February 22 is the feast of the Chair of St Peter. We often reflex on this day how Jesus named Peter the rock, the foundation of His Church giving him authority of the keys of heaven as his representative. This occurred before the huge rock in Caesarea Philippi where there is the source of the Jordon river flowing up from a spring from under the rock. This site, also worshipped by pagans as the gates of hades with impressive temples built in front of it, would have been full of meaning for the Apostles. Jesus was saying by coming to this site that where there is false worship now my true Church will stand. It will not be overthrown by the devil but will bar the gates of Hades and from it will flow as protected, true and pure, the source of all good. There are some nice shots of the area of Caesarea Philippi on this link.
17 And Jesus answered him, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
Matthew 16:17-19
It is this authority, this seat of power and command which has been passed down through each successive Pope in the Church, this promise of continuity and security by Jesus which we celebrate that we place our trust in our Mother the Church and in her authority. Trusting that her doctrines and sacraments will guide us unfailingly to God our Father. But there are also several points in the Volumes where Jesus talks about the seat of power, the cathedra or throne of the Divine Will. It's true that God assigned this position to the Head of his Church in the Popes beginning with Peter. But God is looking towards a different seat of Power for his Divine Will to reign the seat which he had before the fall and has always worked to reclaim.
“Behold therefore the great diversity that our Supreme Being held in creating the sky, the sun, the earth and so on, from that of creating man. In created things he put forth an enough, in a way that they can neither grow nor decrease, although he put there all our sumptuousness, beauty and magnificence of the works gone forth from our creative hands. Instead in creating man, having to hold our seat in him and hence our dominant and working Will, he didn’t put forth an enough; no, but he gave (man) the virtue to do a multiplicity of works, of steps, of words, one different from the other. Our Will in man would remain impeded if it might not give him the virtue to always do new works, [making him] not subject to do one work alone, to say the same word, to move his steps over a single way. He was created by us as king of the creation, because his Creator having to live in him, the King of the kings, it was just that he who formed the residence to our Divine Being should be the little king who should dominate the same things created by us; and he himself for our love should hold the power to do not one work alone but many works, new sciences, in order to be able to begin new things, also in order to do honor to He who lives inside him, and who holding himself back with him in familiar conversation, taught him so many beautiful things to do and to say. Therefore our love in creating man was insuperable, but so much so that it should overwhelm all the centuries in order to give love and to ask love and to form in him the Kingdom of our Divine Will. We don’t have other goal over creatures nor other sacrifice, if not that they do our Will and this in order to give him the right of king over himself and created things, and in order to be able to live in him, with the decorum and honor of ours, that belongs to our citadel and palace.”
Vol. 30, December 14, 1931
Each creature is designed to be God's citadel, his palace and more so each is a Kingdom unto themselves where the Divine Will is meant to reign as King. Jesus was using Caesarea Philippi and the source of the Jordon as a visual representation of how his Will would overflow from man with the source of all goods. His Kingdom is not of this world, it is a world of spirit and truth.
36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here.”
John 18:36
36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not from this world. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my kingdom is not from here.”
John 18:36
“My daughter, life, sanctity consists in two acts: God gives his Will and the creature receives him, and afterwards the life has been formed in herself with that act of Divine Will that she has received, to re-give it as act of her will, in order to receive it again, and to give and to receive, and to receive and to give, in this is everything. God could not give more of his continuous act of his Will to the creature; the creature could not give more to God, for as much as it is possible for (the) creature, his Divine Will received in her as formation of divine life. In this way, to give and to receive, to receive and to give, my Divine Fiat takes dominion and forms his kingdom there, and all the interior of the creature forms as the people of the kingdom of the Divine Will, the intelligence, faithful people that glories with being directed by the Sovereign Commander of the Divine Fiat, and the crowd of thoughts that press around and aspire to know always more and to love the great King, who takes a seat as enthroned in the center of the intelligence of the creature. The desires, the affections, the heartbeats that issue forth from the heart, augment the number of the people of my kingdom, and oh! how they crowd around his throne, they are all at attention in order to receive the divine orders and even to put forth (their) life in order to execute them; what an obedient, ordered people, are the people of the kingdom of my Fiat, there are no contentions, no dissensions, but this entire crowd of people of the interior of this fortunate creature want one thing alone, and as a trained army they put themselves in the fortress of the kingdom of my Divine Volition. Whence when the interior of the creature becomes all my people, he emerges outside from the interior and augments the people of words, the people of works, of steps, it can be said that every act that this Celestial people forms contains the word, the written order in gold characters: ‘Will of God.’ And when this crowd of people move in order to exercise each their office, they put forth the flag with the motto ‘Fiat’, followed by the words written with living light: ‘We belong to the Great King of the Supreme Fiat.’ You see therefore, every creature that lets herself be dominated by my Volition forms a people for the kingdom of God.”
It's worth noting that not only is each creature an entire kingdom and people before God but that first he orders and secures the interior of the creature before allowing any visible sign or act to flow outside. And just as he is jealous and safeguards every act of the interior of a creature living in the Divine Will so he wants us to be jealous of and hold dear all of his truths, securing and safeguarding them within ourselves and appreciating them by meditating on them.
“Are not perhaps the so many knowledges on my Will remedies? Every manifestation and word that I say is a fortitude that I put around the weakness of the human will, it is a food that I prepare, it is a bait, a taste, a light in order to make her reacquire the lost sight. Therefore be attentive and do not lose anything of that which my Will manifests to you, because in his time all will be served, nothing will be lost. Do you believe that He doesn’t hold account even of one single word of that which he says? All numbered and nothing lost; and if in your soul he has formed his chair/seat in order to deposit his truths, however the primary chair\seat holds it reserved in itself as the greatest treasure that belongs to him, in a way that if you disperse some word or manifestation that belongs to him, already the original is conserved in oneself, because that which regards my Divine Will is of infinite value and the infinite can not be nor is it subject to disperse; rather jealous he conserves his truths in the divine archives. Therefore you also learn to be jealous and vigilant and to appreciate his holy lessons.”
Vol. 30, January 12, 1932
It is only when everything in the creature is noble and holy, overflowing with light, and love, fully sanctified with his own image, "forming of God and of the creature one single life" that he can take up his seat of power and authority resting in his work and enjoy his creation as on the seventh day of Creation (but that's for another days discussion.)
“My blessed daughter, when the creature does and lives in the Divine Will, our Supreme Being darts her continually with his light, he darts her mind and casts there in her the nobility of the divine thoughts, in a way that she feels in her intelligence, memory and will, the sanctity, the remembrance of her Creator, the love, the will of He who doing as Actor forms in her the order, the divine wisdom darting her he casts there with his kisses of light the divine substance in her mind, in a way that everything is noble, everything is holy, everything is sacred in her. This Actor of my Volition, forming his seat in the created intelligence, with his power and mastery forms there his image, darts her heart and forms there the nobility of the love, of the desires, of the affections, of the heartbeats, darts the mouth and forms the nobility of the words, darts the works and the steps and forms the holy works, the nobility of the steps, and not only darting the soul, but also the body and with his light he invests the blood and ennobles it, in a way that the creature feels flow in her blood, in her limbs the fullness, the sanctity, the substance of the Divine nobility. This actor of my Divine Will takes the office of insuperable Craftsman, to transform God in the creature, and the creature in God. When my Will has arrived to this, that is the greatest act that he can do, that is forming of God and of the creature one single life, rendering them inseparable the one from the other, he rests in his work, and feels such happiness, because he has conquered the creature, he has formed his work in her, and has completed his Will. Then it seems that he says in the emphasis of his love: I have done everything, (there) remains none other to me, than to possess her and love her.”
Vol. 34, December 2,1935
And how will this Kingdom be formed on the earth? After it has filled all the interior of the creature, fully reigning and dominating and then overflowing into her exterior acts which will be to the benefit of all. The Holy Spirit in the form of the Volition of God forms a compete act, that is another Jesus in the soul of the creature. And this will be his reign upon the earth, to have a Jesus in each creature that wants to live all and only of Divine Will. And each will have as center, reigning and supreme on his throne all Divine and not earthly, the Divine Will.
“My daughter, when my Divine Will wants to do a completed act in the creature, and do you know what it means a complete act of my Will? it means complete act, of God, in which he encloses sanctity, beauty, love, power and light to make Heavens and earth astonished, God himself must feel enraptured, but so much so as to form his seat, his throne of glory in this complete act of his, which will serve to himself and will descend as beneficent dew to the benefit of all creatures. Hence in order to do this complete act, I must dispose over you a new cross, not given to any other in order to mature you and to make rise in you the dispositions that are needed there, you in order to receive and I in order to do this complete act of his Will, without anything, one does not do anything, therefore you in order to receive and we in order to give new things, we had to dispose new crosses, that united to the continuous work of our Volition should prepare all for an act so great.
“You must know that my Fiat has never left you, therefore you feel his sweet impression and ruling over every fiber, motion, desire of your volition, jealous of you and of his own complete act that he wanted to do, he held and maintained his royal dominion, but do you know why, a sweet and dear secret, listen to me: as my Volition dominated your mind, your look, your word, thus he formed your Jesus in your mind, his look in yours, his word in yours, as he dominated the fibers, the motion, the heart, thus he formed his fibers, the motion, your Jesus’s heart in you, and as he dominated you the works, the steps, all your being, thus he formed his works, his steps, all Jesus in you. Now if my Will might have given you the liberty to do your acts, even in the most little and innocent things, he would not have been able to form your Jesus in you, and I of human will am not able to, nor do I want to live, nor would my Volition have taken the appointment of forming myself in the soul, if he might not be secure that I might find my same Will, with which my Humanity was animated; it will be really this his reign upon the earth, to form so many Jesuses, for how many creatures want to live of Divine Will, with Jesus in souls, his kingdom will have its sumptuousness, sublimity, its luxury, of unheard of things, and it will be secure. And then in the kingdom of my Divine Fiat I will have so many living Jesuses that love me, glorify me, and will give me complete glory. Therefore I so very long for this kingdom, and you also long for it, nor occupy yourself with other, leave me to do, trust me, and I will think to everything.”
Vol. 34, July 4, 1936
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