Thursday, December 9, 2021

God's Three Continuous Acts Reflected in Man

 I wanted to begin this post by reviewing the three Continuous Acts of God and then by exploring how these are reflected in man.  But trying to define God's action into a simple 3 part listing doesn't translate into English well....  God himself is both act and action and each person of the Trinity, although one in that act, is also their own individual act and action.  It's not possible for the created mind to fully understand the infinite being of God let alone put it into easily definable words.  But God wants to make himself known to the creature in as much as is possible.  So to see and understand the three continuous acts of God we can look at the differences between the three Persons of God and their three Fiats:  God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  We look at how God the Father took the active role in pronouncing His Fiat in Creation and all the effects and excesses within the Creation are nothing but the image of the continuous act of God the Father.  We look at God the Son and His Fiat in the Redemption and the immeasurable cost of His love poured out in acts seen and unseen by us, too deep for us to truly understand.  We look at God the Holy Spirit and His active role in Sanctification and the establishment of the Kingdom of the Divine Will in man and this epoch is just coming to the light of man's awareness an epoch whose reach encompasses Creation,  Redemption and extends even beyond them both.  God wants to make himself known to the creature and wants to have intimate lines of communication with her and so each active Fiat in God's three Fiats of Creation, Redemption and Sanctification enchants the creature each in her intellect, memory and will respectively.

He added:  “Let us say ‘Fiat’ together.”  And everything - Heaven and earth - was filled with adoration to the Supreme Majesty.  Then, again, He repeated,  ‘Fiat’, and the Blood, the wounds and the pains of Jesus arose and multiplied to infinity.  And then, for the third time,  “Fiat”, and this Fiat multiplied in all the wills of creatures to sanctify them.  Then, He said to me:  “My daughter these three Fiats are the Creating, the Redeeming, and the Sanctifying Fiat.  In creating man, I endowed him with three powers - intellect, memory and will; and with three Fiats will I accomplish the work of the sanctification of man.
“At the Creating Fiat, the intellect of man remains as though enraptured.  How many things he understands about Me and about my love for him, as I am hidden inside all created things in order to make Myself known, and to give him love so as to be loved.  In the Fiat of Redemption, his memory remains as though enchanted by the excesses of my love in suffering so much in order to help and save man in the state of sin.  In the third Fiat, my love wants to display even more.  I want to assail the human will; I want to place my own Will as support of his will, so that the human will may remain not only enraptured and enchanted, but sustained by an Eternal Will.  And as my Will becomes his support in everything, man will almost be unable to escape It. 
“The generations will not end until my Will reigns upon earth.  My Redeeming Fiat will place Itself in the middle, between the Creating Fiat and the Sanctifying Fiat.  They will interweave, all three together, and will accomplish the sanctification of man.  The third Fiat will give such grace to the creature as to make him return almost to the state of origin; and only then, when I see man just as he came out from Me, will my Work be complete, and I will take my perpetual rest in the last Fiat.  Only the life in my Volition will give back to man his state of origin.  Therefore, be attentive, and together with Me, help Me to complete the sanctification of the creature.”
Vol. 12, Feb, 22, 1921

The continuous acts in the soul of the creature that are the likeness of God's continuous actions are the intellect, the memory and the will of man.  This likeness of the three continuous acts in the soul can also be found in the body; that is the heartbeat, the circulation and the breathing.  All of this is so the creature might unite her actions with God's so that He might receive the return of his works, and love and the creature might receive all the value of God's acts. 

“My daughter, all things have a continuous motion, because, having come out of a Supreme Being who contains a motion full of life, as a consequence, all things that came out of God were to contain a vital motion that never ceases.  And if it ceases, it means that life ceases.  See, you yourself have a murmuring, a continuous motion in your interior.  Even more, the Divinity, in creating the creature, gave him the likeness of the Three Divine Persons; It placed in him three motions which were to murmur continuously, to unite themselves to that continuous motion and murmuring of love of their Creator.  And these are:  the motion of the beating of the heart that never ceases, the blood circulation that always circulates without ever stopping, the breathing of the breath that never stops.  This, in the body; in the soul, then, there are three more motions that murmur continuously:  the intellect, the memory and the will.  Therefore, everything is in keeping your motion bound to the motion of your Creator, in order to murmur together with His eternal motion.  In this way, you will follow my Will in Its motion that never stops, in Its acts that never cease, and you will make your motion return into the womb of your Creator, who awaits with so much love the return of His works, of His love, and of His murmuring.  
Vol. 20, November 20, 1926

God created man in the image of the Trinity.  With His breath he endowed man's soul with his three powers which reflected in the body with the heartbeat, breath and circulation.  But with the fall man's three powers became obscured and God's image deformed.  But God will again breath into man as He did in the beginning in order to renew him and bring him back into the safety of His Will.

“My good daughter, it is decreed in the Consistory of the Most Holy Trinity that my Divine Will will have his Kingdom upon the earth; and how many prodigies there are needed, we will do them; we will not spare anything, in order to have that which we want.  But we, in the work, always use the simplest, but powerful ways, to overwhelm heavens and earth, (and) all creatures, in the act that we want.
“You must know that in the creation, in order to infuse life into man, not was needed from us but our omnipotent breath; but how many prodigies in that breath!  We created the soul, endowing her with the three powers, true image of our adorable Trinity.  With the soul she had the heartbeat, the breath, the circulation of blood, the motion, the heat, the word, the sight.  What thing was needed from us in order to make all these prodigies in man?  Our simplest act, armed with our power, that is our breath, and from the race of our love, that not being able to contain it, it raced, raced toward him, even to make of him the greatest prodigy of all the creative work.
“Now, my daughter, with man not living in our Divine Volition, his three powers have been obscured, and our adorable image deformed in him, in a way that he has lost the first heartbeat of love of God in his divine breath in his human breath; that is, not that he has lost it: he does not sense it, hence he does not feel the circulation of divine life, the motion of good, the heat of supreme love, the word of God in his, the sight to be able to look at his Creator.  All has remained obscured, weakened and perhaps even deformed.
“Now, what thing is needed from us in order to renew this man?  We will return again to breathe in him with more strength and growing love.  We will breathe into the depths of his soul, we will breathe forth more strongly into the center of his rebellious will, but so very strongly as to shake off from him the evils by which he is bound; his passions will remain knocked down and petrified before the power of our breath, they will themselves burn from our divine fire, and the human will will feel the palpitating life of his Creator, by which he, as veiled, will hide in him, and he will return to be the bearer of his Creator.
“Oh, how happy he will feel!  With our breath we will renew him, we will restore him to health; we will do as a most tender mother that, having her child crippled, she pours herself upon him by way of breath, by breathing forth, by puff of breath, and then she allows him to breathe forth when he has been restored to health and made beautiful as she wanted him.  The power of our breath will not leave him; then we will cease blowing (in) him when we will see him returning into our fatherly arms, (as) beautiful as we want him, and then we will feel that the child has recognized our paternal goodness, that we love him so much.
“You see therefore what is needed from us in order to make our Will come to reign upon the earth: the power of our omnipotent breath.  With it we will renew our life in him.  All the truths that I have manifested, the great prodigies of living in my Volition, will be the most beautiful properties, most great, of which I will make a gift to him.  Even this is a certain sign that his Kingdom will come upon the earth, because if I speak, first I do the deeds and then I speak; my word is the confirmation of the gift, of the prodigies that I want to do.  Hence, to what gain is it to expose my divine properties, make them known, if his Kingdom should not come upon the earth?”
Vol. 35, Dec. 21, 1937

Jesus goes on to say that man's heartbeat, breath and circulation are intimately and completely inseparable from God's eternal motion and can not exist without revolving around God.  It is only man's free will which gives man the ability to choose whether to remain bound to God spiritually through a union of love with God or not.  But to choose not to be united to God not only estranges the soul from union with God and all his attributes and all of Creation.  The soul becomes degraded, looses all her strength, gives up her place of honor and becomes unhappy.

“My blessed daughter, how much more one understands of my Volition, so much more one enjoys his beauty and sanctity, and so much more one participates in his goods, and the abandonment in Him destroys all the obstacles and keeps the soul so very pressed in his arms, that without effort, my Fiat, can regenerate his Divine life in the creature.  True and full abandonment says with deeds:  do with me that which you want, my life is yours, and of mine I don’t want to know anything more of it.  So that the abandonment holds (the) virtue to put the creature in the power of my Divine Will.  Because you should know that all things and the human nature itself takes from the Eternal motion of God, in a way that everything turns around him, all the Creation, the breath, the heartbeat, the circulation of blood, they are under the empire of the Eternal motion, and since everyone and everything, have life from this motion, they are inseparable from God and as they have life, thus with an unanimous course, they turn around the Supreme Being.  So that the breath, the heartbeat, the human motion it is not in their power to breathe, to palpitate, to move themselves, if they want, or don’t want, being incessant the motion of the Eternal they also feel the incessant act of the breath, of the heartbeat and of the motion, one can say they have life together with God, and with all created things, that they turn around him without ever stopping.  Only the human will, having created it with the great gift of free liberty/will, so that she might be able to say to us that freely she loved us, not because she is constrained as is constrained the breath to breathe, the heart to palpitate and to receive the motion of her Creator, but with wanted will, not forced she can love us and be together with Us in order to receive the working life in our Volition, it was the honor and the greatest gift that we gave to the creature and she ungrateful drew away from our union and inseparability, and hence from the union of everyone and everything, and therefore lost herself, degraded herself, weakened herself, lost the unique strength, and is the only one that in all the Creation, who lost her course, her post of honor, her beauty, her glory, and she goes wandering moved from her post, that she holds in our Will, that calls her, longs for her to her post of honor, so that everyone has a post, also the breath and the human heartbeat, and since everyone and everything have a post, they never lose the life and their incessant motion, no one feels poor, weak, but rich in the Eternal motion of their Creator.  Only the human will, because she doesn’t want to be in the regal post of our Divine Volition she is the lost one and the poorest of everyone, and since she feels poor, she feels unhappy, and is the disturber of the human family.  Therefore if you want to be rich, happy, never descend from your post of honor, that is inside of our Will, then you will have everything in your power, strength, light, and also my Will himself.”
 Vol. 33, May 12, 1934

Jesus states that for the soul who lives in his Divine Will, God's Will circulates in her like blood and she remains in continuous contact with God and all His attributes and all that He is and her will also circulates in God.  God feels drawn to make her happy and holy with the firm knowledge that she would ask for nothing that He, Himself wouldn't want.

 “My daughter, with the soul who does my Will, my Will circulates in her whole being like blood. So, she is in continuous contact with Me, with my power, wisdom, charity, beauty – she takes part in all that is mine. As she no longer lives of her own volition, her volition lives in Mine; and as Mine circulates in hers, hers circulates in all of my Being, and I feel her continuous contact. And as I feel touched by her continuously, you cannot comprehend how drawn I feel to love her, to favor her, to answer her in everything she asks - if I denied it, I would deny it to Myself. Besides, all things considered, since she lives in my Will, she asks for nothing but what I Myself want. This is what she wants, and this alone makes her happy, for herself and for others, because her life is more in Heaven than on earth. This is the fruit that my Will produces – to beatify her in advance.”
Vol. 8, May 3, 1908

Those creatures who benefit from Jesus' Passion each have their own cell/room in one of His wounds in His Humanity, but a soul living in the Divine Will can not be contained as such, but is united with Jesus' heartbeat which is center and life.  The heartbeat is the symbol of His Will which circulates throughout everything, everyone, and all times, bringing harmony between Heaven and Earth. 

Having said this, He disappeared.  But later He came back again, and made Himself seen all wounded.  Those wounds formed many little cells in which Jesus called souls, to enclose them and keep them safe.  I said to Him:  ‘My Love, what about my little cell – where is it, so that I may enclose myself in it, never to go out again?’  And Jesus:  “My daughter, for you there are no little cells in my Body, because one who lives in my Will cannot live in one compartment of mine, but must live in the heartbeat of my Heart.  The heartbeat is the center and the life of the human body; if the heartbeat ceases, life ceases.  The heartbeat maintains the blood circulation, the heat, the breathing, and therefore the strength and the activity of the members.  If the heartbeat is not regular, all the human faculties are in disorder; even the intelligence loses liveliness, ingenuity and the fullness of the intellectual light.  In fact, in creating man, I placed a special sound in his heart, to which I bound the eternal harmony, in such a way that if the heartbeat is healthy, everything is harmony in the creature.
Now, my Will is like the heartbeat in the creature.  If It palpitates, sanctity harmonizes, the virtues harmonize - she harmonizes between Heaven and earth; her harmony extends up to the Sacrosanct Trinity.  This is why for you there is my heartbeat that offers itself as a little cell in order to enclose you in it, and so that, palpitating with one single heartbeat, you may harmonize between Heaven and earth, circulate in the past, in the present and in the future, and be present in everything - you circulating in Me, and I in you.”
Vol. 14, June 15, 1922

As a further example just as the breathing, heartbeat and circulation bring life to the whole body, those who live in the Divine Will, bound to God's continuous motion are also connected to the whole of the Body of the Church so that they will be as skin which covers and allows the circulation to the entire body of the Church.  Their acts will circulate throughout, bringing all the necessities of life for proper grow to occur, healing wounds and restoring beauty, freshness and the splendor of the whole Mystical Body. 

Now, the souls who live, or will live in my Will, will be for the Body of my Church like skin to the body.  The body has internal skin and external skin, and because in the skin there is the blood circulation which gives life to the whole body, it is by virtue of this circulation that the members reach the proper stature.  If it wasn’t for the skin and for the blood circulation, the human body would be horrid to the sight, and its members would not grow to due proportion.   
“Now, see how these souls who live in my Will are necessary to Me.  Since I have destined them to be like skin to the body of my Church, and like circulation of life for all the members, they will be the ones who will give the proper growth to the members which have not grown; who will heal the wounded members, and who will restore the freshness, the beauty, the splendor of the whole Mystical Body by their continuous living in my Will, rendering it fully similar to my Head, which will sit in full majesty upon all these members.  This is why the end of days cannot come if I do not have these souls who live as though dissolved in my Will - they interest Me more than anything.  What impression would this Mystical Body make in the Celestial Jerusalem without them?  And if this is what interests Me more than anything, it must interest you also more than anything, if you love Me.  From now on, I will give to your acts done in my Will the virtue of circulation of life for the whole Mystical Body of the Church.  Just like the blood circulation in the human body, your acts, extended within the immensity of my Will, will extend over all and will cover these members like skin, giving them proper growth.  Therefore, be attentive and faithful.”
Vol. 13, January 11, 1922

This union of love with God is restored in one who lives in the Divine Will.  God is love throughout, and in all of His Being.  He gives loves to all and wants love from all.  Anything that is not love can not enter Him.  God bilocates Himself in each creature in order to feed the creature continuously with love, so that her heartbeat, breath and circulation is a replication of God's continuous motion of love.  But only one who lives in the Divine Will can unite and become one "I love you" with God's continuous "I love you."  For one not living in the Divine Will God's love remains as suffocated with no reciprocation of love from the creature and without them even knowing that He is there.

“My blessed daughter, you should know that our Divine Being is none other than a substance all of love, so that as a consequence everything, inside and outside of us, everything is love, hence our breath is love and the air that we breathe is love, our heartbeat is love, and while we palpate love it forms the circulation of pure love in our Divine Being, with a course that is not ever stopped, and this circulation while it conserves our life, in the pure and perfect equilibrium of love, it gives love to everyone, and would like love from everyone, and all that which is not love, it doesn’t enter into us, nor can it enter, nor will it find the post where to put itself, the fullness of our love would burn all that which might not be pure and holy love.  But who directs this life of ours all of love? the light, the sanctity, the power, the omniclairvoyance, the immensity of our Will that fills Heaven and earth with our Supreme Being, in a way that there is no point where he doesn’t find himself, that he doesn’t know how to do other than love and to give love, but he is not a sterile love and Will, no, no, he is fecundity and generates continually, he is working and inside of one single breath of love, he forms the most beautiful and marvelous work, the unheard of prodigies, so much so that all the human sciences feel ignorant before our littlest work, and confused they are struck dumb.  Now listen to me my good daughter, the great prodigy of our life in the creature, that no one else for love and power that has (existed) can give the boast of saying:  ‘I can bilocate myself, and while I remain that which I am, I can form another life of mine inside of a person that I love;’ it would be madness and absurd to say it, neither Angel, nor saint hold this power, only your God, your Jesus, holds this power, because our Being is fullness, he is totality, he is everything and fills everything, and in the immensity in which he finds himself, that involves everything, he breathes, and with a simple breath we form our Divine life in the creature, and our Will dominates her, feeds her, makes her grow, and forms the great prodigy of enclosing our Divine life in the little circle of the soul of the creature.  Behold therefore your continuous ‘I love you’ is ours, it is the breath of our life, it is our heartbeat that doesn’t know how to palpate other than ‘I love you, I love you, I love you’, this serves to the maintenance of our life, that doesn’t know how to do other than love, to give love and to want love, hence while this ‘I love you’ is ours, it is our breath and also yours, that while we give you love, you give us love, and fused together ours is woven with your ‘I love you’, it meets itself, unites itself and feels itself one single ‘I love you’, while they are two, that enrapturing each other they form one alone.  But who feels this divine and palpating life in her?  One who lives in our Will, she feels ours, and we feel hers, and we have life together, all the other creatures hold him suffocated and they live as if they might not have him, and my love gives and doesn’t receive, and I live in them with a sorrowful and delirious love, without (them) even knowing that I am in them, therefore be attentive and your ‘I love you’ be continuous, because it is none other than the outlet of mine.”
Vol. 32,  April 2, 1933                                               

God lives in man continuously sustaining him by loving him always.  but when man chooses his own will, or sin, over loving God we shut the door in His face and impose Him to silence and inutility.  Its as if man want to live without breath, hear and circulation and God remains love who is not loved.  

“You must know that unique purpose why we created creation it was just this:  creation should serve as residence to man, and man should serve for our residence.
“We wanted to form so many (of) our lives for how many creatures we brought forth to the light of day.  Each one of them should have possessed our life, but speaking and working life, we neither know how to be where we are without saying anything nor without working; if this were (so), it would form for us so many prisons, which would impose on us silence and inutility.  Our Supreme Being speaks and works; the word calls the work; the work manifests who we are and forms for us such beatitudes and joys, to render us happy and all those who cohabit with us.  So that every word of ours and work is a new joy and happiness that we create.
“Behold therefore we want to form in man our speaking and working life, because we had to form such wonders of our Divine Being, to create new and always more beautiful creations.  We wanted to show off and to give the course to that which we are able and know how to do, and the course to new joys and happiness; and where is all this?
“In our residence of man.
“But do you want to know who is our word?  Our Will.  He is the operator of our works, the narrator of our Divine Being, the bearer and the conservator of our life in the creature.  Without him, we don’t move from our throne, nor do we form life in any residence.
“Do you see the great necessity that one possesses and live in our Divine Will?  Because with him we can do everything, putting forth our most beautiful works, maintaining in vigor our purpose, forming of our Being how many lives we want.  Without him everything is blocked, our love, our power remains blocked, it stops our works; one can say that we remain the mute God for creatures; what ingratitude!  What crime, to reduce us to silence!  And while we wanted to honor them with our life in them, as residences of our delights and wonders, they have rejected us, not giving us the liberty to form it; and in our place they have given residence to passions, to sin and the ugliest vices.
“Poor man without our Will, without divine purpose!  It would be as if he might want to live without breath, without heartbeat, without circulation of the blood, they are the foundations of human life; what life would he ever have?  Would it not be to kill oneself with a blow?
“Such would be our life in the creature: without breath, without heartbeat, without motion, without word; life would be an agonizing, oppression, that would end with dying.  It is true that with our power and immensity we involve everyone, we find ourselves in everyone and throughout everything, but our Divine Volition missing in them, they never hear us speak, they understand nothing of our Supreme Being; they live in our immensity because no one can escape from us; so they do not feel themselves (to be) our children, but as estranged to us.  What sorrow!  To keep from saying so many things, and to keep quiet!  To be able to work who knows how many wonders, and to not be able do it, because our Will doesn’t reign in them!
“And yet our love is so much that it is not stopped; we are all eyes in order to watch (for) one who wants to live in him, all ears in order to listen (for) one who calls to him to live in them, all love in order to rest our great love upon the little love of the creature; and no sooner (do) we see her disposed, (then) we form our speaking life and we narrate the story of our Will to her, the long story of our eternal love, how much we love them, our sighs of wanting to be loved.  Because you must know that when we love and we don’t find one who loves us, our love doesn’t have (a place) where to rest itself in order to be loved in return; then it goes wandering, delirious, restless, and if it doesn’t find even a little I love you of the creature where to rest itself it withdraws itself into us, where we hold our center of love, but with such sorrow that it is incomprehensible to (the) created mind.  The sufferings of love not loved in return are inexpressible; they surpass all other sufferings.
“We want to always give, we are in (the) continuous act of giving; but we need her will that wants to receive, one desire of hers, one sigh, that forms the place, the little knolls where we must rest our Will and that which we want to give and do.  These desires and sighs are as ears that listen to us, eyes that look at us, hearts that love us, minds that understand us, and if we don’t find these little knolls, we cannot give anything to her, and she remains blind, deaf, mute and without heart.  Then our life becomes put in flight, sheltering itself in our celestial regions.”
Vol. 35, Sept. 5, 1937

Creation has it's own breath, heartbeat and circulation.  The breath of Creation is love and with each palpation becomes pearled with new love, which circulates and brings forth adoration and glory to the Creator.  When the creature joins in the Divine Will and turns in Creation she joins the motion of Creation, placing her love in each and receiving the love of each.  New love continually arises which makes new love, glory and adoration rise to God.  And the motion of Creation replicates itself in the Creature with it's breath of love, it's heartbeat of adoration and the circulation of all of this perennial glory and it is the feast between Heaven and earth.  When man does not take all these goods he renders them as dead works, not producing the effects that God created them for.

“My daughter, the breath, the heartbeat, the circulation of the blood of the Creation is our love, adoration, glory.  We put in it that which we are in ourselves; our nature is purest love and our sanctity is so much, that that which this love produces is none other than profound adoration and perennial glory to our Divine Being.  Hence putting forth the Creation, we had to put forth that which we possess, nor can we put forth that which didn’t belong to us.  Therefore the breath of the Creation is love, and as I palpate thus it becomes pearled with new love, that giving the course of the circulation it repeats incessantly:  ‘Adoration and glory to our Creator.’  Now the creature, if she turns in created things putting there her love, she puts forth hers and takes our love, and [this] makes the other love arise in order to wait again for it to receive and to give her love.  Hence an exchange and a competition occur between created things and the creature, that uniting themselves together, they give love, adoration, glory to our Supreme Being.  Therefore if you want love think that all created things hold our mandate to give you love, always that they receive yours.  Thus the feast of our love will be maintained between Heaven and earth, and you will feel the happiness of our love, and the breath of love, the heartbeat of adoration will be substituted for you, and perennial glory will circulate in your blood to your Creator.
“Whence you should know that our works are full of life; our creative strength holds the virtue to put there the vital germ/seed in all the works that we do and to communicate it to creatures who make use of them.  The Creation is stuffed with our creative works.  The redemption is a boundless field of our actions, done because they brought the life and the good that they contain to creatures.  So that we are surrounded by the magnificence of our works.  But we hold the sorrow that these works do not become taken, and many (are) not even known by the creature, and hence they are for them as dead.  Because they bring life and produce fruits of life as much as [creatures] make use of them, and to hold so many vital works compromised, as so many of our properties without producing the fruits that they contain, and more so to see the creature poor, weak and without the life of true good, it grieves us so much, that you can not understand in what condition of sorrow creatures put us in.  We find ourselves in the conditions of a Father, who having many children, prepares lunch and while he prepares it he is all festive thinking that his children won’t be fasting, but (that) they will eat of his; then he sets the table, prepares the plates with the diversity of the foods that he has prepared, then he calls the children so that they come to taste the beautiful foods that he has prepared, but the children don’t listen to the voice of the Father, and the lunch remains without anyone touching it.  What is not the sorrow of this Father in seeing that the children do not sit at his table and do not eat any of the foods that he has prepared?  (For) he himself to look at the table full of foods causes him sorrow.  Such are we in seeing that creatures do not take care of the so many works that we have done with so much love for them.  Therefore how much more you will take of ours, more divine life you will receive, you will make us more content and you will heal for us the profound wound of human ingratitude.”
Vol. 29, April 24, 1931

Creation is so connected to one who lives in the Divine Will that it acts as the members to her body.  And she, as head, holds all in order and she receives from God and gives to God, love, sanctity, and the glory that all created things contain.  Even more all her members are also God's members and God's hers.  So that God becomes the blood that circulates in her, the breath that she breathes, and the heartbeat that beats continuously.  And God becomes exceeding jealous of her every heartbeat, breath and act, that all might be love of Him.  And here He can find his rest.

“Blessed daughter of my Will; my love doesn’t give me peace if it doesn’t make me say new surprises about my Divine Fiat.  He wants to make you know the sublimity, the nobility and her post that she occupies, as much in the creation as in our Divine Being, for one who lives in our Divine Volition.
“Now, you must know that in the creation (she) occupies the first place.  All created things feel so connected together and united, that they become for her as her inseparable members.  So that the sun is her member, the extension of the sky, the wind, the air that everyone breathes is her member.  All created things feel happy, honored to be members of this fortunate creature; and some act as heart, some as hand, some as feet, some as eye, some as breath.  In short, there is no created thing that doesn’t hold its distinct post and exercise the office of member in her; and her soul as head, holds in order her members, and she receives and gives to God all the love, the sanctity, the glory and all the goods that created things contain; even more so that all created things are also our members; so that for one who lives in our Volition, her members are ours and ours hers, the which hold in communication our Supreme Being with the creature, and we become for her more than blood that circulates in the veins of the soul, continuous beat of love because we beat in her heart, divine breath that we breathe in her soul.
“And we, loving with excessive love this more than celestial creature, we put in circulation in our Supreme Being her little love, her acts; we are jealous of her heartbeats, of her breath, and we enclose it in ours.  Nothing goes out from her that doesn’t remain enclosed in us, in order to reciprocate her with our love and in order to feel her pleasant and sweet refrain:  ‘I love you, I love you, I love you’.  So that in one who lives in our Volition we see the continuous chain of love that never breaks, and our love (has) its knoll where to rest, in order to be able to say incessantly:  ‘I love you, I love you, I love you.’
“Our love, when it doesn’t find the love of the creature, remains suspended and gives into cry(s) of sorrow, almost wanting to deafen the creature in order to say to her:  ‘Why don’t you love me?’  Not loving us is the cruelest wound for us.
“But this is still not everything.  Our love, if it doesn’t give into excess, is not content.  Do you want to know why we made in the creation so many members that were obliged to serve as our members and members of the creature?  In each created thing we put our gifts, our sanctity, our love, as carriers of that which we wanted to give to her, and as carriers of that which she did for us.  All created things are crammed and depositories of all that which we wanted to give her: the sky, with the multiplicity of its stars symbolizes our so many acts new and distinct that we wanted to give her; the sun symbolizes our eternal light, with which we want to inundate her, and its heat and effects that it possesses, our love, that almost wants to drown her in order to make her feel how much we love her, and in the effects, our varied beauties with which we wanted to invest her; in the wind we put in every puff our kisses, our loving caresses, and in its impetuous waves our ruling love, in order to overwhelm her in ours with our holds and embraces, to make her inseparable from us.
Vo. 35, Feb. 26, 1938

God is jealous of our every heartbeat, breath, and act.  Likewise our intellect, memory and will also need to be totally consumed in love of God.  He wants all of us completely.  As it says;   "you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength."  Mark 12:30  In the Creation God created a display so exuberant as to enchant our intellect.  In Redemption Jesus pours Himself out completely in acts of love so faithful, so harrowing, so fully as to monopolize our memory of the love of God for us.  And now in Sanctification the Holy Spirit spares nothing to raise His beloved creature up to His own level, in order to be in intimate union with her and share all of His love with her in such a way that what His is by nature, she will be with grace...  and we will see Him as He is:  "Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we will be has not yet been revealed. What we do know is this: when he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is." 1John 3:2   So we need to turn throughout all the Creation placing our love for God there in each thing and taking the love that He has placed there for us, as well as in the Redemption and Sanctification.  And we are connected in the mystical Body as well so we also must turn in all of Humanity and all their acts, placing out love, praise, adoration and thanksgiving in each to return all the love and glory to God.


This morning, finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about how we can consume ourselves in love; and blessed Jesus, on coming, told me: 

“My daughter, if the will wants nothing but Me, if the intellect occupies itself with nothing but knowing Me, if the memory remembers nothing other than Me; here they are - the three powers of the soul consumed in love.  The same for the senses:  if one speaks only about Me, if she hears only that which regards Me, if she enjoys only my things, if she works and walks only for Me, if her heart loves only Me, if her desires desire only Me; here it is – the consummation in love formed in her senses. “My daughter, love has a sweet enchantment, and it renders the soul blind to all that is not love, making her all eyes for all that is love.  Therefore, for one who loves, whatever her will may encounter, if it is love, she becomes all eyes; if not, she becomes blind, stupid and does not understand anything.  The same for her tongue; if she has to speak about love, she feels many eyes of light flow within her word and becomes eloquent; if not, she begins to stammer and ends up dumb; and so with all the rest.”

Vol. 11, May 9, 1912

Yes, it's overwhelming... but Jesus has given us the greatest consolation in that He knows our inadequacies and yet He counts the effort and the intent more so and promises to make up for all that we can not reach.

On hearing this, I said:  ‘Jesus, my Love, I am not able to do as You do, nor as You teach Me; and I am almost afraid of your reproaches if I don’t do well whatever You want from me.’  And He, all goodness:
“I too know that you cannot do perfectly what I tell you, but wherever you cannot reach, I will make up for you.  However, it is necessary that I attract you, and that you understand what you must do, so that, even if you cannot do everything, you may do what you can.  And as I speak to you, your will remains chained with Mine; you would like to do what I tell you, and I consider this as if you did everything.”
And I:  ‘How can this way of living in the Divine Will be spread and taught to others - and who will be disposed?’
And Jesus:  “My daughter, even if nobody had been saved with my descent upon earth, the work of glorifying the Father would already be complete.  The same now:  even if no one wanted to receive this gift - which will not be - you alone will be enough, and you will give Me the complete glory which I want from all creatures.”
Vol. 12, Feb. 22, 1921

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