Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Breath of Life

Well, I once again find myself before a huge subject, which will by necessity become more than one, maybe more than two posts.  It started back with Creation Sunday, (and yes I've been working on it since then,) and the first reading in mass that brought me back to a draft which I've had in storage on the Breath of Life.

then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living being. 
Genesis 2:7

There are so many references in the Volumes on the Divine Breath; on the moment of the Creation of man and all that that breath encompassed, to the intimate union between the breath of man and the breath of God, to the suffering caused by the division of man and God with original sin, and to the renewal of man in the Divine Will through the Divine Breath once again breathing into man.  I began this thinking that it might be a quick topic but it has once again caught me in a labyrinth of material and I get the feeling that Jesus is having a good laugh over my predicament. 

Even in the translation from Italian to English there are layers to appreciate.  The Italian word for breath often used in the Volumes is Fiato and from that can be seen the close spelling of the word Fiat or the expressed word of God, the second person of God, Jesus.  Jesus in one reading also refers to creatures as his fiati which is normally translated as "breaths" but also has the possible translation of "wind instruments."  So you can see even in the words there is a lesson where God is the spirit, the motion, the breath and we are the instruments through which he creates his music.  So I will leave it to God to find the order and path through this maze of information.

So I think I'll start "in the beginning" so to speak... For those of us who feel ourselves removed from something which happened so long ago Jesus clearly states in the Volumes that that moment in the Creation is relevant to all of us and that we all participate in it.

Therefore, you must know that, in creating Adam, all creatures were created in him; all were present to Us – none of them escaped Us; We loved all creatures as him, and in him. And when, with so much love, We formed his humanity, molding it and working it with Our creative hands, forming the bones, extending the nerves, covering them with flesh, forming all the harmonies of the human life, in Adam, all creatures were molded and worked. In all of them We formed the bones, extended the nerves; and covering them with flesh, We left the touch of Our creative hands, the mark of Our Love, the vivifying virtue of Our Will. And as We infused the soul in him with the power of Our omnipotent breath, souls were formed in all the bodies with the same power in which the soul of Adam was formed.
See, then, how each creature is a new creation, as if We had created the new Adam; because in each of them We want to renew the great prodigy of the creation, the installation of the center of Our Love, the carrying out of the Life of Our Fiat. So great was the excess of Our Love in creating man, that until the last creature comes on earth, We will remain in continuous act of creation, to give to each one what was given to the first man created – Our overflowing Love, the touch of Our creative hands for the formation of each of them. Therefore, my daughter, I recommend to you that you know how to recognize and preserve within yourself the installation of Our Love and the operating Life of Our Fiat; and you will feel the prodigies of the continuous creation, and Our Love overflowing, such that, as It drowns you with love, you will feel nothing but Love and Divine Will.”
Vol. 28, August 24, 1930

Just as in the Redemption where Jesus suffered and died one time but because he is Divine this is applied to each creature so that each can say he suffered and died for me so it is in the Creation as well.  Each creature is a new creation and each receives this breath of God and an act done by God lasts perpetually and will not turn back from it's intent.  All of Creation hinges upon God's breath which continually renews life for all things.

“This is the way God works: to do an act which lasts for centuries and centuries, and even for all eternity, because Our outpouring of love, [and] Our breath springs forth continuously from Our Divine Womb, and flows to give the breath of life to the generation of creatures.  Thus Our outpouring of love, hovering in all of creation, invests heaven and earth, sun and sea, wind and water, and runs towards the creature.  If it were not that way, the heavens would draw up, the stars would be lost, the sun would lack light, water would be lacking, and the earth would produce neither plants nor fruit because they would lack the life of Our love which hovers in all things; they would withdraw from Our source from which they come.  And if the generations ever came to lack Our Breath they would be finished, because creatures are nothing other than a spark which Our Breath sends to make the growing generations fruitful.
Vol. 21, April 24, 1927          

Each person is able to receive all the love and all the gifts which God granted Adam in that moment of Creation and all of it is as immersed and overflowing in love because God is love and his breath breathes forth love.  Each person is given God's whole life to the capacity to which each creature can contain.

“My blessed daughter, you should know that our Divine Being is none other than a substance all of love, so that as a consequence everything, inside and outside of us, everything is love, hence our breath is love and the air that we breathe is love....
Vol. 32, April 2, 1933

And as I created man, I breathed on him with my breath, infusing life in him; but in this life I infused in him, I placed my whole Life, according to what human capacity was able to contain.  But I placed everything in him.  There was nothing of my own which I did not share with him.  See, even his breath is the reflection of my breath with which I give him continuous life; while his breath is reflected in mine, and I feel it continuously within Me. 
“See then, how many relations there are between Myself and the creature.  This is why I love him so much:  because I look at him as a birth from Me, exclusively mine.  And then, how did I ennoble the will of man?  I linked it with Mine, giving it all my prerogatives.  I made it free, just like Mine; and if to the body I had given two little lights, limited and circumscribed, which started from my Eternal Light, the human will I made all eyes.  Therefore, as many acts as the human will forms, so many eyes can it say it possesses.  It looks to the right, to the left, to the back and to the front; and if the human life is not animated by my Will, it will do nothing good.  In creating it, I said to it:  ‘You will be my sister on earth; my Will from Heaven will animate yours; we will be in continuous reflections, and whatever I will do, you will do as well - I, by nature, and you, by the grace of my continuous reflections.  I will follow you like a shadow.  I will never leave you.’
Vol. 13, November 4, 1921

With this gift of the whole life of God man was also created so that there was complete love and trust between God and man with the bonds of intimate paternal familiarity.  This was broken with man's fall but God wants to renew this bond and he will do so with his Divine Breath just as he created him in the beginning.

“My daughter, this is precisely the reason why I often come to you, even to the point that it might appear strange to some and out of My usual way of dealing with a soul - because there is hardly another to whom I have come to so very often.  All [this] is to reorder My first act, of the way that I created the creature.  So I return to you and I tarry, more than a most loving father would with his daughter.  How many times have I filled you with My Breath to the point of [your] not being able to any longer contain My Omnipotent Exhalation?  I poured forth in you My repressed love, even to the point of filling your soul to the very brim.  All this was nothing other than the renewal of the solemn act of creation. I wanted to feel that great satisfaction as when I created man, and so I come to you not only to renew it, but to reorder the order, harmony, and love between Creator and creature, just in the way as he was created.  In the beginning of man’s creation there was no distance between him and Me, there was only familiarity; and he had only to call Me and I was there.  I loved him as a son, and as a son I felt myself so inclined toward him that I could not help but go and remain with him very often.  With you I am renewing the beginning of creation, so be attentive to receive such a great good.”
Vol. 21, April 22, 1927

This Divine breath preserves and nourishes not only the soul of the creature but the body as well and when his last ordained breath finishes with the creature then her soul leaves for Heaven.

 And Jesus, to cheer me, placed Himself with His face in front of my chest, and as He breathed over me, a light came out of His breath, which served not only for my soul, but also to recompose my whole body.  As the breath would cease, my body would fall apart; and Jesus, to cheer me, said to me:  “My daughter, courage, don’t you see that the mere breath and light of my Will recomposes also your body?  So, if I stop my breath, your body will fall apart and you will immediately take the way to Our Celestial Fatherland.”
Vol. 20, January 23, 1927

But only a soul living in the Divine Will has the capacity to receive this Divine Breath continuously and thereby form a complete and mature life.

“My good daughter, only my Volition maintains and conserves intact, with a continuous act, the beginning of the Creation of the creature.  Our Supreme Being gave the beginning and animated her life with the power of our divine breath; this breath should not ever be broken, more so that when we give and we do an act we never withdraw it, and this serves in order to form the completed work of the being that we put forth to the light.  This first act of ours, while it serves to give beginning and to form the life, the continuation, it serves in order to make of the creature a completed act of ours, and as we breathe (in) her thus we form in her our continuous acts in order to complete our divine life.  Our breath, as we give it, forms sip by sip the growth of this life of ours in the creature.  Our breath, as it gives itself, thus it forms our completed act of sanctity, of beauty, of love, of goodness and so on, and when we have filled her so much, in a way that we don’t have anywhere more to put our act in the creature, because she is limited, our breath ceases and her life finishes in earth, and in order to immortalize our breath in Heaven, we transport our fully grown life in her, our completed act, into our Celestial Country as triumph of our Creation.  There is no more beautiful rarity than these lives and completed acts of ours in the Celestial sojourn, they are the narrators of our power, of the enthusiasm of our love, they are speaking voices of our omnipotent breath, that alone could form the divine life, our completed act in the creature.  But do you know where we can form this life and this completed act of ours, for how much it is possible and imaginable for a creature to receive from her Creator?  [In] the soul that lives in our Divine Will and lets herself be dominated by Him.  Ah! only in her can we form the divine life and develop our completed act; our Volition disposes the creature to receive all the qualities and divine colors, and our breath not ever interrupted, as expert brush/(artist), paints with admirable and inimitable mastery the most beautiful tones and forms there the images of our Supreme Being; if it might not be for these images there would not have been that great work of the Creation, nor great work of the power of our creative hands, creating the Sun, the Sky, the stars and all the universe would have been a beautiful nothing for our power.  But instead all our power, the art of our divine arts, the indescribable excess of our intense love, it is to do our completed act in the creature with forming our life in her and so much is our gratification, that we ourselves remain enraptured in our act that we develop. For us to do a completed act it is the greatest glory that glorifies us most, it is the most intense love that praises us most, it is the power that praises us continually.  But alas! for one who doesn’t live in our Volition, how many broken acts of ours, without conclusion, how many divine lives of ours hardly conceived or at the most born without growing.  [Creatures] break the continuation of our work and bind our arms without being able to go ahead; they put us in the impotence of a master who holds his earth and is prevented by his ungrateful servants from doing the work that he wants to in his earth, to sow it, to plant the plants that he wants; poor proprietor, to hold sterile earth, without the fruit that he could receive, for reason of his iniquitous servants.  Our earths are creatures and the ungrateful servant is the human volition, which opposing ours with hers puts us in impotence from forming our divine life in them.  Now you should know that in Heaven one doesn’t enter if one doesn’t possess our divine life, or at least conceived or born, and such will be the glory, the beatitude of the blessed, for how much growth has been formed of our life in them.  Now what will be the difference for one who has hardly let him be conceived, be born or grown with little proportions, from one who has let us form complete life?  So much will be the difference, that it is incomprehensible to the human creature.  Those will be as the people of the Celestial kingdom, instead our images will be as princes, ministers, the noble court, the regal army of the great King.  Therefore one who does my Divine Will and lives in Him can say:  ‘I do all and I also belong from this earth to the family of my Celestial Father.’”
Vol. 29, October 12, 1931

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