Jesus talks about what it means to love. That of wanting to possess that which one loves and to create a permanent bond depending on how intense one loves. When one loves God in all things and in all moments it becomes the love of a child toward her Father and gives her the right of child of God. But this also gives God the right of Father and the duty to act thusly as well.
“My daughter, to love means to possess and to want to make one’s own the person or object that one loves. To love means bond, now of friendship, now of relative, now of progeny, according to more or less the intensity of love. So that if between the creature and God there is not one void of divine love, if all her acts race toward God in order to love him, if they have beginning from love and they finish in love, if she looks at all the things that belong to the Supreme Being as hers, this says love of child toward her Father, because in this way she doesn’t go out neither from the divine proprieties nor from the residence of the celestial Father. Because true love constitutes a right in the creature: right of progeny, right of shared goods, right of being loved. Her every act of love is a vibrating note that palpates in the divine heart and with its sound says ‘I love you’, and ‘love me’, and the sound doesn’t end if it doesn’t feel the note of her Creator, who making echo to the sound of the soul he responds ‘I love you, O child.’ Oh, how we await the ‘I love you’ of the creature to make her take the post in our love, in order to have the sweet gusto in order to be able to say to her ‘I love you, O child’, and thus to be able to give greater right to be able to love us and to make her belong to our family. A broken love doesn’t make our things hers, nor does she defend them, it can not be called love of child; at the most it can be love of friendship, love of circumstance, love of interest, love of necessity, that doesn’t constitute a right, because only the children have the right to possess the goods of the Father, and the Father holds the sacrosanct duty, also with divine and human rights, to make (his) goods possessed by his children. Therefore love always, so that he finds in all your acts the love, the meeting, your kiss to your Creator.”
Vol. 30, Nov. 16, 1931With this exchange of love between Creator and creature there is formed the contest to love each other more and more, and the one inflames the other to greater love. Love is so important to the creature that Jesus compares it to blood. Where his Will is life it is Love which circulates and renews and sustains this life. Without love she is anemic and sickly. Being weak and unable to act, all the virtues become weak and inoperative changing even into defects. It is this lack of love in the world which so afflicts mankind leading them to ruin.
And so much is our satisfaction that our look is always fixed in looking at her, our ears always intent to listen to her, the power of our Volition calls our continuous attention. And as she says to us ‘I love you’, thus we repeat to her: ‘We love you, O daughter.’ As she repairs to us, thus we press her to (our) heart; as she thanks us, praises and blesses us, thus we go repeating to her: ‘We thank you because you thank us, we praise you because you praise us, we bless you because you bless us.’ We can say that we put ourselves in competition with her. Heavens and earth are stupefied because the Creator puts himself in competition with his beloved creature. Therefore always in my Will I want you, because in Him you give us to do and to say and form our outlet of love.”
Vol. 30, April 23, 1932
“Little daughter of my Volition, you should know
that I love your ‘I love you‘ and I always remain in the act of awaiting
it. I always love you, nor do I ever
cease loving you, and if you make standstills in loving me,
I feel that I give you my continuous love and you do not give it to me, and my
love feels as stolen by you. Instead
when my ‘I love you’ races, and yours makes itself found ready in order to give
to me and to receive my ‘I love you’, mine feels repaid, and it happens that
your ‘I love you’ does not give time to mine, and
mine does not give time to yours, a race happens, a
competition of love between Creator and creature. More so when I see that you are about to tell
me ‘I love you’, my Will invests your ‘I love you’ in order to make it from
little (to) great, and I find my love in yours, as mine, should I love it and
want it? Daughter, they are my usual
stratagems, my industries, because I give in order to receive, this is my
commerce: I love, I
give love in order to receive love, and when I am not loved my commerce remains
failed, and since my passion is love, I
don’t get tired, nor do I (draw) back: I
commence afresh, I repeat, I repeat the industries, I abound with stratagems
and with tenderness in order to re-do my failed love in the
creature. Oh! if you might know how my
Heart remains
wounded and sorrowful
when I say ‘I love you’ and she doesn’t feel the call that mine makes her in
order to have hers.
“Beyond this, you should know that love is the blood
of the soul. As my Will is the life, and
as in the natural order life can not function without blood, and blood can not
circulate if it doesn’t have a life, and according to the abundance of the
Blood, thus one enjoys health, thus in the supernatural order, the soul, my Divine Will can not function without
the blood of love, how much more love so much more will one feel strong, robust, active in working.
Otherwise she will suffer from anemia and could
finish in consumption, so that when there is
not the sufficient blood of the love of my Will himself for how much (there) is
life, she becomes sick in the soul, and inoperative, because she
lacks the blood of love in order to function.
All the virtues are made anemic, and instead of patience, of fortitude, of sanctity, all these virtues will be seen to fade, changing
into defects. Therefore there is much anemia in the world, because there lacks the pure blood of my love, and
accordingly they go toward a terrible consumption, that brings them to ruin in the soul
and in the body. Behold therefore I so very love your ‘I love
you‘ and I want it in all my acts, in all created
things, in every act of (the) creature, in order to be able to form much blood
as antidote and remedy to the anemia that exists, and this
will be (the) preparation to the kingdom of my Will. Therefore I feel the need of your love, it is
true that it is little, but I don’t look at whether it is little or great,
rather I look at whether it has been done in the power of my Will, that the
littlest acts are done for me it makes them great and it invests her with such
beauty as to feel myself enraptured. Hence it is
enough for you to know that I want it, it pleases me, it makes me content in
order to do it, whether I see it is little or great, and this ‘I love you’ of
yours I want it in the heartbeat of your heart, in the air that you
breath, in the Sky, in the sun, in short in everything. Oh! how I would like to see that your ‘I love
you’ invests Heaven and earth, creatures and Creator.”
Vol. 31, Aug. 21, 1932Love is not only the blood which nourishes the life of the Divine Will but love in the Divine Will forms Divine life as well. Every "I love you" in the Divine Will forms a Divine Life. And being Divine that life goes out to the good of all.
“My daughter, love is life, and when this love goes forth from the soul that lives in my Will, it holds the virtue to form in God himself the life of love; and since the substance of Divine Life is love, hence the creature with her love forms in God another Divine life, and we feel in ourselves our life formed by the creature. This life that [the creature has formed] with her love united to our Will, because it is He that administers the power (so) that the creature can arrive to form the same divine life all of love in God, this life is God’s triumph and the triumph of the creature; and in the act of triumph we take this divine life that the creature has formed in ourselves and we give him to (the) good of all creatures, as precious gift that the little daughter of our Volition makes to everyone, and with anxiety we await that with her love she comes to form other divine lives in our Supreme Being. My daughter, our love is not sterile, rather it holds the germ/seed to generate continuous life. So that as you said: ‘I love you’ in my heartbeat, in my breath, thus I generated another heartbeat, another breath, and so on with all the rest, in a way that I felt in myself the new generation of your ‘I love you’ that formed the new life of my love, and oh, how happy I felt thinking that my daughter was forming inside of me my own life in me, all of love! If you might know how moving this act of the creature is that she gives God to God with her love! Oh, how it enraptures us! And feeling ourselves enraptured we give other love in order to have the contentment to have her repeat our new lives of love. Therefore love, love a great deal and you will make your sweet Jesus more happy.”
Vol. 29, Feb. 15, 1931
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