Sunday, October 13, 2024

Story of the soul

O Lord, our Sovereign,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory above the heavens.
Out of the mouths of babes and infants
you have founded a bulwark because of your foes,
to silence the enemy and the avenger.

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars that you have established;
what are human beings that you are mindful of them,
mortals that you care for them?

Yet you have made them a little lower than God,
and crowned them with glory and honor.
You have given them dominion over the works of your hands;
you have put all things under their feet,
all sheep and oxen,
and also the beasts of the field,
the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea,
whatever passes along the paths of the seas.

O Lord, our Sovereign,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!

Psalm 8

Man was the masterpiece of all of Creation.  Created in an excess of love, in the image and likeness of God, even to being a made a little god.  God was so enamored with him He made Himself the center of him, his life and guard, even giving him all dominion and expecting him to be all His.  God made each of us so beautiful that we were to enchant Him, God.  It's beyond words and proper understanding.  But with sin we, ourselves, placing so little value on ourselves, dirty ourselves with sin, ruining His masterpiece. 

“My daughter, you have said nothing about the creation of man - the masterpiece of the creative power, in whom, not in sprays, but in waves, in rivers, the Eternal One poured His love, His beauty, His mastery; and taken by excess of love, He placed Himself as the center of man.   But He wanted a worthy dwelling; so, what does this Uncreated Majesty do?   He creates man in His image and likeness.  He draws a breath from the depth of His love, and with His omnipotent breath He infuses life in him, endowing man with all His qualities, proportioned to a creature, making him a little god.   So, everything you see in Creation was absolutely nothing compared to the creation of man.  Oh! how many more beautiful heavens, stars, suns, He extended in the created soul; how much variety of beauty, how many harmonies.  It is enough to say that He looked at man created, and He found him so beautiful as to become enamored with him.  And jealous of this portent of His, He Himself made Himself the custodian and possessor of man, and said:  ‘I have created everything for you; I give you dominion over everything – everything is yours; and you will be all mine.”

“You will not be able to comprehend everything - the seas of love, the intimate and direct relations, the likeness that runs between Creator and creature.  Ah! daughter of my Heart, if the creature knew how beautiful her soul is, how many divine qualities it contains, and how, among all created things, it surpasses everything in beauty, in power, in light – so much so, that it can be said that it is a little god, and a little world which contains everything within itself – oh! how much more would she esteem herself, and would not dirty with the slightest sin a beauty so rare, so portentous a prodigy of the creative power.   But the creature, almost blind in knowing herself, and much more blind in knowing her Creator, keeps dirtying herself among a thousand filthy things, to the point of disfiguring the work of the Creator; so much so, that she can barely be recognized.  Think, you yourself, of what Our sorrow is.   Therefore, come into my Will, and together with Me come to substitute for our brothers before the throne of the Eternal One - for all the acts which they should do for having been created as a prodigy of love of His omnipotence; and yet, they are so ungrateful.”
Vol. 12, February 24, 1919

For it was you who formed my inward parts;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 
I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works;
that I know very well.
My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes beheld my unformed substance.
In your book were written
all the days that were formed for me,
when none of them as yet existed.
Psalm 139: 13-16

Within the Divine Will there is a story of each person.  How this story should develop was written 'ab eterno' by God before they were ever born.  He has loved each of us from before time and each part of our own story even to doing all of our acts for us, held within His bosom ready to be copied as our lives unfold.  Every time we do our own will we spoil this design of God, making erasures to the story He has written for us with so much love.  Instead we change these pages into sorrow and confusion and the story of love becomes vile and base instead.  We were created to be inseparable with our Creator, not as servants but as noble children.  Our every breath and act depends on Him but when we do not allow His Will to reign in us we hold His hands tied and do not let Him develop His story of love for each of us.  W
hen His Will does not reign and we "take control" our acts remain lifeless, without heat, without strength, without divine light.  They are dead of any good, and thereby form evil and end in horror.

My abandonment continues in the Divine Volition I feel hidden by his eternal waves, in which he hides everything, nothing escapes from his immensity, so that one who wants to find everything, embrace everything, hearing the story of each one, must enter in this sea of the Supreme Fiat.   But while my mind was lost in Him, my sweet Jesus, visiting my little soul said to me:

“Blessed daughter, my Will encloses everything, rather for every creature he holds there his written page, of how her story should develop and form her life, and this written page was ‘ab eterno’ written in the light of our Will.  So that the life of every creature in time had its beginning, but in our Supreme Being she didn’t have beginning and she was loved by us with love without beginning and without end.  Now all the Creation, didn’t yet exist and we loved her, because she was already within us: we held the great birth of all creatures enclosed within the Sanctuary of our Divinity, we looked in each one of them (at) our written page, her circumstances, her little tale, and according to this, what was more or less written, what should be completed and glorified our Most Holy Will thus we loved her more intensely.  You didn’t exist, but our Will enclosed you and loving you we gave you the place, the rest on our Paternal knees, we gave you the various lessons on our Fiat, and oh! how much pleasure we took in seeing you listen and write in your soul as copying, that which was written in our eternal page.  Because you should know, that which we want that the creature does of our Will, first becomes done by us, formed by us in our same Volition, and then overflowing from us, he wants to do it and form it in the creature making his field of divine action with her.  So much is our love that we don’t want other than that she does that which we have done, giving her the model of our act, so that she makes the copy of it, and how much help, assistance don’t we give, while she makes the copy, giving her our same Will as her act, as prime material, so that the copy succeeds according to our design.
“Now every act of one who does her will does none other than spoil our design, forming some erasures on our written page.   Our every written word, contained a special and eternal love, it contained the development of her life according to our likeness in which it should enclose his story of love and the completion of his Divine Will toward her Creator.  The human volition doesn’t do other than counterfeit this page, throw into confusion our likeness.  And instead of forming the copy of our page, written with so much love for her, she has formed her page written with notes of sorrow, of confusion and with a story so vile and base that the centuries won’t make a memory of it, and the Eternal One will not find in her the echo of the written story in her page in which his divine story should be praised in the creature.
“My daughter, there is a mistaken knowledge in the base world, and they believe that the creature can live as removed from us:   what mistake!   What mistake!  All the creation is none other than an inheritance gone forth, gone forth from us, hence it is ours; she belongs to us, so much so that although she went forth, but we have brought her forth inseparable from us, and we want the honor, the glory of our inheritance, and that creatures be not our vile servants, but children and as so many princelings of our kingdom.  And this principality is given by the inseparability of our Will, so much so that the creature can not do less of it than with Him, nor can she live, nor separate herself, not even in hell itself.  At the most, some hold him working and some hold him conservative of her being, without giving him the ease to let him work good.  To live without my Will would be like the body living without the soul, that which would be impossible, and one sees that when a member is truncated from the body it doesn’t have motion, it loses the heat and rots because there lacks the soul.  Thus would it be if she might lack my Will, everything would be changed into nothing.
“Now living in my Will is really this, to feel flow in (one’s) whole being, in all the acts, the light, the divine strength, the life of my Will; because where there is not his working life, that act remains without life, without heat, without strength and divine light.  It is as dead for good, and when there is no good inside, it forms evil and finishes with putrefying.   Oh! if the creature might be able to see herself without the working life of my Volition, she would see herself so counterfeit, that she herself would be horrified to look at herself.  Therefore allow yourself to be always overwhelmed by the eternal waves of my Volition in which you will find your written page, your story woven with so much love on you, and thus you will not make an appearance anymore (of) that which we have disposed for you. You will find everything as things that belong to you and that of absolute necessity must form your life, to fill your story, and to satisfy our need of love, that ‘ab eterno’ we wanted to make our Will known.  Be faithful and do not impede our love, and leave us free to develop our admirable designs formed over you.”
Vol. 31 , September 18, 1932

When a soul does not live in the Divine Will the communication between God and the soul, the breath, is stopped and God can not develop His life in the soul as He wants.  This makes the work of Creation incomplete and leaves voids of passions, sins and deformity.  Instead when the soul lives in the Divine Will all her acts become as material for Jesus to build the most sumptuous palace even to stupefy all of Heaven.

...the human family, it turns around us, but since their will is not one with ours, they don’t breath our Volition that puts forth the order, the sanctity, the union, the harmony with its Creator, and therefore it remains scattered, disordered and as lost from us, they are unhappy beings, the peace, the happiness, the abundance of goods is far from them, and all the evil comes from that our Will is not theirs, we don’t breathe each other, and this prevents the communication of our goods, the perfect union with our Supreme Being.  Our creative hand that should form its masterpiece and the most beautiful one in every single creature, because there lacks our Will, it becomes stopped, it doesn’t find their souls pre-arranged, adaptable in order to make our Divine art feasible, where there lacks our Volition we don’t know what to do with that creature.
“Behold the cause why we long so much that our Divine Will reigns and forms there his life in them, because our creative work is impeded, our works suspended, the work of the Creation is incomplete, and in order to obtain this one must be the Will of Heaven and of earth, one the life, one the love, one the breath, and this is the greatest good that we want for creatures, we still hold to do so many beautiful works, but the human volition impedes our step, ties our arms, and makes inactive our creative hands.  Therefore who wants to do our Will and live in Him, gives us the work and we make of her that which we want.
“Now you should know, that as the creature decides to live of Divine Will, she puts to security her salvation, her sanctity, we are in her as in our house, and her will serves us as material in which we pronounce the Fiat in her every act in order to form our worthy works of He who lives in her, we do as a king that makes use of the stones, tufa and bricks and mortar in order to form a sumptuous Palace as to amaze the whole world, poor king if might not have the stones, the necessary material in order to form the palace, with all that he might have his good will and coins to spend in order to form it, yet lacking the prime material, he would remain without palace.
“Thus are we, if there lacks us the will of the soul, with all our power and will that we hold, lacking the material we can not form in the soul the beautiful worthy palace of our residence.  Therefore when the creature gives us her will and takes ours, we are secure, we find everything at our disposition, little things and great things, natural things and spiritual things, everything is ours, and of everything we make use (of it) in order to make our omnipotent Fiat work.  And since our Will doesn’t know how to be without his work, he makes the re-call of all his works, in the palace that with so much love he has formed in the creature, he surrounds himself with all the works of the creation, Heavens, Sun, stars, they make homage, he puts in order in her all that which I did in the Redemption, my life, my birth, my infantile tears, my sufferings and prayers, everything, where my Will is nothing should lack, because everything from Him has gone forth, with right everything is his, and therefore where He reigns he forms the centralization of all his works.  And oh the beauties, the order, the harmony, the divine goods that become formed in this creature, the Heavens (are) stupefied and everyone admires the love, the Power of the Divine Will and trembling they adore him.  Therefore leave (the) work to Him, and He will do great things as to make you stupefied.
“Beyond this our love, our eternal Wisdom has established all the graces that we should give to the creature, the degrees of sanctity that she should acquire, the beauty with which we should pearl her, the love with which she should love us, and the acts themselves that she should do, where our Fiat reigns, everything becomes realized, the Divine order is in full vigor, not even a comma becomes moved, our work is in full harmony with the works of the creature, and oh how we delight ourselves, and when we have given her our last love in time, and she will have completed our last act of Divine Will in her mortal life, our love will give her the flight into the Celestial Country and our Will will receive her in Heaven, as triumph of His working and conquering Will that with so much love conquered upon the earth.  So that her last act will be the opening that she will make in Heaven, in order to give beginning in our Will so very happy, that will never have end.
“Instead where our Volition doesn’t reign, the divine order doesn’t exist, how many works of ours broken and no effect, how many divine voids, and filled perhaps with passions, with sins, there is no beauty, but deformity to make one pity.  Therefore be attentive and make that our Volition reigns and lives in you.”
Vol. 34, June 14, 1936

God's jealousy for a soul living in His Divine Will is so great even for all her acts and all that which interacts with her and all her attention and all her love.  It is none other than God's Divine Jealously for His own lives which He wants to form.  And the creature also acquires this same Divine jealousy wanting everything from God alone she comes to be the bearer of everything and everyone and she thereby wants to re-give all to God from whom she has received all, love for love.

This is (a) work of God, to hold (the) virtue to be able to form so many Divine lives for how many creatures have been put forth to the light of day.  After all the creature is ours, created by us, we live together, and because we love her, our love carries us with an irresistible force and power all ours to form ourselves as life in her, and our creative art, that not content with creating creatures, in the enthusiasm of his love he wants to create himself in the created person.  You see therefore in what conditions we find ourselves in the midst of the human family, in (the) act of always forming our lives in them, but our creative art remains rejected, suffocated without being able to continue our Divine Creation, while we live together with them, they live at our expense, they live because they live of us, and yet we have the great sorrow of not being able to form our life in them.  While this would be our maximum contentment, the greatest glory that they would give us if they might give us the liberty of making us life of every single creature.
“But do you know where we are free to form this life of ours? in one who lives in our Will, our Divine Fiat prepares for us the prime matter in order to form our life, he puts forth in attitude his power, his sanctity, his love and calls us in the depth of the soul, and we finding the adaptable and practical matter, we form with indescribable love our Divine Life, we not only form it, but we raise it and with our highest gusto and delight, we develop our creative art around this Celestial creature, and they commence the chain of the prodigies, she possessing her Creator, our Will working in her, becomes the bearer of everyone and of everything, if she thinks she brings us the thoughts of everyone and makes herself supplier and repairer of all the human intelligences, if she speaks, if she works, if she walks, she carries the words, the works, the steps of everyone, the Creation itself makes for her (a) decorous cortege, and makes herself bearer of the Sky, of the stars, of the Sun, of the wind, of everything, she leaves nothing behind, she brings us the homage, the glory of all our created things, even the homage of the sweet song of the little birdie, possessing the life of He who has created her, she makes them all crown, indeed everything wants to be brought by she who possesses the speaking act, so that for each one she tells the speaking story of love, for which they have been created by their Creator.
“So that who possesses our Volition acquires our Jealousy of love, that we want everything for us, and this with highest justice, because there is no thing that we have not given, hence with justice we want everything.  Thus she taken by our same folly of love wants everything, in order to give us everything and jealous she wants to bring us everything in order to say to us for everyone and for every single created thing her little word of love.
“Therefore who lives in our Volition, never remains alone, first she is with her Creator, with whom they always remain in competition of love, how can they love more, and all things being around her she makes herself bearer of everything to He whom she loves, that being infinite Love wants to see converted in the creature all things converted in love for his love.”
Vol. 34, July 4, 1937

The breath of God, in the soul living in the Divine Will forms, sip by sip, the completion of His divine life in her.   When He has filled the creature to the point where there is no more room to add even one more divine breath the life of the creature ceases, finished on earth to open to the immortal breath of God in Heaven.  This completed act is a masterpiece that glorifies God the most and holds Him enraptured but it can only occur in a soul living in the Divine Will.  When a creature lives of her own will she binds God's hands and prevents Him from accomplishing His desired plan ruining His story of love written for her and changing it to sorrow.  One can not enter Heaven unless they contain some portion of His divine life, be it even conception, or birth.  But the degree of glory that the soul will enjoy depends on the development of His divine life in her whether it is more or less complete.

This first act of ours, while it serves to give beginning and to form the life, the continuation, it serves in order to make of the creature a completed act of ours, and as we breathe (in) her thus we form in her our continuous acts in order to complete our divine life.  Our breath, as we give it, forms sip by sip the growth of this life of ours in the creature.  Our breath, as it gives itself, thus it forms our completed act of sanctity, of beauty, of love, of goodness and so on, and when we have filled her so much, in a way that we don’t have anywhere more to put our act in the creature, because she is limited, our breath ceases and her life finishes in earth, and in order to immortalize our breath in Heaven, we transport our fully grown life in her, our completed act, into our Celestial Country as triumph of our Creation.   There is no more beautiful rarity than these lives and completed acts of ours in the Celestial sojourn, they are the narrators of our power, of the enthusiasm of our love, they are speaking voices of our omnipotent breath, that alone could form the divine life, our completed act in the creature.  But do you know where we can form this life and this completed act of ours, for how much it is possible and imaginable for a creature to receive from her Creator?  [In] the soul that lives in our Divine Will and lets herself be dominated by Him.  Ah! only in her can we form the divine life and develop our completed act; our Volition disposes the creature to receive all the qualities and divine colors, and our breath not ever interrupted, as expert brush/(artist), paints with admirable and inimitable mastery the most beautiful tones and forms there the images of our Supreme Being; if it might not be for these images there would not have been that great work of the Creation, nor great work of the power of our creative hands, creating the Sun, the Sky, the stars and all the universe would have been a beautiful nothing for our power.  But instead all our power, the art of our divine arts, the indescribable excess of our intense love, it is to do our completed act in the creature with forming our life in her and so much is our gratification, that we ourselves remain enraptured in our act that we develop.  For us to do a completed act it is the greatest glory that glorifies us most, it is the most intense love that praises us most, it is the power that praises us continually.  But alas! for one who doesn’t live in our Volition, how many broken acts of ours, without conclusion, how many divine lives of ours hardly conceived or at the most born without growing.  [Creatures] break the continuation of our work and bind our arms without being able to go ahead; they put us in the impotence of a master who holds his earth and is prevented by his ungrateful servants from doing the work that he wants to in his earth, to sow it, to plant the plants that he wants; poor proprietor, to hold sterile earth, without the fruit that he could receive, for reason of his iniquitous servants.  Our earths are creatures and the ungrateful servant is the human volition, which opposing ours with hers puts us in impotence from forming our divine life in them.  Now you should know that in Heaven one doesn’t enter if one doesn’t possess our divine life, or at least conceived or born, and such will be the glory, the beatitude of the blessed, for how much growth has been formed of our life in them.  Now what will be the difference for one who has hardly let him be conceived, be born or grown with little proportions, from one who has let us form complete life? So much will be the difference, that it is incomprehensible to the human creature.  Those will be as the people of the Celestial kingdom, instead our images will be as princes, ministers, the noble court, the regal army of the great King.  Therefore one who does my Divine Will and lives in Him can say:  ‘I do all and I also belong from this earth to the family of my Celestial Father.’”
Vol. 29, October 12, 1931

I guess in the end the question comes down to who do you want, who do you trust to be the author of the story of your life?

Praise the Lord!
O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
for his steadfast love endures forever.
Who can utter the mighty doings of the Lord,
or declare all his praise?
Happy are those who observe justice,
who do righteousness at all times.

Remember me, O Lord, when you show favor to your people;
help me when you deliver them;
that I may see the prosperity of your chosen ones,
that I may rejoice in the gladness of your nation,
that I may glory in your heritage.
Psalm 106: 1-5