Friday, October 18, 2013

Love one another as I have loved you

34 I give you a new commandment, that you love one another.  Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.
John 13:34
12 “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
John 15:12

I've often heard this passage in the Bible interpreted as that we should strive to love as God loves.  But this is not what it says and when taken in the context of the knowledge of God's call to the creature to live in his Will it becomes that much more of a command.  We are called to love with God's love as God loves.  So we need live in Gods Will so that we first have access to his loving with his love and we need to understand how God loves to expand our field of action so as to reciprocate his love as he desires.  In the Creation of man Jesus tells us that God's love reverberated throughout all the Creation and repeated his "I love you" to man.  And innocent man was able to respond for each "I love you" from God an "I love you" of his own.

“My daughter, in the first act of the creation of man, Our love overflowed so strongly and raised its flames so high, as to make its arcane voices heard, so strong and penetrating, that the heavens, the stars, the sun, the wind, the sea and everything felt invested by mysterious voices crying out over the head of man: ‘I love you, I love you, I love you.’ These arcane and powerful voices called man; and he, as though stirred from a sweet sleep and feeling enraptured by each ‘I love you’ of the One who had created him, also cried out in his surge of love - in the sun, in the heavens, in the sea and in everything: ‘I love You, I love You, I love You, oh my Creator!’ Our Divine Will which dominated Adam did not let him lose anything, not even one ‘I love you’ of Ours to which he would not respond with his own. It was lovely, a sweet enchantment, to hear him, as the power of Our Divine Fiat would take the ‘I love You’ of Our son, the dear jewel of Our Heart, upon the wings of Its light, and invading the whole Creation, he would make Us hear, in each created thing, his continuous ‘I love You’, just like Our own. Our Divine Will does not know how to do broken and interrupted things, but continuous.
Vol. 25, March 13, 1929

But Jesus tells us that at the moment of Creation all creatures that were to come to the light of day had a deposit of love put within all created things so that each and all would receive this love of God for them through the Creation.  He further tells us that this love is supposed to be sought out by the creature and reciprocated.  And this not only forms a feast for God but it also embellishes the creature with the distinct quality of his love deposited there making her an owner of that distinct love which then allows her to love more and more as God loves us.

“Indeed, my daughter, my love poured out in torrents toward the creature in each created thing.  I told you somewhere else, I confirm to you now, that as my uncreated love created the sun, it placed in it oceans of love.  And in each drop of light that was to inundate the eye, the step, the hand, and everything of the creature, my love ran within it; and almost pounding sweetly upon the eye, the hand, the step, the mouth, it gives her my eternal kiss and it holds out my love to her.  Together with the light runs the heat, and pounding on her a little more strongly, almost impatient for the love of the creature, to the point of pelting her, I repeat to her, more strongly, my eternal ‘I love you.’  And if the sun, with its light and heat, fecundates the plants, it is my love that runs for the nourishment of man; and if I extended a heaven above man’s head, studding it with stars, it was my love that, wanting to delight man’s eye, also at night, spoke to him my ‘I love you’ in each sparkling of star.  So, each created thing holds out my love to man; and if it were not so, Creation would have no purpose; and I do nothing without purpose.  Everything was made for man; but man does not recognize it, and he has turned into sorrow for Me.
Vol. 12, Jan. 9, 1920

“My daughter, you know that the Creation was an outlet of our love and while we brought forth the Creation to the light of day, we held everyone present, not one creature escaped us and we put for each one of them, in every created thing a deposit of love that should love her and tell her always he loves you, your Creator loves you.  So that if created things race in order to give to them the good that they possess, it is our love that makes them race.  If the Sky extends itself over the head of everyone it is our deposit of love that gives it the right.  If the Sun gives its light to everyone it is the inheritance of the love that everyone holds in the Sun of its Creator.  If the earth is firm under her steps, it is our deposit of love, that makes it take as in womb from mother earth the creature and assuring her step says to her beneath her plants:  he loves you, He who has created you loves you.  If the water quenches you, it is our cry of love, that races in the water and quenches you, washes you, gives the humor to the plants and so many other goods that it does.  If the fire doesn’t burn you it is our deposit of love, that they are the properties of the creatures that cry out warm my daughter, do her no harm, and thus with all the other things.
“Now I want to tell you a consoling thing, if the creature enters into created things, recognizes this deposit of love of ours in every one of them and makes resound her love in ours, she prepares the table to her Creator.  You see in the Sun alone how much diversity of foods of love you can prepare for us, in that light there is the sweetness of our love, and you loving us to the touch of ours you sweeten yours and give us the food of love that sweetens us, in that light there are the tastes of our love and loving us you give us the joys of so many tastes of our love, in that light there is our fecund love, the love that wounds, burns and consumes, and you loving us will acquire the divine fecundity in your love, the virtue to wound us, to burn yourself and consume yourself for us, there is also the variety of the colors that embellishes everything, and you loving us will acquire the virtue of the beautiful love in which you will remain as mantled with an enchanting beauty and oh how we will feel enraptured.
          “Daughter if I might want to speak to you (of) the multiplicity and diversity of love that we have put in every created thing for every creature, I would not finish, and how she holds the duty to know this our manifold love, in order to find the model to love us, with so many distinct loves, as we have loved her.  But alas! our love remains isolated without the company of the love of the creature and this is a sorrow for us that our love [is] not recognized in every created thing, while everything holds the mandate from us to love her with (a) distinct love, in the wind races the puffs of our kisses, the billows of our loving caresses, the groans of our suffocated love, in the impetuosity of the wind our ruling love that wants to make itself known in order to reign over everyone, and at times it arrives as to almost speak with deafening cries, in order to make that she might be able to hear no other than our love that loves her.
         “Oh! if the creature might recognize our love that races in the wind, she would restitute our kisses and our caresses to us with hers, (as) with the rest, because we kiss her and we caress her because we want to be kissed and caressed by her, she would groan together with our love in order to not make us suffocate, she would love us with hers and our ruling [love], and crying out together with our love, she would deafen everyone with saying we love you, we love He who loves us so much; also in the air that everyone breathes how much love doesn’t race, but no, not in intervals as in the other created things, but in every instant, in every breath, if she sleeps, if she works, if she walks, if she eats, our love races always but with a distinct and new love, with all the other created things, in the air our love races that gives life, with an enchanting rapidity that no one can resist, it races in the heart, in the blood, in the bones, in the nerves, in everything, and constitutes itself vital act of the human being and silently says to them, I bring you the continuous love of your Creator and because (it’s) continuous, I can give you life; oh if they might recognize us in the air that they breathe, the act of life that we have put in it, the enthusiasm of our love that races, races always without ever stopping, she would give us for exchange her life in order to love us, in order to tell us our story of love and to repeat our refrain I love you, I love you always in everything, and in every thing, as You have loved me.  From the greatest created thing even to the littlest there is one new and distinct love of ours for creatures, and since they don’t know it they don’t reciprocate us, rather with highest ingratitude they reciprocate our love in offenses.
“And therefore we await that our Will is known and dominant in the midst of the human generations, which will be the revealer of our love, and then we will do it again and we will love each other with one love alone.  How content we will be and seeing ourselves loved we will add on other new and distinct loves, thus our love won’t be repressed anymore but will have its outlet of love and of being loved in return.  Therefore pray that our kingdom comes and you recognize our love, and if you want love(,) love us, if we don’t find our love in the creature, we don’t know what to give her, nor what to do because there lacks the knoll where to put our graces and the first element that forms our life in her.”
Vol. 34, June 18, 1937

This can only happen with a creature that lives in the Divine Will and with it God says that he will then be able to send new distinct aspects of his love to creatures.  So as allowing God to even love us more.  We need to remember that God's love toward us is not limited to his expression of love in the Creation but there is an accordance of love for everything and every act which is allotted to us.  So that we are as surrounded by love inside and outside in every moment.

“My daughter, my love for the creature is great.  Do you see how the light of the sun invades the earth?  If you could make many atoms out of that light, in those atoms of light you would hear my melodious voice and, one after the other, they would repeat to you:  ‘I love you, I love you, I love you…’, in such a way as to give you no time to count them.  You would remain drowned inside love.  And indeed, ‘I love you, I love you, I love you…’ in the light that fills your eyes; ‘I love you’ in the air that you breathe; ‘I love you’ in the whistling of the wind that touches your hearing; ‘I love you’ in the warmth and in the cold felt by your touch; ‘I love you’ in the blood that flows in your veins.  My heartbeat says ‘I love you’ in the beating of your heart.  I repeat to you ‘I love you’ in each thought of your mind; ‘I love you’ in each action of your hands; ‘I love you’ in each step of your feet; ‘I love you’ in each word… because nothing happens inside or outside of you without the concurrence of an act of my love toward you.  So, one ‘I love you’ of mine does not wait for another.  And your ‘I love you’s’? How many are for Me?”
Vol. 11, April 23, 1912

“My daughter, to you, who are the firstborn daughter of my Supreme Will, I want to make known how the whole Creation, upon the wings of my Eternal Volition, brings my ‘I love you’ to the creatures; and the creatures, upon the same wings of my Will, making It their own, should give Me the requital of their ‘I love You’. Look at the azure sky: there is not one point of it in which an ‘I love you’ of mine toward the creature is not impressed. Each star and the glittering that forms a crown around it are studded with my ‘I love you’s’. As each sun’s ray extends toward the earth to bring light, each drop of light carries my ‘I love you’. And as the light invades the earth and man looks at it and walks on it, my ‘I love you’ reaches into his eyes, into his mouth, into his hands, and extends under his feet. The murmuring of the sea murmurs ‘I love you, I love you, I love you’, and all the drops of water are as many keys which, murmuring among themselves, form the most beautiful harmonies of my infinite ‘I love you’. The plants, the leaves, the flowers, the fruits, have my ‘I love you’ impressed in them. So, the whole of Creation brings to man my repeated ‘I love you’s’. And man - how many of my ‘I love you’s’ does he not have impressed in his whole being? His thoughts are sealed by my ‘I love you’; the beating of his heart that palpitates in his chest with that mysterious sound, ‘tic, tic, tic…’, is an ‘I love you’ of mine, never interrupted, which says to him: ‘I love you, I love you…’. His words are followed by my ‘I love you’; his movements, his steps and all the rest, contain an ‘I love you’ of mine. And yet, in the midst of so many waves of my love, he is unable to elevate himself to requite my love. What ingratitude – and how grieved is my love left.
Vol. 16, Aug. 1, 1923

“My daughter, Our Love toward creatures is so great, that in each act she does, Our Love runs to love her, and Our Will to form the life of her act. So, in each thought that she forms in her mind, it is an act of love that We send to her; and Our Will offers Itself to form the life of her thought. In each word that she pronounces, in each beat of her heart, in each step that she takes, there are as many acts of Our Love that run toward her; and Our Fiat offers Itself to form the life of her word, the beating of her heart, the step of her feet. Therefore, the creature is kneaded with Our Love, she lives under the sweet storm of Our Love, over her hangs Our incessant Love that loves her so much, and Our Fiat that runs rapidly to give life to each of her acts, be it even the smallest. Oh! if creatures knew how much We love them, how so inclined We are toward them, to love them always, always, as to let not even one thought of hers escape Us, in which We do not send her Our special and distinct Love - oh! how they would love Us; and Our Love would not remain as though isolated, without the love of the creatures. Our Love descends continuously toward the creatures, and their little love does not deign to rise toward their Creator. What sorrow, my daughter, to love and not to be loved. And this is the reason why, when I find a creature who loves Me, I feel her love harmonizing with Mine; and as my Love descends toward her, so does her love ascend toward Me. I abound so much for her, with graces, with favors and with divine charisms, as to astonish Heaven and earth.”
Vol. 28, Aug. 12, 1930

This love for us extends even more that the small field of our existence in time and place on the earth.  His love is triple, as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as Creator, Redeemer and as Lover.  He loves us as his image and receiver of his love and as a unique individual and he loves us both in time and outside of time, from both before Creation and after Creation.  And he wants that this triple love be returned to him so that there is nothing that comes from us which isn't love.

This morning, having received Holy Communion, I saw my adorable Jesus for a little while, and as soon as I saw Him, I said to Him:  ‘My sweet Good, tell me, do You continue to love me?’  And He:  “Yes, but I am loving and jealous, jealous and loving.  Even more, I tell you that in order to be perfect, love must be triple, and in Me there are these triple conditions of love:  first, I love you as Creator, as Redeemer and as Lover.  Second, I love you in my omnipotence which I used in creating you, and in creating everything for love of you, in such a way that air, water, fire, and everything else, tell you that I love you and that I made them for love of you; I love you as my image, and I love you out of regard for you individually.  Third, I love you ab aeterno [from eternity], I love you in time, and I love you for all eternity.  And this is nothing but a breath that came out of my love; imagine, yourself, what must be the love I contain within Myself.  Now, you are obliged to return to Me this triple love, loving Me as your God in whom you must fix all of yourself, and let nothing come out of you which is not love for Me; loving me out of regard for yourself and for the good that comes to you; and loving Me for all, and in all.”
Vol. 4, Jan. 11, 1902

Now if this seems overwhelming it did to Luisa as well.  But there is a secret to this game of love.  We are incapable of containing this immensity of love, of embracing it and understanding it.  All we need to do is return it in his Divine Will with our own little note of love for him which now makes it a new Creation to him.  We're like an instrument through which the breath of his love passes creating a new expression of his love.

And as He was saying this, He kissed me over and over again, telling me: 

“I love you, but with an eternal love; I love you, but with an immense love; I love you, but with a love that is incomprehensible to you; I love you with a love that will never have limits nor an end; I love you with a love that you will never be able to match.” 

But who can say all the titles with which Jesus said that He loved me?  And at each title He spoke, He waited for my answer.  Not knowing what to say to Him, and not having sufficient titles to match Him, I told Him:  ‘My Life, You know that I have nothing, and whatever I do I take from You, and then I leave it in You again, so that my things, remaining in You, may have continuous attitude and life in You, while I remain always nothing.  Therefore I take your love, I make it my own, and I say to You:  “I love You with an eternal and immense love; with a love that has no limits and no end, and that is equal to yours”.’  And I kissed Him over and over again.  As I kept repeating, ‘I love You’, Jesus became calm, took rest, and disappeared.
Vol. 11, Nov. 1, 1915

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