Monday, June 3, 2013

Three in One; The one generative Act of the Trinity

The mystery of the Trinity has always been just that, something which the created mind can not ever fully comprehend.  We were given the symbol of the clover through St Patrick and in the last post the symbol of the sun.  Here Jesus seems to want the creature to understand his Creator as much as is possible as he continues to give explanations of the nature of the Trinity.

The nature of the Most Holy Trinity is formed of most pure, most simple, communicative Love.

          This morning, as I was outside of myself, I found myself with Baby Jesus in my arms; and while I delighted in looking at Him, I don’t know how, from the same Baby a second came out, and after a few instants, a third Baby, both of Them similar to the first, though distinct among Themselves. Stupefied in looking at this, I said: “Oh, how one can touch with hand the sacrosanct mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, that while You are One, You are also Three.’ It seemed to me that all Three of Them spoke to me, but as the word came out, it became one single voice: “Our nature is formed of most pure, most simple, communicative Love, and the nature of true Love has this of its own: it produces from itself images fully similar to itself in power, in goodness, in beauty and in everything it contains; and only to give more sublime prominence to Our Omnipotence it places the mark of distinction, in such a way that, melting in love, this nature of Ours - which is simple, with no matter at all which might prevent Our union - forms Three [Persons]; and returning to melt, it forms One. It is so true that the nature of true Love has this prerogative of producing images fully similar to itself, or of assuming the image of the beloved, that the Second Person, in redeeming mankind, assumed the nature and the image of man, and communicated the Divinity to man.”
          While They were saying this, I could distinguish my beloved Jesus very well, recognizing the image of the human nature in Him, and only because of Him I had the confidence to remain in Their presence; otherwise, who would have dared? Ah, yes! It seemed to me that the humanity assumed by Jesus had opened commerce for the creature, so as to let her ascend up to the throne of the Divinity to be admitted to converse with Them, and to obtain deeds of graces. Oh, what happy moments I enjoyed! How many things I understood; but in order to describe something, I would have to describe it when my soul is with my dear Jesus, as she seems to be set free from the body. But as I find myself imprisoned again, the darkness of the imprisonment, the distance of my mystical Sun, the pain of not seeing Him, render me incapable of describing it, and make me live dying. Yet, I am forced to live, fastened, imprisoned in this miserable body. Ah, Lord, have compassion for a miserable sinner who lives infirm and imprisoned! Break soon the wall of this prison, that I may fly to You and come back no more.
Vol. 4, Dec. 3, 1900

Jesus states that the Trinity's nature is Love, which is simple, pure, immaterial, communicative, and continually produces similar images of itself and is capable of taking on the image of that which it  loves.   It is this ability to take on the image of the beloved which has allowed us, as fallen creatures who have lost the likeness of our Father, the opportunity to communicate with the Trinity, through Jesus, and have the complete image and likeness returned to us in order to renew and restore the fellowship and familial relations which we lost through sin.  Here Jesus continues to speak on the subject of Love being the unifying nature of the Trinity.

“My daughter, do not marvel; everything is possible in my Will. True love, when it is perfect, commences from oneself. The true model is the Most Holy Trinity. My Celestial Father loved himself and in his love generated his Son, hence he loved himself in the Son. I, his Son, loved myself in the Father, and from this love proceeded the Holy Spirit. (In) this loving oneself the Celestial Father generated only one love, only one power and sanctity, and so on; it bound the inseparable union of the three Divine Persons.
          “And when we created the creation we loved ourselves. So that we loved ourselves in stretching out the sky, in creating the sun; it was the love of ourselves that pushed us to create so many beautiful things worthy of us and inseparable from us. And when we created man, the love of ourselves made itself more intense, and loving ourselves in him, our love reproduced our life and likeness in the depth of his soul.
          “One cannot give if not that which one holds; and since our love was perfect, loving ourselves we could separate ourselves from that which went forth from us.
          “Now, our Will, with wanting the creature to live in him in order to form his Kingdom, loving himself he wants to give that which he possesses; and then he is content, when he forms the repetition of our life, when he works in the acts of the creature, and triumphant and victorious, with our highest glory and honor, he carries them into our divine bosom, in order to have us recognize our life in his work of one who lives in his Volition.
          “It is proper this what it means to love oneself in that which one wants to do and to produce; giving himself, in order to be able to form another being similar to himself.
          “Our Will is the fecundator and sower of our life, and where he finds souls disposed he loves himself, with his love he fecundates them and there he sows his divine acts, which, united together, forms the great prodigy of the divine life in the creature.
          “Therefore leave yourself in the authority of my Will, and allow that he may do with you that which he wants to do, and you and we will be happy.”
Vol. 35, Oct. 19, 1937

It is the nature of the Most Holy Trinity to want to form images of himself, that is to give that which he is in order to continue the circle of Love.  That which he is by nature he wants to repeat in the creature and thereby continue his one simple and complete act but the creature must live in his Will in order for him to do this.  Here Jesus continues to give a more detailed explanation of what this act consists of when operating in the creature.

“My blessed daughter, my Will produces the light in the soul, the light generates the knowledge, light and knowledge love each other and generate love. So that where my Supreme Will reigns the Sacrosanct Trinity reigns in act. Our adorable Divinity is carried in nature, in an irresistible way, without ever interrupting to generate continually, and the first generating act we do (is) in ourselves. The Father generates me continually, and I his Son, feel myself generated in Him continually, the Celestial Father generates me and loves me, I am generated and I love him, and from the one and the other proceeds the love. In this generative act without ever ceasing it encloses all our admirable knowledges, our secrets, our beatitudes, the times, our dispositions, our Power and wisdom all as much the Eternity, enclosed in one single generating act, which forms all the whole of our Divine Being. Hence this reciprocal Love of ours that forms the third Person of our inseparable Supreme Being from us, it seems that he is not content with our generating act in ourselves, but he wants to generate outside of ourselves, in souls, and behold we entrust the assignment to our Will animated by our Love, that descends in souls and goes to form with his light our divine generation, indeed he can do this in one who lives in our Volition, outside of Him, there is no post in order to form our Divine Life, our word would not find the hearing in order to make himself listened to and lacking our knowledges, the love would not find the substance in order to generate, and behold our Most Holy Trinity disarranged in the creature. Therefore only our Will is that which can form this divine generation of ours. Hence be attentive to listen to that which this light wants to say to you, in order to give him the field to his generating act.”
Vol. 31, Aug. 14, 1932

His Will produces the light in the soul of the creature, from the light comes the knowledge and these love each other recognizing themselves in each other and from this come the love.  Here we have the operative, generative act of the Trinity living in the creature.  But the essence comes first from the Divine Will.  Without this there is no light, no ability to recognize the knowledge, the truths and therefore no relationship to generate love in the soul.  This image of the Trinity is furthermore found in all of the epochs.

Furthermore, Creation, Redemption and the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven, symbolize the Sacrosanct Trinity. In fact, just as the Divine Persons are inseparable from one another, so these works are inseparable from one another: each one gives the hand to the other; each one helps the other – the triumph, the glory, belongs to all three of them. And since Our Will has held the primary place in all Our works, Creation and Redemption remain eclipsed and as though dissolved within the immensity and the endlessness of the Supreme Will. Our Will envelops everything and keeps the very things done by Us as Its throne, from which It reigns and dominates. So, if Our Will is everything, why are you surprised that It will produce greater fruits than Our other works? And man will receive that Life which he has, but does not know, because he keeps It as though compressed, drowned, weakened, while It moans and sighs, because It wants to carry out Its Life, but It is not allowed to do so.
“Therefore, be attentive, because the knowledge of my Will will shake man, and will be like cement on the woodworm which original sin produced in the tree of the human generations; so that, once the root has been strengthened, the creature may allow that Life, which she had rejected with so much ingratitude, to live within herself.”
Vol. 19, March 19, 1926

The Creation brings to the light of day the works of God and is the light, the Redemption manifests the knowledges of God, the truths, the operative union of these forms the Triune essence that is Love, alive, acting and sanctifying.   This Love fecundates, grows, and replicates and expands the light and knowledges but the source is always the Will which encompasses everything.  To live in the Divine Will is to invite the Trinity to live and act and love from within oneself.  It is to give the Trinity a new throne from which to continue his one generative act.

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