The Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven is precisely this: that man return into my Divine Will; and only when It sees again Its child happy, living in Its house, with the opulence of Its goods - then will It calm Itself. And so It will be able to say: ‘My child has come back, he is clothed with his royal garments, he wears the crown of king, he lives together with Me, and I have given back to him the rights which I gave him in creating him. So, the disorder in Creation is ended, because man has come back into my Divine Will’.”
Vol. 25, March 22, 1929
Vol. 25, March 22, 1929
Living in the Divine Will is the fulfillment of the Our Father and returns us to our place and position in the family of God bringing with it all the inherent rights as well as the royal garments. And here Jesus goes on to speak in more detail about these clothes.
“My daughter, my Will is wheel, and one who enters into It remains encircled inside, to the point of not being able to find an opening to go out; and everything she does remains fixed on the eternal point, and pours into the wheel of eternity. But do you know what the garments are of the soul who lives in my Will? They are not of gold, but of most pure light; and this garment of light will serve her as mirror to make all of Heaven see how many acts she has done in my Will. In fact, in each act she has done in my Will, she enclosed the whole of Me, and this garment will be adorned with many mirrors, and in each mirror the whole of Me will appear. So, from whatever side she will be looked at - from behind, from the front, to the right, to the left- they will see Me, and multiplied for as many acts as she has done in my Volition. A more beautiful garment I could not give her; it will be the distinction of only the souls who live in my Will.”
Vol. 12, Jan. 1, 1920
Vol. 12, Jan. 1, 1920
“My daughter, it is just for one who is born in my Will to know the secrets It contains; and besides, the thing in itself is very easy and as though natural. Suppose that you went to live in a house, either for a short time or forever, in which there is beautiful music and a fragrant air, through which one feels infused with new life. Indeed you had not put that music or that balsamic air in it, but since you find yourself in that house, which is not yours, you come to enjoy both the music and the fragrant air, which regenerates your strengths to new life. Add that this house contains enchanting paintings, beautiful things that enrapture, gardens which you had never seen before, with so many different plants and flowers that it is impossible to count them all; delicious lunches which you had never enjoyed before.… Oh! how you amuse yourself; how you delight and enjoy yourself in admiring so many beauties, in savoring foods so tasty. However, of all this, nothing was made or placed by you; yet, you take part in everything just because you are in that house.
“Now, if this happens in the natural order, much more easily can it happen in the supernatural order of my Will. By entering into It, the soul forms one single act with the Divine Will, and as though naturally she takes part in what It does and contains. More so, since in order to live in my Will, the soul is first stripped of the garments of the old guilty Adam, and is clothed anew with the garments of the new and holy Adam. Her garment is the light of the Supreme Will Itself, through which all Its divine manners are communicated to her, which are noble and communicative to all. This light makes her lose the human features and restores in her the physiognomy of her Creator. What is the wonder, then, if you take part in all that the Divine Will possesses, since one is the life and one the Will? Therefore, be attentive. I recommend to you - be always faithful to Me, and your Jesus will keep the pace of making you live always in my Will. I will be on guard, that you may never go out of It.”
Vol. 19, Feb. 28, 1926
“My daughter, as soon as the soul enters into my Volition and decides to live in It, all doubts and all fears depart from her. It happens as to a daughter of a king, who, no matter how much people might say that she is not the daughter of her father, pays no heed. On the contrary, she goes on, proud, and says to everyone: ‘It is useless for you to tell me the contrary, to put doubts and fears in me; I am the true daughter of the king -he is my father. I live with him; even more, his very kingdom is mine.’
“So, among the many goods which the living in my Will brings, it also brings the state of security. And since she makes what is mine her own, how can she fear what she possesses? Therefore, fear, doubt, hell, get lost and cannot find the door, the way, the key to enter into the soul. Even more, as the soul enters into the Divine Volition, she strips herself of herself, and I clothe her of Me, with royal garments; and these garments place on her the seal that she is my daughter.
Vol. 12, Oct. 15, 1919
When I want to call a soul into my Will, that she may establish her dwelling in It, I act like a great lord who would want to take one of the poorest women into his palace, so that, laying down her clothes as a poor one, she may be clothed according to his condition, living together with him, and sharing in all of his goods. Now, this lord goes around all the streets of the city, and as he finds one of the poorest women, homeless, without a bed, covered only with filthy rags, he takes her and brings her to his palace as triumph of his charity. However, he orders her to lay down her rags, to clean herself and to clothe herself with the most beautiful garments; and in order to keep no memory of her poverty, to burn her rags. In fact, since he is extremely rich, he does not admit anything into his house which gives of poverty. Now, if the poor one sadly misses her rags, and afflicts herself because she has brought nothing of her own, would she not offend the goodness, the magnanimity of that lord?Vol. 13, Jan. 20, 1922
The benefits are great as with the following promise by Jesus but again firstly the creature must undergo the death of human will and taken as life that of the Divine. Fortunately Jesus has said that although for the creature this may be hard for God it is easy and all he needs is the firm commitment from the creature.
The benefits are great as with the following promise by Jesus but again firstly the creature must undergo the death of human will and taken as life that of the Divine. Fortunately Jesus has said that although for the creature this may be hard for God it is easy and all he needs is the firm commitment from the creature.
For the soul who does the Divine Will and live in It there is no death and no judgement.
As I was feeling a little in suffering, I was saying to my always lovable Jesus: ‘When will You take me with You? O please! hurry, O Jesus; let death cut this life of mine and unite me with You in Heaven.’
And Jesus: “My daughter, for the soul who does my Will and lives of my Volition there is no death. Death is for one who does not do my Will, because she has to die to many things: to herself, to passions, to the earth. But one who does my Will has nothing to die to; she is already used to living in Heaven. For her, it is nothing other than laying down her remains, like one who would lay down the clothes of a poor one to wear the garments of a queen, in order to leave exile and take possession of the Fatherland. The soul who does my Will is not subject to death, she receives no judgment; her living is eternal. That which death was supposed to do, love has done in advance, and my Will has reordered her completely in Me, in such a way that I have nothing for which to judge her. Therefore, remain in my Will and, when you least expect it, you will find yourself in my Will in Heaven.”
Vol. 11, June 9, 19
Vol. 11, June 9, 19
“Hence the kingdom exists. And if I have spoken so much to you about my
Divine Will, they have been none other than the preparations of so many centuries of my Church, the prayers, the sacrifices and the continuous recitations of the Pater Noster, that has inclined
our goodness to select a creature in order to manifest to her the so many knowledges of our Will, his great prodigies, thus I bound my Will to
creatures, giving them new pledges of his kingdom. And as you listened and sought to model yourself to my teachings that I gave you, thus you formed new bonds in order to bind creatures in my Will. You should know that I am the God of everyone
and when I do a good I don’t ever do it isolated, I do it for everyone, except
those who not wanting to take it don’t take it, and when a creature corresponds
to me, I look at her not as alone, but (as) belonging to the whole human family, and hence the good of the
one is communicated to the others. Now
if the Kingdom exists, live Humanity has possessed him and made life in Him, my
Will wants to reign in the midst of creatures, my knowledges themselves say it
in clear notes, how therefore can you think that it is
impossible that this kingdom comes? To
me everything is possible, I will make use of the tempests themselves and of new events, in order to
prepare for me those people that must occupy themselves with making my
Will known. The tempests will serve to
purify the bad air and also
to empty the harmful things. Therefore I
will dispose everything, I know how to do everything, I
have the times at my disposition. Hence leave your Jesus to do it, and you will
see how my Will will be known and completed.”
Vol. 29, June 30, 1931
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