“Daughter of my Will, my omnipotent breath gives you the life of my Will. In fact, for one who does my Will, my Will administers to her Its breath as life; and as It breathes upon her, It moves away from her all that does not belong to Me, and she breathes nothing but the air of my Will. And just as the air is inhaled and exhaled, the same for the soul: it is a continuous receiving of Myself and giving of herself to Me at each breath.
Vol. 14, March 21, 1922This is a mutual communion where the one feeds and nourishes the other. In this way God brings about the communication of all his goods with the creature so that he can regenerate in her all that which was lost from the fall.
And since the creature is one of our works, we want to find in her our Will as life, so that not only she but all her works serve us (for) food and we for exchange give her our food. This feeding each other with the same foods forms the agreement between God and the creature. This agreement produces peace, communication of goods, inseparability; it seems that the divine breath/[fiato] breathes in the creature and that of hers in God, that they unite so much as to feel as if the breath/[fiato] of the one (is) as if it might be one alone with the other. Hence agreement of Will, agreement of love, of works happen. We feel that breath/[fiato] that we put forth in the Creation of man, that he broke with doing his will, is reborn anew in the creature; our Will holds the virtue and office to regenerate in her that which she has lost with sin and to reorder her as she went forth from our creative hands.”
Vol. 30, February 10, 1932This living in the Divine Will and breathing the Divine air of God does not just pass on spiritual goods but allows the soul to acquire the true visage of a true child of God. So that the creature becomes in appearance, manners, in the way they speak, pray and love a true and legitimate child of God once more.
“My daughter, since you are born in my Will, it is necessary, it is right and decorous that you live, grow and be nourished in It, and that you acquire the prerogatives of a true daughter of my Volition. No extraneous feature, nor anything which does not belong to my Will must appear in you. Therefore, from your physiognomy, from your manners, from your speaking, and even from the way you love and pray, it must be recognized that you are the daughter of my Will. Do you see, then, how I love you, and with what jealousy I keep you and nourish you? With my very breath, because only my breath can preserve, whole and permanent, the Life of my Will in one who must live in my Volition. And so, that breath which, with so much love, I released from my bosom in the creation of man, to infuse in him my likeness, I continue to infuse in the soul who lives in my Will, in order to form my true images and the great portents which I had established to form in Creation, and for which all things were made.
Vol. 19, May 1, 1926But people pay no mind to this Divine life, this spiritual air and reject it. The Divine air for the soul however is of the same if not more importance as the natural air for the body, without it there can be no health or life.
“My daughter, in creating man, in order to preserve his life, I formed around him the air of the body and the air of the soul: the natural air for the body, the air of my Will for the soul. Do you believe that the natural air, only because it is air, has the virtue of giving respiration to man, and strength, nourishment, freshness and vegetation to all nature? So, even though it cannot be seen, the air has everything in its power and constitutes itself life of each created being. Therefore, all feel the necessity of the air, and the air follows its course everywhere, at night and at daytime; it penetrates into the beating of the heart, into the circulation of the blood – everywhere. But do you know why it contains so much virtue? Because in the air there is the whole substance of the goods it produces; the nourishing, the respiratory and the vegetative strength were placed by God in the air, and it contains as though many seeds of all the good it encloses.
Now, if air was needed for the preservation of all nature, air was also needed for the preservation of the soul; and my goodness did not want to entrust or form another air for the soul, but my very Will wanted to constitute Itself air for the soul, so that all the substance of the goods It contains, like air, though invisible, might penetrate into the depth of the soul and bring her the divine nourishment, the vegetation and all goods, the respiratory virtue of all that is Heaven, the invincible strength, the fecundity of all virtues. There should be a contest - the body, in breathing the natural air, and the soul, in breathing the air of my Will. Yet, there is enough to cry! If creatures feel the natural air lacking, they procure it for themselves by going up to high mountains, and they express with sorrow the lack of air; but they have not one thought or sorrow for the air of my Will. Even though creatures are forced to be as though soaked with the air of my Will, because they do not love this balsamic and sanctifying air, It cannot place in the soul the goods It contains, and It is forced to remain there sacrificed, without being able to carry out the life It contains. Therefore, my daughter, I recommend to you – if you want my Will to fulfill Its designs within you, always breathe the air of my Will, so that, as you breathe it, the Divine Life may vegetate in you, and It may lead you to the true purpose for which you were created.”
Vol. 17, November 23, 1924
My Will possesses an enrapturing beauty which, if it makes itself seen with clarity even just once, enraptures, embellishes, casting its waves of beauties over the soul, in such a way that they will not easily be able to forget a beauty so rare, and will remain as though in the maze of Its beauty, unable to get out. It possesses an enchanting power, and the soul remains fixed within Its sweet enchantment. It possesses a balsamic air, such that, as it is breathed, they will feel, enter into themselves, the air of peace, of sanctity, of divine harmony, of happiness, of the light that purifies everything, of the love that burns everything, of the power that conquers everything, in such a way that this air will bring the celestial balm to all the evils produced by the bad, morbid and deadly air of the human will. See, also in the human life, air acts in a surprising way. If the air is pure, good, healthy, fragrant, the respiration is free, the blood circulation is regular, and creatures grow strong, nourished, rosy and healthy. But if the air is bad, stinking and infected, the respiration is hampered, the blood circulation is irregular; and not receiving the life of the pure air, creatures are weak, pale, gaunt and sickly. The air is the life of creatures - they cannot live without it; but there is a great difference between good and bad air. So it is with the air of the soul. The air of my Will maintains life pure, healthy, holy, beautiful and strong, as it came out from the womb of its Creator. The deadly air of the human will deforms the poor creature, it makes her descend from her origin, and she grows as sick, weak, such as to arouse pity.”
Vol. 23, October 30, 1927
“Upright operating keeps Divine Love always lit within the soul, while the operating which is not upright keeps putting it out, and if it tries to light it, now comes the breath of love of self and puts it out, now human respect, now self esteem, now the breath of the desire to please others… In sum, many breaths always keep putting it out; while with the upright operating, it is not many breaths that light this divine fire in the soul, but one continuous breath which keeps it always lit – and it is only the omnipotent breath of a God.”
Vol. 7, October 4, 1906
25 He said to them, “Then render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.”
Luke 20:25
We've all read this but it's meaning is much more expansive than what I once believed. Everything we do, think, say, love is meant to be done for God alone. All of our love is to be centered on God alone so that love of creatures and love of self exists but only on the behalf of love of God.
Luke 20:25
We've all read this but it's meaning is much more expansive than what I once believed. Everything we do, think, say, love is meant to be done for God alone. All of our love is to be centered on God alone so that love of creatures and love of self exists but only on the behalf of love of God.
‘Daughter, I ask from you nothing other than what I gave you. It is for your own good; do not steal from Me what is mine. The breath is mine - breathe only for Me; the heartbeat and the movement are mine - palpitate and move only for Me’; and so with all the rest. But, to my greatest sorrow, I am forced to see the heartbeat taking one way, the breath another; and I, poor beggar, remain on an empty stomach, while the love of self, of creatures, and even of passions remain full. Can there be a greater wrong than this?
Vol. 11, February 26, 1912
This fire of Divine love in the creature, in life, burns away all that which is not of God and God uses privation of him, those dry spells we all dread so much, to fan the flames of this fire more so creating a continuous spiritual communion. Jesus calls this the purgatory of the soul.
“My daughter, poor daughter, courage, the privation of Me excites the desire more, and in this excited desire the soul breathes God; and God, feeling more ignited by this excitement of the soul, breathes the soul. In this breathing each other - God and the soul - thirst for love ignites more, and since love is fire, it forms the purgatory of the soul, and this purgatory serves her, not as just one Communion a day, as the Church allows, but as a continuous communion, just as the breathing is continuous. But these are all communions of most pure love – only of spirit, not of body; and since the spirit is more perfect, as a consequence, love is more intense. This is how I repay, not one who does not want to receive Me, but one who cannot receive Me, depriving himself of Me to content Me.
Vol. 6, December 5, 1903So that an act done by a soul living in the Divine Will is a property of Heaven, but an act done by the human will waits in Purgatory for the creature to join it there so that they might be purified with fire. Even then they will never take a position of honor in the Celestial Country as when acts are done in the Divine Will.
“My daughter, you should know that every act of the creature holds its post around God; as every star holds its post under the vault of heaven. Thus the acts of them, each one holds its post. But which are those that depart for the regal way, as property of the Celestial Country, and take the most honored post and give divine glory to their Creator? The acts done in my Will.
“When one of these acts depart from the earth, the Heavens lower themselves, all the blessed go to meet it and they accompany that act to the post of honor around the supreme Throne. They all feel glorified in that act, because the eternal Will has triumphed in the act of the creature and has put there his divine act. Instead the acts not done in my Will, and perhaps even good, they don’t depart by the regal way, they depart by the tortuous ways and they cover a long stop over by going through purgatory and there wait for the creature in order to purify themselves together with ways of fire; and when they finish purifying themselves, then they depart for heaven in order to take their post, but not in the high-class posts, but in the secondary posts. Do you see the great difference? [For] the first acts, no sooner than [the act is] formed, it doesn’t even remain together with the creature, because being stuff of Heaven it can not remain upon the earth, and therefore immediately takes its flight into its Country; not only, but all the Angels and Saints demand in heaven that which has been done by the Divine Will as their stuff, because all that which becomes done by him, as much in earth as in Heaven, are all proprieties of the Celestial Country. Therefore his every little act is demanded by all of heaven, because they are all fonts of joys and eternal beatitudes, that belong to them. All to the contrary (for) one who doesn’t work in my Will.”
Vol. 30, Feb. 16, 1932So acts done for love of God, in the Divine Will, are acts which all of creation shares in. They are joined inseparably in the breath of God which reaches everyone and everything and are purified by the Divine fire of love here on earth. Any act not done in the Divine Will even though good, and the creature that did it, must be purified by the fires of Purgatory before it can enter Heaven.
“How beautiful is living in my Volition, not only is it a way, but as the soul is (about) to do her act, the divine breath descends into her act, and breathing forth fills all the creation with his omnipotent breath and everyone feels the refreshment, the love, the power of the creative breath that holds (the) power of enclosing everyone and everything, embalming with his divine and celestial air.
Vol. 36, July 11, 1938
Vol. 36, July 11, 1938
And finally not only by doing an act in the Divine Will does all of Creation share in that act but it is as breathing the All of God and giving the All of God back to God. And here is the fulfillment of the purpose of God, to have a creature that can love him with Divine eternal love, not limited and finite, but giving him all that which he is. It is a true loving relationship with each giving to the other.
“My daughter, one who lives in my Divine Will breathes the All; and just as the breath is taken and is given, and one receives it to then give it back with no time in between, one who breathes the All, which is God, in emitting her breath, gives the All which she has breathed. So, she takes All, and she gives All. She gives the All to God, giving God to God, and she gives the All to creatures, to then breathe God again and everything that God does. It is natural that one who takes All, can give All. Only in the Divine Will is the Life of the Supreme Being bilocated continuously on the part of creatures.”
And I: ‘My Jesus, I feel I am doing nothing, and You tell me that in your Fiat I take All and I give All?’
And Jesus added: “My daughter, when the All operates, the nothing remains in its place – it only makes itself available to receive the All. And besides, do you not feel within yourself the strength of this All which, making you embrace and invade everything – heavens, stars, sun, seas and earth - and embrace all the acts which my Fiat exercises in the whole Creation, makes you bring them to your Creator, as though in one breath, to give everyone and everything back to Him? Has there been anyone until now who has given and has been able to say: ‘I give everything to God, even God Himself, because since I live in His Will, God is mine, the heavens are mine, the sun and everything that this Supreme Fiat has done is mine. So, since everything is mine, I can give everything and I can take everything’? Now, it happens as a consequence that one who lives in my Will has the possession of the All, and this forms and draws the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth; because in order to form a kingdom, it takes the strength of the Power of the All.”
Vol. 20, January 25, 1927And Jesus added: “My daughter, when the All operates, the nothing remains in its place – it only makes itself available to receive the All. And besides, do you not feel within yourself the strength of this All which, making you embrace and invade everything – heavens, stars, sun, seas and earth - and embrace all the acts which my Fiat exercises in the whole Creation, makes you bring them to your Creator, as though in one breath, to give everyone and everything back to Him? Has there been anyone until now who has given and has been able to say: ‘I give everything to God, even God Himself, because since I live in His Will, God is mine, the heavens are mine, the sun and everything that this Supreme Fiat has done is mine. So, since everything is mine, I can give everything and I can take everything’? Now, it happens as a consequence that one who lives in my Will has the possession of the All, and this forms and draws the Kingdom of the Divine Will upon earth; because in order to form a kingdom, it takes the strength of the Power of the All.”
Happy Easter everyone may his Kingdom come.
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