Monday, February 17, 2014

The Divine Will vs. Sin

28 One of the scribes came near and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, he asked him, “Which commandment is the first of all?” 29 Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; 30 you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:28-31

In the post Sin; What is it?, it talked about how when the creature sins it places distance between God and the soul as if someone were to hide from the sun.  In order for the soul to purge itself of voluntary and involuntary sin there is needed sorrow and resignation.  And then to avoid any future sin there is needed the highest of attention.  It's a lot of work just to avoid sin but where is the grow in sanctity if we are all consumed with just avoiding evil?  We have to go further.  The attention can't be on avoiding occasions of sin but on growing in sanity.  When we glorify God we preserve his Creative Work in us.  When we focus on his suffering and join in his reparation for others we join in his Redemptive Work.  And it is in the perfection of these Works that his Sanctifying Work arises in the soul.  But God must always be the center and the focus because when we take our eyes off of God and therefore our focus it's then that we can fall into temptation.

“My daughter, one who makes use of her senses to offend Me deforms my image within herself; therefore sin gives death to the soul, not because she really dies, but because it gives death to everything which is Divine.  If then she uses her senses to glorify Me, I can say:  “You are my eye, my hearing, my mouth, my hands and my feet.”  By this, she preserves my Creative Work within herself; and if to her glorifying Me she adds suffering, satisfying and repairing for others, she preserves within herself my Redemptive Work.  And as she perfects these Works of Mine within herself, my Sanctifying Work rises again, sanctifying everything and preserving it within her soul.  In fact, for everything I have done in the Creative, Redemptive and Sanctifying Works, I have transfused in the soul a participation in my very operating; however, everything is in whether the soul corresponds to my work.
Vol. 5, June 15, 1903

This can't be done by the creature alone.  Rather it can only be done through the Divine Will where the creature allows Him to act in her acts.  Now it becomes not simply avoiding sin but the Divine Will actually allows the soul to grow strong in sanctity.

If the blood circulates well, man is robust and strong, he feels no disquiet; but if some irregularity begins in the blood circulation, indispositions, weaknesses and consumption begin; and if the circulation becomes quite irregular, he remains paralyzed, because that blood which does not circulate and does not flow rapidly in his veins forms the grave evils of the human nature.  What would creatures not do if they knew that there is a remedy for the regularity of blood circulation!  They would go who knows where to have it, so as to incur no malady.  And yet, there is the great remedy of my Will to avoid any evil of the soul, so as not to become paralyzed in good, but to grow strong and robust in sanctity – and who takes it?  And still, it is a remedy given out for free, nor do they have to wander round in order to get It; rather, It is always ready to give Itself and constitute Itself as the regular life of the creature.
Vol. 19, August 31, 1926

And when the soul gives itself wholly and completely without reserve into the power of the Divine Will, the Divine Will holds the power to rid the soul of the life of evil.  This can only happen however in one who does not hold anything back for themselves, everything must be Divine Will for the soul.

“Blessed daughter, when the soul gives herself into the authority of my Will she holds the virtue to make the life of evil be lost, there is no sin or passion that she not feeling, gives it death more than by deadly force, rather by themselves they die as my Will reigns in the soul, thus they feel themselves lose life.  He is as the frost to the plants that withers them for evil, dries them and makes them die.  He is as the light to the darkness, which as the light appears, the darkness disappears and dies, rather one does not even know where it has gone.  My Will is as the heat to the cold, the cold dies under the virtue of the heat.  If the frost, the light, the heat hold the virtue to make plants, darkness, cold die.  More so my Divine Will holds the virtue to make all the evils die together, at the most if the soul does not let herself be always dominated by my Will where He doesn’t always reign he can not always communicate all the goods and convert into Divine life the whole of the creature and where the Divine life is lacking evil arises and it can happen as to the plants, if the force of the frost retires, the plants(,) although with difficultly(,) commence to be renewed, if the light retires the darkness arises again and if the heat retires the cold acquires its life again.  Behold therefore the great necessity to always do my Will and live in Him, if you want to scatter all the evils and also eradicate the roots of the passions. 
Vol. 31, January 6, 1933

An example of this was given to me by Martine where she came to understand the soul to be like an oyster in the ocean which has the constant motion of the currents and tides coursing through it.  It is constantly being cleaned of anything that might dirty it.  And when a soul is under the constant motion of the Divine Will it is constantly being cleaned and there is no need of the purging fires of Purgatory to clean her further when she dies.  I find this amazing.  The saints of old, with all their great sacrifices and acts and even miricles, just wanted to make it into Purgatory in order to assure their Heaven but here the soul living in the Divine Will, seemingly doing nothing, totally bypasses this step.

“My daughter, why do you afflict yourself if I am the master of all of you?  When a soul comes to rendering Me the master of her mind, of her arms, of her heart and of her feet, sin cannot reign; and if something involuntary enters into her, since I am the master and the soul is under the influence of my lordship, she is in continuous attitude of purgation, and that something immediately goes out of her.  Furthermore, since I am Holy, it is difficult for her to retain within herself anything which is not holy.  Even more, since she has given all of herself to Me in life, it is justice that I give all of Myself to her at her death, admitting her to the beatific vision without delay.  So, if one gives herself completely to Me, the flames of Purgatory have nothing to do with her.”
Vol. 5,   July 3, 1903       

And here we have the completion of Jeremiah and again in Hebrews.

31 The days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. 32 It will not be like the covenant that I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt—a covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, says the Lord. 33 But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 No longer shall they teach one another, or say to each other, “Know the Lord,” for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the Lord; for I will forgive their iniquity, and remember their sin no more.
Jeremiah 31:31-34

15 And the Holy Spirit also testifies to us, for after saying,

16 “This is the covenant that I will make with them
    after those days, says the Lord:
I will put my laws in their hearts,
    and I will write them on their minds,”
17 he also adds,  “I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.”
Hebrews 10:15-17

This occurs intimately between the soul and God.  God teaches the soul and cares for her and the soul come to know her God.  Where the Divine Will exists in his full rule, in his Kingdom, sin can not exist.  There is no sin to remember.  Jesus further confirms this and goes on to say that these souls will be distinguished as children of Its Kingdom, preserved from any evil since sin and Divine Will can not exist together.  This will not just be restricted to the soul but the body as well will undergo change.


  The Kingdom of the Divine Fiat will make the great miracle of banishing all evils, all miseries, all fears, because It will not perform a miracle at time and circumstance, but will keep the children of Its Kingdom with Itself with an act of continuous miracle, to preserve them from any evil, and let them be distinguished as the children of Its Kingdom.  This, in the souls; but also in the body there will be many modifications, because it is always sin that is the nourishment of all evils. Once sin is removed, there will be no nourishment for evil; more so, since my Will and sin cannot exist together, therefore the human nature also will have its beneficial effects. 
Vol. 20,   October 22, 1926
Mary, herself, confirms this in the book, The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will.  She states that her nature being conceived without sin and living completely of the Divine Will was spared illness and indisposition.  Instead her pains all belonged in the supernatural order.
In fact, I did not know illness or any slight indisposition; in my nature, conceived without sin and lived completely of Divine Will, the seed of natural evils was missing.  If pains courted Me so much, they were all in the supernatural order, and these pains were triumphs and honors for your Celestial Mama, and gave Me the field so that my Maternity would not be sterile, but conqueror of many children.  Do you see then, dear child, what it means to live of Divine Will?  It means to lose the seed of natural evils, which produce, not honors and triumphs, but weaknesses, miseries and defeats.
The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will, Day 31

So this is not to say that a creature living in the Divine Will will no longer be totally isolated from the effects of sin.  Instead it's explained that souls will be placed in the same position as Jesus' Humanity who felt the effects of sin in order to repair them.  So he was placed between the horror of the sin and the joys of the Divine feeling joy and pain at the same time.  The trick is to not focus on these as something of our own but to use them to repair and glorify God which in turn advances the work of Sanctification in us as well. 

“Daughter, one who truly does my Will is placed in the same condition as my Humanity.  I was Man and God.  As God, I contained within Myself all the happinesses, beatitudes, beauties, and all the goods that I possess.  On one hand my Humanity participated in my Divinity, and therefore It was blissful, happy, and Its beatific vision never escaped It.  On the other hand, having taken upon Itself the satisfaction for creatures before Divine Justice, my Humanity was tormented by the clear sight of all sins; and having to take them upon Itself in order to satisfy for them, It felt the horror of each sin with its own special torment.  Therefore, It felt joy and pain at the same time; love on the part of my Divinity, freezing cold on the part of creatures; sanctity on one hand, sin on the other.  There was nothing which the creature would do that could escape Me, be it even the littlest thing.  Now my Humanity is no longer capable of suffering, therefore I live in one who does my Will - she serves as my humanity.  This is why on one hand the soul feels love, peace, firmness in good, fortitude and the like; on the other hand, coldness, bothers, tiredness, etc.  If the soul remains completely in my Will and takes these things, not as her own things, but as things that I Myself suffer, she will not lose heart, but will compassionate Me, and will have the honor of sharing in my pains, because she is nothing other than a veil that covers Me.  She will feel nothing but the bothers of the pricks, of the cold, but it is into Me, into my Heart, that they are driven.”
Vol. 11, July 9, 1915  

And the reason we feel the effects of sin are all part of Gods plan so that  we might be spurred on to love more and repair God for the sins of creatures.



Ah! you would not have loved so much to suffer in order to repair Me, had you not felt within you the effects of sin and how much your Jesus suffers in being offended.
Vol. 28, July 9, 1930

And in doing this we take part in bringing about the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of the Divine Will in the earth of our bodies and upon the earth to restore God's Creation to it's origin, beautiful as he brought it forth in the beginning.

     “My daughter, the earth, created by God as fertile and beautiful, with a most refulgent sun that illuminated it and delighted it, became full of thorns and all stony because of sin; the human will put to flight the Sun of Mine, and thick darkness covered it. And I keep you alive because you must remove all the stones from the earth and render it fertile again. Each act of the human will has been a stone that covered the beautiful earth created by Me; each venial sin has been a thorn, each grave sin has been a poison, and each good done outside of my Will has been like sand scattered over the land which, invading it completely, prevented the vegetation of even the smallest plant or some blade of grass which might sprout from underneath the stones.
Vol. 18, June 20, 1927

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