Friday, September 6, 2013

The book of life. The "I love you", the punctuation.

Jesus tells Luisa that all of her "I love you's" are as punctuation to words.  It seems such a small thing to her but he continues to explain about how without punctuation words do not make sense and only with them is there order and true meaning.  But here he continues and states that not only does this provide the order and meaning in our own lives but he unites that punctuation to his own found in all the pages and works of creation and in this union the creature comes to understand these works and just how much God loves her and God receives the exchange of love that he has been waiting for since before time.


The page of life.  The creation, Celestial page, the "I love you" punctuation of these pages, the craftsman and the Divine writer.

            I was continuing my usual turning for all the Creation, in order to meet with the Divine Will dominant in It and to reciprocate him with my love for so much love for me, in creating so many things for my love and it seemed to me that every single created thing was in the expectation of receiving the seal of my ‘I love you‘, this was a right, a tribute, a little sign that they demanded from the earth, to that Will that had given so much to all creatures, that formed their actor and conservator; but while I did this, it seemed that my sweet Jesus with his own hands took my ‘I love you’ and put it as a seal to those created things, to which I directed it and putting them aside I awaited that it might follow the work of the ‘I love you’, to all the other created things, and I was amazed in seeing the interest of Jesus, his waiting, I thought to myself:  “but what great thing is my little ‘I love you’, that arrives to form the occupation and the interest of Jesus?”  And He stopping himself in order to speak to me said to me:
            “My blessed daughter, do you know what thing is your ‘I love you‘?  It is as the punctuation to the character, a character without punctuation is seen as confusion without just ideas, without expressions formed in a way that one who reads them does not find the true sense, it can have those ideas that she wants, beautiful and ugly as it pleases her.  Hence lacking the punctuation, one can call it a writing without true value and in clear notes it speaks of the ignorance and the little value of whom has written it.  And yet how great is a point, a comma, a question mark and all the rest of the punctuation?  One can say it is nothing in comparison to the work of the extension of a character.  Such is her ‘I love you’ and the punctuation to the character of your life, of your words, works, steps and even of your heart, the punctuation of your ‘I love you’ casts the order in all your acts, it puts forth the just ideas, gives the most beautiful expressions and makes known to you He for who’s love the page and the character of your life becomes formed.  But this is nothing yet, this point, this little comma of your ‘I love you’, rises on high and punctuates our Divine pages, our Celestial characters of all the Creation.  What is all the Creation?  If not but our Divine page put forth by Us and our Celestial characters impressed in the whole page of the Creation punctuated with such order and harmony, with most just ideas, with the most beautiful and moving expressions, made with such value of art that no other craftsman can imitate.  Now your ‘I love you’ unites itself to the Divine punctuation and punctuating it it knows the value of our characters, it learns to read our page, understands with just ideas how much we have done for her love and she receives the most beautiful and moving expression of her Creator and she gives Us the little tribute, she pays Us the little wealth that We with love of justice await from creatures.  Not only, since the ‘I love you’ holds the virtue by nature to convert itself into good.  I with all love take these points and commas of your ‘I love you’ and I put your little light on our Divine punctuation and looking at all the Creation, I feel such straights of love that I see the punctuation of the little daughter of my Volition in our Celestial punctuation.  But tell me my daughter, why do you say to Me ‘I love you’ and want to invest all created things, my own acts, with your ‘I love you’?”
            And I:  “because I love you and want to be loved by You.”
            And He:  “Therefore because you love Me, you say to Me ‘I love you‘ and is this not the greatest of my contentments, my sighs, my anxieties, my deliriums, to be loved by the creature?  Now know that your ‘I love you’, to your every ‘I love you’, I whisper to the ear of your heart ‘I love you’ and I put my Celestial punctuation to the page and characters of your life, are you not content with it?”
            And I:  “My love, it is not enough for me, no, your punctuation alone, I am not content with it, my punctuations alone can be enough for You because being little and good for nothing I don’t know how to do other, but You who know how to do everything, in order to make me content I want that You yourself form for me the page and the characters of my life.” 

And Jesus:  “Yes, yes, I will content you and I could say to you that I am doing it.  Now know that in order to have a page written there is needed the paper, the ink, the pen, all things of material beforehand in order to form a written page, if (there) lacked one of them the writing could not have life.  Now the paper is my Divine Will, which as foundation of everything must form the page of life.  You see, I can say that my Will extended himself as foundations of all the Creation, more than paper in order to receive the distinct characters of ours, of our incessant love, in which we re-pour more than indelible characters our qualities and Divine works, our characters become formed with works and incessant love.  Thus the soul must possess as base of everything, my Divine Will but it is not enough(,) there is needed the incessant love in order to form the ink, in order to write on this paper of light, but paper and ink are not sufficient in order to form the characters, therefore there is needed the pen of holy works, the diversity of sacrifices, the circumstances of life, in order to form the pen and thus write the ordered characters, the most beautiful and moving expressions that now makes one cry, and now fills the heart with joy, in a way that one who can read them, will feel transformed and re-given the life of good that that page possesses and I, Craftsman and Divine Writer, when I find paper, ink and pen, as I formed and I wrote the page of the Creation, thus I occupy myself with my highest delight to form and write the page of this creature, perhaps more beautiful than the same page of the Creation.  Therefore always have ready paper, ink and pen, and I promise you to write the page of your life in which one will see that I alone have been He who have formed and written it and thus you will be content and I (will be) content.”
Vol. 31, Jan. 14, 1933

Jesus finishes this by assuring Luisa that in his Divine Will he forms the page of the creatures life and continue the analogy comparing his Divine Will to the paper, page of light; continuous love forms the ink to write on this paper and the pen that records the words are the holy works done by the creature.  When he has all of these at hand he can form a work more beautiful than the work of Creation.  But it is only by living in the Divine Will that Jesus can develop this book and only by living in the Divine Will that the creature can read the book of His Will in the Creation.

My Will is the book of Creation, therefore Its reigning in the midst of creatures is necessary in order to know how to read it and to be able to read it. The human will keeps poor man as though asleep; he sleeps, and the sleep prevents him from feeling and seeing all the caresses and finesses of love that His Celestial Father gives him, as well as the surprises He wants to make known to him. His sleep prevents him from receiving the joys, the happiness, which His Creator wants to give him, and from comprehending the sublime state of his creation.
           Poor man, asleep to true good, and deaf to listening to my Will which is his revealer, his noble history, his origin, his marvelous height and beauty. And if he is awake, he listens either to sin, to his passions, or to things which do not have an eternal origin. He acts just like that sleeping child who, if he wakes up, cries, makes fusses and torments the poor father, who almost regrets having such a nervous child. This is why my Divine Will is revealing so many of Its knowledges – to wake man up from his long sleep, so that, waking up in my Fiat, he may lose the sleep of the human will, he may reacquire what he lost, and may feel the kisses, the love, the loving squeezes to the bosom of His Creator. So, each knowledge that regards my Divine Will is a call, it is a voice that I emit, it is a cry that I send, to wake man up from the sleep of the human will.”
Vol. 24, June 3, 1928

More so by living in the Divine Will Jesus forms within the soul of the creature the book of the Divine Fiat.  A book which is hers to pour over again and again and always gain something new.  And in having the fullness of this book in the interior of the creature she then has the knowledge to read the volumes of the exterior book of the Divine Will in the Creation.  For someone like myself, who is an avid reader, I can't even tell you what a comfort it is to me to know that even without a book in hand, even if the Volumes should be denied to me, I will always have my own book of the Divine Fiat to pour over in my interior which can never be taken away.

“My daughter, one who does my Will and lives in Him forms in her soul the book of the Divine Fiat, but this book must be full, no void, or else some (partially) written page; if it is not full she will immediately finish reading it, and not having that to read she will occupy herself with other, and hence the life of my Divine Will will be interrupted and as broken in the creature. Instead if she is full, she will always hold (something) to read, and if it seems that she finishes, I will add on other pages more sublime, in order to make that she never lacks the life, the always new knowledge and the substantial food of my Divine Volition.  So that the interior must be as so many pages in order to form this book, pages the intelligence, pages the will and the memory, page the desire, the affection, the heartbeat, page the word that must know how to repeat that which has been read, otherwise it will remain a book that won’t do good for anyone, while [for] one who forms a book the first purpose is to propagate it.  Hence the entire interior must be written with pages of my Divine Will, and this book must be so very full, as to not be able to find other to read if not my Will alone.  Now when the soul has her interior book full, she will know much good (of) the exterior book of the Divine Will:  all the Creation is none other than (a) book of Him, every created thing is a page that forms a most great book and of many volumes.  Whence having formed her interior book and (having) read it very well, she will know how to read very well the exterior book of all the Creation, and in all things she will re-find my Divine Will in act to give her his life, his most high and sublime lessons, and his dainty and holy food.  It will happen, to one who has formed in her interior this book of the Divine Fiat and read it very well, as [to] one who has possessed a book, has read it and reread it, has studied well the most difficult things, has smoothed out all the difficulties, made clear the most obscure points, in a way that she has consumed her life over that book, if a person of outside might bring her another similar book, she will most certainly know it and will recognize in that book hers.  More so that my Divine Will has enclosed the creature in his Most Holy circle and has put in the depth of (her) soul the book of his Fiat, and in the Creation he has repeated his divine book, in a way that the one makes the echo in the other and they understand each other admirably.  Behold therefore it is necessary to recognize the book of the Divine Fiat in the depth of one’s own soul, to read it very well in order to make perennial life of it, and thus with facility she can read the beautiful pages and the great book of my Will of all the Creation.”
Vol. 29, July 6, 1931

Each book of the life of the creature was written by God before time.  We have the choice of free will to copy this book or not.  But when we do our own will we spoil the original story erasing some aspect or other of the original and throwing into confusion the likeness to our Creator that was suppose to develop.  But for those who choose to live this book God himself does these acts first and then gives the creature all the help she needs to copy it.

“Blessed daughter, my Will encloses everything, rather for every creature he holds there his written page, of how her story should develop and form her life, and this written page was ‘ab eterno’ written in the light of our Will.  So that the life of every creature in time had its beginning, but in our Supreme Being she didn’t have beginning and she was loved by us with love without beginning and without end.  Now all the Creation, didn’t yet exist and we loved her, because she was already within us:  we held the great birth of all creatures enclosed within the Sanctuary of our Divinity, we looked in each one of them (at) our written page, her circumstances, her little tale, and according to this, what was more or less written, what should be completed and glorified our Most Holy Will thus we loved her more intensely.  You didn’t exist, but our Will enclosed you and loving you we gave you the place, the rest on our Paternal knees, we gave you the various lessons on our Fiat, and oh! how much pleasure we took in seeing you listen and write in your soul as copying, that which was written in our eternal page.  Because you should know, that which we want that the creature does of our Will, first becomes done by us, formed by us in our same Volition, and then overflowing from us, he wants to do it and form it in the creature making his field of divine action with her.  So much is our love that we don’t want other than that she does that which we have done, giving her the model of our act, so that she makes the copy of it, and how much help, assistance don’t we give, while she makes the copy, giving her our same Will as her act, as prime material, so that the copy succeeds according to our design.
“Now every act of one who does her will does none other than spoil our design, forming some erasures on our written page.  Our every written word, contained a special and eternal love, it contained the development of her life according to our likeness in which it should enclose his story of love and the completion of his Divine Will toward her Creator.  The human volition doesn’t do other than counterfeit this page, throw into confusion our likeness.  And instead of forming the copy of our page, written with so much love for her, she has formed her page written with notes of sorrow, of confusion and with a story so vile and base that the centuries won’t make a memory of it, and the Eternal One will not find in her the echo of the written story in her page in which his divine story should be praised in the creature.
Vol. 31, Sept. 18, 1932

So it is only in the Divine Will that the creature can receive and reciprocate the fullness of the outpouring of the love of God which he has loved us with from before the beginning of time and it all begins with the little punctuation of the "I love you."

“The creature did not exist yet, and we were occupied with him, (man); we contemplated with pleasure our power, wisdom, love, sanctity and our goodness in him; we put ourselves at his disposition in order to make him as much more beautiful (as) we could and to say to him:  ‘You resemble us in everything; more beautiful we could not make you.’
                “This our putting forth our divine qualities and all his acts that he had to do, before man came to the light of time, was for us a love so very intense that it gives of the incredible.  We went on saying in our delirium of love:  ‘Oh man, how much I love you!  I love you in my power, I love you in my wisdom, in my love, in my sanctity; I love you in my goodness, in your own acts that you will do; I love you so much, that I put them all in expectation of you.  My Divine Volition, to which we entrusted everything, our divine dowries and your own acts that will be already yours, are in act to offer them as (an) outlet of his love for you.’
Vol. 35, Oct. 3, 1937

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