Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Fall

I was looking at Mary's blog, where she was talking about her reaction to this line that she heard on the radio.

"Who were you before Satan rained down his blows upon you?"

I was thinking this over and felt that there was a deeper reason even beyond our own personal encounters for which this resonates with people going back to the original fall of man and the inherent loss that we all suffered from that separation from God.

Here it talks about the tremendous fall original sin actually was and how it was a miracle that he didn't die from it.

'I was thinking to myself:  “How is it that Adam, by withdrawing himself from the Divine Will, fell from such heights to such a low place?”  And Jesus, moving in my interior, said to me:
“My daughter, as in the natural order, whoever falls from a high place either dies or remains so broken and deformed that it is impossible for him to regain his original state of health, beauty, and position; he will remain a poor cripple, curved and lame.  And if this person is a father, he will produce a generation of cripples - blind, deformed, and lame.
     “Likewise is it in the supernatural order.  Adam fell from a very high place; he had been placed by his Creator at such an elevated point, that it surpassed the limits of the sky, the stars, and the sun.  Living in My Will he lived above everything - in God Himself.  See from where he fell?  Falling from such heights, it is a miracle that he didn’t totally perish.  But if he didn’t die, the blow he received in falling was so strong that it was inevitable that he remain crippled, broken, and deformed in his rare beauty.  He was left with all his goods smashed; [he was] left indolent in his actions, dulled in his intellect, suffering from a fever which weakened him, withered in all the virtues, and he no longer felt the strength to dominate himself.  Man’s most beautiful asset, dominion of self, had vanished, and the passions had taken over to terrorize him, to render him restless and melancholy.  Because he was the father and head of the human generations, he produced a family of cripples.  Many think that not doing My Will is of little importance; instead it is the total ruin of the creature, and for as many acts (as the creature) commits of his own will, by so many times do his evils increase, along with his ruin, and he only continues to dig an abyss ever deeper for him to fall into.”'
Vol. 21, April 8, 1927

But it's not just the shame, confusion and sorrow that man has experienced in the fall but also the sorrow God feels in seeing man stripped from him and living in exile.  Only in man did God receive the unique joy of a creature who could reciprocate with him and return the love he lavished upon him.

“My blessed daughter, as you offered our acts in creating man, and those of innocent Adam, in order to impetrate the kingdom of my Divine Will, thus you have repeated joys that we experienced in creating man, and you have formed new bonds of union between the Divine Will and man, they are our same acts that formed the place where to create man and they administered life to him in order to animate him, thus our same acts will form the way to make him reenter into our Will.  Therefore the offering of our acts are armed with power, that make us decide to give that which the creature asks, more so that they are carriers of joys, but so much so that it put us in feast, and who does not know that in feasts one abounds in giving gifts not ever given?  Now you should know that in not one other thing created by us did we experience such joy as in creating man, but do you know why[?] we gave power to be able to give our heartbeat, our life, our love, if we gave, we gave ourselves, but neither the Sky, nor the Sun, nor the stars, nor the wind nor all the rest had any power to give us anything, therefore the joy of receiving, no, it didn’t exist in the other created things, at most the joy of giving, that (there) not being the exchange, the joy remain isolated and without company.  Instead in creating man we gave him the power of giving us our life, our eternal heartbeat, that beats and gives love, such was our joy to give this power to man, to feel our heartbeat in him and to give our life at his disposition in order to be able to love us with a Divine life, so that man could felicitate us and exchange us with his joys, and joys that can remain equal with ours.  Now in seeing our life in him, in feeling our heartbeat beat in him, we felt such joy that we remained ecstatic before a portent so great as the creation of man, and now offering us these our acts we feel repeated the joys and the sweet memory of his creation.  Therefore repeat your offerings if you want to give us joys and to incline us to give our reigning Will upon the earth.”
Vol. 32, Aug. 6, 1933

Even though in sinning Adam lost the life of the Fiat God did not withdraw his light from him in order to keep him alive.  This gives man the necessary means, support and guidance to work towards the day where he can be reunited with God as he was originally created to be.

"Now, my daughter, the love in Adam before sinning was perfect, total, my Will held his life in a way that he felt Him more than his own life, as he sinned, the life of my Fiat withdrew himself and the light remained (to) him, because He without Him could not live, he would have returned into the nothing.  In creating him we did as a Father that puts his goods and his life itself in common with (his) own child.  Now this disobedience, to rebel (against) one’s own Father, the Father with sorrow is constrained to put him outside of his residence, not letting him possess in common anymore neither his goods, nor his life, but so much is his love that although distant he doesn’t let him lack the necessary things, the means of strict necessity, because he knows that if the Father withdraws himself, the life of the child is finished.  Thus my Divine Will did, he withdrew his Life but left his light, as help, support and as necessary means so that his child might not perish entirely.  Now with withdrawing his Life, all things and works of God remained, veiled for man.  He himself, veiled the intelligence, the memory, the will, he remained as those poor unhappy dying ones, that covering the pupil of the eye with a thin veil, they don’t see clearly anymore the life of the light.  My Divinity itself in descending from Heaven in earth, veiled itself with my Humanity.  Oh!  If creatures might possess as Life my Will, immediately they would have known Me, because He himself would have revealed who I was, my Volition in her and that same Divine Volition in Me they would have immediately known, loved each other, they would have made crowds around Me, nor would they have been able to separate from Me, recognizing me under the likeness of their cast offs as Word Eternal, He who loved them so much, that he had dressed himself as one of them.  So that I would have had no need to manifest myself, my Will residing in them, would have revealed Me, nor would I have been able to hide myself instead I had to tell them who I was, and how many did not believe Me?  Therefore even to such that my Will doesn’t reign in creatures everything is veiled, the Sacraments themselves, that more than (a) new Creation with so much love I left in my Church, are veiled for them, how many surprises, how many beautiful secrets, and marvelous things a veiled pupil impedes (one) from understanding, from seeing, from tasting, more so that this veil is the human volition that forms and impedes her from seeing the things that are in herself.  Whence my Will reigning in creatures as life will take away this veil and all things will be revealed, and then they will see the caresses that we make them through means of created things, the kisses, the loving embraces, in every single created thing they will feel our ardent heartbeat that loves them, they will see in the Sacraments our Life flow, in order to give itself continually to them and they will feel the need of giving themselves to Us.  This will be the great prodigy that my Divine Will will do, to break all the veils, to abound with unheard of graces, to take possession of souls as proper life, in a way that no one will be able to resist him and thus he will have his kingdom upon the earth.”
Vol. 33, Nov. 24, 1935

God has already made us his solemn promise in the Our Father that His Kingdom will come and reign again.  Done deal.  But even before this kingdom becomes manifest upon the earth we have the chance to begin anew the games of love with God and return to him all the lost joys that were found in the creation of man.  And what do you think this means to God, it means the triumph of his love, of his infinite patience with man, of his heights of wisdom and of his Most Holy Will.

“My daughter, in his state of innocence, possessing the life of my Divine Will, Adam possessed the universal life and virtue. Therefore, I found the love of everything and of everyone centralized in his love and in his acts, and all the acts were unified together – not even my works were excluded from his act. I found everything in the works of Adam; I found all the shades of beauties, fullness of love, unreachable and admirable mastery, and then, everything and everyone.
Now, one who lives in my Will rises into the act of innocent Adam, and making the universal life and virtue her own, she makes his act her own. Not only this, but she rises into the acts of the Queen of Heaven, in those of her very Creator, and flowing in all the acts, she centralizes herself in them and says: ‘Everything is mine, and I give everything to my God. Just as His Divine Will is mine, so everything is mine – everything that came out of It. Having nothing of my own, with Its Fiat I have everything, and I can give God to God. Oh, how happy, glorious, victorious I feel in the eternal Volition! I possess everything and I can give everything, without exhausting anything of my immense riches.’ So, there is no act, either in Heaven or on earth, in which I do not find one who lives in my Will.”
Vol. 24, August 12, 1928

Even though our senses have been veiled from original sin and our memory and intellect dulled I don't think there is anyone out there that doesn't on some level cry out in themselves that there should be more.  There should be something better.  I believe it is on this level that the phase; "Who were you before Satan rained down his blows upon you?" holds such a deep resonace with us.  It echos our own cry to return to the order, the place the purpose for which we were created by God.


Mary N. said...

You're right, Shelly, I think we all do cry out that there should be more. Deep inside we know there IS more. I was struck by these words:
But if he didn’t die, the blow he received in falling was so strong that it was inevitable that he remain crippled, broken, and deformed in his rare beauty. He was left with all his goods smashed; [he was] left indolent in his actions, dulled in his intellect, suffering from a fever which weakened him, withered in all the virtues, and he no longer felt the strength to dominate himself. Man’s most beautiful asset, dominion of self, had vanished, and the passions had taken over to terrorize him, to render him restless and melancholy. Because he was the father and head of the human generations, he produced a family of cripples. Many think that not doing My Will is of little importance; instead it is the total ruin of the creature, and for as many acts (as the creature) commits of his own will, by so many times do his evils increase, along with his ruin, and he only continues to dig an abyss ever deeper for him to fall into.”'

That pretty much explains the way I feel so this really resonated within me. No wonder the question I heard on the radio struck me so hard.

Michelle said...

Rereading that passage always seems to bring me to tears. The wound of oringinal sin is so deep that I think it is a blessing that we've been veiled from the start truth of it all these generations.

Mary N. said...

Yes, it made me feel the same way and I suspect you are right about the blessing of us being veiled from the truth about original sin. Who could bear the entire truth of it except God?