Sunday, December 30, 2012

The greatness of Mary

With the new year and the solemnity of Mary the mother of God I wanted to spend some time looking at some of the readings in the volumes which expound on Mary and her unique role.

On the great sacrifice made by Mary to live continuously in the Divine Will

“But the one who surpasses all is my Celestial Mama.  She is the new heaven, the most refulgent sun, the brightest moon, the most flowery earth; She encloses everything – everything within Herself.  If each created thing encloses the fullness of its own good received by God, my Mama encloses all goods together, because, since She is endowed with reason and my Will lived wholly in Her, the fullness of grace, of light, of sanctity, grew in every instant.  Every act She did was suns and stars that my Will formed in Her.  So, She surpassed the whole Creation; and my Will, whole and permanent in Her, did the greatest thing and impetrated the longed for Redeemer.  This is why my Mama is Queen in the midst of Creation - because She surpassed everything, and my Will found in Her the nourishment of Her reason, which made It live as whole and permanent in Her.  There was highest accord, they held each other’s hand, there was not one fiber of Her Heart, or word or thought, over which my Will did not possess Its Life.  And what can a Divine Will not do?  It can do everything.  There is no power It lacks, or thing It cannot do.  Therefore it can be said that my Mama did everything; and everything that all others together could not do, nor will be able to do, She did by Herself.
“Therefore, do not be surprised if I point out to you the Creation and the Sovereign Queen, because I must point out to you the most perfect examples in which my Will has perennial life, and has never found an obstacle to Its field of divine action, in order to be able to operate things worthy of Itself.  My daughter, if you want my Supreme Fiat to reign as It does in Heaven – which is the greatest thing that is left for Us to do for the human generations – let my Will have the place of sovereign in you, and live as whole and permanent.  Do not be concerned about anything else, be it your incapacity, or the circumstances, or the new things which may arise around you, because as my Will reigns in you, they will serve as raw material and nourishment so that my Fiat may have Its fulfillment.”
Afterwards, I was thinking to myself:  ‘It is true that my Queen Mama made the greatest of sacrifices, which no one else has made - that is, not even wanting to know Her own will, but only that of God; and through this She embraced all sorrows, all pains, up to the heroism of sacrifice, sacrificing Her own Son in order to do the Supreme Will - but once She made this sacrifice, everything She suffered afterwards was the effect of Her first act.  Nor did She have to struggle as we do, in different circumstances, in unforeseen encounters, in unexpected losses… It is a constant struggle, to the point of making our hearts bleed for fear that we might surrender to our own belligerent human wills.  How much attention one must have, so that the Supreme Will may always keep Its place of honor and Its supremacy over everything; and many times this struggle is harsher than the pain itself.’
But while I was thinking of this, my lovable Jesus moved in my interior, telling me:

     “My daughter, you are wrong.  The maximum sacrifice of my Mama was not only one, but they were so great and so many - for as many as were the sorrows, the pains, the circumstances and the encounters to which Her existence and Mine were exposed.  Pains were always doubled in Her, because my pains were Hers - more than Her own pains.  Besides, my wisdom did not change direction with my Mama; in each pain She was to receive, I always asked Her whether She wanted to accept it, in order to hear that ‘Fiat’ being repeated to Me in each pain, in each circumstance, and even in each heartbeat of Hers.  That ‘Fiat’ resounded so sweet, gentle and harmonious to Me, that I wanted to hear It being repeated in every instant of Her life.  This is why I would always ask Her:  ‘Mama, do you want to do this?  Do you want to suffer this pain?’  And my Fiat would bring Her the seas of the goods It contains, and would make Her understand the intensity of the pain She was accepting.  This understanding, through divine light, of that which, step by step, She was to suffer, gave Her such martyrdom as to infinitely surpass the struggle which creatures suffer.  In fact, since the seed of sin was missing in Her, the seed of the struggle was missing, and so my Will had to find another device, that She might not be inferior to the other creatures in suffering, because, having to acquire by justice the right of Queen of Sorrows, She was to surpass in suffering all creatures together.
“How many times have you yourself not experienced this – that while you felt no struggle within you, as my Will would make you understand the pains It inflicted upon you, you would remain petrified by the intensity of the pain; and while you were undone in that pain, you were the tiny little lamb in my arms, ready to accept yet more pains to which my Will would want you to be submitted.  Ah, did you not suffer more than in the struggle itself?  The struggle is a sign of vehement passions, while my Will, if It brings suffering, gives intrepidness; and with the knowledge of the intensity of the pain, It gives one such merit that only a Divine Will can give.  Therefore, just as I act with you – that in everything I want from you, first I ask you whether you want it, whether you accept it – so I did with my Mama.  This, so that the sacrifice may be always new, and may give Me the opportunity to converse with the creature, to be with her, and my Volition may have Its field of divine action in the human will.”
Vol 19, April 28, 1926

The greatest works of God are often surrounded and veiled by simplicity and commonness.  This next reading also tells of why the devil has so often persecuted women in general throughout time and it goes into how although Luisa has been given a unique mission which places her beside Mary it does not make her equal to Mary.

“My daughter, my love didn’t extinguish itself because of the fall of man, but caught fire more, and although justly my justice punished him and condemned him, my love kissing my Justice, without time interfering in the midst, promised the future Redeemer and said to the deceiving serpent, with the empire of my power:  ‘You made use of a woman in order snatch away man from my Divine Will, and I through means of another woman, who will hold in her power the power of my Fiat, will demolish your pride, and with her immaculate foot she will crush your head.’  These words burned the infernal serpent more than hell itself, and enclosed so much anger in his heart, that he could not be stopped more; he did none other than to turn and to return the earth, in order to discover She who should crush his head, not in order to make her crushed, but in order to be able with his infernal arts, with his diabolic astuteness, to make fall, She who should defeat him, weaken him and tie him in the dark abysses.  Hence for four thousand years he went always turning, and when he saw women more virtuous and good he armed his battle, he tried them in all ways, and then he left them, when he assured himself through means of some weakness or defect that it was not through Her means by which he should be defeated, and he followed his turn.  Whence the Celestial Creature in fact came, who crushed his head, and the enemy felt such power in Her, that it knocked him down and he didn’t have the strength to draw near; this gnawed him with anger, and he put forth all his infernal weapons in order to combat her, but what!  He went in order to draw near, he felt himself weaken, the legs break and he was constrained to turn back, and from afar he spied her admirable virtues, her power and sanctity; and I in order to confound him and to put him in doubt made him see the Celestial Sovereign Lady, her human things, as she was taking food, crying, sleeping, and other, and he persuaded himself that it was not She, because being such a powerful and holy person she should not be subject to the natural needs of life, but then he returned to doubt and he wanted to return to the assault, but in vain.  My Will is power that weakens all the evils and all the infernal powers, he is light that makes himself known by everyone, and where He reigns he makes his power felt, that even to the demons themselves does it become (impossible) to refuse to acknowledge.  Hence the Queen of Heaven was and is the terror of all hell.  Now the infernal serpent feels over his head my rapid word told to him in Eden, my irrevocable condemnation that a woman will crush his head; hence he knows that with his head being crushed his kingdom on earth will be overthrown, he will lose his prestige, and all the evil that he did in Eden through means of one woman, will be redone by another woman, and although the Queen of Heaven weakened him, crushed his head, and I myself tied him to the cross, hence he is free no more to do that which he wants, but some unfortunately he approaches making fools of them.  More so that he sees that the human will is not subjugated by the Divine and His reign is not yet formed, he fears that another woman has to finish burning the temples, in order to make that the divine condemnation he has on his head crushed by the foot of the Immaculate Queen (has) its completion, because he knows that when I speak, my word has the communicative virtue to the other creatures.  Hence as he was made certain that She whom he feared was the Most Holy Virgin, and not being able to combat her more, he resumed his round, he is all eyes and as on the look-out in order to see if another woman might have the assignment from God to make the Divine Will known in order to make him reign, and having seen you write so much on my Fiat, only the doubt that this might be (and) he has aroused all of hell against you, behold the reason for all that which you have suffered, making use of wicked men, making them invent calumnies and things that don’t exist.  Whence in seeing you cry so much, [the demons] are persuaded that you are not that one who they fear so much who is able bring to ruin their diabolic kingdom.  This is that which regards the Queen of Heaven on the part of the infernal serpent, now I want to tell you that  which regards the part of creatures to the advantage of him.
“My daughter, the Celestial creature was poor, her natural dowries apparently were common, nothing of the extraordinary appeared in the exterior She takes for bridegroom a poor artisan who earns his daily bread with his modest work.  Suppose that it might be known, beforehand that she was Mother of the Word, that it was She, from the great ones of the world, from the doctors and Priests, that she was the Mother of the future Messiah, they would have made a tireless war, no one would have believed her, they would have said:  ‘Possible that there have not been and there are women in Israel, that it should be this poor one the Mother of the Eternal Word?  There has been a Judith, an Ester and so many others.’  Hence no one would have believed, and they would have put forth doubts and difficulties without number, if they put forth doubts on my Divine Person, to not believe me that I was the longed for Messiah, and many arrive to still not believe me that I descended upon the earth in spite that I did many miracles as to induce the most incredulous to believe me, ah! when (there) enters in hearts the hardness, the obstinacy, it renders them incapable to receive any good; the truths, the miracles themselves are for them as dead and without life.  Hence much more so the Celestial Mama, that nothing of miraculous was seen in her exterior.
“Now, my daughter, listen to me, the serious doubts, the gravest difficulties that they have found in your writings are really these, that I have said to you: that I called you to live in the Kingdom of my Divine Will, giving you the special and unique mission to make him known, so that as I myself said in the Pater Noster and the Holy Church still says it:  ‘Your kingdom come, that is that your Will be done as in Heaven so in earth’, it doesn’t say in the Pater that this kingdom is upon the earth, but it says come, and I would not have composed a prayer if it should not have the effects of it.  Hence in order to arrive to this, shouldn’t I elect another woman, that the infernal serpent fears so much, and that through means of the first woman ruined for me the human generation, and I in order to confound him I make use of the woman in order to re-do for me his ruin and to make good arise to everyone that he sought to destroy?  Behold therefore the necessity of the preparations, of the graces, of my visits and communications.
“This has sounded badly to one who has read, hence doubts and difficulties, that it can not be possible that [of] so many other great Saints not one has lived in the Kingdom of my Will, so that it is she alone that he prefers to everyone; and when they have read that I put you next to the Sovereign Queen, because she having lived in the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat you could imitate her, wanting to make of you a copy that resembles her, and I put you in her hands so that she might guide you, assist you, protect you, so that you might be able to imitate her in everything, it seemed to them so much absurdity, and sinisterly misunderstanding the sense they have said as if you might have said (that) you might be another Queen; how many blunders!  I have not said that you are like the Celestial Queen, but that I want you similar to Her, as I have said to so many other souls dear to me that I wanted them similar to me, but with this they didn’t become God like me, and then being the Celestial Lady the true Queen of the Kingdom of my Will, it is her completion to help and to teach the fortunate creatures who want to enter to live in Him.  [With] this they make seen as if I might not have the power to elect whom I want and when I want; but of the rest time will say everything, and as they can not refuse to acknowledge that the Virgin of Nazareth is my Mama, thus they can not refuse to acknowledge that I have elected you for the unique purpose to make my Will known and that through your means I will use it so that the ‘Your kingdom come’ has its completion.  It is certain that creatures are instruments in my hands and I don’t look at who it is, but I look at if my Divine Will has decided to work through means of this instrument, and this is enough for me in order to complete my highest designs, and of the doubts and difficulties of creatures I make use of it in his time in order to confound them and to humiliate them, but I don’t stop and I go ahead in the work that I want to do through means of the creature.  Therefore you also follow me and do not step backwards.  Of the rest one sees from the way of their thinking that they have calculated only your person, but they have not calculated that which my Divine Will can do and that which he knows how to do, and when he decides to work in a creature in order to complete his greatest designs in the midst of the human generations, laws are not dictated by anyone, nor who one should be, nor the time, nor the way, nor the place, but in an absolute way he acts; nor does he take account of certain small minds that don’t know how to elevate themselves into the divine and supernatural order nor bow before the incomprehensible works of their Creator, and while they want to reason with their human reason, they lose the divine reason, and they remain confused and incredulous.”
Vol. 29, May 19, 1931

Happy New Year.

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