I found myself outside of myself, and in looking into the vault of the heavens, I saw three Suns: one seemed to set in the east, another in the west, and the third in the south. The splendor of the rays that they sent forth was so great that they united with one another, in such a way as to become one. I seemed to see the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity, and man, formed with the three powers in Its image. I also understood that for one who stayed in that light, his will would be transformed in the Father, his intellect in the Son, his memory in the Holy Spirit. How many things I understood! But I am unable to manifest them.
Vol. 3, May 9 1900These three powers were meant to be more than just the image of God in the creature they were an open line communication to each of the Three Divine Persons. A continual current to keep the creature enriched with all the treasures and qualities of the Divine. Instead fallen man has used these three powers to deny God and break any connection turning in on himself.
Finding myself in my usual state, I was thinking about the sorrow that my sweet Jesus suffered in the Garden of Gethsemani, when all of our sins presented themselves before His Sanctity. And Jesus, all afflicted, told me in my interior:
“My daughter, my sorrow was
great and incomprehensible to created mind, especially when I saw the human
intelligence deformed - the beautiful image of Myself which I reproduced in it,
no longer beautiful, but ugly and horrid.
“I endowed man with will, intellect and memory. In the first
shone my Celestial Father who, as primary act communicated His power, His
sanctity and His height, through which He elevated the human will, investing it
with His own sanctity, power and nobility, leaving all currents between Himself
and the human will open, so that it might be enriched more and more with the
treasures of my Divinity. Between the human will and the Divine there was
neither ‘yours’ nor ‘mine’, but everything was in common, with mutual
accord. Man was Our image - Our own thing; so, he veiled Us. Our
Life was to be his; therefore, as primary act He constituted his will free and
independent, just as the Will of my Celestial Father was, as primary act.
But how much has this will disfigured itself! Free as it was, it rendered
itself the slave of most vile passions. Ah! it is the will that is the
beginning of all the evils of man - it can no longer be recognized.
How it decayed from its nobility - it is disgusting to look at.
“Now, as second act, I, Son
of God, concurred by endowing man with intellect, communicating to him my
wisdom and the knowledge of all things, so that by knowing them, he might enjoy
them and delight in what is good. But, alas, what a bilge of vices is the
intelligence of the creature! He has used knowledge to deny his Creator.
“Then, as third act, the Holy Spirit concurred by endowing him with
memory, so that in remembering so many benefits, he might be in continuous
currents of love, in continuous relations. Love was to crown him, embrace
him and permeate all of his life. But how saddened the Eternal Love
remains! This memory remembers pleasures, riches, and remembers even to
sin, while the Sacrosanct Trinity is cast out of the gifts which It gave to Its
“My sorrow was indescribable
at seeing the deformity of the three powers of man. We had formed Our
royal palace in him, and he had cast Us out.”
Vol. 14, April 8, 1922Not only did man lose the likeness of his Creator in sinning but he as shut the door in the face of God who had created man as his palace and kingdom where he would reign cooperatively with man. It is only through the reordering of these powers so that they might harmonize once again will God have his full triumph and his kingdom be secure once again.
daughter, man was created by God with three powers: memory, intellect and
will; and this, so that he might have the links of communications with the
Divine Persons of the Sacrosanct Trinity. These were like paths along
which to ascend to God, like doors through which to enter, like rooms in which
to form the continuous dwelling – the creature for God, God for the
creature. These are the royal paths of both of them, the gold doors which
God placed in the depth of the soul through which the Supreme Sovereignty of
the Divine Majesty might enter; the safe and unshakeable room in which God was
to have His celestial dwelling. Now, in order to be able to form Its
Kingdom in the inmost place of the soul, my Will wants to find these three
powers, given to the creature to raise her to the likeness of the Creator, in
order with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit. My Will
would not go out of Its dominions if these three powers of the soul were in
order with God, and Its reigning would be happy and as though natural, because,
her three powers being in order with God, the creature would have order within
herself and outside of herself, and the Kingdom of the Will of God and that of
the creature would not be a divided Kingdom, but a single one, and therefore Its
dominion and regime would be one. More so, since my Will does not know
how to reign where there is no order and harmony - inseparable qualities and
indispensable properties of the Divine Persons; and the soul can never be
ordered and harmonize with her Creator if she does not have her three powers
open to receive from God His qualities ordered and His properties harmonized,
in such a way that, finding the divine harmonies and the supreme order of the
Divine Kingdom and of the human kingdom, my Will may make them one and reign in
It with Its full dominion.
my daughter, how much disorder reigns in the three powers of the human
soul. One can say that they have shut the door on Our face, they have
barricaded the paths to prevent Our passing and to break the communications
with Us, while it was the greatest gift We gave man in creating him.
These three powers were to serve him to comprehend the One who had created him,
to grow in His likeness, and, his will being transfused in that of his Creator,
to give Him the right to let It reign. This is why the Supreme Volition
cannot reign in the soul if these three powers – intellect, memory and will –
do not hold hands in order to return to the purpose for which God created
man. Therefore, pray that these three powers may return to the order and
the harmony of their Creator, so that my Supreme Will may reign with Its full
Vol. 19, Aug. 12, 1926Jesus again returns to the symbol of the sun. Three suns representing the three powers and Three Divine Persons. He states that man without the guidance of these suns lives in darkness. Man's will chooses the darkness over the light and therefore there is no light to guide his decisions or heat to warm him. It is only by reordering man's will with the Divine Will that once again God and man return to the ordered harmony that was found in man's origin.
daughter, how many prodigies of Ours concurred in creating man! With Our
breath, the soul was infused in him, and in the soul Our paternal goodness
infused three Suns, by which We formed in it the perennial and refulgent day -
not subject to any night. These three Suns were formed by the Power of the
Father, by the Wisdom of the Son, by the Love of the Holy Spirit. While being
formed in the soul, these three Suns remained in communication with the Three
Divine Persons, in such a way that man possessed the way through which to
ascend to Us, and We possessed the way through which to descend in him. These
three Suns are the three powers: intellect, memory and will. While being
distinct among them, they hold hands and arrive at forming one single power,
symbol of Our adorable Trinity, since while being three distinct Persons, We
form one single Power, one single Intellect, and one single Will. Our Love in
creating man was so great, that It felt content only when We communicated Our
Likeness to him. These three Suns were placed in the depth of the human soul,
just like the Sun in the depth of the vault of the heavens, which keeps the
earth in feast with its light, and gives life to all plants with its admirable
effects, giving to each one the flavor, the sweetness, the color and the
substance that befits it. In its tacit silence, the Sun guides the earth,
instructs everyone – not with words, but with facts, and with such eloquence
that no one else can reach it; and with its penetrating light it becomes life
of everything that the earth produces.
Look: there is only one Sun for the entire earth, but for the soul Our Love was not content with one alone. And finding Ourselves in the ardor of Our love for giving and giving…, We formed three Suns, by which all the human acts were to be directed, animated and receive life. What order, what harmony We placed in Our beloved and dear son!
Now, my daughter, these three Suns exist in man, but they find themselves in the same condition of the Sun that shines in the heavens when it is surrounded by thick clouds and cannot fill the earth with the vividness of its light. Even though the communications are neither interrupted nor broken by the clouds, the earth receives its effects with difficulty, and does not enjoy all the good which the Sun could do to it. So, not receiving all the life of the Sun, it is as though ill, its fruits are insipid and unripe, and many plants are without fruits. Therefore the earth is melancholic, without feast, because the clouds have prevented it from receiving all the fullness of the light of the Sun, so as to be crowned with glory and honor. Such is the condition of man: all things are in place, between Us and him nothing is broken or interrupted, but the human will has formed thick clouds, and therefore one sees man without the glory, the order and the harmony of his creation. His works are without fruits, rotten and without beauty; his steps are unsteady. One can say that he is the poor ill one, because he does not let himself be directed by the three Suns which he possesses within his soul. Therefore, in coming to reign, the first thing that my Will will knock down will be the human volition. Blowing, It will dispel the clouds, and man will let himself be directed by the three Suns he has in the depth of his soul, and which possess Our communication; and immediately He will rise to Our origin, and everything will be feast and glory for Us and for him.”
Vol. 24, June 7, 1928
Look: there is only one Sun for the entire earth, but for the soul Our Love was not content with one alone. And finding Ourselves in the ardor of Our love for giving and giving…, We formed three Suns, by which all the human acts were to be directed, animated and receive life. What order, what harmony We placed in Our beloved and dear son!
Now, my daughter, these three Suns exist in man, but they find themselves in the same condition of the Sun that shines in the heavens when it is surrounded by thick clouds and cannot fill the earth with the vividness of its light. Even though the communications are neither interrupted nor broken by the clouds, the earth receives its effects with difficulty, and does not enjoy all the good which the Sun could do to it. So, not receiving all the life of the Sun, it is as though ill, its fruits are insipid and unripe, and many plants are without fruits. Therefore the earth is melancholic, without feast, because the clouds have prevented it from receiving all the fullness of the light of the Sun, so as to be crowned with glory and honor. Such is the condition of man: all things are in place, between Us and him nothing is broken or interrupted, but the human will has formed thick clouds, and therefore one sees man without the glory, the order and the harmony of his creation. His works are without fruits, rotten and without beauty; his steps are unsteady. One can say that he is the poor ill one, because he does not let himself be directed by the three Suns which he possesses within his soul. Therefore, in coming to reign, the first thing that my Will will knock down will be the human volition. Blowing, It will dispel the clouds, and man will let himself be directed by the three Suns he has in the depth of his soul, and which possess Our communication; and immediately He will rise to Our origin, and everything will be feast and glory for Us and for him.”
Vol. 24, June 7, 1928
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