person, all full of sweetness, of dignity and of nobility, were all truths - and operating truths.”
Vol. 14, June 1, 1922
Although Jesus would have spoken to Pilate He remained silent before Herod because Herod had no real desire to know the truth. Herod only wanted to make a fool of Jesus. If Jesus had answered him the truth would have made a fool of Herod so He remained silent.
“My daughter, the desire for a good, for knowing it, purges the soul and disposes her intelligence to comprehend it, her memory to remember it; her will feels its appetite for it being whet, to make of it its food and life; and it moves God to give her that good and to make it known. So, the desire for a good, for knowing it, is like the appetite for food. When there is appetite, one feels the taste, eats with pleasure, remains satisfied and content with having taken that food, and is left with the desire to enjoy it again. On the other hand, if there is no appetite, that same food which is enjoyed so eagerly by someone, causes nausea and disgust to someone else who has no appetite, and he may reach the point of suffering because of it. Such is the desire for the soul - it is like appetite; and in seeing that the desire for my things is her delight, to the point of making of them her food and life, I abound – I abound so much in giving, that I never tire of giving. On the other hand, one who does not desire them, because the appetite is missing, will feel nausea for my things, and that Gospel saying will be repeated: ‘It will be given to one who has, while one who does not desire my goods, my truths, celestial things, will be deprived of the little he has’. Just penalty for one who does not desire, has no appetite for, and wants to know nothing about the things that belong to Me. And if he has any little thing at all, it is right that it be taken away from him and be given to those who possess much.”
John 14: 4-7
Vol. 13, January 5, 1922
Vol. 14, June 23, 1922
Vol. 15, June 15, 1923
“My daughter, the more truths I manifest to you, the more specialties of beatitudes I give to you as gift. Each truth contains within itself a distinct beatitude, happiness, joy and beauty; so, every additional truth you know brings beatitude, happiness, joy and beauty into yourself, with which you are enriched. These are divine seeds that the soul receives, and by manifesting them to others, she communicates these seeds and enriches whomever receives them. Now, since the truths that one has known on earth are divine seeds which sprout with beatitudes, joy, etc., when the soul is in her Fatherland in Heaven they will be like electric wires of communication through which the Divinity will release from Its womb so many acts of beatitude for as many truths as she has known. Oh! how inundated the soul will be, as though by many different immense seas. She already has the seed, and by having the seed, she has the space in which to receive these immense seas of happiness, of joy and of beauty. One who does not have the seed - who has not known a truth while on earth - lacks the space to be able to receive these beatitudes.
“It happens as to a little one who did not want to study all the languages. As he grows up, and hears these languages being spoken, which he did not want to study, or which he was not given the opportunity of studying - he will understand nothing. In fact, by not wanting to study, his intelligence remained closed, and he made no effort to prepare a little space in order to comprehend those languages. At the most, he will be amazed, and will enjoy from someone else’s happiness, but he will not possess it, nor will he be the cause of happiness for others. See then, what it means to know one truth more, or one truth less - if all knew what great goods they miss, they would compete in order to acquire truths.
“Now, the truths are the secretaries of my beatitudes, and if I do not manifest them to souls, they do not break the secret which they contain. They swim within my Divinity, waiting for their turn to act as divine agents, and make Me known - how many more beatitudes I contain. And the longer they have remained hidden in my womb, the more uproariously and majestically they come out to inundate the creatures and manifest my glory.
“Do you believe that all of Heaven is aware of all my goods? No, no! Oh! how much remains for It to enjoy, which It does not enjoy today. Each creature who enters into Heaven, having known one more truth, which was unknown to the others, will carry within herself the seed so as to have new contentments, new joys and new beauty released from Me. And these souls will be their cause and fount, while the others will take part in them. The last day will not come if I do not find souls who are disposed, so that I may reveal all my truths - so that the Celestial Jerusalem may resound with my complete glory, and all the Blessed may share in all of my beatitudes, some as direct cause for having known that truth, and some as indirect cause, through the one who has known it.
“Now, my daughter, in order to console you, and so that you may be more attentive in listening to my truths, I want to tell you which ones are the truths that glorify Me the most: they are those which regard my Will, since the primary reason for which I created man was that his will be one with his Creator. But man, having withdrawn from my Will, rendered himself unworthy to know the values, the effects and all the truths It contains. This is the reason for all my attentions with you: that between Me and you, our wills would run together, and be always in highest accord. In fact, so that the soul may open the doors and become disposed to knowing the truths that my Will contains, the first thing is wanting to live of my Will, the second is wanting to know It, the third is to appreciate It. Therefore, with you I opened the doors of my Will, that you might know Its secrets, which man had buried inside my womb, as well as Its effects and the value It contains; and as many truths as you come to know about my Will, so many seeds you receive, and so many divine secretaries form your cortege. Oh! how they make feast around you, having found one to whom to confide their secret. But they will make the most beautiful feast when they will bring you to Heaven - when the Divinity, at your very entrance, will release so many different beatitudes of joy, of happiness and of beauty, all different among themselves, which will not only inundate you, but all the Blessed will take part in them. Oh! how Heaven awaits your coming, to enjoy these new contentments.”
... the confessor told me (Luisa's late confessor): “You must know that when Jesus speaks to you and manifests His truths to you, it is rays of light that drop upon you. Back then, when you manifested them to me, not having His virtue, you manifested them drop by drop, and yet my soul remained all filled with those drops of light. That light gave me greater spur, more desire to hear more truths, to be able to receive more light, because the truths bring celestial fragrance and divine sensation - and this, by just hearing them. What will it be for those who practice them? This is why I loved - I desired so much to hear what Jesus told you, and I wanted to tell others: it was light and fragrance that I felt, and I wanted others to share in them. If you knew the great good that my soul has received in hearing the truths which Jesus was saying to you! How it still drips with light, and emanates celestial fragrance, which not only gives me refreshment, but serves as light to me and to those who are near me. And as you do your acts in the Divine Volition, I take special part in them, because I feel the seed of His Most Holy Will which you were sowing in me.” And I: ‘Let me see your soul - how does it drip with light?’ He opened himself on the side of the heart, and I saw his soul all dripping with light. Those drops were merging and separating, one flowing over the other - it was beautiful to look at. And he: “Have you seen? How beautiful it is to hear the truths! Those who do not hear them drip with such darkness as to strike terror.”
Our Lord made Himself seen once again with the crown of thorns on His head, all dripping with blood; and turning to me, He said: “Daughter, take a look at what men do to Me. In these sad times their pride is so great that they have poisoned all the air; and the stench that spreads everywhere is such that it has reached even before my throne in Heaven. They act in such a way as to close Heaven by themselves. The miserable ones do not have eyes to know the truth, because they are obfuscated by the sin of pride, followed by the other vices which they bring with themselves. O please! give Me a relief from so many bitter spasms, and a reparation for so many wrongdoings against Me.”
Vol. 1, The victim begins to perform her office, taking part in the pains of Jesus crowned with thorns, to make reparation for sins, especially pride. Fasting begins for Luisa.
“My daughter, in order to know the truths, it is necessary to have the will, the desire, to know them. Imagine a room in which the shutters are closed: no matter how much sun there may be outside, the room remains always in the dark. Now, opening the shutters means wanting light. But this is not enough if one does not take advantage of the light to reorder the room, dust it, and put himself to work, so as not to kill the light which is given, and become ungrateful. In the same way, it is not enough to have the will to know the truths if, at the light of the truth which illuminates him, one does not try to dust himself of his own weaknesses, reorder himself according to the light of the truth he knows, and put himself to work together with the light of truth, making of it his own substance, in such a way that the light of the truth which he has absorbed may shine forth from his mouth, from his hands, from his bearing. It would be as if he killed the truth; and by not putting it into practice, it would be like remaining in total disorder before the light. Poor room full of light, but all messy, upside down, in total disorder, with a person in it who does not take the care of reordering it - how pitiful would it not be? Such is one who knows the truths, and does not put them into practice.
Vol. 13, November 19, 1921
Vol. 13, October 23, 1921
When the truth enters souls it illuminates and vivifies them, making them fecund with virtues, however voluntary defects can block the truth from entering, but when it is involuntary defects the truth can pierce these shadows, melting them away.
Vol. 3, February 12, 1900
However inconstancy and volubility are signs that the truth has not taken full possession of the soul. When the light of truth takes possession of a soul she is constant and willing to sacrifice everything for the love of it, despising everything that doesn't belong to the truth.
“The sun is there for the benefit of all, but not everyone enjoys its beneficial effects. In the same way, the Divine Sun gives Its light to all, but who enjoys Its beneficial effects? One who keeps his eyes open to the light of truth. All others, even if they are exposed to the Sun, remain in the dark. However, it is one who is all intent on pleasing Me that truly enjoys and receives all the fullness of this Sun.”
Vol. 5, June 16, 1903
God is eternal Truth, unable to deceive and unable to be deceived. When the soul clearly sees her nothingness arriving to a point of no self-interest and her complete dependence on God, this creates the void where God communicates His Grace of truth so that the creature can see the truth in everything becoming, through Grace, what God is by nature. But the soul must love and "chew" on these truths in order to make a permanent home for them within herself. Jesus wanted to be circumcised in order to demonstrate this necessity of humility because the soul must humble herself in order to understand the truth. In doing so she comes to understand her nothingness and then wants to strive along the path of virtues.
This morning blessed Jesus made Himself seen for just a little, and told me: “My daughter, the greatest honor that the creature can give to God is to depend on His Divine Will in everything; and the Creator, in seeing that the creature fulfills her duty of creature toward the Creator, communicates His Grace to her.” And while He was saying this, a light came out of blessed Jesus, which made me comprehend the way in which He communicates Grace.
Vol. 6, February 28, 1906
“My daughter, why do you want to move away from my likeness? I never thought about Myself; the Sanctity of my Humanity was complete absence of self-interest. I did nothing for Myself, but I did and suffered everything for creatures. My love can be called true, because it is marked by disinterest for my own self. Wherever there is interest, it cannot be said that there is a fount of truth. On the other hand, the soul with no self-interest is the one who comes forward the most; and as she comes forward, the sea of my grace takes her from behind, inundating her, in such a way as to make her remain completely submerged, without her thinking about it. On the contrary, one who thinks about herself is last; the sea of my grace is in front of her, and she is the one who has to cross the sea by arm strokes - if she manages at all. In fact, the thought of herself will create many obstacles for her, such as to strike into her the fear of diving into my sea; and she runs the risk of remaining on the shore.”
Vol. 12, June 22, 1920
“The more the soul humiliates herself and knows herself, the closer she draws to the truth; and being in the truth, she tries to push herself along the path of virtues, from which she sees herself very far away. And if she sees herself on the path of virtues, immediately she realizes how much there is left for her to do, because virtues have no end – they are infinite, as I am. So, being in the truth, the soul always tries to perfect herself, but she will never arrive at seeing herself perfect. And this serves her, and it will make her work continuously, striving to perfect herself more, without wasting time in idleness. And I, pleased with this work, keep retouching her little by little, in order to portray my likeness in her.
This is why I wanted to be circumcised – to give an example of highest humility, which rendered the very Angels of Heaven stunned.”
Vol. 3, January 1, 1900
Vol. 6, December 22, 1904
By continually returning to these truths it is as if they give off their fragrance, perfuming Heaven and Earth and this causes Jesus to want to make still more truths revealed. The Divine Truths always have more to give than the creature can receive.
Vol. 13, January 11, 1922
The light of the Divine Will continues to envelop me; and my little intelligence, while swimming in the immense sea of this light, can just barely take a few drops of light and a few little flames of the so many truths, knowledges and happinesses that this endless sea of the Eternal Will contains. And many times I cannot find the right words in order to put on paper that little bit of light; I say little compared to the much I leave out, because my little and poor intelligence takes as much as is enough to fill me – the rest I have to leave out. It happens as to a person who dives into the sea: he becomes all wet, water flows everywhere on him, and maybe even in his bowels; but as he goes out of the sea, how much of all the water of the sea does he carry with himself? Very little – indeed almost nothing compared to the water that remains in the sea. And by having been in the sea, can he perhaps say how much water, how many species of fish and quantities of them there are in the sea? Certainly not; but he will be able to speak of the little he has seen of the sea. Such is my poor soul.
In order to determine between grace, nature, the devil, and truth and falsehood, the intellect must be illumined with belief (faith.) Those who believe have faith, hope and love written in their hearts and they will see things clearly and find the truth. This keeps the soul calm and at peace. For those who do not have this they have nothing and everything is confusion as light fractured into a multitude of broken pieces.
“My daughter, when a river is exposed to the rays of the sun, in looking into it one sees the same sun that is there in the heavens. However, this happens when the river is calm, with no wind that ripples its waters. But if the waters are rippled, even though the river is completely exposed to the sun, one can see nothing – everything is confusion. The same for the soul: when she is exposed to the rays of the Divine Sun, if she is calm she perceives the Divine Sun within herself, she feels Its heat, she sees the light and understands the truth. But if she is disturbed, even though she has It within herself, she feels nothing but confusion and disturbance. Therefore, hold peace as your greatest treasure if you cherish being united with Me.”
Vol. 6, April 12, 1904
The creature is a finite being and can never truly understand the infinite. There will always be some enigma, some mystery with God, but all of this only makes the truth shine more. The truth is recognized as truth when one remains in peace and sees true virtue produced.
I was thinking about what has been written, and I said to myself: ‘Is it really Jesus that speaks to me, or is it a trick of the enemy and of my fantasy?’ And Jesus, on coming, told me:
“My daughter, my words are full of truth and of light, and they carry with them the substance and the virtue of transforming the soul into truth itself, into light itself, and into the very good which they contain, in such a way that the soul does not only know the truth, but she feels within her the substance of operating according to the truth which she has known. Further, my truths are full of beauty and attraction, in such a way that the soul, taken by their beauty, lets herself be enraptured by them.
“In Me everything is order, harmony and beauty. See, I created the heavens; they alone could have been enough - but no, I wanted to adorn them with stars, almost studding them with beauty, so that the human eye might enjoy more from the works of its Creator. I created the earth, and I adorned it with many plants and flowers. I created nothing which did not have its own ornament. And if this is in the order of created things, much more so in my truths, which reside within my Divinity. While it seems that they reach the soul, they are like solar rays, which hit and warm the earth without ever departing from the center of the Sun. And the soul remains so enamored with my truths, that she finds it almost impossible not to put into practice the truths she has known, even at the cost of her life.
Vol. 14, March 7, 1922
When God speaks the soul not only sees the truths of the words but feels a movement in her interior which only comes from the Divine.
Vol. 5, October 29, 1903
If the devil speaks about virtue he can only project repugnance and hatred for the virtue within the soul. But when it is God who speaks His word is full of life and fecund with the virtue of which He speaks because truth is strength, light, and support for anyone who embraces it.
Vol. 7, May 9, 1907
At most evil can only put on a temporary façade of false peace. Unless things come from a foundation of truth they can not last long. When there is no truth there is no love and without love there is no life to sustain it. As it was in Jesus day so will it be again.
When creatures apply themselves to these writings on the Divine Will however they will be transformed, spiritualized and divinized and then the Church will be renewed, which will transform the face of the earth. At most the creature may not fully understand them as it will eclipse the human intellect but they will still find every word to be truth.
Every truth about the Divine Fiat is more prodigious than a physical miracle. The words, alone, on the sanctity and power of the Fiat will resurrect the soul to their origin in God, heal them of the spiritual leprosy of sin, give them eyes to see the Kingdom of the Divine Will and a tongue to speak of it's mysteries. More so in giving a Divine Will to each creature which contains within Itself all goods together.
Each truth about my Eternal Fiat contains more power and prodigious virtue than if a dead man were resurrected, a leper were healed, a blind one could see, or a mute could speak. In fact, my words on the sanctity and power of my Fiat will resurrect the souls to their origin; they will heal them from the leprosy produced by the human will. They will give them the sight to be able to see the goods of the Kingdom of my Will, because until now they have been like blind. They will give speech to many mute who, while they were able to say many other things, only for my Will were like many mute without speech; and then, the great miracle of being able to give to each creature a Divine Will which contains all goods. What will It not give them when It will be in possession of the children of Its Kingdom? This is why I keep you all occupied with the work of this Kingdom of Mine - and there is much to do in order to prepare the great miracle that the Kingdom of the Fiat be known and possessed. Therefore, be attentive in crossing the endless sea of my Will, so that the order between Creator and creature may be established; in this way, through you, I will be able to make the great miracle that man return to Me – into the origin from which he came.”
Vol. 20, October 22, 1926