I've often encountered people who seem to believe that the more complicated the prayer or the more lofty the round the more efficient it is and the closer to the Divine. But God is simple and all his acts are simple. Of course he's beyond our grasp in our created intellect, that will always be the case, but making a prayer more wordy doesn't make it more similar or pleasing to God. A good example of this is in Mary's act that she did in meeting Jesus on the Way of the Cross.
Continuing in my usual state, for a few instants I saw blessed Jesus with the Cross on His shoulders, in the act of encountering His Most Holy Mother; and I said to Him: ‘Lord, what did your Mother do in this most sorrowful encounter?’
And He: “My daughter, She did nothing but a most profound and simple act of adoration. And since the simpler the act, the more easily it unites with God, Most Simple Spirit, in this act She infused Herself in Me and continued what I Myself was doing in my interior. This was immensely pleasing to Me, more than if She had done any other greater thing. In fact, the true spirit of adoration consists in this: the creature dissolves herself and finds herself in the divine sphere; she adores all that God does, and she unites with Him. Do you think that when the mouth adores but the mind is somewhere else, it is true adoration? That is, the mind adores but the will is far away from Me? Or, one power adores Me, and the others are all disordered? No, I want everything for Myself, and everything I have given her, in Me. This is the greatest act of cult, of adoration, that the creature can do for Me.”
Vol. 6, December 17, 1903By ourselves this uniting with the divine sphere and having all of our powers ordered and focused on loving God alone is impossible. The human will is disorder on it's own. But when one lives in the Divine Will God's Will reorders man and restores the harmony of his powers and temperament. With this the creature becomes more child-like, more similar to God.
“One who lives in my Will loses her temperament and acquires mine. So, in the soul who lives in my Will one finds a pleasant, attractive, penetrating, dignified temperament, and simple at the same time – of a child-like simplicity; in sum, she looks like Me in everything. Even more, she keeps her temperament within her power as she wants and as is needed. Since she lives in my Will, she takes part in my power, so she has all things, and herself, at her disposal, and according to the circumstances and the people she deals with, she takes my temperament and applies it.”
Vol. 11, February 24, 1912
This gift of living in the Divine Will can only be accomplished by God. Each creature that wants to live in His Will receives for himself a bilocated life of God because only the constant reigning presence of God can keep his creature in the divine harmony. Only God can do this and for Him it is most simple and the one love fuses with the other and becomes one.
Now listen to me my good daughter, the great prodigy of our life in the creature, that no one else for love and power that has (existed) can give the boast of saying: ‘I can bilocate myself, and while I remain that which I am, I can form another life of mine inside of a person that I love;’ it would be madness and absurd to say it, neither Angel, nor saint hold this power, only your God, your Jesus, holds this power, because our Being is fullness, he is totality, he is everything and fills everything, and in the immensity in which he finds himself, that involves everything, he breathes, and with a simple breath we form our Divine life in the creature, and our Will dominates her, feeds her, makes her grow, and forms the great prodigy of enclosing our Divine life in the little circle of the soul of the creature. Behold therefore your continuous ‘I love you’ is ours, it is the breath of our life, it is our heartbeat that doesn’t know how to palpate other than ‘I love you, I love you, I love you’, this serves to the maintenance of our life, that doesn’t know how to do other than love, to give love and to want love, hence while this ‘I love you’ is ours, it is our breath and also yours, that while we give you love, you give us love, and fused together ours is woven with your ‘I love you’, it meets itself, unites itself and feels itself one single ‘I love you’, while they are two, that enrapturing each other they form one alone.
Vol. 32, April 2, 1933
Luisa, herself, doubted that so much good could occur so simply. Jesus reassured her adding that not only is it simple but that all the good acts that the creature had to do have already been formed in the Divine Will. They have existed, exist and will exist awaiting their birth into the light.
Jesus became silent, and I thought to myself: “How can it be that with only entering into the Divine Will our acts acquire so much good?” And Jesus resuming his saying added:
“My daughter, this happens in (a) simple and almost natural way, because our divine being is the most simple, thus our acts pure. Now you must know that all that which the creature had to do of good has been done, formed, fed by our Divine Volition; one can say that her acts existed, exist, will exist, in him; they are as orderly lined up and all hold their place in our Volition; more so that first it becomes formed in us and then in its time we bring it forth to the light.
“Now, with entering into our Volition, the soul finds all that which is already hers and that we want that she takes, hence the human acts find our divine acts established by us for her, they fling themselves, transform themselves, kiss each other, enclose themselves in our divine acts, that are already theirs, and the human one becomes divine act; and since our divine act is great, is immense, and the human one is little, it feels scattered in the divine one, as if it might lose (its) life; but it is not true, the little life exists, the human reason is lost, is closed, has become occupied by ours, with its highest honor and with our highest glory, because we have given of ours to the creature. And playing the little atom of the human volition, we make such prodigies of love, of our glory, as to astound heaven and earth and feel ourselves as reciprocated that we have created the creature with all the creation.
“My daughter, this happens in (a) simple and almost natural way, because our divine being is the most simple, thus our acts pure. Now you must know that all that which the creature had to do of good has been done, formed, fed by our Divine Volition; one can say that her acts existed, exist, will exist, in him; they are as orderly lined up and all hold their place in our Volition; more so that first it becomes formed in us and then in its time we bring it forth to the light.
“Now, with entering into our Volition, the soul finds all that which is already hers and that we want that she takes, hence the human acts find our divine acts established by us for her, they fling themselves, transform themselves, kiss each other, enclose themselves in our divine acts, that are already theirs, and the human one becomes divine act; and since our divine act is great, is immense, and the human one is little, it feels scattered in the divine one, as if it might lose (its) life; but it is not true, the little life exists, the human reason is lost, is closed, has become occupied by ours, with its highest honor and with our highest glory, because we have given of ours to the creature. And playing the little atom of the human volition, we make such prodigies of love, of our glory, as to astound heaven and earth and feel ourselves as reciprocated that we have created the creature with all the creation.
Vol. 36, November 6, 1938
These acts held in and done in the Divine Will encompass everything and everyone and all can receive their good from them. All because they are simple. They are perfect echos of God's own Fiat echoing love, glory and adoration. They echo out to touch all, involve all, and bring God's order and healing to all. And the soul that lives in the Divine Will becomes simple, echoing love, glory and adoration in all of their acts.
Then He added: “The acts in my Will are the simplest acts, but, because they are simple, they communicate themselves to all. The light of the sun, because it is simple, is light of every eye – yet the sun is one. One act alone in my Will, like most simple light, diffuses itself in every heart, in every work, in everyone – yet the act is one. My very Being, because It is most simple, is one single act, but an act which contains everything; it has no feet but is the step of all; no eyes, but is the eye and the light of all; it gives life to everything, but with no effort, with no toil, yet it gives the act of operating to all. So, the soul in my Will becomes simple, and together with Me she multiplies in all, and does good to all. Oh! if all comprehended the immense value of the acts, even the littlest, done in my Will – they would let not one act escape them.”
“My blessed daughter of my Volition, have you seen how sweet was the murmur of the sea of my Will? and the souls that live in him also don’t do other than to murmur together in this sea, they, perfect echoes of my Fiat, don’t ever cease murmuring love, glory, adoration, but in a simple way, if they breathe they murmur love, if they palpate, if blood circulates in the veins, if they think, if they move, in everything they murmur love, love, glory to our Creator, and if they call my Will in their acts they form the impetuous waves in order to involve God and creatures, so that all Heaven and earth make one Will alone. An act in my Will can be an impetuous wind as to transport, to eradicate with its strength the passions, the weaknesses, the bad habits, the putrefied air of sin and to substitute the virtues, the Divine strength, the holy habits, the sanctifying air of my Will.
“An act in my Volition can be a universal air that penetrating everywhere and in everyone, at night and in the daytime, it can make itself breathed in order to infuse its life, its sanctity and taking away the unhealthy air of the human volition, there it substitutes the healthy air of my Fiat in a way as to remain sweetened, embalmed, revived, healed by this Divine air.
Vol.34, July 25, 1937
Vol.34, July 25, 1937
But how can we enter into his Divine Will to bring these acts into the light for everyone. Jesus continues to repeat how simple it is and how His Will facilitates everything. He only needs the creature to truly want it and to correspond step by step.
“My good daughter, in order to enter into my Will the way is most simple, because your Jesus never teaches difficult things, my love, makes me adapt myself much to the human ability, so that the creature without difficulty, can do that which I teach and want.
“Now you must know that in order to enter into my Fiat the first indispensable thing is volition, to yearn for with all firmness that she wants to live in him. The second thing, to take the first step, indeed first my Divine Will surrounds her with light and with such attractions, that the creature loses the desire to do her will, because as soon as she has taken a step she feels herself dominator(;) the night of the passions, of weaknesses, of miseries, is changed into daylight, into divine strength, hence she feels the extreme need to take the second step, which calls the third step, the fourth, the fifth, and so on and so forth. These steps, are steps of light, which embellish her, sanctify her, felicitate her, direct the way to her, and participate her (in) her Creator’s likeness but so much so, that she not only feels the extreme need to live in my Volition, but she feels it as proper/(her own) life, that can not separate itself.
Vol. 36, May 6, 1938Jesus is not asking great things of us. He knows our littleness. All the greatness comes from the purity of His Will. We are called to to receive his act, embrace it by loving it and coming to understand it. This is how we return to him the honor which is his due and Luisa is the forerunner and guide in this paving the way for all who would follow.
Jesus: “Little daughter of mine, do not fear, your Jesus will let you drink
this light in sips, so that you may receive it and comprehend it. Do you know
what this light means? It is the light of my Will; it is that Divine Will
rejected by other creatures which, wanting to come to reign upon earth, wants
to find someone who would receive It, comprehend It, and love It. In order to
come and reign, It wants to find a little soul who would offer herself to
receive all those acts which the Supreme Will had destined for each creature,
to make them happy and holy, and to give them the goods It contains. Now, this
happiness, sanctity and goods which the Eternal Will issued in order to
communicate them to the creature, as It issued the whole Creation, are out and
suspended; and if It does not find one who would receive them so as to give It
all the homages, honors and corteges that the other creatures have not given to
It, It cannot come to reign upon earth. Therefore, your task is to embrace all
generations in order to receive all the acts of the Supreme Will that they
rejected, together with all the goods It contains. If you do not do so, my
Eternal Will cannot put Itself in feast to come and reign;
Vol. 16, Nov. 15, 1923Simplicity is even a way in which to recognize God's truth. By their essence truths are simple as He is. It is this simplicity which allows it to reach all. Simplicity is like light and air that can reach and touch everyone inside and out.
“However, know that simplicity enters into all truths as the first nourishment. If the truths were not simple, they would not be light, and they could not penetrate into human minds to enlighten them; and where there is no light, objects cannot be distinguished. Simplicity is not only light, but it is like the air that one breathes which, though it cannot be seen, gives respiration to all; and if it wasn’t for the air, the earth and everyone would remain without motion. Therefore, if the virtues, the truths, do not carry the mark of simplicity, they will be without light and without air.”
Vol. 13, November 19, 1921With this air Jesus affirms that His Kingdom will come and it will come in the most simple yet the most powerful of ways. Just as He breathed life into man, he will re-breath into him renewing the life he placed there, burning away all the evils of man's rebellious will.
“My good daughter, it is decreed in the Consistory of the Most Holy Trinity that my Divine Will will have his Kingdom upon the earth; and how many prodigies there are needed, we will do them; we will not spare anything, in order to have that which we want. But we, in the work, always use the simplest, but powerful ways, to overwhelm heavens and earth, (and) all creatures, in the act that we want.
“You must know that in the creation, in order to infuse life into man, not was needed from us but our omnipotent breath; but how many prodigies in that breath! We created the soul, endowing her with the three powers, true image of our adorable Trinity. With the soul she had the heartbeat, the breath, the circulation of blood, the motion, the heat, the word, the sight. What thing was needed from us in order to make all these prodigies in man? Our simplest act, armed with our power, that is our breath, and from the race of our love, that not being able to contain it, it raced, raced toward him, even to make of him the greatest prodigy of all the creative work.
“Now, my daughter, with man not living in our Divine Volition, his three powers have been obscured, and our adorable image deformed in him, in a way that he has lost the first heartbeat of love of God in his divine breath in his human breath; that is, not that he has lost it: he does not sense it, hence he does not feel the circulation of divine life, the motion of good, the heat of supreme love, the word of God in his, the sight to be able to look at his Creator. All has remained obscured, weakened and perhaps even deformed.
“Now, what thing is needed from us in order to renew this man? We will return again to breathe in him with more strength and growing love. We will breathe into the depths of his soul, we will breathe forth more strongly into the center of his rebellious will, but so very strongly as to shake off from him the evils by which he is bound; his passions will remain knocked down and petrified before the power of our breath, they will themselves burn from our divine fire, and the human will will feel the palpitating life of his Creator, by which he, as veiled, will hide in him, and he will return to be the bearer of his Creator.
“Oh, how happy he will feel! With our breath we will renew him, we will restore him to health; we will do as a most tender mother that, having her child crippled, she pours herself upon him by way of breath, by breathing forth, by puff of breath, and then she allows him to breathe forth when he has been restored to health and made beautiful as she wanted him. The power of our breath will not leave him; then we will cease blowing (in) him when we will see him returning into our fatherly arms, (as) beautiful as we want him, and then we will feel that the child has recognized our paternal goodness, that we love him so much.
"You see therefore what is needed from us in order to make our Will come to reign upon the earth; the power of our omnipotent breath. With it we will renew our life in him. All the truths that I have manifested, the great prodigies of living in my Volition, will be the most beautiful properties, most great, of which I will make a gift to him. Even this is a certain sign that his Kingdom will come upon the earth, because if I speak, first I do the deeds and then I speak; my word is the confirmation of the gift, of the prodigies that I want to do. Hence, to what gain is it to expose my divine properties, make them known, if his Kingdom should not come upon the earth?”
Vol.35, December 21, 1937
God always makes the first move and does the vast majority of the work. His speaking is the confirmation that all is done and ready to be revealed and brought forth to the light. Early in the Volumes Jesus revealed to Luisa the essence fo the Trinity in the form of a baby. He told her that by his essence He is most pure, simple, communicative love, He, by nature, produces images fully similar to himself. We have only to trust in Him, want that which he wants to give us and follow Him like a simple little child step by step.
This morning,
as I was outside of myself, I found myself with Baby Jesus in my arms; and
while I delighted in looking at Him, I don’t know how, from the same Baby a
second came out, and after a few instants, a third Baby, both of Them similar
to the first, though distinct among Themselves. Stupefied in looking at
this, I said: “Oh, how one can touch with hand the sacrosanct mystery of
the Most Holy Trinity, that while You are One, You are also Three.’ It
seemed to me that all Three of Them spoke to me, but as the word came out, it
became one single voice: “Our nature is formed of most pure, most simple,
communicative Love, and the nature of true Love has this of its own: it
produces from itself images fully similar to itself in power, in goodness, in
beauty and in everything it contains; and only to give more sublime prominence
to Our Omnipotence it places the mark of distinction, in such a way that,
melting in love, this nature of Ours - which is simple, with no matter at all
which might prevent Our union - forms Three [Persons]; and returning to melt,
it forms One. It is so true that the nature of true Love has this
prerogative of producing images fully similar to itself, or of assuming the
image of the beloved, that the Second Person, in redeeming mankind, assumed the
nature and the image of man, and communicated the Divinity to man.”
While They were saying this, I could distinguish my
beloved Jesus very well, recognizing the image of the human nature in Him, and
only because of Him I had the confidence to remain in Their presence;
otherwise, who would have dared? Ah, yes! It seemed to me that the
humanity assumed by Jesus had opened commerce for the creature, so as to let
her ascend up to the throne of the Divinity to be admitted to converse with
Them, and to obtain deeds of graces.
Vol. 4, December 3, 1900
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