Friday, April 5, 2013

Royal Garments

I initially thought that I just had a little postscript to add on to the last blog but after looking through the Volumes on this next topic have found something which will again take a couple of posts to cover due to the amount of material.  In the last post it focused on the Resurrection of our Lord and talked about his appearance all of light.   

The garment of light of the risen Humanity of Jesus.

This morning, finding myself outside of myself, for a little while I saw my adorable Jesus in the act of His Resurrection - all clothed with refulgent light, so much so, that the sun remained obscured before that light. I was enchanted, and I said: ‘Lord, if I am not worthy to touch your glorified Humanity, let me at least touch your garments.’ And He told me: “My beloved, what are You saying? After I rose again I had no more need for material garments; rather, my garments are of sun, of most pure light which covers my Humanity, and which will shine eternally, giving unspeakable joy to all the senses of the Blessed. This has been conceded to my Humanity because there was no part of It which was not covered with opprobrium, with pains, with wounds.” Having said this, He disappeared, and I could find neither His Humanity nor His garments; or rather, as I would take His sacred garments between my hands, they would escape me and I would not be able to find them.

Vol. 4, March 30, 1902

This led me to think of one of the passages in the Bible which has always puzzled me before of the guest arriving without the wedding garment and the seemingly harsh reaction he got because of it.

2 “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a marriage feast for his son, 3 and sent his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast; but they would not come. 4 Again he sent other servants, saying, ‘Tell those who are invited, Behold, I have made ready my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves are killed, and everything is ready; come to the marriage feast.’ 5 But they made light of it and went off, one to his farm, another to his business, 6 while the rest seized his servants, treated them shamefully, and killed them. 7 The king was angry, and he sent his troops and destroyed those murderers and burned their city. 8 Then he said to his servants, ‘The wedding is ready, but those invited were not worthy. 9 Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find.’ 10 And those servants went out into the streets and gathered all whom they found, both bad and good; so the wedding hall was filled with guests.
11 “But when the king came in to look at the guests, he saw there a man who had no wedding garment;12 and he said to him, ‘Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?’ And he was speechless. 13 Then the king said to the attendants, ‘Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the outer darkness; there men will weep and gnash their teeth.’ 14 For many are called, but few are chosen.”
Matt. 22:2-14

In Vol 3, Luisa describes the uniform that she is dressed in in order to attend the feast.

After this, my beloved Jesus transported me inside a garden in which there were many people preparing themselves to attend a feast, but only those who received a uniform were able to attend, and few were those who received this uniform.  A great yearning arose in me to receive one, and I did so much that I obtained the intent.  So, as I reached the place in which one would receive it, a venerable matronly woman clothed me in white first, and then placed on me a pale blue shoulder band on which a medal was hanging with the imprint of the face of Jesus.  While being a face, it was also a mirror, and in looking at it, one would detect the slightest stains, which the soul, with the help of a light coming from within that face, could easily remove.  It seemed to me that that medal contained a mysterious meaning.  Then she took a mantle of finest gold and covered me all over.  It seemed to me that dressed in this way I could compete with the virgins in Heaven.  While this was happening, Jesus told me:  “My daughter, let us go back to see what men are doing; it is enough for you to be dressed – when the feast begins, I will take you there to attend.”  So, after we went round for a little while, He transported me inside my bed.

Vol. 3, May 20, 1900

Jesus speaks of this wedding garment which we were originally given with the creation of man.

“My daughter, the true marriage with humanity was done in Creation. Nothing was lacking either to the soul or to the body; everything was done with royal sumptuousness. An immense palace was prepared for the human nature, such that no king or emperor can have one similar to it, which is the whole Universe: a starry heaven and its vault, a Sun which would never extinguish its light; flourishing gardens in which the happy couple, God and man, was to stroll, amuse itself and maintain the continuous, uninterrupted feast of our marriage; and garments, woven not with matter, but formed of purest light by Our power, as befitted royal persons…
Vol. 24, June 12, 1928

 The role of garments is often seen in the Passion and Jesus makes clear that his first thought was to restore the royal robes to man in making amends for the garments which he stripped himself of in the garden.

The Divine Will was everything for man, and with It he needed nothing. Before being scourged, Jesus wanted to be stripped in order to give back to the creature the royal garment of the Divine Will.

          I was accompanying the mystery of the scourging, compassionating my sweet Jesus when He saw Himself so confused in the midst of enemies - stripped of His garments, under a storm of blows. And my lovable Jesus, coming out of my interior in the state He was in when He was scourged, told me: “My daughter, do you want to know why I was stripped when I was scourged? In each mystery of my Passion, first I occupied Myself with joining the split between the human will and the Divine, and then with the offenses which this split produced. When man, in Eden, broke the bonds of the union between the Supreme Will and his will, he stripped himself of the royal garments of my Will, and clothed himself with the miserable rags of his will – weak, inconstant, impotent to doing anything good. My Will was a sweet enchantment for him, which kept him absorbed within a most pure light, which made him know nothing but His God, from whom he had come, and who gave him nothing but innumerable happinesses. And he was so absorbed within the so much giving of his God to him, that he would give not a thought to himself. Oh! how happy man was, and how the Divinity delighted in giving him so many particles of His Being for as many as the creature can receive, in order to make him similar to Himself. So, as soon as he broke the union of Our Will with his, he lost the royal garment, he lost the enchantment, the light, the happiness. He looked at himself without the light of my Will, and in looking at himself without the enchantment which kept him absorbed, he came to know himself, he felt ashamed, he became afraid of God; so much so, that his very nature felt the sad effects of this: he felt the cold and his nakedness, and felt the vital need to cover himself. Just as Our Will kept him within the port of immense happinesses, so did his will put him in the port of miseries. Our Will was everything for man, and in It he found everything. It was right that, having come out of Us and living in Our Will as Our tender child, he would live of It; and this Will was to make up for everything he needed. Therefore, as he wanted to live of his own will, he became needy of everything, because the human will does not have the power to make up for all needs, nor does it contain the fount of good within itself. So, he was forced to procure for himself, with hardship, the necessary things of life. Do you see, then, what it means not to be united with my Will? Oh! if all knew It, they would have one yearning alone: that my Will come to reign upon earth. So, had Adam not withdrawn from the Divine Will, his nature also would have had no need of clothing; he would not have felt ashamed of his nakedness, nor would he have been subject to suffering cold, heat, hunger, weakness. But these natural things were almost nothing; rather, they were symbols of the great good which his soul had lost.

          Therefore, my daughter, before being tied to the pillar to be scourged, I wanted to be stripped in order to suffer and repair for the nakedness of man when he stripped himself of the royal garment of my Will. I felt such confusion and pain within Me in seeing Myself stripped in the midst of enemies who were mocking Me, that I cried over the nakedness of man and I offered my nakedness to my Celestial Father, so that man might be clothed once again with the royal garment of my Will. And as ransom, so that this would not be denied to Me, I offered my blood, my flesh torn to shreds, and I let Myself be stripped not only of my garments, but also of my skin, to be able to pay the price and satisfy for the crime of this nakedness of man. I poured out so much blood in this mystery, that in no other did I pour so much – so much as to be enough to cover him with a second garment, a garment of blood, so as to cover him again, and then warm him and wash him, to dispose him to receive the royal garment of my Will.”

          On hearing this, surprised, I said: ‘My beloved Jesus, how can it be possible that, because he withdrew from your Will, man felt the need to clothe himself, was ashamed, was afraid; but then, You always did the Will of the Celestial Father, You were One with Him, your Mama never knew Her own will - yet, the two of You had need of clothing and food, and You felt the cold and the heat?’ And Jesus added: “Yet, my daughter, it is precisely so. If man felt ashamed of his nakedness and was subject to many natural miseries, it was precisely because he lost the sweet enchantment of my Will; and even though it was his soul that did evil, not his body, the body, however, indirectly was as though accomplice with the wicked will of man, and so his nature remained as though profaned by the bad volition of man. Therefore both the soul and the body had to feel the pain of the evil committed. As for Me, indeed I always did the Supreme Will, but I did not come to find an innocent man, a man before sin; rather, I came to find a sinful man and with all his miseries. And so I had to associate Myself with men, taking upon Myself all of their evils, and subjecting Myself to all the necessities of life, as if I were one of them. However, in Me there was this prodigy: if I wanted, I would need nothing, either clothing, or food or anything else. But I did not want to make use of it out of love for man. I wanted to sacrifice Myself in everything, even in the most innocent things created by Me, in order to prove my ardent love to him. Even more, this served to impetrate from my Divine Father that out of regard for Me and for my will completely sacrificed to Him, He would give back to man the noble royal garment of Our Will.”
Vol. 16, Jan. 14, 1924

The objective of Jesus' redemptive blood which washes the creature and puts him in safety is to prepare man to receive once again the royal garments which he wore before the fall.  Then again in the Passion where they divided and cast lots for Jesus' garments, I'm guessing we've all wondered about the meaning behind that.

Lament of Jesus in His Passion, in seeing His garments being divided, and lots drawn for His tunic.  How Adam, before sinning, was clothed with light, and as he sinned, he felt the need to cover himself.

I was doing my usual acts in the Supreme Fiat, and my adored Jesus came out from within my interior and told me:  “My daughter, in my Passion there is a lament of mine which came out with immense sorrow from the depth of my tormented Heart:  ‘They divided my garments and drew lots for my tunic.’  How painful it was for Me to see my garments being divided among my very executioners, and my tunic being gambled away.  It was the only object I possessed, given to Me, with so much love, by my sorrowful Mama; and now, they not only stripped Me of it, but they made of it a game.  But do you know who pierced Me the most?  In those garments, Adam became present to Me, clothed with the garment of innocence and covered with the indivisible tunic of my Supreme Will.  In creating him, the uncreated Wisdom acted as more than a most loving mother; more than with a tunic, It clothed him with the unending light of my Will – a garment which is not subject to being either disarranged, or divided, or consumed; a garment which was to serve man in order to preserve the image of his Creator and the gifts received from Him, and which was to render him admirable and holy in all his things.  Not only this, but It covered him with the overgarment of innocence.  And Adam, in Eden, with his passions divided the garments of innocence, and he gambled away the tunic of my Will – a garment which is incomparable and of radiant light. 
What Adam did in Eden was repeated under my eyes on Mount Calvary.  In seeing my garments being divided and my tunic gambled away – symbol of the royal garment given to man, my sorrow was so intense that I made of it a lament.  It became present to Me when creatures, in doing their own will, make a game of Mine, and the so many times in which they divide the garment of innocence with their passions.  All goods are enclosed in man by virtue of this royal garment of the Divine Will; once this is gambled away, he remains uncovered, he loses all goods, because he lacks the garment which kept them enclosed within himself.  So, among the many evils that creatures do by doing their own will, they add the irreparable evil of gambling away the royal garment of my Will – a garment which cannot be substituted with any other garment.”
After this, my sweet Jesus showed me Himself placing my little soul inside a sun, and with His holy hands He held me still within that light, which was such that, as it covered me completely, inside and out, I could not see, nor was I able to see anything but light.  And my adored Good added:  “My daughter, in creating man, the Divinity placed him inside the Sun of the Divine Will, and all creatures in him.  This Sun served as garment not only for his soul, but its rays were such as to cover also his body, in such a way as to serve as more than a garment for him, rendering him so adorned and beautiful that neither kings nor emperors have ever appeared so adorned as Adam appeared, with this garment of most refulgent light.  Those who say that, before sinning, Adam went naked are wrong.  False, false.  If all things created by Us are all adorned and clothed, he who was Our jewel, the purpose for which all things were created – was he not to have the most beautiful garment and the most beautiful ornament of all?  So, to him befitted the beautiful garment of the light of the Sun of Our Will; and since he possessed this garment of light, he had no need of material garments in order to cover himself.  As he withdrew from the Divine Fiat, so did light withdraw from his soul and from his body; he lost his beautiful garment, and in seeing himself no longer surrounded with light, he felt naked.  Feeling ashamed in seeing that he was the only one to be naked in the midst of all created things, he felt the need to cover himself, and he made use of superfluous things, created things, to cover his nakedness.  This is so true, that after my highest sorrow of seeing my garments divided and my tunic gambled away, as my Humanity rose again I took no other garments, but I clothed Myself with the most refulgent garment of the Sun of my Supreme Will.  That was the same garment as the one which Adam possessed when he was created, because in order to open Heaven, my Humanity was to wear the garment of the light of the Sun of my Supreme Will – a royal garment; and as it gave Me the insignia of King and dominion into my hands, I opened Heaven to all the redeemed ones; and presenting Myself before my Celestial Father, I offered Him the garments of His Will, whole and beautiful, with which my Humanity was covered, so as to make Him recognize all the redeemed ones as Our children.  So, while It is life, at the same time my Will is the true garment of the creation of the creature, and therefore It holds all rights over her.  But how much do they not do to escape from within this light?  Therefore, be still in this Sun of the Eternal Fiat, and I will help you to maintain yourself in this light.”
On hearing this, I said to Him:  ‘My Jesus and my All, how is this?  If Adam in the state of innocence had no need of garments because the light of your Will was more than garment, the Sovereign Queen, however, possessed your Will as whole, and You Yourself were your Will Itself; yet, neither the Celestial Mama nor Yourself wore the garments of light, and both of You made use of material garments to cover Yourselves.  How is this?’  And Jesus continued, saying:  “My daughter, both my Mama and I came to set fraternal bonds with creatures; We came to raise decayed humanity, and therefore to take up the miseries and humiliations into which it had fallen, in order to expiate for them at the cost of Our lives.  Had they seen Us clothed with light, who would have dared to approach Us and to deal with Us?  And in the course of my Passion, who would have dared to touch Me?  The light of the Sun of my Will would have blinded them and crushed them to the ground.  Therefore, I had to make a greater miracle, hiding this light within the veil of my Humanity, and appearing as one of them, because It represented, not Adam innocent, but Adam fallen, and so I was to subject Myself to all of his evils, taking them upon Myself as if they were my own, in order to expiate for them before Divine Justice.  But when I rose again from death, representing Adam innocent, the new Adam, I ceased the miracle of keeping the garments of the refulgent Sun of my Will hidden within the veil of my Humanity, and I remained clothed with most pure light; and with this royal and dazzling garment I made my entrance into my Fatherland, leaving the doors open which had remained closed up to that point, so as to let all of those who had followed Me enter. 
Therefore, by not doing Our Will, there is no good which one does not lose, and there is no evil which one does not acquire.”
Vol. 20, Dec. 12, 1926

The reason man does not walk the earth naked as people think we should like animals is the inherent shame we feel for not being clothed as we were meant to be.  The garments seen by those who witness Jesus resurrected are the garments with which Adam was originally clothed and are the garments which we require in order to enter into the Kingdom.  They were bought with the Blood of our Lord and anyone who is not clothed in them will not be allowed to the wedding feast between man and God.

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