Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Queen of Peace

On this anniversary of Our Lady's first apparition in Medjugorje and her title "Queen of Peace," I wanted to look in the Volumes on this topic.

Jesus states that His Kingdom, a Kingdom of Peace, was in the heart of His Mother.  She never experienced a single moment where she was disturbed or anxious even in the Passion.  Without any such disturbance Jesus was able to extend His Kingdom in her to freely in fullness.  This shows how important it is for us to remain in the Peace of Jesus so that He can always extend His Kingdom in us. 

This morning, Jesus renewed in me the pains of the crucifixion; our Queen Mama was also present, and Jesus, speaking of Her, said: “My Kingdom was in the Heart of my Mother, and this, because Her Heart was never disturbed even slightly; so much so, that in the immense sea of the Passion, She suffered immense pains, and Her Heart was pierced through by the sword of sorrow, but She did not receive the slightest breath of disturbance. Therefore, since my Kingdom is a Kingdom of peace, I was able to lay my Kingdom within Her, and to reign freely without any obstacle.”
Vol. 2, July 4, 1899

In the book, 
The Virgin Mary In The Kingdom Of The Divine Will, Mary tells her story that in learning about the sad story of mankind how her heart went out and she began pleading with God to save us.  God in turn satisfies her giving her the title of Peacemaker between God and man.  He tells her that the destiny of mankind is in her hands.

Now, in the middle of our loving stratagems, I remembered the painful state of my human family upon earth, for I too was of their offspring - and how I grieved and prayed that the Eternal Word would descend and put a remedy to it.  And I would say this with such tenderness as to reach the point of changing smile and feast into crying.  The Most High was so moved by my tears, more so, since they were the tears of a little one; and pressing Me to the divine bosom, They dried my tears and said to Me:   “Daughter, do not cry, pluck up courage.  Into your hands We have placed the destiny of mankind; We gave You the mandate, and now, to console You more, We make of You the Peacemaker between Us and the human family.   So, to You it is given to reconcile us. The power of Our Will that reigns in You compels Us to give the kiss of peace to poor humanity, decayed and unsafe.”

Who can tell you, my child, what my Heart felt at this divine condescension?  My love was so great that I felt faint and, in delirium, I was restless, looking for more love as relief for my love.

Now a word to you, my child.  If you listen to Me by banishing your will and giving the royal place to the Divine Fiat, you too will be loved with striking love by your Creator; you will be His smile, you will put Him in feast, and will be bond of peace between the world and God.

Jesus elaborates on this by saying that all who lives in the Divine Will also takes on the vocation of peacemaker between God and man.  The human will began and wages war with God it is with those who submit themselves to live in the Divine Will and allow Him to reign in them that God will form bonds of order, peace and love to overcome mankind.  

“My daughter, one who lives in my Volition becomes the peacemaker between God and the creature; all her acts, words, steps, her prayers, her little sacrifices, are like so many bonds of peace between Heaven and earth, they are as weapons of peace with which she combats her Creator with weapons of peace and love in order to disarm him and to make him propitious and exchange the scourges into mercy.  And as the human will formed the war in order to wage war with He who had created her, not only, but broke the accord, the order and the peace, thus my Volition, with the force of his omnipotence reigning in the creature converts that which the creature does into bonds of accord, of order, of peace and of love.  So that from her goes forth as a little white cloud, that elevating itself spreads out and rises up even to the Divine throne, that bursts forth in so many voices for how many acts she has done (and) says:  ‘Great God, I bring you peace from the earth, and You give me your peace in order to bring it as bond of peace between You and the human generation.’  This little cloud rises and descends, descends and rises and does the office of peacemaker between Heaven and earth.”
Vol. 29, July 13, 1931

And here we see the meaning behind the small white cloud of Elijah which has been seen as a symbol of Mary.  A small cloud that brought about the great rain ending the drought. ( How a cloud in the Bible became a symbol of Mary )

42 So Ahab went up to eat and to drink. Elijah went up to the top of Carmel; there he bowed himself down upon the earth and put his face between his knees. 43 He said to his servant, “Go up now, look toward the sea.” He went up and looked, and said, “There is nothing.” Then he said, “Go again seven times.” 44 At the seventh time he said, “Look, a little cloud no bigger than a person’s hand is rising out of the sea.” Then he said, “Go say to Ahab, ‘Harness your chariot and go down before the rain stops you.’” 45 In a little while the heavens grew black with clouds and wind; there was a heavy rain. Ahab rode off and went to Jezreel. 46 But the hand of the Lord was on Elijah; he girded up his loins and ran in front of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel.
1Kings 18:  42-46

We are all called to live in the Divine Will.  We are all called to be a Peacemaker between man and God.  We are all called to be the small white cloud rising to God and descending to the earth bringing the beneficial rain to mankind ending the long drought.  None can equal our Lady, Queen of Heaven in whom the Divine Will reigned from the moment of her conception but we are all called to share in her work.  All are called but few will respond and be chosen.