Although all have prayed the Our Father in the past that it "Your Will be done", however Jesus makes it very clear that it is truly calling for the creature to not only do the Divine Will but to live in it.
All Christians pray for the Kingdom to come and in doing so have brought Jesus to the point to call Lusia who through the Divine Will is the one who knocks on the doors Heaven so strongly and thus forces them open to call God to bring about this Kingdom and the manifest truths are the assurances that it comes.
God is order, and when He wants to give a good He establishes the divine order in the midst of creatures. How Our Lord, in forming the ‘Our Father’, placed Himself at the head of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat.
The fruits of the Redemption are now available to any who wants it but at first it began with one creature, the Virgin Mary, so too is it with Sanctification. There is one creature who must open the way to all the others, securing in herself all the goods that God wants to give to man. Back in the post titled The Three Daily Breads I cited where Jesus spoke in Vol. 15 to Luisa. In this reading about the fulfillment of the Our Father Jesus finished his lesson of that day with this:
Do you not want, then, that my Will descend upon earth? But just as Redemption had Its beginning in a Virgin - as I was not conceived in all men in order to redeem them, even though whoever wants it, can enter the good of Redemption and each one can receive Me in the Sacrament for himself alone – in the same way, now my Will must have Its beginning, possession, growth and development in one virgin creature. And then, whoever disposes himself and wants it, will enter the goods which the living in my Will contains. Had I not been conceived in my beloved Mama, Redemption would never have come. In the same way, if I do not operate the prodigy of making one soul live in my Supreme Will, the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven,’ will not take place in the human generations.”
Then, I was thinking to myself: ‘In the ‘Our Father’, Our Lord teaches us to say - to pray: “Your Will be done”. Now, why does He say that He wants us to live in It?’ And Jesus, always benign, moving in my interior, told me: “My daughter, ‘your Will be done’ which I taught in the ‘Our Father’meant that all were to pray that they might at least do the Will of God. And this is for all Christians and for all times; nor can anyone call himself a Christian if he does not dispose himself to do the Will of his Celestial Father. But you have not thought of the other addition which comes immediately after: ‘On earth as It is in Heaven’. ‘On earth as It is in Heaven’ means to live in the Divine Will; it means to pray that the Kingdom of my Will may come on earth in order to live in It. In Heaven, they not only do my Will, but they live in It – they possess It as their own thing, and as their own Kingdom. And if they did It, but did not possess It, their happiness would not be full, because true happiness begins in the depth of the soul. To do the Will of God does not mean to possess It, but to submit oneself to Its commands, while to live in It is possession. Therefore, in the ‘Our Father’, in the words ‘your Will be done’ is the prayer that all may do the Supreme Will, and in ‘on earth as It is in Heaven’, that man may return into that Will from which he came, in order to reacquire his happiness, the lost goods, and the possession of his Divine Kingdom.”
Vol. 20, Oct. 15, 1926All Christians pray for the Kingdom to come and in doing so have brought Jesus to the point to call Lusia who through the Divine Will is the one who knocks on the doors Heaven so strongly and thus forces them open to call God to bring about this Kingdom and the manifest truths are the assurances that it comes.
God is order, and when He wants to give a good He establishes the divine order in the midst of creatures. How Our Lord, in forming the ‘Our Father’, placed Himself at the head of the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat.
I continue what is written above. As I was concerned about all that regards the Kingdom of the Will of God, my always lovable Jesus added:
“My daughter, God is order, and when He wants to give a good to the creatures, He always establishes His divine order, and everything that is done in order to obtain such a great good begins from God, since He places Himself at the head of it to take on the commitment, and then orders the creature for the same purpose. I did this, Myself, to give the Redemption, and so that creatures might receive It; and I am doing this, Myself, to give the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat, and so that creatures may receive It. By forming, Myself, the ‘Our Father’, I placed Myself at the head of it and took on the commitment to give this Kingdom; and by teaching it to my apostles, I placed order in the creatures, so that they might obtain a good so great. So, the whole Church is praying - there is not one soul who belongs to Her that does not recite the‘Our Father’. And even though many recite it without interest in wanting and asking for a Kingdom so holy – that the Divine Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven – since the interest is in the One who taught it, when they recite it my interest is renewed, and I hear my own prayer asking: ‘May your Kingdom come, so that your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven’. And if the creature, in reciting the ‘Our Father’, had this interest of wanting and longing for my Kingdom, she would take part in my own interest, and her will would be fused in Mine for the same purpose. However, my Will and interest always run in each‘Our Father’.
See then, the divine order: all asking for one thing. Among these who ask there are some who want to do my Will, others who do It. All this is braided together, and they knock at the doors of my Divine Will - they repeat the knocking, and some knock strongly, some slowly. However, there is always someone who knocks and asks that the doors be opened, so that my Will may descend to reign upon earth. And since everything is established and ordered by the Divinity, It waits for the one who must give the strongest knock which, forcing the doors with invincible strength – the very strength of my Divine Will – will open wide the doors, and with her sweet chains of love, will bind the Eternal Will to make It come and reign in the midst of creatures. She will be like a bride who, bejeweling the groom with her loving chains, will carry him as though in triumph into the midst of creatures. And just as the Holy Virgin put an end to the night hours of the patriarchs and prophets, and formed the dawn to make the Sun of the Eternal Word rise, so will this one form the dawn to make rise the Sun of the Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven.
Do you think that my Will, which has made Itself known with so much love and has manifested so much interest in wanting to come and reign upon earth, pouring Its sorrow out with you, has done this without anyone praying to It? Ah, no! no! The knocks of my Church have been continuous, and I Myself was knocking in those knocks, but I used them to knock at the door of the Divine Fiat which, tired of hearing them knock at Its divine doors, has used you to be knocked more strongly; and opening the door to you, It made you share in Its knowledges. For as many truths as It made known to you, so many means has It given you to form the loving chains with which to be bound to come to reign upon earth. And all the times It calls you to live in Its Divine Will, making you know Its qualities, Its power, Its joys, Its immense riches, are as many pledges It gives you, with which It assures you of Its coming upon earth. In fact, there is this prerogative in Us: if We make a good of Ours, a truth, a knowledge that belongs to Us known, it is because We want to give it to the creature as gift. See then, how many gifts my Will has given you; how many knowledges about Itself It has made known to you! They are such and so many, that you yourself cannot count them.”
And I: ‘My beloved Jesus, who knows when this Kingdom will come!’ And He: “My daughter, in order for Redemption to come, it took four thousand years, because the people that prayed and longed for the future Redeemer was smaller, of limited number. But those which belong to my Church are more peoples and - oh, how much greater in number than that one! Therefore, the number will shorten the time; more so, since religion is making its way everywhere, and this is nothing but the preparation of the Kingdom of my Divine Will.”
Vol. 24, May 26, 1928
The fruits of the Redemption are now available to any who wants it but at first it began with one creature, the Virgin Mary, so too is it with Sanctification. There is one creature who must open the way to all the others, securing in herself all the goods that God wants to give to man. Back in the post titled The Three Daily Breads I cited where Jesus spoke in Vol. 15 to Luisa. In this reading about the fulfillment of the Our Father Jesus finished his lesson of that day with this:
Do you not want, then, that my Will descend upon earth? But just as Redemption had Its beginning in a Virgin - as I was not conceived in all men in order to redeem them, even though whoever wants it, can enter the good of Redemption and each one can receive Me in the Sacrament for himself alone – in the same way, now my Will must have Its beginning, possession, growth and development in one virgin creature. And then, whoever disposes himself and wants it, will enter the goods which the living in my Will contains. Had I not been conceived in my beloved Mama, Redemption would never have come. In the same way, if I do not operate the prodigy of making one soul live in my Supreme Will, the ‘Fiat Voluntas Tua on earth as It is in Heaven,’ will not take place in the human generations.”
Vol. 15, May 2, 1923
Jesus states that as he began the epoch of Redemption with the Virgin Mary and her Fiat Mihi secundum verbum tuum (let it be done to me according to your word), so in this final epoch of Sanctification he makes use of another Virgin, Luisa, to be the depository of the fullness of the work.
hearing this, I thought to myself: ‘If these knowledges contain so much good,
if blessed Jesus continues after my death with more knowledges on His Fiat to
other souls, will a work so great not be attributed to that work?’ And Jesus,
moving as though hurriedly in my interior, added: “No, no, my daughter. Just as
of father Di Francia it will be said that he has been the first propagator, and
your confessors have been cooperators, so it will be said that the little
daughter of my Will has been the first and the depository of a good so great,
to whom it was entrusted and who was chosen with a special mission. Suppose
that someone has made an important invention; it might be that others propagate
it, diffuse it more, imitate it, expand it; but no one will be able to say: ‘I
am the inventor of this work.’ It will always be said: ‘The inventor was
such-and-such.’ The same will be with you. It will be said that the origin of
the Kingdom of my Fiat, the depository, was the little daughter of my Will.”
Vol. 23, Feb. 28, 1928
Vol. 23, Feb. 28, 1928
Luisa's role in the Kingdom of the Divine Fiat is unique and he centralizes the fullness of this living in her. He clearly states here that she is the second Virgin in his designs over mankind.
Now, in order to dispose souls to live in my Will, to let them partake in the goods It contains, and to make man return to the path of his origin, just as he was created by Me, I Myself wanted to pray as the first, making my voice resound from one end of the earth to another, and even up high in Heaven, saying: ‘Our Father, who art in Heaven’.I did not say ‘My Father’, but I called Him Father of the whole human family, so as to engage Him in that which I was going to add: ‘May all hallow your Name, so that your Kingdom may come, and your Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven’. This was the purpose of Creation, and I asked the Father that it be fulfilled. Because I Myself prayed, the Father surrendered to my supplications, and I formed the seed of a good so great; and so that this seed might be known, I taught my prayer to the Apostles, and they transmitted it to the whole Church, so that, just as the people of the future Redeemer found salvation in Him and disposed itself to receive the promised Messiah, in the same way, with this seed formed by Me, the Church prays and repeats my very prayer many times, and disposes Herself to receive that creatures would recognize and love my Celestial Father as their Father, in such a way as to deserve to be loved as children and receive the great good that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven.
In this seed and in this hope that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, the very Saints have formed their sanctity, the martyrs have shed their blood. There is no good which does not derive from this seed. So, the whole Church prays; and just as the tears, the penances, the prayers to obtain the Messiah were directed toward that excelling Virgin whom I was to dispose in order to centralize such a great good in Her, so that they might receive their Savior, even though they did not know whom She would be – in the same way, now, when the Church recites the ‘Our Father’, it is precisely for you that She prays, so that I may centralize in you all the good that my Will contains, the ‘way’ - the ‘how’ the Divine Will may have life on earth as It does in Heaven. And even though you are not known, by echoing my prayer - ‘Thy Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven’ - the Church prays Me, presses Me to centralize all this good in a second virgin, so that, like a second savior, she may save the endangered humanity; and making use of my inseparable love and mercy, I may answer my own prayer, united to that of the whole Church, making man come back to his origin, to the purpose for which I created him – that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven. This is precisely the living in my Will; and everything I keep manifesting to you pushes you to this, confirms you in this. This is the great foundation I keep forming in your soul; and in order to do this, I keep centralizing in you all the graces, past, present and future, which I have given to all generations. Even more, I double them, I multiply them, because since my Will is the greatest, the holiest, the noblest thing, which has no beginning and no end, in order to place It in one creature, it is right and decorous that I centralize in her all possible goods, innumerable graces, divine purity and nobility, so that this Will of Mine may have the same cortege as It has in Heaven. It is the same Will that operated in Redemption, and wanted to make use of a Virgin. What portents and prodigies of graces did It not work in Her? My Will is great, It contains all goods, and in operating, It acts with magnanimity; and if it is about doing works and doing good for all humanity, then It puts all of Its goods at stake.
Now It wants to make use of another virgin in order to centralize Its Will in her, and give rise to making know that Its Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven. And if in Redemption It wanted to come to save the lost man, to satisfy for his sins - which man had no power to do - and to give him refuge and many other goods which Redemption contains, now, wanting to display even more love than in Redemption Itself by making it so that my Will be done on earth as It is in Heaven, It comes to give man his state of origin, his nobility, the purpose for which he was created. It comes to open the current between Its Will and the human will, in such a way that, absorbed by this Divine Will, dominated by It, the human will will give It life within itself, and my Will will reign on earth as It does in Heaven.”
Vol. 15, April 14, 1923Lusia was called to do that which was necessary on the part of creatures to call the Kingdom of the Divine Will down on earth as we pray in the Our Father. Here Jesus tells us exactly that which she must do with Him to accomplish this, repairing for all, supplying for all and making all cry out in one voice for the Kingdom to come.
daughter, if you might know what void is formed in the act of the creature, when it
is not filled with all my Will, so that in that act (there) lacks the fullness
of sanctity, (there) lacks the infinite; and since there lacks the
infinite, one sees an abyss of void that only the infinite could fill,
because the creature with all her acts has been made for the infinite, and when
my Will races in her acts he puts there the infinite, and one sees her act full
of light, because [my Will] holds it in his womb of light, and he renders the act complete with
the infinite inside. Instead when my
Will doesn’t enter [in] the act of the creature as life, beginning, means and end, the act is
empty and no one can fill the abyss of that void,
and if there is sin one sees in that act an abyss of darkness and miseries as to make one shudder.
“Now my
daughter, how many of these acts there are in the length of the centuries, void of the infinite. The infinite [is] rejected by the human act. My Divine Will holds right over every act of the creature and in order to
come to reign he wants one who lives in Him, who might go retracing all these
empty acts in order to pray him, to press him that he might put the
infinite in every act, so that [the Divine Will] might recognize in every single act his act in order to make
that his dominion might be complete. And although these acts might be past, there is always, for one who
lives in my Will, as to be able to do and to repair, because in him there is the
power to be able to repair and to re-do all, provided that he finds a creature that
lends herself. More so are that they are
acts of the creature without my Will, another (who is) united with my Will is able to repair, (and) order
therefore, my daughter, I have said other times and I repeat it: we do all that which is needed in order to
make the Divine Will known and to make him reign. There must lack nothing on our part: prayer, sacrifice of life itself, to take all the acts of the
creature as in hand in order to call her to put forth of hers, so that it is
mine and your ‘I love you’, mine and your prayer that cries out:
‘We want the Divine Will.’ So
that all the Creation and all the acts will be as all covered with Divine Will,
and He will feel called by every act of creature, from all points, from every
created thing, because you and I have already made the call, wanting to also
put forth the sacrifice of life, in every thing and in every act, so that he
might come to reign. This will be power
before the throne of God, magnetic strength, irresistible magnet, that all acts
cry out that they want the Divine Will ruling in the midst of creatures. But who is it that cries out? I and the little daughter of my
Volition. Hence as enraptured he will descend to reign.
therefore the turns and returns in the Creation, in my acts themselves, in
those of the Celestial Mama, in order to employ our same
divine acts for a kingdom so holy, and in those of creatures in order to copy
them and to put there that which can lack; but all must have one single voice, whether directly or
indirectly through means of one who wants to make the sacrifice of making herself supplier and repairer, in order to obtain that he
comes to reign in the midst of the generations. Hence that which I make you do and what I do
together with you are necessary acts, preparations, formations, substances, capitals that are needed. When we have done everything on my part and
on your part, in a way that nothing should be lacking, as to be able to
say: ‘We have done everything, there
doesn’t remain other for us to do’, as I said in the Redemption: ‘I have (done) everything in order to redeem
man, my love doesn’t know what else to invent in order put him in safety‘, and I departed for heaven
awaiting that [man] might take the good that with the sacrifice of my life I
had formed and given. Thus when nothing
other remains to be done (for) the Kingdom of my Will upon the earth you also
can come in heaven, awaiting from (within) the Celestial Country that creatures take the substances, the
the kingdom that will be already formed of the Supreme Fiat. Therefore I always say to you: ‘Be attentive.’ Do not omit anything, when one can not do
other, we do our part; the rest, the circumstances, the events, the things, the
diversity of persons
will do the rest; and since [this kingdom] is already formed, it will go forth
by itself and will go ahead in its reign.
One thing is needed: more
sacrifice to form it, that going forth it is done soon. But in order to form it there is needed one
who puts forth one’s own life and the sacrifice of a will sacrificed with
continuous acts in mine.”
Vol. 30, Feb. 16, 1932So Luisa now awaits from within the Celestial Country that we should take all the goods of the Kingdom which she and Jesus have prepared for us the only question that remains is how much we will avail ourselves of it all.
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