Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The yeast of the Divine Will

The Divine Will has the ability to transform the finite to the infinite, the material to the divine, but he can not do this alone but needs the material of the human act in order to act.  To continue on the line of the bread of the Divine Will Jesus goes on to further define his Will as the yeast in making bread which has the ability to transform simple ingredients into leavened bread.

“My daughter, wherever there is the creative force of my Divine Will, my divine breath has the power to render the acts of the creature immense. In fact, as the creature operates in my Fiat, the creative force enters her act, placing in it the fount of the divine immensity; and the little act of the creature converts, one into fount of light, another into fount of love, others into founts of goodness, of beauty, of sanctity. In sum, the more acts she does, the more divine founts she acquires; and they grow so much, as to spread within the immensity of her Creator. It happens as to the yeast, which has the virtue of fermenting the flour, as long as, in forming the bread, one puts in it the little yeast as the germ of fermentation. But if one does not put the yeast, even though the flour is the same, the bread will never come out leavened, but unleavened. Such is my Divine Will - more than yeast that casts the divine fermentation into the human act; and the human act becomes divine act. And when I find the germ of my Divine Will in the act of the creature, I delight in breathing on her act, and I raise it so much as to render it immense; more so, since We can call that act ‘Our act’ - ‘Our Will operating in the creature’.”
Vol. 26, Sept. 15, 1929

The flour is symbol of the creatures acts, the water is the union of wills and the yeast is the leavening of the Divine Will.  It is these acts united and transformed in the Divine Will which form the foundation to bring about the Kingdom.  So even in asking for our daily bread in the Our Father we are in fact asking for the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

After this I was thinking of the Divine Will, how difficult it seemed to me that his kingdom might come; and my beloved Jesus added:
“My daughter, as the yeast holds the virtue to leaven the bread, thus my Will is the leavening agent of the acts of the creature; as she calls my Divine Will into her acts, thus they remain fermented by Him and they form the bread of the Kingdom of my Volition. Now the yeast is not enough in order to make a lot of bread, but there is needed a lot of flour, there is needed one who must complete these acts to unite flour and yeast, there is needed the water, bond of union, in order to be able to knead flour and yeast, in order to make that the yeast might communicate the leavening virtue and the flour might receive it, then there is needed the fire in order to cook this bread, in order to form it (as) bread to feed on and to digest. Now isn’t there needed more time, more acts in order to form it than to eat it? The sacrifice is in forming it, to eat it one does it immediately and the taste of the sacrifice is felt.
           “Whence, my daughter, the yeast of my Divine Fiat is not enough that holds only the virtue to ferment your acts, to empty them of the human volition in order to convert them into bread of Divine Will, but there is needed a continuation of acts, of sacrifices, and for a long time, in a way that my Volition with his leavening virtue, he will ferment/leaven all these acts, in order to form a lot of bread and to hold it prepared and reserved for the children of his kingdom. When everything will be formed, there remains to dispose the events, and this is easier and is done more immediately, because it is in our power to move the reasons accordingly, in order to do that which we want. Didn’t I do as much for the Redemption? My long thirty years of my hidden life were as yeast, in which all my acts were leavened in order to form and to leaven the great good of the Redemption, the brief life of my public life and my Passion. It was my leavened bread that my Divine Will formed and leavened in my acts, that as bread broken to everyone and I gave it to eat in order to make that everyone might receive the bread of the redeemed, in order to acquire the necessary strengths in order to put themselves in safety. Therefore do not give it any thought, think to make it your duty and do not let any act of yours escape in which there isn’t put the yeast of my Divine Will, so that your being remains fermented by Him, and I will think of all the rest.”
Vol. 29, May 10, 1931

We are each invited to share in this work and therefore it's rewards.  Luisa was specifically given this mission and as it's first was called to prepare all the necessary acts to encompass all generations, past, present and future.  I remember Fr. Robert saying that the part in the Bible where it speaks of the woman working the three measures of flour, each one being an epoch,  that is Creation, Redemption, and Sanctification, refers to Luisa.

33 He told them another parable. “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till it was all leavened.”

My abandonment is in the Holy Volition, which, like powerful magnet, draws me to Itself, to administer to me, sip by sip, Its life, Its light, Its prodigious, admirable and adorable knowledges. So, my mind was wandering within It, and my sweet Jesus, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, the first who will do my Divine Will and will live in It, will be like the yeast of Its Kingdom. The many knowledges which I have manifested to you about my Divine Fiat will be like the flour for the bread, which, in finding the yeast, becomes fermented –as much flour as one puts in. But the flour is not enough – it takes the yeast and the water in order to form the true bread, to nourish the human generations. In the same way, the yeast of the few who live in my Divine Volition is necessary to Me, as well as the multiplicity of the knowledges about It, which will serve as the mass of light that will give all the goods which are needed in order to nourish and make happy all those who want to live in the Kingdom of my Divine Will. Therefore, do not worry if you are alone and few are those who know, in part, what regards my Divine Will; as long as the little portion of the yeast is formed, united to Its knowledges, the rest will come by itself.”
Vol. 25, April 4, 1929

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