Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Interior sufferings

I think we all know on a level after enough life experience that interior sufferings can be far more painful than physical pain.  This is also true in Jesus' sufferings.  There is a great mystery which Jesus himself states in the Volumes that all the pains witnessed and inflicted upon him by men were only the barest "similes" of his interior pains.  His true suffering, his interior suffering, was so much that he called the pains suffered from his Passion at the hands of men "reliefs" in comparison.  He also states that these pains are "incomprehensible to human nature." 

"My child, come into these tied arms of mine. Rest your head on my breast and you will see more intense and bitter pains, because those you see on the outside of my humanity are but the overflowing of my interior pains."
The Hours of the Passion, Jesus again before Pilate

"Oh! how much will creatures love Me, when they come to know what my Humanity did in the Divine Will, and what It made Me suffer for love of them. My Cross was not of wood – no; It was made of souls. It was them that I felt palpitating in the Cross on which the Divine Will laid Me - and It let none of them escape Me, It gave a place to each one, and in order to give a place to all, It stretched Me in such a harrowing way, and with pains so atrocious, that I could call the pains of my Passion little, and reliefs. Therefore, hasten, so that my Will may make known all that this Eternal Volition operated in my Humanity. This knowledge will win so much love, that creatures will bend to let It reign in their midst.”
Vol. 15, Feb. 16, 1923

     As I was in my usual state, sweet Jesus made me suffer part of His pains and of His deaths, which He suffered for each creature.  From my little pains I could comprehend how atrocious and mortal the pains of Jesus had been.  Then He told me:
     “My daughter, my pains are incomprehensible to human nature, and the very pains of my Passion were shadows or similes of my interior pains.  My interior pains were inflicted on Me by an Omnipotent God, and not one fiber could dodge His blow; those of my Passion were inflicted on Me by men who, having neither Omnipotence nor All-seeingness, were not able to do what they wanted, nor to penetrate into every single fiber of mine.
      "My interior pains were incarnate, and my very Humanity was transformed into nails, into thorns, into scourges, into wounds, into martyrdom, so cruel as to give Me continuous deaths; and these were inseparable from Me - they formed my very Life.  On the other hand, those of my Passion were extraneous to Me; they were thorns and nails which could be driven inside, and eventually, they could also be removed; and the mere thought that a pain can be removed is a relief.  But my interior pains, which were formed of my own flesh - there was no hope that they might be removed, or that the sharpness of a thorn or the piercing of the nails might be lessened. 
      "My interior pains were so great and so many that I could call the pains of my Passion reliefs and kisses given to my interior pains; and uniting together, they gave the last proof of my great and excessive love for the salvation of souls.  My external pains were voices which called everyone to enter into the ocean of my interior pains, to make them comprehend how much their salvation cost Me.  And then, from your own interior pains, communicated by Me, you can somehow comprehend the continuous intensity of mine.  Therefore, pluck up courage - it is love that pushes Me to this.”
Vol. 14, Aug. 19, 1922

These sufferings of our Lord were not limited to the time of his Passion but encompassed the entirety of his Humanity from the moment of his conception.

"O most loving Father, consider that if my humanity has now reached the extremes of it sufferings, my heart as well bursts for the bitterness and the intimate pains and unheard-of agonies which it has suffered for the duration of thirty-four years, beginning from the first instant of my incarnation.  O Father, you know the intensity of these interior bitternesses which would have been capable of making me die of pure agony in every moment, if our omnipotence had not sustained me to prolong my suffering up to this extreme agony.  Yes, if until now I have offered you all the pains of my most holy humanity to appease your justice which is hanging over everyone, and to draw upon everyone your triumphant mercy, now, in a particular way for the souls consecrated to us who have gone astray, I present my heart to you, crushed, pressed and broken under the press of all the moments of my mortal life."
The Hours of the Passion, The Crucifixion

These pains were witnessed by the Virgin Mary and therefore she became the depository of them and shared in them.

Continuing in my usual state, I felt oppressed because blessed Jesus often allows that I suffer while the confessor is present; and I lamented to Him, telling Him:  ‘My Love, I pray You, I implore You, do not again allow that I suffer in the presence of anyone.  Let everything pass between You and me, and that You alone be aware of my pains.  O please! make me content, give Me your word that You will not do it any more.  Even more, make me suffer twice as much; I am happy, as long as everything is hidden between You and me.’
And Jesus, interrupting my speaking, told me:  “My daughter, do not lose heart; when my Will wants it, you too must surrender.  Besides, this is nothing other than a step of my Life.  My very hidden Life, my interior pains and everything I did, always had at least one or two spectators; and this, with reason, out of necessity, and in order to obtain the purpose of my pains themselves.  The first spectator was my Celestial Father, from whom nothing could escape; since He Himself was the One who inflicted those pains upon Me, He was actor and spectator.  If my Father had seen and known nothing, how could I satisfy Him, give Him glory, and bend Him to mercy for mankind at the sight of my pains?  Their purpose would have failed. 

Secondly, my Mama was spectator of all my pains of my hidden Life, and this was necessary.  Having come from Heaven to earth to suffer, not for Myself, but for the good of others, I had to have at least one creature in whom I was to place that good which my pains contained, and therefore move my dear Mama to thank Me, to praise Me, to love Me and to bless Me, letting Her admire the excess of my Goodness; so much so that, captured, enraptured and moved at the sight of my pains, She prayed Me that in the face of the great good which my pains brought to Her, I would not exempt Her from being identified with my own pains in order to suffer them, to repay Me, and to be my perfect imitator.  If my Mama had seen nothing, I would not have had my first imitator - not a ‘thank you’, no praise.  My pains and the good they contained would have remained without effect because, since no one would have known them, I could not have made the first prop, and the purpose of the great good which the creature was to receive would have been lost.  See how necessary it was that at least one creature be aware of my pains?
Vol. 14, Oct. 3, 1922

We have the opportunity to unite ourselves with these sufferings of Jesus which are now revealed to us through these Volumes which the previous saints did not have access to.  Mary, Jesus and Luisa all experienced these sufferings and we can approach each and all of them as depositories of them, although I'd like to add Luisa and Mary will always be creatures while Jesus is God. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Passion

With it being lent I feel drawn to spend some time on the Passion of our Lord and a specific book by Luisa, The Hours of the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

I first would like to take some time exploring in the Volumes where it talks about this work and it's worth to the individual who meditates on them, it's worth to all souls and it's value to Jesus himself.  In going through the Volumes however I've found so much on this and on the Passion itself I'll need to do this in segments.

Just by reflecting on Jesus' Passion in reference to our own minor sufferings it causes our own crosses to become easier to bear.

“My daughter, crosses, mortifications, are as many baptismal founts, and any kind of cross which is dipped in the thought of my Passion loses half of its bitterness and its weight decreases by half.” 
Vol. 6, June 5, 1905

“My daughter, keep the light of my Passion ever before your mind, for in seeing my most bitter pains, yours will seem little to you, and in considering the cause for which I suffered so many immense pains, which was sin, your littlest defects will seem grave to you.  On the other hand, if you do not reflect yourself in Me, the littlest pains will seem heavy to you, and you will hold grave defects as nothing.”
Vol. 2, Sept. 2, 1899

Reflecting on his Passion is also a way to fortify ourselves against the event of falling into sin and of helping others from doing the same.  It also thereby keeps Divine Justice from having to act.

“My virtues and the merits I acquired for man in my Passion, are as many towers of fortitude on which everyone can lean along the journey on the way to Eternity.  But man, ungrateful, running away from these towers of fortitude, leans on mud and conducts himself along the way of perdition.” 
Vol. 4, Jan. 30, 1901

“My daughter, my Passion, my wounds, my Blood, everything I did and suffered, are in continuous act in the midst of souls, as if I were operating and suffering at this very moment. They serve Me as props on which I can lean, and as props on which souls can lean so as not to fall into sin, and be saved. Now, during these times of scourges, I am like someone who lives up in the air, with no ground underneath, and amid continuous blows: Justice knocks Me from Heaven, and creatures, through sin, from the earth.
“Now, the more the soul remains around Me, kissing my wounds, repairing Me, offering my Blood - in a word, re-doing, herself, what I did during the course of my Life and Passion - the more props she forms so that I can lean on them and not fall, and the larger the circle becomes in which souls find support so as not to fall into sin, and be saved. Do not get tired, my daughter, of being around Me, and of going over my wounds, over and over again. I Myself will administer to you the thoughts, the affections, the words, so that you may remain around Me. Be faithful to Me – times are short, Justice wants to unfold Its fury, and creatures irritate It. It is necessary that these props multiply more; therefore, do not fail the work.”
Vol. 11, August 14, 1915

Reflecting on his Passion is also a cure, a counter to every difficultly in which we find ourselves and in being crucified Jesus makes himself available to the creature in whatever way the creature needs.

“My daughter, the world has become unbalanced because it has lost the thought of my Passion. In darkness, it has not found the light of my Passion which would illuminate it; and as it would make known to it my love and how much souls cost Me, it might turn to loving the One who has truly loved it; and the light of my Passion, guiding it, would put it on its guard against all dangers. In weakness, it has not found the strength of my Passion which would sustain it. In impatience, it has not found the mirror of my patience which would infuse in it calm and resignation; and in the face of my patience, feeling ashamed, it would make it its duty to dominate itself. In pains, it has not found the comfort of the pains of a God which, sustaining its pains, would infuse in it love of suffering. In sin, it has not found my sanctity which, placing itself in front of it, would infuse in it hate of sin. Ah! man has made an abuse of everything, because in everything he has moved away from the One who could help him. This is why the world has lost balance. It behaved like a child who no longer wanted to recognize his mother; or like a disciple who, denying his master, no longer wanted to listen to his teachings, or learn his lessons. What will happen to this child and to this disciple? They will be the sorrow of themselves, and the terror and sorrow of society. Such has man become – terror and sorrow; but a sorrow without pity. Ah! man is getting worse and worse, and I cry over him with tears of blood!”
Vol. 11, Feb. 2, 1917

Continuing in my usual state, I was thinking about the Passion of blessed Jesus; and He, making Himself seen crucified, shared with me a little bit of His pains, telling me:
“My daughter, I wanted to be crucified and lifted up on the Cross, so that, if they want Me, souls may find Me. So, someone wants Me as Teacher for he feels the necessity to be instructed, and I lower Myself to teach him both the small things and the highest and most sublime, such as to make of him the most learned. Another moans in abandonment, in oblivion; he would like to find a father, he comes to the foot of my Cross, and I make Myself Father, giving him a home in my wounds, my Blood as drink, my Flesh as food, and my very Kingdom as inheritance. Another one is infirm, and he finds Me as Doctor who, not only heals him, but gives him the sure remedies in order not to fall again into infirmities. Another one is oppressed by calumnies, by scorns, and at the foot of my Cross he finds his Defender, to the point of rendering calumnies and scorns back to him as divine honors; and so with all the rest. So, whoever wants Me as Judge finds Me as Judge; whoever wants Me as Friend, as Spouse, as Advocate, as Priest… such do they find Me. This is why I wanted to be nailed, hands and feet: to oppose nothing of what they want - to make Myself as they want Me. But woe to those who, seeing that I am unable to move even one finger, dare to offend Me.”
While He was saying this, I said: ‘Lord, who are those that offend You the most?’
And He added: “Those who make Me suffer the most are the religious who, living in my Humanity, torment and lacerate my flesh within my very Humanity; while one who lives outside of my Humanity lacerates Me from afar.”
Vol. 6, 1905

Just thinking about our Lord's Passion and offering him compassion fills us with Jesus and embellishes us in his light which carries on through eternity.

“My daughter, each pain I suffered, each drop of Blood, each wound, prayer, word, action, step, etc., produced a light within my Humanity, which embellished Me in such a way as to keep all the Blessed enraptured. Now, at each thought that the soul has about my Passion, at each act of compassion, reparation, etc., she does nothing other than draw light from my Humanity, and be embellished in my likeness. So, each additional thought about my Passion will be one more light which will bring her eternal joy.”
Vol. 11, April 23, 1916

'I add that I was thinking to myself about the sweet Mama, and Jesus told me:

“My daughter, the thought of my Passion never escaped my dear Mama, and by dint of repeating it, she filled all of Herself with Me, completely. The same happens to the soul: by dint of repeating what I suffered, she arrives at filling herself with Me.”'
Vol. 11, March 24, 1913

The very act of meditating on Jesus' Passion comforts him and repairs the outrage suffered by him and in doing so Jesus gives the creature a new corresponding grace.

“My daughter, one who meditates continuously on my Passion and feels sorrow for it and compassion for Me, pleases Me so much that I feel as though comforted for all that I suffered in the course of my Passion; and by always meditating on it, the soul arrives at preparing a continuous food.  In this food there are many different spices and flavors, which form different effects.  So, if in the course of my Passion they gave Me ropes and chains to tie Me, the soul releases Me and gives Me freedom.  They despised Me, spat on Me, and dishonored Me; she appreciates Me, cleans Me of that spittle, and honors Me.  They stripped Me and scourged Me; she heals Me and clothes Me.  They crowned Me with thorns, mocking Me as king, embittered my mouth with bile, and crucified Me; while the soul, meditating on all my pains, crowns Me with glory and honors Me as her king, fills my mouth with sweetness, giving Me the most delicious food, which is the memory of my own works; and unnailing Me from the Cross, she makes Me rise again in her heart.  And every time she does so, I give her a new life of grace as recompense.  She is my food, and I become her continuous food.  So, the thing that pleases Me the most is meditating continuously on my Passion.”
Vol. 7, Nov. 9 1906

So just meditating on the Passion of our Lord is of immeasurable worth to the soul which overflows to the good of all creatures and the glory of our Lord.  Jesus ascribes a special value to those who will read and meditate on his Passion using the book The Hours of the Passion.

“My daughter, one who always thinks about my Passion forms a fount within her heart, and the more she thinks about It, the larger this fount becomes.  And just as the waters that spring up are waters common to everyone, in the same way, this fount of my Passion which is formed in her heart serves for the good of the soul, for my glory, and for the good of all creatures.” 
And I:  ‘Tell me, my Good, what will You give as recompense to those who will do the Hours of the Passion the way You taught them to me?’
And He:  “My daughter, I will look at these Hours, not as yours, but as done by Me.  I will give you my same merits, as if I were in the act of suffering my Passion; and the same effects, according to the dispositions of the souls.  This, while they are on earth - and I could not give them a greater reward.  Then, in Heaven, I will place these souls in front of Me, darting through them with darts of love and of contentments for as many times as they did the Hours of my Passion; and they will dart through Me.  What a sweet enchantment this will be for all the Blessed!”     
Vol. 11, April 10, 1913

To look at these Hours as done by him with the same merits, as if presently in the act of suffering his Passion....  The difference between God acting and his creature acting... it's the difference between a spark of fire which is immediately extinguished and the sun... but this will be another topic for another day.


Monday, February 11, 2013

True Children

It seems like each post leads me into another topic.  In the last post it ended on the note of the children of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat.  It is stated both in the Bible and in the Volumes about how all the redeemed become his children, his brothers.

All the redeemed by my blood have become my children and brothers; and just as they are mine, so too will they be children and brothers of yours. 
Vol. 1,   Jesus gives four rules of life to the soul. pg 47

 22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now; 23 and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees?
Romans 8:22-24

4 But when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6 And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”
Galatians 4:4-6

So by being Redeemed we become part of the family of God, as "adopted", however in the Volumes he often refers to his "true children" or his "legitimate children". 

     I felt as though immersed in the Eternal Volition, and my always lovable Jesus, drawing me to Himself, transported me outside of myself, showing me Heaven and earth. And as He was showing me this, He told me:
    “Beloved daughter of Our Supreme Will, see, this whole machine of the universe – heavens, sun, seas, and all the rest – was created by Us to give it as a gift; but do you know to whom? To the ones who would do Our Will. Everything was given to them as to Our legitimate children. We did this for the decorum of Our works, depositing them and giving them as gift, not to foreign people or to illegitimate children, who would not understand the great goods contained in them, nor appreciate the greatness and the sanctity of Our works – on the contrary, they would waste them and despise them. On the other hand, by giving them to Our legitimate children, since in each created thing there is a distinct love and a special good for the one to whom the gift is directed, Our Will, dwelling in them and forming Its very life in them, would make them comprehend all these loves, one distinct from the other, which are present in the whole Creation, as well as all the specialties of goods. So, they would give Us requital for each distinct love, and glory and honor for all the goods given to them. Our Will, which had created them with one Fiat, and which knew all the secrets - dwelling in Our legitimate children, with another Fiat would reveal Our secrets contained in all created things, and would make them give Us love for love. The harmonies, the communications, would be reciprocal between them and Us. And even though it seems that those who do not do Our Will enjoy and take part in them, yet the gifts are not theirs – it is as indirect cause, as usurpers, and as illegitimate children. More so since, my Will not dwelling in them, they understand nothing or very little of my love which all Creation brings to them, and of the great goods present in It. Even more, many don’t even know Who created so many things - true foreign people who, while living of the things that belong to Me, don’t even want to recognize Me.
     "So, this great gift of the whole universe was delivered by my Celestial Father to my Humanity, as to the true legitimate Son, and there was nothing for which I did not requite Him - gift for gift, love for love. Then came my Celestial Mother who, so well, was able to requite Her Creator. And then, the children of my Will have come, whom my Will was to legitimize as Its own children. This is why all Creation exults with joy, makes feast and smiles when, as I draw you outside of yourself, together with Me It recognizes the legitimate daughter of the Supreme Will – Its master. All created things would want to run up onto your lap and around you, not only to make feast for you, but to be appreciated, defended, and held as gifts of their Creator; and they all compete to give you, each one of them, distinct love, and the gift which each created thing contains. Some want to give you the gift of the beauty of your Creator, and the love that beauty contains; some, the gift of power, and the love that power contains; some, the gift of wisdom, some of goodness, some of sanctity, some of light, some of purity, as well as the distinct loves contained in wisdom, goodness, sanctity, light, purity, etc.
     "So, my Will knocks down all the barriers that exist between the soul and God; It places her in harmony between Heaven and earth; It reveals all the secrets contained in the whole Creation, and It renders her the depository of all the gifts of God.”
Vol. 15, May 25, 1923

Legitimate children of the Kingdom of the Divine Will, where he declares his humanity to be the the true legitimate Son of God.  Of creatures the Virgin Mary was next, followed by the children of his Will.  These last he states have been legitimized by his Will and he states the world will not end until all the generation of them is complete. 

But many that are first will be last, and the last first.Matt. 19:30

He states he recognizes his likeness in them and that the pure blood of the Father flows in them.  These are born of the Father and contain within themselves the inherent features of the Father as their own and as inherent as their own is it to do the Will of the Father.

See what love the Father has given us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 2 Beloved, we are God’s children now; it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. 3 And every one who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.
1 John 3:1-3

10 This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel
after those days, says the Lord:
I will put my laws into their minds,
and write them on their hearts,
and I will be their God,
and they shall be my people.
11 And they shall not teach every one his fellow
or every one his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’
for all shall know me,
from the least of them to the greatest.[d]
12 For I will be merciful toward their iniquities,
and I will remember their sins no more.”

Hebrews 8:10-12

Then, I was fusing myself in the Eternal Divine Volition, placing myself ahead of everyone, in order to bring to the Divine Majesty, as first among all, all the acts of creatures, the return of everything, the love of creatures. But while I was doing this, I thought to myself: ‘How can it be that I can go ahead of everyone, while I was born after so many generations? At the most, I should place myself in the middle, between the past and the future generations which will come; or rather, because of my unworthiness, I should place myself last, and behind everyone.’ And my lovable Jesus, moving in my interior, told me:
“My daughter, the whole Creation was created so that all would do my Will. The life of creatures was to flow within my Will like the blood flows in the veins. They were to live in It as my true children; nothing was to be foreign to them of all that belonged to Me. I was to be their tender and loving Father, and they were to be my tender and loving children. Now, since this was the purpose of Creation, even though there have been other generations before, this says nothing – they will be placed behind, and my Will will place as first the ones who will be and who have been faithful in maintaining intact the purpose for which they were created. These, whether they have come before or later, will occupy the first order before the Divinity. By having maintained the purpose of Creation, they will be distinguished among all and marked by the halo of Our Will as by a refulgent gem, and everyone will let them pass freely, so that they may occupy their first place of honor.
"There is nothing to be surprised about; the same happens also in this low world. Imagine a king in the midst of his court, ministers, deputies and armies. Then his little prince son comes, and even though all these others are great, who does not give free access to the little prince, that he may take his place of honor beside the king, his father? Who interacts with the king with that familiarity which is worthy of a son? Who would blame this king and this son because even though this son is the littlest of all, he rises above all and takes his primary and legitimate place close to the king, his father? Certainly no one; on the contrary, all would respect the right of the little prince. Descend even lower; imagine a family: a son was born first, but did not want to occupy himself with doing the will of the father, nor did he want to study or work; he remained almost moronic in his sloth, forming the sorrow of the father. Then another son comes to the light, and this one, though more little, does the will of his father, studies and arrives at becoming a professor worthy of occupying the highest positions. Now, who is first in that family - who receives his place of honor close to the father? Is it perhaps not the one who came last? So, my daughter, only those who will have preserved intact within themselves the purpose of Creation will be my true legitimate children. By doing my Will, they have preserved within themselves the pure blood of their Celestial Father, who has given them all the features of His likeness, and therefore it will be very easy to recognize them as Our legitimate children. Our Will will preserve them noble, pure, fresh, all love for the One who created them. And as Our children, who have always been in Our Will, and who have never given life to their own, they will be as though the first to be created by Us, giving Us the glory and the honor of the purpose for which all things were created. This is why the world cannot end: We are waiting for the generation of Our children who, by living in Our Will, will give Us the glory of Our works. These will have my Will alone as life; it will be so very natural in them to do the Divine Will - spontaneous, effortless, just as natural is the heartbeat, the breathing, the blood circulation. They will not keep It as law, because laws are for rebels – but as life, as honor, as the beginning and as the end. Therefore, my daughter, may you take to heart my Will alone; be concerned with nothing else, if you want your Jesus to fulfill in you and enclose in you the purpose of the whole Creation.”
Vol. 16, March 2, 1924

 True children, not servants to the law, not foreign to the ways of the family but as natural. More than adoptive, naturally inclined to do the Will of God with his likeness apparent to all. This is the fulfillment and purpose of his Creation ...as in Heaven so in earth, and so he will, as on the final day of Creation, find his rest in his creature.

   “My daughter, all the creation was done in one venting of our more intense love; therefore the children of our Fiat will serve to the necessity of our love.  My love feels the need of relieving itself, otherwise we feel suffocated in our flames.  Here is the necessity of the children of our Volition; as continuous vent of our love we ourselves will put them in our conditions of feeling the need of venting themselves in love with us, and we will relieve each other.  And as the creation commenced in one venting of our love, thus we will close it together with our children, in one venting of love.
                “These children of ours will serve to the complete glory of all the creation.  It would not be a worthy work of us, if we didn’t receive the glory that creatures should give us, in order to have created so many things for their love.
                “And then there is the highest point, most noble, holy and sublime: that we created everything so that everyone might be enclosed and animated by our Will.  So as we put it forth, thus it must return to us, in our adorable Fiat.  If we didn’t do this, it would seem that we don’t have sufficient power in which we can do everything, love that we can win everything, wisdom that we can dispose everything.  Hence, the children of our Volition will serve to let us complete our Will in them, and therefore they will be our glory, our triumph, our victory; they will be our true children, that will carry, not only our image but the life of the Celestial Father himself as proper life, residing in them.
                “These children of ours will be our life, our heavens, solely ours.  And, oh, how we will delight by creating in them winds that blow love, seas that murmur ‘I love you, I love you’; we will find everything in them.  There won’t be differences anymore between the heaven and the earth; for us they will form one thing alone:  as much as to hold them with us in heaven, as to hold them with us on earth.
                Therefore have to heart the thing that should more interest you, of living in our Divine Volition.  Our love will find its rest, its outlet, its peace in you, and the beginning of our happiness upon the earth in the heart of the creature.  Our Will will be always over you, in order to make our life grow in you, and our love will give you continuous breaths, in order to love you always with new love, and in order to receive yours, as I vent and reciprocate with his.”
Vol. 35, March 22, 1938

This is my purpose – that in my Kingdom there be no servants, but my children, and kings like Me.  This will happen with my Divine Will.  Oh! how It awaits to be given back Its complete glory in the Creation; and that it be recognized that everything belongs to It, so as to be able to say:  ‘Everything is yours – let us reign together.’  How It awaits for Its knowledges on the Supreme Fiat to cover the paths in order to stir, to call - to press creatures to come into my Kingdom, so as to form my true children, to whom I can give the title of kings.  This is why I have so much interest that these manifestations on my Divine Will be known – because this is about my greatest act, which is the fulfillment of my glory and the complete good of creatures.”
Vol. 20,  Feb. 13, 1927

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Hierarchy in Sanctity

As in the other hierarchies there will also be a hierarchy in sanctity.  And this hierarchy is dependent on one's correspondence with the Divine Will.  Some will barely touch the Divine Will and thereby will only be slightly wet, or more so drenched.  Some will soaked, inside and out while those others will dive so deeply as to completely dissolve themselves into the sea of the Divine Will.


As some authoritative people read what is written on March 17 - that one who does the Will of God takes part in the actions ‘ad intraof the Divine Persons, etc. - they said that it was not like that, and that the creature does not enter into this.  I was left pensive, though calm and convinced that Jesus would make the truth known.  Then, finding myself in my usual state, I saw an interminable sea before my mind, and many objects inside this sea - some of them were small, some bigger; some remained on the surface of the sea and were simply wet; others went down to the bottom, becoming soaked with water inside and out; others, then, went down so deep as to become dissolved inside the sea. 

Now, while I was seeing this, my always lovable Jesus came and told me:

 “My beloved daughter, did you see that?  The sea symbolizes my immensity, while the objects, different in size, the souls who live in my Will.  The different ways of being - some on the surface, some down, some dissolved within Me - vary according to how they live in my Volition:  some in an imperfect way, some in a more perfect way, and others reaching the point of dissolving completely in my Will.  

Vol. 11, June 29, 1914

There will be a hierarchy in the order of saints or more specifically in "the children of Kingdom of my Divine Fiat."  Here Jesus addresses that even if there had not been the fall into original sin mankind would have displayed distinctions between themselves as can be seen in the order of Creation.

'I was thinking:  ‘If the creature had not withdrawn from the Supreme Will, one would be the sanctity, one the beauty, one the science, one the light, and there would be the same knowledge of our Creator for all.’  Now, while I was thinking of this, my beloved Jesus – and it seems to me that He Himself makes these thoughts, some doubts and difficulties, arise within my mind, in order to have the opportunity to speak to me and act as my Teacher – told me:
“My daughter, you are wrong.  My wisdom would not adapt itself to forming only one sanctity, only one beauty, or to communicating only one science and the same knowledge of Me to everyone.  More so since, through highest accord between my Will and those of creatures, the Kingdom of my Will would have had free field of action.  Therefore, all would have been saints, but one distinct from the other – all beautiful, but varied, one more beautiful than the other.  And according to the sanctity of each one, I was to communicate a distinct science; and with this science, some would know one attribute of their Creator more, some another.  You must know that as much as We can give to the creature, she only takes the little drops of her Creator, so great is the distance between Creator and creatures; and We have always new and different things to give. 
“And besides, since Creation was created by Us so that We might delight in It, where would Our delight be, had We formed in the creature only one sanctity, or given only one beauty and only one knowledge of Our incomprehensible, immense and infinite Being?  Our wisdom would have grown bored with doing only one thing.  What would be said of Our wisdom, love and power, if in creating this terrestrial globe, We had made it all sky, or all earth, or all sea?  What would Our glory have been?  Instead, the multiplicity of so many things created by Us, while singing the praises of wisdom, love and power, speaks also of the variety of sanctity and beauty in which creatures were to arise, for love of whom they were created.  See, the sky studded with stars is beautiful, but the sun also is beautiful, though they are distinct from each other, and the sky does one office, the sun, another.  The sea is beautiful, but the flowery earth, the height of the mountains, the expanse of the plains also are beautiful, though the beauties and the offices are distinct among them.  A garden is beautiful, but how many varieties of plants and beauties are in it?  There is the tiny little flower, beautiful in its littleness; there is the violet, the rose, the lily – all beautiful, but distinct in color, in fragrance, in size.  There is the little plant and the highest tree… What enchantment is a garden guided by an experienced gardener!
“Now, my daughter, in the order of human nature also there will be some who will surpass the sky in sanctity and in beauty; some the sun, some the sea, some the flowery earth, some the height of the mountains, some the tiny little flower, some the little plant, and some the highest tree.  And even if man should withdraw from my Will, I will multiply the centuries so as to have, in the human nature, all the order and the multiplicity of created things and of their beauty - and to have it even surpassed in a more admirable and enchanting way.” '
Vol. 19, May 15, 1926

In the next reading Jesus speaks more so on the nine distinct choirs of the saints but of the significant difference between those who obtain these knowledges while still on earth and those who learn of them afterwards.  Just as in the order of the choir of angels where each choir is distinct in level according to the acts of the Will of God to which the angels had been exposed, so too will some souls posses, as innately more of the characteristics of God as their own verses having them as be given to them as a communication.

"Because, to some, my Will manifested one act alone of my Will; to some, two; to some, three; to some, seven; and in each thing pertaining to the additional act which my Will manifested, some were made superior to others, and were rendered more capable and worthy to be close to my Throne. So, the more my Will manifests Itself, and they keep themselves in It, the more they are raised, embellished, made happy and superior to others."
Vol. 17, Oct. 1924

     “My daughter, just as I have the hierarchy of Angels, with nine distinct choirs, so will I have the hierarchy of the children of the Kingdom of my Divine Fiat. It will have Its nine choirs, and they will distinguish themselves from one another according to the varieties of beauties which they have acquired by knowing, some more, some less, the knowledges that pertain to my Fiat. Therefore, each additional knowledge about my Divine Volition is one new creation which It forms in creatures, of happiness and of unreachable beauty, because it is a divine life that runs within it, bringing within itself all the shades of the beauties of the One who manifests them, and all the keys and sounds of the joys and happinesses of Our Divine Being.
     So, if Our paternal Goodness exposes Its life, Its beauty and happiness, to the point of creating it in the midst of creatures, and they do not interest themselves in knowing it in order to take it by means of Our knowledges already given to them, it is not right that they receive either the beauty, or the sounds of Our joys as their own endowments. They will take what they have known. Therefore, there will be various choirs in the hierarchy of the Kingdom of my Divine Will. If you knew what difference will pass between those who bring my knowledges from the earth and those who will acquire them in Heaven…. The first will have them as their own endowments and one will see in them the nature of the divine beauty, and will hear the same sounds of the joys and happinesses which their Creator makes one hear and forms. On the other hand, in the second, these will be neither their own nature nor their own endowments, but they will receive them as the effect of the communication of others, almost as the earth receives the effects of the sun, but does not possess the nature of the sun. Therefore, those who will possess all the knowledges will form the highest choir, and according to their knowledge, so will the different choirs be formed. However, all those who have acquired these knowledges, whether in full or in part, will have the noble title of children of my Kingdom, because, for one who has the good of knowing them in order to make them one’s own life, these knowledges on my Fiat have the virtue of ennobling the creature, and of making the vital humors of the divine life flow within the soul, and of raising her to her first origin; and they are like the brush of the ‘Let Us make man in Our image and likeness’, and they portray the image of the Creator in the creature.
As for some knowing more and some less, then, the nobility of these will not be destroyed. It will happen, for example, as to a noble family, which has many children, some of whom give themselves to studying, and others to fine arts. Those elevate themselves more, have high and decorous positions, are known, loved and esteemed more, since, because of the sciences which they possess, they do more good in the midst of the people, which the other brothers do not do. But in spite of this, the fact that, by their sacrifices, these elevate themselves so much, does not destroy the other brothers’ being noble, because all of them carry within themselves the noble blood of their father, and therefore they dress in a noble fashion, they have noble manners in operating and in speaking – in everything. Such will be the children of my Fiat – all noble; they will lose the roughness of the human volition, the miserable rags of passions; the darkness of doubts, of fears, will be put to flight by the light of my knowledges, and will cast all into a sea of peace.
Vol. 23, Feb. 28, 1928


Here is where free will comes into play.  If he makes these knowleges available to creatures while on earth and yet they have no corresponding interest in obtaining them as he states  above "...it is not right that they receive either the beauty, or the sounds of Our joys as their own endowments."  He gives us the opportunity to choose how close we would like to be to Him.  This is not something that either the Creation or the Angels where given but it is ours alone.  All the other hierarchies that he has established have been ordered by his Will alone.  At the most the Angels could say yes to his plan or no, but with us he wants us as partners in this Creation.  It is in the end, ours to decide. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hierarchy of the Angels, Part 3

The final tier of angel consist of the Principalities, the Archangels and the Angels.  These are the angels that are directly in charge of governing the world.
“Give the power they receive from the Angels of the Cosmos”
“Govern the World”

7  The Principalities (or "Rulers")

“Princely powers- watch over cities and nations, govern and protect religion…”
"The Angel Principalities are the highest-ranking Angels of the World.  They are Administrative Angels.  It is not known how many of them there are.  But each nation, city, province, town, village, and hamlet has a special Angel Principality whose job it is to guard and guide that particular place along with the Guardian Angel assigned to that place.  It is probable that the Guardian Angel of a place would be from the Angelic Choir that most closely resembles the location's destiny.  There are countless numbers of Principalities.  Throughout the centuries, some experts have referred to them as Princes because they are believed to specifically be in charge of nations, cities, countries, regions, places, and communities.  Their influence upon human beings occurs in many ways.  They communicate ideas, stir up circumstances, and even interfere in human affairs to accomplish the direct Will of God.  It is in this area of the indirect Will of God that these angel Principalities are empowered by human behavior to influence the life-style of those who inhabit their sphere of influence.  The Principalities have jurisdiction over those who govern people and places.  The wisdom of these angels guides events to bring blessings of contentment and abundance to the places they protect."
  Uranus is the planet that represents them.
 21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the age to come.
Ephesians 1:21
10 so that through the church the wisdom of God in its rich variety might now be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places.
Ephesians 3:10
“Requel, Anael, Cerviel, Nicroc”

8  The Archangels

“communicate between God and mortals, in charge of Heavens armies, supervise guardian angels, are themselves guardian angels…”
"The Archangels are the special emissaries of the Principalities.  They transmit to us the good intentions that the Angel Virtues bring from the Powers.  The Archangels have a most special and protective love for all the people of the earth.  They personally intervene in crises and times of need to protect and guard nations, cities, airports, churches, houses, and families.  They always bring great goodness and much happiness to those who invoke their aid.  They bring peace, prosperity, unity, joy, abundance, graciousness, kindness, gentleness, humility, and love to those who are dedicated to Truth."

The earliest reference to a system of seven archangels as a group appears to be in Enoch I (the Book of Enoch) which is not part of the Jewish Canon but is prevalent in the Judeo tradition, where they are named as Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Raguel, Remiel and Saraqael. While this book today is non-canonical in most Christian Churches, it was explicitly quoted in the New Testament (Letter of Jude 1:14-15) and by many of the early Church Fathers. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Archangels
Gabriel: God conquers, the might of God
Raphael: God heals, the healing of God
Michael: “who is like God?"
Uriel: the fire of God
Jehudiel: the praise of God
Sealtiel: the prayer of God
Barachiel: blessings of God,
Neptune is the corresponding planet of the Archangels.


9 The Angels

“deliver prayers to God and God’s answers to people, pledged to each creature…”

"The Angels have a wonderful job.  Though they are the lowest-ranking angels in the Angelic Court, they have the capacity to access any and all the other angels at any time.  The Angels are the most caring and solicitous to assist those who ask for their help.  The Acts of the Apostles is filled with stories of the angelic intervention of the angels in the lives of the earthly Church.  Each Angel carries the power of the entire Celestial Court."

Not only does each person, town and location have a care taker/guardian angel but each created thing as well.

Pluto was the planet associated with the angels but now we know that Pluto is only one dwarf planet in the Kuiper Belt, which is a huge belt of asteroids and several dwarf planets.  I think this new insight is so much more appropriate to the vast number of angels out there in service to God and his Creation.

There are some lovely stories of the interactions of saints with angels found here.

Below are some excerpts from the Volumes which shows some of the workings of the angels and how there are also guardians of acts done in the Divine Will.
How the Angels are around the soul who does the Hours of the Passion. These Hours are sweet little sips that souls give t Jesus.

I was doing the Hours of the Passion, and blessed Jesus told me:

“My daughter, in the course of my mortal life, thousands and thousands of Angels were the cortege of my Humanity, gathering everything I did – my steps, my works, my words, and even my sighs, my pains, the drops of my Blood – in sum, everything. They were the Angels in charge of my custody, and of paying Me honor; obedient to my every wish, they would rise to and descend from Heaven, to bring to the Father what I was doing. Now these Angels have a special office, and as the soul remembers my Life, my Passion, my Blood, my wounds, my prayers, they come around this soul and gather her words, her prayers, her acts of compassion for Me, her tears and her offerings; they unite them to mine, and they bring them before my Majesty to renew for Me the glory of my own Life. The delight of the Angels is so great that, reverent, they listen to what the soul says, and pray together with her. So, with what attention and respect must the soul do these Hours, thinking that the Angels hang upon her lips to repeat after her what she says.”
Vol. 11, October 13, 1916

Thousands of Angels are the guardians and custodians of the acts done in the Divine Will.

Continuing in my usual state, I felt all immersed in the Divine Volition, and my sweet Jesus told me: “My daughter, just as the sun does not leave the plant, but caresses it with its light, fecundates it with its heat until it produces fruits and flowers - and then, jealous, it makes them mature, it keeps them with its light, and when the farmer picks it to make of it his food, only then does it leave the fruit - the same for the acts done in my Will: my love, my jealousy toward them is such that grace caresses them, my love conceives them, fecundates them and matures them. I place thousands of Angels as custodians of one single act done in my Will. In fact, since these acts done in my Will are seeds in order that my Will may be done on earth as it is in Heaven, everyone is jealous of these acts. Their dew is my breath; their shadow is my light. The Angels remain enraptured by them and, reverent, they adore them, because in these acts they see the Eternal Will, which deserves all their adoration. Only when I find souls who, picking them as divine fruits make of them food for their own souls, then are these acts left. Oh, fecundity and multiplicity of these acts! The creature herself who does them cannot count them.”
Vol. 14, April 25, 1922

'Then, afterwards, my sweet Jesus went on taking all the books written on His Divine Will; He united them together, then He pressed them to His Heart, and with unspeakable tenderness, He added:
“I bless these writings from the Heart. I bless each word; I bless the effects and the value they contain. These writings are part of Myself.” Then He called the Angels, who prostrated themselves, their faces to the ground, to pray. And since two fathers were there present, who were supposed to see the writings, Jesus told the Angels to touch their foreheads in order to impress in them the Holy Spirit, so as to infuse in them the light in order to make the comprehend the truths and the good which are in these writings. The Angels executed that, and Jesus, blessing us all, disappeared.'
Vol. 17, Sept. 17, 1924

And while (my) poor soul vented in sorrow, my sweet Jesus made himself seen in my interior Crucified with six Angels, three to the right and three to the left of his adorable person.  Each one of the said angels held his crown between (their) hands, studded with most brilliant gems, in the act of offering them to Our Lord.  I remained amazed in seeing this, and my Beloved Jesus said to me:
“Courage, my daughter; courage is of souls resolute (in) doing good.  They are imperturbable under whatever tempest, and while they feel the roar of the thunders and lightnings even to tremble from it, and they remain under the copious water that rains on them, they make use of the water in order to wash and to go forth more beautiful, and without minding to the tempest, they are more than ever resolute and courageous to not move themselves from the commenced good.  Discouragement is of irresolute souls who never arrive to complete a good.  Courage paves the way, courage puts in flight any tempest, courage is the bread of the strong, courage is (of) the warlike who knows how to conquer whatever battle.  Therefore, good daughter, courage, do not fear; and then what fears?  I have given you six Angels for your custody, each one of Them holds the assignment to guide you through the interminable ways of my Eternal Volition, in order to make that you might be able to exchange me with your acts, with your love, that which the Divine Will did with pronouncing six Fiats in the Creation.  Therefore every Angel holds consigned a Fiat and that which went forth from this Fiat, in order to call you to exchange every one of these Fiats, even with the sacrifice of your life.  These angels gather your acts and form crowns with them, and prostrate they offer them to the Divinity for exchange of that which our Divine Will did, so that (he) be known and form his kingdom upon the earth.  But this is not everything; at the Head of these Angels there am I who guide and watch over you in everything, and who form in you the acts themselves and that love that there is wanted by us so that you might be able to hold sufficient love in order to be able to exchange so many great works of our Supreme Volition.  Hence do not stop, you have much to do, you have to follow me, he who never stops, you have to follow the Angels because they want to complete their entrusted assignment, you have to complete your mission as daughter of the Divine Will.”

Vol. 29, April 16, 1931