Thursday, November 29, 2012

Certainty of the Kingdom, nature of the abyss between the Creature and God

In the first paragraph Jesus explains how the creature can approach God and take divine steps towards him.  This in fact makes us similar to him so as to become inseparable from him as he intended in his first purpose of Creation
He explains in the second paragraph that the distance that people feel between themselves and God is due to one doing their own will and not God's.  He explains that it is not a physical distance but the great disparity between God in his sanctity, beauty, power and all his virtues and is as taking steps away from God.
The mere fact that he is manifesting these things to us is his guarantee that they are coming and will occur as he explains in the third paragraph.
     "Blessed daughter of my Volition, every act of the creature done in my Will is a step that she makes in order to draw near to God and God in his turn makes a step in order draw near to her. One can say that the Creator and the creature are always walking, they never stop, the one towards the other, and my Will descends in the act of the creature in order to form his step of divine life, and she climbs in the Fiat, in the divine regions in order to make herself conqueror of light, of love, of sanctity and celestial knowledges. So that every act, word, breath, heartbeat in my Will are so many steps of divine life that the creature makes, and He, the one who longs for these acts in order to have his field of action, in order to be able to form so many divine lives in the creature. This was the purpose of the Creation: to form our life in the creature, to have our field of divine action in her, and therefore we love so much that she does our Divine Will, in order to put our life in safety, not in us, we don’t have need of anyone, we are more than sufficient to ourselves, but in the creature. This was the great portent that we wanted and we want to do in virtue of our Will: to form our life in the life of the creature. Therefore if we don’t do this, the creation would remain without our first purpose, an impediment to our love, a continuous bitterness to look at her and to see a work so great work, and of such magnificence, and not realized and our purpose failed. And if there was not in us the certainty that our Will might have to reign in the creature in order to form our life in her, our love would burn all the creation and would reduce it into nothing. And if he supports and tolerates so much, it is because we see our realized purpose beyond the times.
    "Now as the creature does her will, thus she steps backwards, and makes a step back from her Creator, and God steps backwards and it forms an infinite distance between the one and the other. You see therefore the necessity to persevere in a continuous way, to work in my Divine Will, in order to diminish the great distance between God and the creature produced by the human will, and do not believe that is (a) personal distance. I am as through everything, in everyone, in Heaven and in earth. The distance that the human volition forms without mine is (a) distance of sanctity, of beauty, of goodness, of power, of love, they are infinite distances that only my working Volition in the creature can reunite and conjoin together and make inseparable the one from the other. 
     "This happened in the Redemption, every manifestation that was made by us on the descent of the Word upon the earth, it was a step that we made toward mankind, and as they longed and prayed for it, and they manifested to the people our manifestations, prophecies and revelations, thus they made so many steps toward the Supreme Being. So that they remained walking toward us, and we toward them, and as the time of having to descend from Heaven in earth drew near, thus we augmented the Prophets in order to be able to make more revelations, in order to be able to expedite the walk on both parts, so very true that in the first times of the world there was not any prophet, and our manifestations [were] so scarce that it can be said that one step was made every century. This slowness of walk cast coldness on the part of creatures, and almost held her from all in a way to say, my descent upon the earth (was) an absurd thing, not a reality, like one thinks today on the Kingdom of my Will: a way of saying and almost a thing that can not be. Hence the Prophets came after Moses, almost in the last times, near to my descent upon the earth, which behind our manifestations the walk on both was expedited, and then the Sovereign Lady of Heaven came, whom not only walked, but raced in order to expedite the meeting with her Creator, in order to make him descend and make him complete the Redemption. You see therefore how my manifestations on my Divine Will are certain proofs that He walks in order to come to reign upon the earth, and that the creature to which they have been made with an iron constancy walks and races in order to receive the first meeting, in order to give her soul in order to make him reign, and thus give him the step to make him reign in the midst of creatures. Therefore your acts are continuous, because only continuous acts are those that expedite the walk, overcome every obstacle, and alone are the conquerors that conquer God and the creature."
Vol. 30, May30, 1932

As you may have notice in speaking of these occurrences and their appointed times he refers to acts, not time.  There has to be a certain number of acts done to prepare the field were he can reveal his new work.  So the take home message is to always multiply your acts done in his Will in order to make them continuous and overcome every obstacle.

“My daughter, Our infinite Wisdom, when It must give a good to the creature, does not count the time, but the acts of the creatures, because before the Divinity there exist no days and years, but one single perennial day, and therefore We do not measure the time, but the acts that they have done are counted by Us. Therefore, in that time which to you seems so long, the acts wanted by Us in order to come to redeem man had not been done. And only the acts determine the coming of a good - not the time."
Vol. 28, 1930

Sunday, November 25, 2012

the Kingdom

On this day where we celebrate Christ the King I wanted to explore a little the Kingdom where and in which he will reign. In Vol. 29 it speaks about this Kingdom and how it will manifest.

“My daughter, it is certain that the Kingdom of my Divine Will has existed upon the earth and therefore there is the hope that he will return again in his full vigor; our house of Nazareth was his true kingdom, however we were without people.  Now you should know that every creature is a kingdom, hence one who lets my Will reign in her can be called a little kingdom of the Supreme Fiat.  So that she is a tiny little house of Nazareth that we hold upon the earth, and for however little being (that) our Will reigns in her, Heaven is not closed for her, she observes the same rights of the Celestial Country, loves with the same love, feeds herself with the foods of up there, and is incorporated in the kingdom of our interminable regions.  Now in order to form the great Kingdom of our Will upon the earth, we will first make the so many little tiny houses of Nazareth, that is the souls that will want to know him in order to make him reign in them.  I and the Sovereign Queen will be at the head of these little tiny houses, because we having been the first ones that possessed this kingdom in earth, it is our right, that we won’t surrender to anyone to be the managers of them.  Whence [with] these tiny little houses we repeat our house of Nazareth, we will form so many little states of ours, so many provinces, that after it has been well formed and ordered as so many little kingdoms of our Will, they will fuse together and will form one kingdom alone and one great people.
Vol. 29, 1931

It is so very true that each individual contains the potential to be an entire kingdom where Jesus will reign as king that he goes on to emphasize later on in Vol. 29 the details of what is contained within each kingdom.

     “My daughter, life, sanctity consists in two acts:  God gives his Will and the creature receives him, and afterwards the life has been formed in herself with that act of Divine Will that she has received, to re-give it as act of her will, in order to receive it again, and to give and to receive, and to receive and to give, in this is everything.  God could not give more of his continuous act of his Will to the creature; the creature could not give more to God, for as much as it is possible for (the) creature, his Divine Will received in her as formation of divine life.  In this way, to give and to receive, to receive and to give, my Divine Fiat takes dominion and forms his kingdom there, and all the interior of the creature forms as the people of the kingdom of the Divine Will, the intelligence, faithful people that glories with being directed by the Sovereign Commander of the Divine Fiat, and the crowd of thoughts that press around and aspire to know always more and to love the great King, who takes a seat as enthroned in the center of the intelligence of the creature.  The desires, the affections, the heartbeats that issue forth from the heart, augment the number of the people of my kingdom, and oh! how they crowd around his throne, they are all at attention in order to receive the divine orders and even to put forth (their) life in order to execute them; what an obedient, ordered people, are the people of the kingdom of my Fiat, there are no contentions, no dissensions, but this entire crowd of people of the interior of this fortunate creature want one thing alone, and as a trained army they put themselves in the fortress of the kingdom of my Divine Volition.  Whence when the interior of the creature becomes all my people, he emerges outside from the interior and augments the people of words, the people of works, of steps, it can be said that every act that this Celestial people forms contains the word, the written order in gold characters:  ‘Will of God.’  And when this crowd of people move in order to exercise each their office, they put forth the flag with the motto ‘Fiat’, followed by the words written with living light:  ‘We belong to the Great King of the Supreme Fiat.’  You see therefore, every creature that lets herself be dominated by my Volition forms a people for the kingdom of God.”
Vol. 29, Oct. 26, 1931
May he reign both upon the earth and within the earth of each of us.

Friday, November 23, 2012

The salvation and the ruin of many

I've often been struck by peoples extreme reaction to the Divine Will.  There seems to be three main reactions that I've run into on those occasions where I speak to someone about kingdom of the Divine Will and Luisa Piccarreta.

The first and often the rarest is when someone recognizes the truth of it.  It seems they get very excited and animated.  They want to continue the conversation and don't want it to end.

The second, also not the most common, is extreme anger.  They seem to feel threatened by it and feel the need to denounce it and try to tear it down in anyone else's mind proving it to be false.

The third and by far the most common is the complete lack of interest.  It's as if I had said something in a foreign language and they look at me funny for a split moment then continue on to talk about anything else as if it had never occurred.

In Vol. 16 I came across this reading.

'Then, after some time, He came back again, and He made Himself seen inside of me, in the middle of a circle, and He was inviting souls to go up on it, so as to let them walk on that circle. I went up on it, never to descend again, and my lovable Jesus told me: “My daughter, this circle is my Eternal Will, which embraces the great wheel of Eternity. Everything that is inside this circle is nothing other than all that my Humanity did in the Divine Will in order to impetrate that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven. Everything is prepared and done; there is nothing left but to open the doors and make It known, so that souls may take possession of It. When I came upon earth to redeem man, it was said about Me that I would be the salvation and the ruin of many. The same will be said now: that this Will of Mine will be either of great sanctity – because my Will is of absolute sanctity – or of ruin for many. See, while rotating upon this circle, it is necessary to look inside of it, never outside, because inside of it there is light, knowledge, my strength and my acts, as help, attraction and life, so that souls may take the Life of my Will within themselves. Outside of It there is none of this; souls will find darkness and will fall into the abyss. Therefore, be attentive, keep your gaze always fixed into my Will, and you will find yourself with the fullness of the grace of living in my Will.”'
Vol. 16, Sept. 21, 1923

It seems to me it's no wonder it is so difficult to find large numbers of people who embrace and recognize the importance of living in the Divine Will.  It requires taking one's eyes off of oneself and keeping them fixed on God, and it seems everything in this world and especially in our culture today is geared to encourage us to look and focus on ourselves.  I believe this is why so may react to it with complete apathy.

It also seems to me to explain how some have such a violent reaction to it in that it would not only be foreign to embrace another's will outside their own but it would be to admit that there is something greater than what they are or what they have.

But for those who do embrace the Divine Will and trust in him knowing that by themselves they can do nothing the total effects are beyond our comprehension.

“My daughter, the effects of living in my Divine Will are admirable. My Fiat keeps the creature always turned toward Heaven, and It makes her grow, not of earth, but of Heaven; and since my Will is one with my same Will that operates in the creature, this same Will of Mine places the creature in order with her Creator and keeps manifesting to her Who the One is who created her, how much He loves her, and how He wants to be loved. And placing her before the divine reflections, It makes her Creator delight, by dint of reflections, in making grow and portraying His image in she who possesses the Will of He who created her, and makes her will one with His. And since my Fiat keeps her always turned toward Heaven – nor does she have the time to look at the earth, because she is absorbed by the Supreme Being; and even if she looked, all things convert into Heaven, because wherever It reigns, my Will has the virtue of changing the nature of things – so, everything is Heaven for the creature who lives in my Divine Will; she grows for Heaven, because the Heaven of my Divine Will reigns in her soul.
On the other hand, one who lives of human will is always turned toward herself, and by her looking at herself, the human will keeps uncovering for her what is human, and places her in the reflections of what exists in the low world, in such a way that it can be said that she lives of earth and grows without the likeness of the One who created her. There is such difference between one and the other, that if creatures could see it, all would love and yearn to live in my Fiat, and they would abhor living of human will, and would hold it as the greatest misfortune, which makes them lose the purpose and the origin for which they were created. It would happen as to a king who lays down his crown, his royal garments, descends from his throne, and clothes himself with dirty rags, feeds himself with filthy foods and lives in a stable together with the beasts of his passions. Would the lot of this one not to be cried over? Such is the one who lets himself be dominated his human will.”
Vol. 27, Feb 6, 1930

There is the potential for great gain and the potential for great loss.  Truly we have come again to a point in history where:   "This child is destined for the falling and the rising of many.." LK 2:34

Monday, November 19, 2012

Little Lights, Divine Reflections

The title of this blog was something which had been brewing in my head for awhile now.  To me it represented the glimpses of the great truth of God which we are being allowed through the writings of Luisa Piccarreta and inspirations of the Holy Spirit.  Again while reading Vol. 16 I came across something I hadn't thought of but it struck me that God had thought of it in his choice of this title.

"Before man sinned, my Divinity was not hidden to man, because by revolving around Me, he was my reflection, and therefore he was the little light. So, it was as though natural that, I being the great Sun, the little light would be able to receive the reflections of my light. But as soon as he sinned, he stop revolving around Me, his little light became dark, he became blind and lost the light to be able to see my Divinity in his mortal flesh, as much as a creature is capable of. So much so, that in coming to redeem man, I took on mortal flesh in order to let Myself be seen, not only because man had sinned with the flesh and with the flesh I was to expiate, but because he lacked the eyes to be able to see my Divinity. This is so true, that my Divinity, which dwelled within my Humanity, could only unleash, through glimpses and flashes, a few rays of light from my Divinity. See then, what great evil sin is: it is for man to lose his round around His Creator, to annul the purpose of his creation, to be transmuted from light into darkness, from beautiful into ugly. It is such a great evil, that with all my Redemption I could not restore in him the eyes to be able to see my Divinity in his mortal flesh, but only when this flesh, undone and pulverized by death, would rise again on the day of judgment. What would happen if the whole Creation could fall short in its revolution around the sun? All things would be upset, would lose light, harmony, beauty; each one would bump against the other; and even if the sun were present, because they would not be revolving around it, the sun would be as though dead for the whole Creation. Now, because of original sin, man lost his round around His Creator, and therefore he lost the order, the dominion of himself, the light. And every time he sins, not only does he not revolve around his God, but he makes his stops around the goods of Redemption which, like new sun, came to bring him forgiveness, escape, salvation. But do you know who it is that never stops in her round? The soul who does my Will and lives in It. She always runs, she never stops, and she receives all the reflections of my Humanity, and also the flashes of light of my Divinity.”
Vol. 16, Sep. 14, 1923

So yes light does equate truth but in God's eyes it has a more personal meaning than that as well.  It represents his children living in his Divine Will reflecting his light continuously.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


I had actually planned on beginning this blog with the help of my friend Mary about a month earlier.  We had planned on getting together right away but suddenly I became sick.  I found out later that she did as well.  I thought at first it was just a bad cold but it dragged on for nearly a month and in truth I'm still hacking a bit so decided it was probably a walking pneumonia instead.  When we did finally get together we both were wondering about the coincidental nature of the timing of it all thinking maybe someone wasn't too happy about it all.  Yesterday I was reading in Vol. 16 and came across this one.

 “My daughter, why do you fear? Don’t you know that the thing which the infernal serpent knows the least about Me is my Will? In fact, he did not want to do It, and by not doing It, he did not know It, nor love It. And even less did he penetrate the secrets of my inscrutable Volition in order to know the effects and the value of my Will; and if he does not know them, how can he speak of them? Even more, the thing that he abhors the most is that the creature do my Will. He does not care about whether the soul prays, goes to Confession, receives Communion, does penance or performs miracles; but the thing that harms him the most is that the soul do my Will. In fact, as he rebelled against my Will, so was hell created in him – his unhappy state, the rage that consumes him. So, my Will is hell for him, and every time he sees the soul who is submitted to my Will knowing Its qualities, value and sanctity, he feels his hell being doubled, because he sees the paradise, the happiness and the peace he lost, being created in the soul. And the more my Will is known, the more tormented and furious he becomes. So, how can he possibly speak to you about my Will, if It forms his hell? And if he did speak to you, his words would form hell in you, because he knows my Will only to hate It, not to love It; and what is hated never brings happiness and peace. And besides, his word is empty of grace, therefore he cannot confer the grace to do my Will.” 
Vol. 16, Sep. 9, 1923
 So maybe coincidence or maybe not either way;
 Fiat, May his Will be done.