Friday, June 20, 2014

One Will, One Limitless Help for All

From the last post there were some amazing promises of what prayer can do for the souls in Purgatory and how grateful they are because they are helpless to help themselves.  But even with promises of 1,000 souls being freed from specific vocal prayers they are still limited and many souls, especially those in the deepest prisons of Purgatory, do not even benefit from them except under certain conditions.  Sr. M. de L. C. in An Unpublished Manuscript on Purgatory gives us a hint what is more profitable for the souls in Purgatory.

"I receive far more relief from one of your actions done in union with Jesus, than from a vocal prayer, because what is it that God hears? He hears all that is done with an interior spirit. The more closely a soul is united with God the more readily does He grant all it asks. A soul intimately united with Jesus is the mistress of His Heart. Strive then after this union which Jesus has desired to have with you for so long. You want to please Him? Well, this is the only way. You approach closer to His Heart by great attention to the least manifestations of His holy will."
An Unpublished Manuscript on Purgatory

This is the only way to please God to by always becoming more united to his Will.  By doing so, that is the closer the union of one's will to the Divine Will of God, the greater the reach and the breadth of the help possible.  This resignation was also seen in the first Volume of the Divine Will where Jesus had yet to fully manifest his plan for the creature to live in the Will of God to Luisa.  The more willing a person is to accept the plan for them by God's Will the greater the act and the more God is able to make use of it.

"After this, with His own hand, Jesus began to nail me to that cross; Queen Mama assisted me, while the Angels and Saint John were handing the nails.  My sweet Jesus showed such contentment, such joy in crucifying me, that just to be able to give that contentment to Jesus, I would have suffered not only the cross, but yet more pains.  Ah! it seemed to me that Heaven was making new feast for me, in seeing the contentment of Jesus.  Many souls were freed from Purgatory and took flight toward Heaven, and quite a few sinners were converted, because my Divine Spouse let everyone participate in the good of my sufferings.  ...
Those souls from Purgatory who had flown up to Heaven, descended together with the Angels and surrounded my bed, cheering me with their canticles, and thanking me affectionately because through my sufferings I had freed them from those pains."
Vol. 1, September 14, 1899

Up until Jesus fully revealed to Luisa Piccarreta the great gift he wanted to make us of living in the Divine Will, the greatest union which people were aware of was complete resignation to and acceptance of the Will of God.  This acceptance of God's Will also effects how much help the holy souls in Purgatory can receive.  Jesus, in the Volumes, states that the souls in Purgatory receive help in accordance with how they have submitted to his Will.  The more acts they have done according to the Will of God the more paths they form to receive help.  Even just to enter Purgatory and receive the promise of Heaven they must have done at least one act in which they have recognized and submitted themselves to the Will of God even if it be at the point of death. must know that if the creature doesn’t do not even one act of the Will of God, the doors of heaven are not opened, nor is she recognized as heir of the celestial fatherland, nor can the angels and saints admit her among them, nor would she like to enter there, because she would know that it doesn’t belong to her.  Therefore without our Will there is neither true sanctity, nor salvation.  And how many become saved in virtue of this spying of ours all of love, except the most perverse and obstinate, although it will be necessary for her to make the long stopover of purgatory.  Therefore the point of death is our daily catch, the recovery of lost man.”
 Vol. 35, March, 22, 1938

But the same goes for those who wish to send help to the souls in Purgatory.  According to how much the creature takes of God's Will so much greater the value.  If the creature prays but is far from the Will of God there is little to no merit.  But for one who lives in the Divine Will and allows him to reign in her in every moment and in all her acts there are no paths or limits.  She can reach everywhere and everyone, even the souls in the deepest regions of Purgatory can receive relief.

"...while I was praying, I thought to myself:  ‘How I would like to descend into the prisons of the purging souls to release them all, and in the light of the Eternal Will, bring them all to the Celestial Fatherland.’  At that moment, my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:  “My daughter, the more the souls who have passed to the next life have been submitted to my Will, and the more acts they have done in It, the more paths they have formed for themselves in order to receive suffrages from the earth.  So, the more they have done my Will, forming for themselves the ways of communication of the goods which are present in the Church and which belong to Me, there is no path formed by them which does not bring, to some a relief, to some a prayer, to some a diminution of pains.  The suffrages walk within these royal paths of my Will, to bring to each one the merit, the fruit and the capital which one has formed for oneself in my Will.  Therefore, without It, there are no paths and no means in order to receive suffrages.  Even though the suffrages and everything that the Church does always descend into Purgatory, they go, however, to those who have formed paths for themselves.  For the others, who have not done my Will, the paths are closed or do not exist at all; and if these were saved, it is because at least at the point of death they have recognized the supreme dominion of my Will, they have adored It, and have submitted themselves to It – and this last act has rescued them; otherwise, they could not even be saved.  For one who has always done my Will, there are no paths to Purgatory - his path goes straight to Heaven.  And one who has recognized my Will and has submitted to It, not in everything and always, but in great part, has formed for himself so many paths and receives so much, that Purgatory sends him quickly to Heaven.
Now, just as the purging souls had to form their paths to be able to receive suffrages, in the same way, the living, in order to send suffrages, must do my Will in order to form their paths, so as to make their suffrages ascend into Purgatory.  If they make suffrages, but they are far away from my Will, since the communication with my Will is missing, which alone unites and binds everyone, their suffrages will not find the way in order to ascend, the feet to be able to walk, the strength in order to give relief.  They will be suffrages without life, because the true life of my Will is missing, which alone has the virtue of giving life to all goods.  The more the soul possesses of my Will, the more value her prayers, her works, her pains, contain; and so she can bring more relief to those blessed souls.  I measure and give value to everything that the soul can do, according to how much of my Will she possesses.  If my Will runs in all of her acts, the measure I take is immense; even more, I never stop measuring, and I put so much value into it, that its weight cannot be calculated.  On the other hand, if one does not care much about my Will, the measure is scarce and the value of little importance.  And if one does not care at all, as much as the soul may do, I have nothing to measure, nor any value to give.  Therefore, if they have no value, how can they bring relief to those souls who, in Purgatory, recognize nothing, nor can they receive anything, but what my Eternal Fiat produces.
But do you know who can bring all reliefs, the light that purifies, the love that transforms?  One who possesses the life of my Will in everything and in whom It dominates triumphantly.  This soul has not even need of paths, because by possessing my Will, she has the right to all paths.  She can go to all points, because she possesses within herself the royal path of my Will in order to go into that deep prison, to bring them all reliefs and liberations.  More so since, in creating man, We gave him Our Will as his special inheritance, and We recognize everything he has done within the boundaries of Our inheritance, with which We endowed him.  Anything else is not recognized by Us – it is not Our thing, nor can We allow anything to enter Heaven which has not been done by creatures either in Our Will, or at least in order to do It.  Since Creation came out of the Eternal Fiat, Our Will, jealous, allows no act to enter the Celestial Fatherland which has not passed through Its Fiat Itself.  Oh! If all knew what Will of God means, and how all works, even those which appear to be good, but are empty of It, are works empty of light, empty of value, empty of life; and works without light, without value and without life do not enter into Heaven.  Oh! how attentive they would be to do my Will in everything and forever.”   
Vol. 20, November 3, 1926

Jesus affirms this ability of an act done in the Divine Will to reach all souls in another place in the Volumes.  Every soul in Purgatory can receive aide from acts done in the Divine Will even those in the deepest prisions.

“My daughter, everything that one does in my Will is like sun that diffuses to all; and as one prays in my Will, offering my Blood, my pains, my wounds, these convert into as many rays of light which diffuse to all.  They descend rapidly into the deepest prison of Purgatory and turn their pains and darkness into light.
Vol. 14, March 10, 1922

And just as Sr. M. de L. C. said that "Next to the Mass, the Way of the Cross is the best prayer."  An Unpublished Manuscript on Purgatory  so too has Jesus promised that every soul who safely enters Purgatory or receives relief or ascends to Heaven  will be marked  by those who devoutly pray The Hours of the Passion.  They reach everywhere and everyone.  These last passages deal directly with Jesus' desire that we meditate on his Passion and the effects and good helps that this brings to everyone when one specifically use The Hours of the Passion which he gave to Luisa.

Then I found myself outside of myself.  I was in the midst of many souls who were saying to me - they seemed to be purging souls and Saints, and were mentioning one person known to me, who died not too long ago - and they were saying to me: 
‘He feels as though happy in seeing that there is not one soul who enters Purgatory without carrying the mark of the Hours of the Passion; and surrounded by the cortege of these Hours and helped by them, souls take a safe place.  And there is not one soul who flies into Heaven without being accompanied by these Hours of the Passion.  These Hours make a continuous dew rain down from Heaven to earth, into Purgatory, and even into Heaven.’ 
Vol. 12, May 16, 1917

Jesus promises a soul for every word recited from the Hours of the Passion when done together with Jesus.  He also states that the value from these Hours is directly associated with the greater or lesser union of wills that creatures have with Him.

Value and effects of the Hours of the Passion, and recompense that Jesus will give to those who do them. 

I was writing the Hours of the Passion, and I thought to myself:  ‘How many sacrifices in order to write these blessed Hours of the Passion, especially to put on paper certain interior acts which had passed only between me and Jesus.  What will be the recompense that He will give to me?’  And Jesus, letting me hear His tender and sweet voice, told me: 

“My daughter, as recompense for having written the Hours of my Passion, for each word you have written I will give you a kiss - a soul.”

And I:  ‘My love, this is for me; and what will You give to those who will do them?’ 

And Jesus:  “If they do them together with Me and with my own Will, I will also give them a soul for each word they will recite, because the greater or lesser effectiveness of these Hours of my Passion is in the greater or lesser union that they have with Me.  By doing them with my Will, the creature hides within my Volition, and since it is my Volition that acts, I can produce all the goods I want, even through one word alone; and this, for each time you will do them.”
Vol. 11, October 1914     




Souls who recite the Hours of the Passion not only give relief to the affronts that Jesus suffers from the world, but she takes on Jesus' thoughts, prayers, reparations, and his most intimate desires.  She makes his life her own and repeats his same office of repairing for all and obtaining good for all.

The soul who does the Hours of the Passion makes the life of Jesus her own, and does His same office.
As I continued the usual Hours of the Passion, my lovable Jesus told me:
“My daughter, the world is in continuous act of renewing my Passion; and since my immensity envelopes everything, inside and outside the creatures, from their contact I am forced to receive nails, thorns, scourges, scorns, spit and all the rest which I suffered in the Passion - and still more.  Now, at the contact with souls who do these Hours of my Passion I feel the nails being removed, the thorns shattered, the wounds soothed, the spit taken away.  I feel I am repaid in good for the evil that others do to Me, and in feeling that their contact does no harm to Me, but good, I lean more and more on them.”
In addition to this, returning to speak about these Hours of the Passion, blessed Jesus said:

“My daughter, know that by doing these Hours the soul takes my thoughts and makes them her own; she takes my reparations, prayers, desires, affections, and even my most intimate fibers, and makes them her own.  And rising up between Heaven and earth, she does my same office, and as co-redemptrix, she says with Me:  ‘Ecce ego, mitte me  [Here I am, send me] - I want to repair for all, answer for all, and impetrate good for all’.”
Vol. 11, Nov. 6, 1914

The act of fusing oneself in Jesus, that is wanting to live in his Will, has such value as to be able to benefit all creatures, not just the holy souls in Purgatory.  But the role of the Hours of the Passion have been marked as special by Jesus.  He has stated that no one either enters Purgatory or Heaven without receiving the stamp of these Hours on them.  More so he states that these Hours are the order of the universe and the harmony between Heaven and earth which keeps him from destroying the world.  They are his acts, his very life repeated.

Effects of the Hours of the Passion.

Finding myself in my usual state, I was fusing all of myself in my sweet Jesus, and then I poured all of myself into the creatures, in order to give the whole of Jesus to all creatures.  And my lovable Jesus told me:

“My daughter, every time the creature fuses herself in Me, she gives to all creatures the influence of Divine Life; and according to what creatures need, they obtain their effect:  those who are weak, feel strength; those who are obstinate in sin, receive light; those who suffer, comfort; and so with all the rest.”

Then I found myself outside of myself.  I was in the midst of many souls who were saying to me - they seemed to be purging souls and Saints, and were mentioning one person known to me, who died not too long ago - and they were saying to me:

‘He feels as though happy in seeing that there is not one soul who enters Purgatory without carrying the mark of the Hours of the Passion; and surrounded by the cortege of these Hours and helped by them, souls take a safe place.  And there is not one soul who flies into Heaven without being accompanied by these Hours of the Passion.  These Hours make a continuous dew rain down from Heaven to earth, into Purgatory, and even into Heaven.’ 

On hearing this, I said to myself:  ‘Maybe my beloved Jesus, in order to keep the word He had given - that for each word of the Hours of the Passion He would give a soul - there is not one soul whom He saves who does not benefit from these Hours.

Afterwards, I returned into myself, and as I found my sweet Jesus, I asked Him whether that was true.

And He:  “These Hours are the order of the universe; they put Heaven and earth in harmony, and hold Me back from sending the world to ruin.  I feel my Blood, my wounds, my love, and everything I did, being placed in circulation; and they flow over all in order to save all.  And as souls do these Hours of the Passion, I feel my Blood, my wounds, my yearnings to save souls, being put on the way, and I feel my Life being repeated.  How could creatures obtain any good if not by means of these Hours?  Why do you doubt?  This thing is not yours, but mine.  You have been the strained and weak instrument.”
Vol. 12, May 16, 1917  



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