Friday, May 31, 2019

Kindness and truth shall meet;
justice and peace shall kiss.
Truth shall spring out of the earth,
and justice shall look down from heaven.
Psalm 85:10-11

This Psalm always strikes me deeply when I come across it.  It's the promise of the fulfillment of the Kingdom.  It's the promise of true justice and true peace.  It's the promise of the reconciliation between heaven and earth and their union.  It's full promise has yet to be revealed and fulfilled.

It seems truth, on earth, is more often hard and cold.  Justice is often severe and oppressive or it is not just at all.  The earth seems to breed lies and deception and we all wait for the next "shoe to drop" from Heaven on us.  Jesus tells us that we ourselves close the door on Heaven.  That pride blinds us making us unable to see the truth.

In these sad times their pride is so great that they have poisoned all the air; and the stench that spreads everywhere is such that it has reached even before my throne in Heaven.  They act in such a way as to close Heaven by themselves.  The miserable ones do not have eyes to know the truth, because they are obfuscated by the sin of pride, followed by the other vices which they bring with themselves. 

Vol. 1, The victim begins to perform her office, taking part in the pains of Jesus crowned with thorns, to make reparation for sins, especially pride.  Fasting begins for Luisa.

In opposition to pride which blinds us, only simplicity and humility draws Jesus to communicate his truths to the soul.  Learned, even holy people that lack this lack the foundation to touch the supernatural for all of their science, doctrine and holiness.

Then He showed me many religious people and, among them, priests - even of holy life.  But as good as they were, they lacked that spirit of simplicity in believing in the many graces and the many ways the Lord uses with souls.  Jesus said to me:  “I communicate Myself both to the humble and to the simple, because they immediately believe in my graces and take them into great consideration, though they may be ignorant and poor.  But with these others you see, I am very reluctant, because the first step which draws the soul near Me is belief; and it happens that these, with all of their science and doctrine, and even holiness, never come to experience a ray of celestial light – that is, they walk along the natural way, and they never arrive at touching, even slightly, that which is supernatural.  This is also the reason for which in the course of my mortal life there was not one learned, one priest, one man of power, among my followers, but all ignorant and of low condition – because these were more humble and simple, and also more disposed to make great sacrifices for Me.” 
Vol. 2, May 19, 1899 

Divine truth, by it's own nature, is infinite light, which is love.  It attracts love and causes an increase in love.  One truth is enough light to fill all of Heaven and earth.

Whence I did how much more I could to abandon all of myself in the Divine Will, and I thought of the so many truths that Blessed Jesus had manifested to me concerning his Holy Volition.  Every truth embraced the infinite and contained so much light as to fill Heaven and earth; and I felt the strength of the light and the weight of the infinite, that invading all of me with an indescribable love they invited me to love them and to make them mine with putting them into practice.
Vol. 29, February 13, 1931

Each truth revealed by God to the soul is a bond with God.  It is a divine property, which forms the Divine residence for God himself.  This can occur only in a soul where the Divine Will reigns.

Each truth revealed by God to man is a gift of priceless value, another bond that God makes with man.  It is a divine property endowed to the creature.  Only in one who lives in his Will can a creature contain the the full potential of these properties.  Each one carries with it a unique gift of God's distinct attributes which bind the creature more and more to God and God to her. you want to know what are our most beautiful gifts that we make the creature?  To manifest to her a knowledge of our Supreme Being, a truth that pertains to us, one secret of ours is the most beautiful gift that we make her; each of these gifts is one more bond that we put between Her and us, our every truth is a property that we put in her soul.  Behold therefore that in the soul where our Will reigns we find our Divine foods, our property for how much it is possible for a creature, our residence, hence we find ourselves in our house, in our center, in the midst of our properties.  Do you see therefore what it means to make our Will reign and the great good to make you know our truths?  Our every knowledge carries, each one, its distinct gift, some carry his light, some fortitude, some goodness, some wisdom, some love and so on, each one of them binds the creature in a special way to God and God to her.  
Vol. 29,  August 3, 1931

God wants to make a permanent residence with each of his creatures but He can only do this in a creature where his Will reigns, where the creature allows herself to be touched by his light.  So that the light of his truths fecundates, forms, purifies, and beautifies the creature.

“My daughter, one who lives in my Divine Will always has something to do with the light, never with the darkness; and since the light is fertile, it gives birth in the soul to the truths that It possesses.  The virtue of the light is marvelous and miraculous, and while with looking one doesn’t see other than light, inside it possesses the fullness of goods, but it doesn’t communicate these goods to one who only looks, but to one who lets herself be touched, molded, embraced, kissed with its ardent kisses, as it touches it purifies, as it molds it transforms, as it embraces thus it encloses its light in the soul and with its fecundity that doesn’t know how to ever be idle, its work is incessant, it communicates the beautiful rainbow of the colors and divine beauties, and with its kisses it infuses the most beautiful truths and the ineffable secrets of its Creator.  Living in the light of my Divine Will and not to be able to be light of the divine things, of our secrets, to not feel the fecundating virtue of this light, would be as if God might want to make life separate from his creature; instead it was this the unique purpose that we want that our Will be also that of the creature, because we want to make life together and permanent with her.  Hence it would be absurd to live in my Volition and to not feel the fecundity of his goods that this light possesses, that is that of making life of God (the) same (with) the creature.”
Vol. 29, July 23, 1931

Only Jesus is capable of guarding these truths which he does from within the creature.  These truths are the guarantee that God's Kingdom will come upon the earth and that it has already begun it's reign.

“My daughter, every word that I have said to you on my Divine Will has been none other than so many little visits that I have made you, leaving in you the substance of the good that every word of mine contains.  And not entrusting myself to you, because you were incapable of guarding one single word of mine, I left myself to guard the infinite value of my truths that I deposed in your soul.  Hence your fears are not just.  I am at watch over everything.  They are celestial truths, stuff of heaven, outlets of repressed love of my Will, and for so many centuries.  And before deciding to speak to you, already I have decided to remain in you in order to guard that which I deposed in you.  You enter into the secondary order, I am the first custodian.
“Now these little visits of mine being bearers of celestial stuff, you will bring them with you into the Celestial Country as triumph of my Will, and as guarantee that his kingdom will not only come upon the earth, but that he has established his beginning of his reign.  Those that will remain upon the paper will leave in perennial memory that my Will wants to reign in the midst of the human generations, and they will be spurs, incitements, divine supplications, irresistible force, celestial messengers, commanders of the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat; and also powerful reproach to one whom should occupy themselves to make such a good known; and that for laziness and for vain fears they won’t leave themselves to turn through all the world, so that they bring the cheerful news of the happy era of the Kingdom of my Will.  Therefore abandon yourself in me and leave me to do it.”
Vol. 30, January 24, 1932

All of the truths that God manifests to the creature are pledges that God makes in establishing his Kingdom.  The more the creature embraces these truths and turns in them the more pledges God makes to the creature.

“My Will is everything and in order to give himself to the creature he wants to be recognized, he wants to have (something) to do, wants to bargain over it with her; and how much more [the creature] visits him in his acts, so much more does [my Will] find himself pledged and arranged and he commences the disbursement of his capital.  All the truths, the knowledges that I have made you on the Divine Will have they not been perhaps capital that I have made to your soul?  And he is so very exuberant that he can fill the whole entire world with light, with love, with sanctity, with graces, with peace.  And has it not perhaps been after a turn that you have done in his acts, that I already await you with all love in order to give you his pledges and advances that his kingdom would come upon the  earth?  You gave your pledges, and my Fiat gave his to you.  One can say that every truth and word that he said in his regard were dispositions that he took as to form this kingdom, levy that he called in order to form his army, capital that he disbursed in order to maintain it, joys and delights in order to attract them, divine fortitude in order to conquer them; because first we do the deeds, we order everything, and then we demonstrate and we make known the deeds that we have done.
Vol. 30, January 12, 1932

In order to obtain more truths one must put into practice and act on the truths that one has received.  So that Heaven opens itself only over those who work, who are willing to to make a labor of love and make their walk always toward God.

...many times I am waiting for the conclusion of your acts in order to give you the surprise to make known to you other truths.  These like so many puffs of light and of heat perform by maturing in your soul the goods and truths that your Jesus has communicated to you.  Do you see therefore the necessity of your acts in order to dispose you to receive other knowledges on my Divine Fiat, it is in order to let me find in you the continuation of your acts in order to make them mature, otherwise what could I do?  I would remain as Sun that while it crosses over the earth, it doesn’t find either a flower to color or a fruit to mature, so that all the admirable effects that the Sun contains would remain in its light, the earth would receive nothing.  Therefore Heaven opens over working souls, the miraculous strength of the light of my Divine Volition, not over idle souls, but over those that labor, that sacrifice themselves, that love, that always hold something to do for me.
Vol. 29, September 16, 1931

With his truths becomes formed and maintained perfect order, and perennial peace.  The clear, beautiful sky of Heaven finds it echo in the creature and Divine Justice takes up it's rule which does not oppress but loves and calls forth love.

And my every single truth has the virtue to occupy an office in order to maintain the perfect order, (the) perennial peace; it will be the echo of Heaven, and [creatures] will swim within a sea of graces, of happiness, under a sun that doesn’t know clouds; the sky will be always serene.  My truths upon my Divine Will will be the only laws that will dominate; (for) creatures that will enter to live in this kingdom laws not of oppression but of love, that sweetly will make themselves loved, because in them [creatures] will find the strength, the harmony, the happiness, the abundance of all goods
Vol. 30, March 27, 1932 

What seems complicated to us and seemingly impossible is most simple to God who is by nature simple.  The fruit of  justice and truth is simplicity which allows the creature to penetrate everywhere like God.

“The daughter of justice is truth.  Just as I am the eternal Truth, and I do not deceive, nor can I deceive, in the same way, the soul who possesses justice makes truth shine in all of her actions.  Therefore, since she knows by experience the true light of truth, if someone wants to deceive her, since that light which she feels within herself is missing, she immediately recognizes the deceit.  And so it happens that with this light of truth she deceives neither herself, nor her neighbor, nor can she be deceived.  The fruit produced by this justice and by this truth is simplicity, which is another quality of my Being – being simple; so much so, that I penetrate everywhere; there is nothing that can prevent Me from penetrating inside of it.  I penetrate into Heaven and into the abysses, into good and into evil; but my Being, which is most simple, by penetrating even into evil, does not get dirty; even more, it does not receive the slightest shadow.  In the same way, through justice and truth, gathering this beautiful fruit of simplicity within herself, the soul penetrates into Heaven, she enters into hearts to lead them to Me, she penetrates into everything that is good; and if she finds herself with sinners and sees the evil that they do, she does not get dirty because, being simple, she immediately brushes it off, without receiving any harm.  Simplicity is so beautiful, that my Heart is wounded at one gaze alone of a simple soul.  She is the admiration of angels and men.”
Vol. 2, August 10, 1899 

And so the fulfillment of Psalm 85:10-11 is seen with the creature living in the Divine Will.  The Kingdom of God becomes formed within her and His truths spring up from within her earth, that is her body, and she takes on the likeness of God in his simplicity forming the reflection of Heaven so that God's Justice reigns in the full expression of his love.

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