Friday, December 28, 2012

Fields of light

After having gone through many dry periods and times when I literally feel churned up and used up  I thought this was a great reminder that this is all the work of God.  And in the Divine Will what a pay out it is too!  In the other epochs the harvest brings the fruit of grace and virtues but in the Divine Will a harvest means eternal Divine Suns.

     “Good daughter, the great good of living of a Divine Volition is surprising and almost incomprehensible to the human creature.  You should know that all that which one does of good, of sanctity in my Divine Will, they are none other than seeds that germinate in the field of the soul, putting forth as so many seeds of Divine light, that put forth a beginning that won’t have an end, because all that which one does in my Divine Will is sowed, germinates, grows in an admirable way, upon the earth while she lives, but the completion will be formed in Heaven, the ultimate development, the variety of beauties, the tones, the most beautiful and specious tints, will be given in the Celestial Country.
Vol. 21, June 8, 1931

'I felt all annihilated within myself. His privations cast me into the most profound humiliation. Without Jesus, I feel the interior of my soul devastated; it seems to me that all the good declines and dies. My Jesus! My Jesus! How hard is your privation! Oh! how my heart bleeds in seeing everything dying in me, because the One who is life, and who alone can give life, is not with me.  Then, while I was in this state, my most sweet Jesus came out from within my interior, and placing His hand upon my heart and pressing it strongly, He told me:
     “My daughter, why do you afflict yourself so much? Abandon yourself in Me and let Me do; and when it seems to you that everything declines and dies, your Jesus will make everything rise again, but more beautiful and more fecund. You must know that the soul is my field in which I work, sow and harvest; but my favorite field is the soul who lives in my Will. In this field my work is delightful; I do not get muddy when I sow, because my Will has converted it into a field of light. Its ground is virgin, pure and celestial, and I amuse Myself very much in sowing little lights into it, almost like dew which forms the Sun of my Will.    
     "Oh! how beautiful it is to see this field of the soul all covered with many drops of light, and as they gradually grow, many suns will form. This sight is enchanting; all Heaven is enraptured at the sight of it, and they are all attentive on looking at the Celestial Farmer who cultivates this field with such great mastery, and who possesses a seed so noble as to convert it into sun. Now, my daughter, this field is mine and I do with it whatever I want. Once these suns have formed, I collect them and take them to Heaven, as the most beautiful conquest of my Will, and then I return to the work of my field. So, I put everything upside down, and the little daughter of my Will feels everything ending, everything dying within her. In the place of the suns, so refulgent with light, she sees the drops of light which I am sowing, and she thinks that everything is perishing. How you deceive yourself - this is the new harvest that must be prepared; and since I want to make it more beautiful than the previous one, and make it larger so as to be able to double my harvest, at first sight the work seems to be more difficult, and the soul suffers more. But those pains are like strokes of the hoe into the ground, which make the seed sink deeper down so as to make it germinate more safely, with greater fecundity and beauty. Don’t you see, when a field is harvested, how squalid and poor it remains? But wait until it is sown again, and you will see it more flowery than before. Therefore, let me do; and you, by living in my Will, will always be at work with Me; we will sow the little drops of light together, and we will compete to see who sows more. So, we will amuse ourselves, now in sowing, now in resting – but always together. I know, I know what your strongest concern is – that I might leave you. No, no, I do not leave you; one who lives in my Will is inseparable from Me.” And I: ‘My Jesus, in the past You used to tell me that when You would not come it was because You wanted to chastise the people, and now it is not because of this that You don’t come, but because of something else.’ And Jesus, as though sighing: “They will come – the chastisements will come. Ah! if you knew!” Having said this, He disappeared.'
Vol. 16,  Oct. 20, 1923

So even though we go through these dry periods we should keep hope alive that he will return to the field of the soul living in the Divine Will.

“Blessed daughter, it is I who forms the celestial atmosphere inside and outside of the creature, because no sooner than she enters into my Divine Volition than I put myself to watch of the act that she goes doing, and she forms the ground with her acts, and I form the divine seed in order to cast in the act of the creature.  So that her acts serve as earth, and I, Celestial Farmer, by filling her with my seeds I make use of it to gather the harvest of the works that are done in my Will.  Do you see therefore what the continuations of the acts done in the Divine Will serve to?  They serve to give me the labor and the occasions to never leave the creature, because she always gives Me to do.  And I don’t want nor can I leave empty a ground so precious, formed in my Will and exposed to the vivifying rays of the Divine Sun.  Hence He calls you to the work in my Volition and you call me, and oh, how very sweet it is to work together in my Fiat!  It is a labor that doesn’t tire; rather it is bearer of rest and of the most beautiful conquests.”
Vol. 30, July 14, 1932

We are an essential part of God great plan.  He says himself that the creature holds the required earth for God to sow, germinate and grow his Divine seeds.  Where "she reproduces her Creator".  We have a great calling and a great purpose which can only be fulfilled by living in the Divine Will.

"More so that every act done by the Divine Will in the act of the creature is a divine seed that germinates in it.  The act prepares the earth where my Will casts his seed in order to make it germinate into (a) divine plant, because according to the seed that is cast in the bosom of the earth, that plant is born.  If the seed is of flowers, the flower is born; if the seed is of fruit, the fruit is born.  Now my Divine Will in every act of the creature casts a distinct seed:  there he casts the seed of sanctity, there the seed of love, in others the seed of goodness, and so on.  How many more acts [the creature] does in Him, so much more earth is prepared where my Volition prepares his distinct seed in order to fill the earth of these human acts.  Whence one who lets herself be dominated by my Divine Will, is beautiful, is specious; every act of hers, containing the variety of divine seeds, is a note of her Creator:  one act says sanctity, another mercy, others justice, wisdom, beauty, love; in short one sees a divine harmony, with such order, that shows the finger of God working in her.  Do you see therefore the necessity of the act of the creature, in order to be able to try the earth where to enclose our divine seed?  Otherwise where do we cast it?  We don’t hold any earth.  Therefore there is [earth] formed with her acts, in order to be able to germinate with our seeds our Divine Being in the creature.  Therefore one who does and lives in our Divine Volition can be called She who reproduces her Creator and lodges in herself He who has created her.”
Vol. 30, Nov. 16, 1931

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