Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Three Powers harmonized

The three powers of man are meant to work together in a close relationship to communicate with God on an intimate level.  The memory and the intellect were to work as supports to keep the Will aligned with God in order to form Divine Life in each act of the creature however it is the Will which holds the primary place above the three.

You must know that, in creating man, the Divinity formed many paths of communication between Creator and creature. Paths were the three powers of the soul: the intelligence, the path in order to comprehend my Will; the memory, the path in order to remember It continuously; the will, in the middle of these two paths, formed the third path in order to take flight within the Will of his Creator. The intelligence and the memory were the support, the defense, the strength of the path of the will, that it might not stagger, either to the right or to the left. Path was the eye, that he might look at the beauties and the riches present in my Will; path the hearing, that he might hear the calls, the harmonies present in It; path the word, in which he might receive the continuous outpouring of my word ‘Fiat’, and the goods that my Fiat contains; path the hands, so that, by raising them in his works in my Will, he might come to unifying his works with the works of his Creator; path the feet, to follow the steps of my Will; path the heart, the desires, the affections, to be filled with the love of my Will and rest in It. See, then, how many paths there are in the creature in order to come into my Will, if he wanted to. All paths were opened between God and man, and by virtue of Our Will, Our goods were his. After all, he was Our son, Our image, a work come out of Our hands, and from the ardent breath of Our bosom. But the human will, ungrateful, did not want to enjoy the rights to Our goods which We gave to it. Not wanting to do Our Will, man did his own; and by doing his own, he put bars and fences across these paths; he constrained himself within the miserable circle of his will; he lost Ours and went wandering in the exile of his passions, of his weaknesses, under a tenebrous sky, loaded with storms and with thunders. Poor child, in the midst of so many evils, wanted by himself! So, each act of human will is a bar that he puts across Mine; it is a fence that he forms, to prevent the union of our wills; and the communication of goods between Heaven and earth is interrupted.
Vol. 17, Feb. 22, 1925

It is in giving reign to the Divine Will to operate while one's own will is placed "at the footstool to His that all the other powers of man take their rightful place once again and all the goods of God can be given once again.

“See then, for how long have all the goods that We must give to the children of Our Supreme Fiat been issued from Our paternal womb – everything has been prepared since the time of Creation; nor will We withdraw because of the delay – We will keep waiting.  No sooner than the creature places her will as the footstool of Ours to let It dominate, will We open the doors for her, to let her enter, because it was the human will that closed the doors to Ours and opened the doors to miseries, to weaknesses, to passions.  It was not her memory or her intelligence that placed themselves against their Creator, even though they concurred, but it was the human will that had its first act and broke all the bonds, all the relations with a Will so holy.  More so, since all good and all evil is enclosed in it - the regime, the dominion is its own; and so once the will has failed in good, everything fails, loses order, decays from its origin, becomes ugly.  And since it was the human will that placed itself against Mine, causing all goods to fail man, this is why I want his will, and in exchange I want to give him Mine, to give back to him all the goods that had failed him.  Therefore, my daughter, be attentive, never give life to your will if you want Mine to reign in you.”
Vol. 19,  August 31, 1926

With rejecting the Divine Will Jesus, in order to Redeem mankind, was born into suffering.  The three nails he suffered on the cross were directly to repair for the three powers of mankind and the symbol of how by doing his own will, man had immobilized himself from receiving and God from giving.

“My beloved, I was conceived united to suffering, I was born to suffering, and I died in suffering.  And with the three nails with which they crucified Me, I nailed the three powers - intellect, memory and will - of those souls who yearn to love Me, keeping them all drawn to Myself, because sin had rendered them infirm and dispersed from their Creator - without any restraint.” 
Vol. 4,  Dec. 25, 1900

The sufferings which man undergoes are always allowed by Divine Providence for the good of man.  The are often the only way to strip man of the harm that comes from the human spirit not acting centered in God.  This prepares all of his powers to refocus on God and find all his good there instead of from human supports.

December 26, 1902
Calumnies, persecutions and contrasts serve to justify man.
As I was in my usual state, I felt all oppressed and with a fear of receiving persecutions, contrasts, calumnies – not only to myself, for I do not care about myself because I am a poor creature who is worth nothing, but to the confessor and other priests.  So I felt my heart crushed by this weight, unable to find respite.  In the meantime my adorable Jesus came, telling me:
“My daughter, why be disturbed and restless, and waste time with this?  As for your things, there is nothing there, and besides, everything is divine providence that allows calumnies, persecutions and contrasts in order to justify man and to make him come back to union with his Creator, one on one, without human support, just as he came out when he was created.  As good and holy as a man may be, he always keeps something of the human spirit in his interior; and also in his exterior he is not perfectly free, he always keeps something human for which he hopes, on which he relies and leans, and through which he wants to obtain esteem and respect.  But, let the wind of calumnies, persecutions and contrasts come about a little bit… Oh, what a devastating hail the human spirit receives!  In fact, seeing himself opposed, unpopular, despised by creatures, man no longer finds satisfaction among them.  On the contrary, helps, supports, trust and esteem fail him all together, and if before he used to go in search of them, afterwards he himself shuns them, because wherever he turns he finds nothing but bitternesses and thorns.  So, reduced to this state, he remains alone.  But man cannot be, nor is he made to be alone.  What will the poor little one do?  He will turn to his center, God, completely and without the slightest hindrance; God will give Himself completely to him, and man will give himself completely to God, applying his intellect to knowing Him, his memory to remembering God and His benefits, his will to loving Him.  And so, my daughter, here is man justified, sanctified, and the purpose for which he was created restored within his soul.  And even if later on he has to deal with creatures and he sees helps, supports and esteem being offered to him, he receives them with indifference, knowing what they are from his experience; and if he makes use of them, he does it only when he sees the honor and the glory of God - but what remains is always God and himself alone.
Vol. 4

It is only in consuming oneself in the love of God that one is able to recenter all the powers to their proper place and role to act together.

Ah! my daughter, how much disorder reigns in the three powers of the human soul.  One can say that they have shut the door on Our face, they have barricaded the paths to prevent Our passing and to break the communications with Us, while it was the greatest gift We gave man in creating him.  These three powers were to serve him to comprehend the One who had created him, to grow in His likeness, and, his will being transfused in that of his Creator, to give Him the right to let It reign.  This is why the Supreme Volition cannot reign in the soul if these three powers – intellect, memory and will – do not hold hands in order to return to the purpose for which God created man.  Therefore, pray that these three powers may return to the order and the harmony of their Creator, so that my Supreme Will may reign with Its full triumph.”
Vol. 19,  August 12, 1926

“My daughter, if the will wants nothing but Me, if the intellect occupies itself with nothing but knowing Me, if the memory remembers nothing other than Me; here they are - the three powers of the soul consumed in love.
Vol. 11, May 9, 1912

This allows God to form his act of life in the act of the creatures. 

“My blessed daughter, in order to have that an act might be pleasant to Me and my Will might be able to form entire life in it, the whole interior of the creature must be centralized in my Fiat!  The will must want it, the desire must ardently desire that which the volition wants, the affections, the tendencies, must desire it and be inclined only in order to receive the life of my Will in their act, the heart to love and to enclose in her heartbeat, the life of my Will, the memory to remember him, the intelligence to understand him.  So that everything must be centralized in the act in which my Will wants to form his life.  Since in order to form a life there is needed will, desire, heart, affections, tendencies, memory, intelligence, otherwise one could not call it whole and perfect life, thus my Divine Will wanting to form life in the act of the creature, centralizes in her act, now life, that he wants to form, otherwise one could not say whole and perfect life. 
Vol. 33,  July 8, 1934

So that each of these powers of man must act together and God has prepared each epoch with a Fiat to specifically address each power in order to call man back to his origin.  Here Jesus describes how each Fiat in the Creation, the Redemption and the Sanctification calls to a specific power of man in order to enlighten, enchant, enrapture, and sustain man.

“Let us say ‘Fiat’ together.”  And everything - Heaven and earth - was filled with adoration to the Supreme Majesty.  Then, again, He repeated,  ‘Fiat’, and the Blood, the wounds and the pains of Jesus arose and multiplied to infinity.  And then, for the third time,  “Fiat”, and this Fiat multiplied in all the wills of creatures to sanctify them.  Then, He said to me:  “My daughter these three Fiats are the Creating, the Redeeming, and the Sanctifying Fiat.  In creating man, I endowed him with three powers - intellect, memory and will; and with three Fiats will I accomplish the work of the sanctification of man.
“At the Creating Fiat, the intellect of man remains as though enraptured.  How many things he understands about Me and about my love for him, as I am hidden inside all created things in order to make Myself known, and to give him love so as to be loved.  In the Fiat of Redemption, his memory remains as though enchanted by the excesses of my love in suffering so much in order to help and save man in the state of sin.  In the third Fiat, my love wants to display even more.  I want to assail the human will; I want to place my own Will as support of his will, so that the human will may remain not only enraptured and enchanted, but sustained by an Eternal Will.  And as my Will becomes his support in everything, man will almost be unable to escape It.
“The generations will not end until my Will reigns upon earth.  My Redeeming Fiat will place Itself in the middle, between the Creating Fiat and the Sanctifying Fiat.  They will interweave, all three together, and will accomplish the sanctification of man.  The third Fiat will give such grace to the creature as to make him return almost to the state of origin; and only then, when I see man just as he came out from Me, will my Work be complete, and I will take my perpetual rest in the last Fiat.  Only the life in my Volition will give back to man his state of origin.  Therefore, be attentive, and together with Me, help Me to complete the sanctification of the creature.”
Vol. 12, Feb. 22, 1921

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