“My Will is as a tender mother, that feels in himself the long generation of his lives, that he wants to go forth to the light, in order to form the long generation of his children, that should form his kingdom, and therefore he goes finding one who lends her acts to him, but do you know why he goes finding the acts of the creature? Having to descend in the depths of the human acts, in order to form his life, he wants to make himself through means of them a way in order to give his same life to creatures, more so that life can not be formed outside of persons, but always within, otherwise it would lack the necessary things, the vital humors, in order to form a life. Thus my Will can not form his life from Heaven, nor outside of the creature, but must descend inside of them, and the human will must surrender the place to the Divine, must be concurrent, because we don’t want forced things.
Vol. 34, March 14, 1937Jesus continues to clarify this in several places in the Volumes. He explains how an act can either be of Divine Life or Human life, eternal or perishing.
“My daughter, what [a] great difference there is between an act done in
My Will and an act - even a good one - done outside of It. In the first act there is a Divine Life flowing through it, and this
life fills Heaven and earth, and that act receives the value of
a Divine Life. In the second there runs
the act of a human life, and this is limited, restricted, and many times its
value finishes when the act is finished.
If there is value in this act, it is human value, subject to perishing.”
Vol. 21, April 18, 1927Again he asserts that these acts done in the Divine Will truly are Divine Lives which go forth for the good of all creatures.
“My daughter, love is life, and when this love goes
forth from the soul that lives in my Will, it holds the virtue to form in God
himself the life of love; and since the substance of Divine Life is love, hence
the creature with her love forms in God another Divine life, and we feel in
ourselves our life formed by the creature.
This life that [the creature has formed] with her love united to our
Will, because it is He that administers the power (so) that the creature can
arrive to form the same divine life all of love in God, this life is God’s
triumph and the
triumph of the creature; and in the act of triumph we take this divine life
that the creature has formed in ourselves and we give him to (the) good of all
creatures, as precious gift that the little daughter of our Volition makes
to everyone, and with anxiety we await that with her love she comes to form
other divine lives in our Supreme Being. My daughter, our love is not sterile, rather it holds the
germ/seed to generate continuous life. So that as you said: ‘I love you’ in my heartbeat, in my breath, thus I generated another
heartbeat, another breath, and so on with all the rest, in a way that I felt in
myself the new generation of your ‘I love you’ that formed the new life of my love, and oh,
how happy I felt thinking that my daughter was forming inside of me my own life
in me, all of love! If you might know
how moving this act of the creature is that she gives God to God with her
love! Oh, how it enraptures us! And
feeling ourselves enraptured we give other love in order to have the
contentment to have her repeat our new lives of love. Therefore love, love a great deal and you
will make your sweet Jesus more happy.”
Vol. 29, Feb. 15, 1931In Volume 2 Luisa remarks on how much the sin of abortion afflicts Divine Justice.
The very grave sin of abortion. Union of sufferings and of prayers.
I spent this morning very anguished because of the many offenses which
I saw Him receive from men, especially because of certain horrendous
dishonesties. How much the loss of souls grieved Jesus! More so,
since it was a newborn baby that they were going to kill, without administering
holy baptism to him. It seems to me that this sin weighs so much on the
scale of Divine Justice, that it is the one that most cries out for revenge
before God. Yet, these sorrowful scenes are renewed so very often.
My most sweet Jesus was so afflicted as to arouse pity. Seeing Him in
such a state, I did not dare to tell Him anything, and Jesus just told
me: “My daughter, unite your sufferings to mine, your prayers to mine, so
that they may be more acceptable before the majesty of God, and may appear not
as your things, but as my own works.” Then He continued to make Himself
seen other times, but always in silence. May the Lord be always blessed.
Vol. 2, June 9, 1899In Volume 13 Jesus affirms that acts done in the Divine Will are children and for one who does not live in the state of the Divine Will and therefore does not resemble God it is as if they abort these children.
“You must know that as you think in my Will, as you speak, as you work, as you love, etc., you deliver to my Will as many children for as many thoughts as you make, for as many words as you say, for as many works and acts of love as you emit. These children multiply to the infinite in my Will and go around throughout Heaven and through the entire earth bringing new joy, new glory and contentment to Heaven, and new grace to the earth; going through all hearts, carrying my sighs, my moans, the pleas of their Mother who wants them saved, and who wants to give them Her Life.
“Now, these children, birth of my Will, in order to be recognized as my children, must resemble and have the same manners as the Mother who delivered them. If they look melancholic, they will be put out of Heaven, being told: ‘Melancholy cannot enter our dwelling’. They will not breach their way into creatures, because in seeing them melancholic, creatures will doubt that they are true legitimate children of my Will. Besides, one who is melancholic does not have the grace to insinuate into others, to conquer them and dominate them. One who is melancholic is not capable of heroism, and of giving himself for the good of all. Many times these children are aborted, dying during labor, without coming out to the light of the Divine Will.”
Vol. 13, Aug. 13, 1921Jesus states that the Most Holy Trinity is always in the state of needing to generate themselves. Without the creature lending her acts done in the Divine Will there is no place to bring these lives into the light of day and they therefore remain repressed.
“My daughter, our desire is great, that creatures
might live in our Volition. We find
ourselves in the condition of a poor mother that feels the need to bring
forth her birth and is not able to, she doesn’t have (a place)
where to put it, nor one to whom to entrust it, nor one who receives it, poor
mother, how much she suffers! Thus our supreme being finds itself, we feel the need
to generate ourselves and where to put ourselves? If our Will is not life of the creature there
is no place for us, we don’t have one to whom to entrust ourselves, nor one who
feeds us, nor the cortege that is needed (by) us (for) our adorable
majesty. And since our Most Holy
Trinity is always in (the) act of
generating, these births of ours remain repressed in ourselves, while we want
to generate our Divine Trinity in creatures; but since they don’t live in our
Volition, there is no one who receives our divine generation. What sorrow to see us conceal
in ourselves without being able to unfold the great good that our eternal
generation can do in the creature! Our
Will embraces everything, and one who lives in him, as she forms her acts, thus she makes herself the bearer of everyone; if she loves she
carries the love of everyone to us, if she adores she carries the adoration of everyone to us, if she
suffers she encloses the satisfaction of everyone. One act in our Volition must surpass,
enclose, embrace everyone and everything; and it arrives even
to make itself bearer of our supreme being, because we never go out from our
Volition, and one who lives in him can enclose us in her every act in order to
bring us where she wants, to creatures in order to make us known, to all the
creation in order to say to us: ‘How very beautiful are your works!’; to
ourselves, in order to say to us: ‘You
see how much I love you, that I arrive even to
carry yourself to you.’
Vol. 36, Nov. 30, 1938Each act not done in the Divine Will is a "theft", a conversion of light into darkness and he states that the Divine Mother agonizes over each as a death of a child.
act which does not depend upon Its Volition is a tearing, a theft made against
Its light; and in seeing Itself being robbed of Its light, converted into
darkness, It agonizes more than a mother who sees the fruit of her womb being
snatched away from her – not to give him life, but to kill him! So, the
losses that my Will suffers when the creature is not united to Its center and
does not live of the Volition of Its light, are divine losses, and of infinite
value. The evils for creatures, the ugliness they acquire, are incalculable
and indescribable: my Will remains without Kingdom in the creatures, and
they remain stripped, without inheritance, with no right to any good
whatsoever. Therefore, there is nothing more important, nothing greater,
which will establish the balance, the order, the harmony, the likeness between
Creator and creature, than my Will. This is why I want to make known what
the Divine Will and the human will are – so that we may reconcile, and my Will
may acquire Its Kingdom, and creatures may be given back all the goods they
Vol. 19, Sept. 7, 1926This is a true abortion, a sorrow for God but it is the creature which suffers all the resulting effects of it. The Divine Life can not be destroyed but reenters God.
daughter, when the light of my Fiat wants to manifest itself and the soul does
not take it into consideration, the birth which It wants to deliver in order to
communicate it to creatures is aborted, and they do not receive the light of
this birth of light from Us – and if you knew what it means to cause Our light
to be aborted…!
You must know that when Our Fiat wants to manifest a truth, It places all of Our Being in activity, and overflowing with love, with light, with power, with wisdom, with beauty and goodness, It forms the birth of the truth It wants to deliver. And since all of Our qualities place themselves in the act of rising, We cannot contain it, and so We release this birth from Us to give it to the creature as gift. And if she does not take it into consideration, she causes Our love and Our light to be aborted; she causes Our power, wisdom, beauty and goodness to be aborted, making them die at birth. She loses this dear birth from Us, and does not receive Our life, which We wanted to give her by means of that truth; and We are left with the sorrow of having aborted, and feel the good which We wanted to give to the creatures enter into Us again. In fact, if the creature aborts, she loses that birth, while We do not lose It; rather, it reenters Us – it is for the creature that it is aborted. Therefore, be attentive when you feel that the sea of light of my Fiat forms its waves to overflow outside and deliver the birth of its truths.”
Vol. 24, April 22, 1928
You must know that when Our Fiat wants to manifest a truth, It places all of Our Being in activity, and overflowing with love, with light, with power, with wisdom, with beauty and goodness, It forms the birth of the truth It wants to deliver. And since all of Our qualities place themselves in the act of rising, We cannot contain it, and so We release this birth from Us to give it to the creature as gift. And if she does not take it into consideration, she causes Our love and Our light to be aborted; she causes Our power, wisdom, beauty and goodness to be aborted, making them die at birth. She loses this dear birth from Us, and does not receive Our life, which We wanted to give her by means of that truth; and We are left with the sorrow of having aborted, and feel the good which We wanted to give to the creatures enter into Us again. In fact, if the creature aborts, she loses that birth, while We do not lose It; rather, it reenters Us – it is for the creature that it is aborted. Therefore, be attentive when you feel that the sea of light of my Fiat forms its waves to overflow outside and deliver the birth of its truths.”
Vol. 24, April 22, 1928
It seems to me that all Christian faiths recognize the horror of the sin of abortion in the killing of an innocent by one who should love and protect and value that life. Who however has ever thought of the greater sin that our physical abortions on earth represent so much so that they are only a shadow of the truth. We are all called to do our acts in the Divine Will and therefore give God the fruit of these acts, Divine Children. We are all called to love, protect and value these children for the gift they are to us. Since the fall of Adam and Eve with original sin we lost that ability to bear these children and no one is guiltless of this greater sin of abortion excepting the Virgin Mary who was conceived without original sin and therefore all her acts from the first moment were done fully in the Divine Will.
"My life was all of Divine Will; from the first
instant of my Conception, I was molded, warmed and placed into Its light, which
purified my human seed with Its power, in such a way that I was conceived
without original sin. Therefore, if my Conception was spotless and so
glorious as to form the honor of the Divine Family, it was only because the
Omnipotent Fiat poured Itself upon my seed, and I was conceived pure and
holy. So, if the Divine Will had not poured Itself upon my seed more than
a tender mother, in order to prevent the effects of original sin, I would have
encountered the sad destiny of the other creatures, of being conceived with
original sin. Therefore, the primary cause was, entirely, the Divine
Will; to It be honor, glory, thanksgiving, for my having been conceived without
original sin."
The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Day 1
It is only by living in the Divine Will that these Divine Births can come to the light of day and bring with them all the goods that they hold for all creatures. And anyone who has the privilege and the calling to live in the Divine Will will find that, as Jesus says in the passage above (Vol. 29), "this life is God’s triumph and the triumph of the creature." It seems to me that there are not sufficient words to describe what great good a creature living in the Divine Will acquires or with the reverse what great harm is done in rejecting the Divine Will and living of our own thereby aborting a Divine Child.
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