Tuesday, January 7, 2014


The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje's January 2, 2014 monthly message on the day for nonbelievers through Mirjana:
“Dear children; For you to be able to be my apostles and to be able to help all those who are in darkness, to come to know the light of the love of my Son, you must have pure and humble hearts. You can not help for my Son to be born in, and to reign in, the hearts of those who do not know Him, if He does not reign – if He is not the King – in your heart. I am with you. I am walking with you as a mother. I am knocking on your hearts. They can not open because they are not humble. I am praying, and you my beloved children also pray, that you may be able to open pure and humble hearts to my Son and to receive the gifts which He has promised you. Then you will be led by the love and strength of my Son. Then, you will be my apostles who everywhere around them spread the fruits of God’s love. My Son will act from within you and through you, because you will be “one”. My motherly heart yearns for this – for unity of all of my children – through my Son. With great love I bless, and pray for those who are chosen by my Son – for your shepherds. Thank you.”

At first Our Lady was sad and then decisive.
Medjugorje, messages

Everything begins with humility and so important is this virtue that without nothing else can pass to man from God.  In the Volumes Jesus speaks frequently about this virtue and it's importance.  Humility is a guard against sin and causes the soul to keep close to God and it equally keeps the devil far away.

He told me that because of lack of humility I had committed many sins, and that if I had been more humble, I would have kept closer to Him and I would not have done so much evil. 
Vol. 1, The soul is sorry for the sins it committed in the past, but Jesus does not want it to lose its time thinking about them.

In seeing you humble and resigned, all plunged into your nothingness, the devil will not have the power to get close. 

Vol. 1, The soul experiences that it cannot do anything without Jesus and that everything it does is all due to him.  Jesus, the true spiritual director, teaches the soul what to do in various situations.

Only with humility can God do with the soul as he wants.  Humility keeps defects away from the soul by keeping ones sight clear and it lightens the cross making it sweet.

“My daughter, humility is a flower without thorns, and because it is without thorns, it can be held in one’s hand, it can be clasped, it can be placed wherever one wants, without fear of being bothered or pricked.  Such is the humble soul.  One can say that she does not have the pricks of defects; and since she is without pricks, one can do with her whatever he wants.  Not having thorns, naturally she does not prick nor cause bother to others, because thorns are given by one who has them; but if one does not have them, how can he give them?
Not only this, but humility is a flower which strengthens and clears one’s sight; and with its clearness, it knows how to stay away from the thorns themselves.”
Vol. 6, February 24, 1905

...she humbles herself, she resigns herself, and the cross becomes light and brings her light and sweetness.
Vol. 9, November 20, 1909

Only with a humble soul does God have a place to put his light.  Humility creates the empty space, the void where light can exist.  And with the presence of light becomes communicated all of its graces and perfections.

The more the soul is empty and humble, the more the divine light fills her and communicates its graces and perfections to her.
As I was in my usual state, I saw little Baby Jesus with a fistful of light in His hand, and rays flowing out through His fingers.  I remained enchanted, and He told me:  “My daughter, perfection is light, and one who says he wants to reach it acts just like one who would want to clasp a body of light in his hand:  as he tries to clasp it, the light itself flows out through his fingers; except, his hand remains immersed in that light.  Now, the light is God, and God alone is perfect, and the soul who wants to be perfect does nothing but seize shadows - the little drops of God; and sometimes she does nothing but live in the light alone, that is, in the Truth.  And just as the light penetrates deeper and occupies more space the greater the void it finds, and the deeper the place is - in the same way, the more the soul is empty and humble, the more the divine light fills her and communicates Its graces and perfections to her.”
Vol. 6, December 22, 1904

Jesus will always and only work through, with and in humble souls.

21 At that same hour Jesus rejoiced in the Holy Spirit and said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the intelligent and have revealed them to infants; yes, Father, for such was your gracious will.
Luke 10:21

“Holy Father, glorify your Name; confuse the proud and hide Yourself from them, and manifest Yourself to the humble, because only one who is humble recognizes You as his Creator, and recognizes himself as your creature.” 
Vol. 4, March 9, 1903

But in truth we are not capable of true humility but only a knowledge of self.  Only Jesus can say that he is humble.  One must be something to be able to be humble.  We are nothing, just the potential to give the little space that we are to the work of God.

"I alone can say that I am humble, because in man, that which is said to be humility should rather be called knowledge of self; and one who does not know himself already walks in falsehood.” 

Here is the beautiful sister of the knowledge of self, which is humility.
Ah, yes, humility draws grace; humility breaks the strongest chains, which are sin.  Humility surmounts any wall of division between the soul and God, and brings her back to Him.  Humility is a little plant, but always green and flowery, not subject to being gnawed by worms; nor will winds, hail or heat be able to do harm to it, or make it wither, even slightly.  Though being the littlest plant, humility produces very high branches, which penetrate even into Heaven, braiding around the Heart of Our Lord; and only the branches which come from this plant have free access into that adorable Heart.  Humility is the anchor of peace during the storms of the sea waves of this life.  Humility is the salt which spices all virtues and preserves the soul from the corruption of sin.  Humility is the little grass which sprouts along the way treaded by wayfarers; while being treaded, it disappears, but soon one can see it sprout again, more beautiful than before.  Humility is like a gentle graft, which renders the wild plant gentle.  Humility is the sunset of guilt.  Humility is the newborn of grace.  Humility is like the moon, which guides us in the darkness of the night of this life.  Humility is like that shrewd merchant who knows well how to trade his riches, and wastes not even one cent of the grace that is given to him.  Humility is the key of the door of Heaven, such that no one can enter into It if he does not keep this key in good custody.  Finally – otherwise I would never end and I would be too long – humility is the smile of God and of all Heaven, and it is the crying of all hell.
Vol. 3, January 12, 1900

And a sign of true humility is true charity that esteem others and searches out the good in everyone and every situation.

“Lack of esteem for others is lack of true Christian humility and of sweetness, because a humble and sweet spirit knows how to respect everyone and interprets the things of others always for the good.” 
Vol. 3, June 3, 1900

This calls for the wisdom of Heaven.  To believe oneself to be something before men on this earth is to be nothing before God.  More so he states such a one is abominable to him.  Jesus will not work with the proud and has never done so.

After this, I saw people who believed themselves to be something greater than others; and blessed Jesus said:  “My daughter, one who believes himself to be something before Me and before men, is worth nothing.  One who believes himself to be nothing is worth everything – first, before Me, because if he does something, he does not think he does it because he can do it, having the strength and the capacity, but rather, because he receives from God the grace, the helps and the lights; therefore it can be said that he does it by virtue of divine power, and one who has divine power with him is already worth everything.  Second, before men, because this acting by virtue of divine power makes him operate in a completely different way, and he does nothing but send forth the light of the divine power he contains within himself, in such a way that the most perverted ones, without wanting it, feel the strength of this light and submit to his volition; and here is how he is worth everything also before men.  On the contrary, one who believes himself to be something, in addition to being worth nothing, is abominable to my presence, and because of his ostentatious and particular manners - for he believes he is something and makes fun of others - men keep him pointed out as an object of derision and of persecution.”
Vol. 4, Dec. 24, 1902

“I communicate Myself both to the humble and to the simple, because they immediately believe in my graces and take them into great consideration, though they may be ignorant and poor.  But with these others you see, I am very reluctant, because the first step which draws the soul near Me is belief; and it happens that these, with all of their science and doctrine, and even holiness, never come to experience a ray of celestial light – that is, they walk along the natural way, and they never arrive at touching, even slightly, that which is supernatural.  This is also the reason for which in the course of my mortal life there was not one learned, one priest, one man of power, among my followers, but all ignorant and of low condition – because these were more humble and simple, and also more disposed to make great sacrifices for Me.” 
Vol. 2,  May 19, 1899 

Gods Will is a decree which can not be stopped and will not be resisted.  Although those learned and in authority might try to bury God's truth to block his Kingdom it is only a matter of time.  Where one might refuse God will search out and dispose others who are more simple and humble to serve him.

...it is a decree of the Divinity that the Kingdom of my Divine Will be known; and when We decree there is no human power that can resist Us; at the most, it will be a matter of time. And in spite of the oppositions and adverse judgments of these authoritative people, I will make my way; and if these, with their judgments, want to bury a good so great and so many Divine Lives of my truths, I will put them aside and will make my way, disposing other people, more humble and simple, and who more easily believe in my admirable and multiple ways which I use with souls. And with their simplicity, instead of finding quibbles and difficulties, they will recognize, as gift of Heaven, what I have manifested on my Divine Will; and these will serve Me in an admirable way to propagate in the world the knowledges about my Fiat.
Vol. 28, July 9, 1930

Mary states that only a humble soul can open their heart to Jesus and that this is the starting point to unity with her son so that he might be able to act.

"My Son will act from within you and through you, because you will be “one”. My motherly heart yearns for this – for unity of all of my children – through my Son."
(See top entry)

It is only in this unity, this living in the Divine Will that God can act within and through the creature and where there is unity there can be no disparity.  God puts his love into action doubling it, multiplying it as much as he will until the creature loves with his own love, an equal love.  So that the little humble creature who recognizes her nothing through the grace of God become all, in the reflection of the All.

God loves himself in the creature, everything is his, hence there is no wonder that he puts in field his always new love, doubles it, hundred folds it how much he wants, and he gives grace to her to make her love with his same love, if this were not so, one would see great disparity between who can love and between who can not love, and the poor creature would remain humble, annihilated, without rush and union of love with her Creator, and when two beings can not love with equal love, the inequality indeed produces unhappiness, while our Will is Unity and freely gives his love to the creature in order to make her love, he gives his sanctity in order to make her holy, his wisdom in order to make her know, there is nothing that he possesses that he would not give her. 
Vol. 34, January 5, 1936

God's love is so much for his creature, his children that when he can not conquer by way of love and grace he strikes with the cross.  Because it is only with the cross that God can bring the creature to the point of humility where he can then act.  And even in this point of last resort he entrusts souls to the hands of his Mother and when she holds them securely they can not be lost.

“My daughter courage, everything will serve to the triumph of my Will, if I strike it is because I want to restore health, my love is so much, that when I can not conquer by way of love and graces, I seek to conquer by way of terror and fright, human weakness is so much that many times she doesn’t care for my graces, she is deaf to my voices, laughs at my love, but it is enough to touch (her) skin, to take away the necessary things to natural life, that she abases her arrogance, feels so humiliated that she makes herself a rag, and I do that which I want with her, especially if they don’t have a perfidious and obstinate will, it is enough one chastisement, to see herself on the edge of the sepulcher, that they return in my arms.  You should know that I always love my children, my beloved creatures, I would eviscerate Myself in order not to see them stricken, so much so that in the deadly times to come, I have put them all in the hands of my Celestial Mama, to Her I have entrusted them, so that she holds them for Me under her secure mantle, I will give (to Her) all those that She will want, death itself won’t have power over those that will be in (the) custody of my Mama.”
Vol. 33, June 6, 1935


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